Poll in profile!

Warning: OOC+++ Wrong Grammar


Chapter 14

My hands are shaking.

My throat are dry.

My breath are shaking.

I'm gasping for air.

My lungs are burning.

I feel like I'm drowning.

I'm breaking. I'm breaking.

I feel so tired. tired. of running away. tired of escaping. escaping from him.

I just wanna forget everything and everyone. no. I want them to forget about me. I just want them to forget that I've ever ever ever existed-

"Tsumi-chan?" and the time stops. seconds turns into minutes. tick tock tick tock. I continued walking. He keeps on following me.

Why is he following me?

Why is he even here?

"How long are you planning to follow me?" I stopped walking so suddenly. He bumped me.

"You know I was following you?" He asked shocked.

"what do you think?" I challenged him.

"Well, aren't you supposed to run into me and hug me and cry on my shoulder" he's doing weird thing with his hands "and I'll be shocked and I'll hug you back, saying it's gonna be alright, everything's okay, I'm going to comfort you an-" I tried to use my misdirection to walk away and leave him alone but,

"Eeeh Don't leave me alone Tsumi-chaaan!" Well, he noticed... He run to me and put his left arm around my shoulder

"Tsumi-chan?" he called my name softly


"Can I give you a welcome home kiss?" he whispers suddenly so close to my face.

"No." I said monotonously. He chuckled.

"What?" I'm confused. he lift his head up.

"No... nothing... it's just that..." I waited for him to stop laughing

"Sorry..." he said still smiling. I raised one of my eyebrow.

"You're not like any other girls I've met before" he look at me.

I look at him confused "what do you mean?"

"aaa- Forget I've eveer said that" he said suddenly. Looking away. Embarrassed.

I keep looking at him. Amused. I don't know how long that goes on but unconciously I let out a sound that I've rarely heard from myself. I'm gigling. I can't control myself.

"you-" I was about to speak when he suddenly hugs me. he is hugging me.

Why is he hugging me?

Why is he hugging me in the middle of... uh... I don't know... where am I?

I feel myself flushed. I'm in front of the school gate. Everyone are looking at me. At us.

I feel so embarrassed I think I'm gonna die. I'm about to die. Why is it so hot here? Is this the hotness of the fire from he hell? am I about to go to hell?

And I realized that I'm still here. And everyone is still looking at us. I'm feeling naked right now. This is uncomfortable. I'm not used to people noticing me like this. Staring at me. I don't want people to. It's-

They're here.

Staring at me.

The last people I wanna see.

I blinked. I can't believe my eyes.

They can't believe theirs too.

But I can't see him...

The crimson haired one.

Akashi Seijurou.


I won't think about him anymore. I promised myself. I want to be strong. I'm strong enough. I know that I can forget him. I know I can. I can.

Then all these hope crashes into the ground. I can feel it. this sensation of his eyes staring at me. These feeling. It's familliar. I can't stand it. I can't. I tried to scan for his face. I can't see him anywhere.

Then again I realized that everyone is still staring at us. and he's still hugging me.

I pushed Takao away. I look away trying to hide my red face from him. From them. And started walking. really fast. I'm not running. I'm walking.

He run after me. laughing. And looking at me playfuly. I hate him.

"I thought I'd die" he said

"Yeah I'm gonna kill you" I keep walking

"Why are you walking so fast?"

"You're just slow"

"haha don't be mad." He's suddenly beside me "he's looking at you. I think he's gonna kill me first. not you." he whispers

I stopped walking. I look at him.

"What?" I'm still looking at him. "did you see him?"

"yeah, he was staring from the window. you didn't see him?" I look away. and continued walking.

"Are you not gonna greet them?" he asked


I look back.


I keep quiet.

"did you meet him just now? Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked

"I'd rather not"


"Tetsu-chan!" I freeze. I can't move. I forgotten how to move. Momoi-san. It's her. My feet are numb. I don't think I can run. or walk. or stand. why do I keep on meeting people I'm avoiding? Why do they keep on asking me questions I can't answer? Why do they do what they do? Why do they keep on giving m-

"Akashi-kun he's..."

I guess life is unfair.


Thank you so much for the review, fav and follow and also for reading!

And sorry for any wrong grammar

uh... and I'm so sorry for not updating...

It's just that I'm really really busy with school, and I can't find any inspirations to write and yeah... been having some probrem lately... uh... with "a friend of mine"... yeah she's the only one who knows I'm writing a fanfiction, aah I trusted her, I usually won't tell anyone what I've been doing, she's kind and nice but... hmm... we stop talking... AAAH sorry sorry sorry too many negativity there XD

Anyway please Review!

Till next chapter! Love ya!