Huffing, Sàga worked to unlace the bodice of her purple dress and unwound the fur and silk from her shoulders. She was finally able to sneak off from the banquet. It was held mostly for Thor and Loki for "vanquishing the killer" before he killed any more of Asgard's warriors. It was also a funeral feast for those lost to his "mindless killing." Sàga was quite uncomfortable with being alone since Loki went to take care of Narfi when a nursery maid came and complained about her inability to soothe the baby.

Their daughter seemed quite stubborn and needing of a parent. Loki couldn't seem to get out fast enough as Thor danced with Sàga. Stripped to her slip, she parted from her bedroom, walking with determined steps to the adjoined room that held her baby and hopefully Loki as well. Sàga was eager to reach her destination.

On the other side of the nursery sat Loki's in his mother's old rocking chair. On his chest Narfi was sleeping softly; one of his long hands spread securely across her back for security. Narfi laid with a pudgy cheek pressed to Loki's chest, causing her tiny lips to be slightly parted. She slept with her arms and legs tucked up underneath her and her back slightly curved much like the pups in Sàga's pack. Sàga smiled as she hurried silently to reach her baby, observing her small form, smiling at the way Loki's lips were parted widely, snores escaping his mouth.

Sàga gently slid her hands under Narfi's chest and bottom, gingerly lifting her from Loki's hold. Her arms flailed in an uncoordinated motion, a small wail escaping her lungs as Sàga tucked her infant into her chest. Her baby rooted around before finding a comfy spot on her breasts. At the loss of contact, Loki's body jerked, his arm going to his chest and his eyes flying open as he conjured a dagger. When his green eyes landed on Sàga and Narfi, he settled.

Sàga sat on his lap, and she tucked herself into his arms and his chest. They tensed when Narfi whined at the jostling, but as Loki began to rock, she also started to settle. Movement often soothed their child. Loki and Sàga both were becoming quite good at walking the palace's empty halls in the dark. Sàga ran her hands against the silk of the baby's nightclothes in a soothing motion and pressed her lips to dark tufts of soft hair, breathing in the smell of her. She sighed, marveling at the calming effect the small, warm presence she held in her arms had on her.

"How was the rest of the banquet?" he whispered as he nuzzled her neck.

"No like."

Loki smirked. "Thou smell of confections."

"Like that part."

Loki chortled, laying his head on her shoulder. He lifted his hand, placing it gently on the back of Narfi's head, his thumb softly brushing against the smooth skin of her temple.

"Thou snore. Thou and baby sleep deep."

"We are discovering that we share many common interests, Narfi and I, aren't we? We both grow irritable when hungry. Her pulling of Thor's hair brings us both to laughing. We are both utterly inconsolable without thy presence either. It took me forever to get her to sleep again," he purred into her neck. "It seems I have not the proper equipment on me chest for a comfortable resting place."

Sàga giggled. "Love thee, Oki."

"I love thee as well."

-The End

(Okay, this is the end. But wait, there's a sequel! Their story continues when Thor finds new love and new challenges! The first chapter should be up by today. Check out my profile, and follow me here and on tumblr.)