So...after more than a year and 22 chapters, I'm sorry to say that I am ending this series. Throughout this time, I've received more support and attention for this fanfiction than I ever thought I would, and I cannot thank you all enough. Rereading your reviews always brightens my day, and this story will always have a special place in my heart.

Yes, you are probably angry at me for ending this story with the reveal of the "mysterious" I.H., but it seems fitting for this Fourth Wall story. It's the ending I've kind of been planning since the beginning, as loose ended as it seems. It's up to you now, to figure out what it means ;)

In the future, I'll probably still continue writing a lot of drabbles/one-shots (maybe even Fourth Wall related, who knows!), but I'd also really like to try writing a multichaptered story. We'll see how that goes.

At any rate, I'm signing off for now. Thank you all again.