Hello my fellow readers! Remember me? Well I have pleasant news that my mom has just gotten off of her surgery and is healing very rapidly. She is coming home soon but more on that later. On with the story! It has sure been long enough. Love you! XOXO

Btw all rights go to Veronica Roth :D

Chapter 19-

Tris's POV

(A short time skip to a couple of months later)

I'm walking through my house trying to find my black jean jacket that Christina bought me. Today we are going to be dress shopping. I'm not a big fan of bridal shopping in general but I'm a little excited for this, I guess. Tobias went out with Zeke, Uriah, and Will. He won't be able to come back until tomorrow because I don't want him to see my dress. I blush at the thought of walking down the aisle. I let out a huge sigh and decide that I'm not going to wear the jacket. My phone buzzes and I pick it up. Of course it's from Christina.

Christina 3- Hey girl, we're outside!

I quickly type my response and walk out the door making sure to lock it on my way. I am met with a bunch of screaming girls and hugs. I grin widely and hug everyone back. Shauna is the first to talk.

"Okay! I'm so excited! Well we better hurry because the appointment starts in 20 minutes." Everyones eyes widen and they usher me into the car. I strap myself in and finally ask the question I've been dying to know.

"What's the place called anyway?" The girls shrug.

"It called Bridal Boutique I think. It's just the local shop." I nod with understanding and direct my attention to my phone where I quickly sneak Tobias a text.

Trissy- I miss you like crazy! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

I get a response almost immediately.

Tobias 33- I miss you too, love! Everything is always so boring without you. I'm counting down the seconds until I see you again!

I smile widely at the text and a bubble of love fills my body. My heart always swells for him. Marlene pulls into the parking lot and lets us out. I quickly link arms with my maid of honor, Christina. We walk through the door and are directed to a small plush couch in the corner. We all squish on and wait for my name to be called. After what feels like an eternity I finally her the name Tris Prior called out. I stand and everyone follows me to the back room.

"Hello Tris. My name is Julie and I'll be helping you out today." I grin at her and nod.

"I'm Tris obviously and this is Christina, Shauna, and Marlene." She nods quickly and they all sit down on the couch which is set beside a little pedestal, I'm guessing, for me. I am brought into a back room and she tells me to sit down while she pulls some dresses that the girls have already picked out. I sigh not even trying to imagine what they picked. Shortly after she leaves she comes back with her arms filled with dresses. She hangs them on the rod and looks back at me.

"So tell me a little bit about what you are looking for." I think a little bit.

"I want strapless, but I'm not sure if I want it to be mermaid I'll have to see." She nods and quickly pulls out a satin ball gown. I scrunch up my face while she's not looking. She unzips it and I take that as the que to get undressed. I'm a little embarrassed but not really. I step into the dress and she clips it in the back. I think into the floor length mirror and immediately hate the dress. It is way too poofy for me. I sigh and walk out to my friends. All of their mouths drop. I scowl and step onto the pedestal.

"Tris you look absolutely gorgeous!" I make eye contact with Christina and I can see her shake her head ever so slightly.

"Nope this isn't the one." I say simply and exit the room. The next choice is a mermaid gown. It is lace with a beaded belt on it. It has a dramatic skirt at the bottom and a sweet heart neckline. I look at my reflection and nod my head in approval. I like this one way better than the first one, but I still don't think it's THE one for me. I walk out and everyone starts nodding quickly.

"Tris this is the one."

"I can feel it."

"You're absolutely beautiful in that dress." I grin and nod my head.

"I want to try on one more. One that I picked out." The girls groan and shake their heads. I'll surprise them though. I slip into the dress I picked. It is a lace mermaid dress with rosette tool on the bottom. There is beading on the bottom and a beaded belt to go with it. It is of course a sweet heart neckline. As soon as I look into the mirror I know it's the one. Tears well up in my eyes but I quickly blink them away. I walk out and grin at the girls. Christina bursts out crying.

"I'm sorry! I just can't help it! It's so perfect for you!" I start tearing up again but this time I let them fall. Julie puts on a beautiful veil and gives me a bracelet to wear. All the girls huddle around me and we cry and laugh together. I put on my regular clothes and quickly pay for my Lazaro gown. They wrap it up carefully and hand it to me. I grin the whole ride home and I am extremely giddy for the rest of the day. When it comes time to sleep though I want to start crying. Christina took my dress to her house, but Tobias is still not allowed to come back. I quickly dial his number. He picks up on the third ring.

"Hey Tris!"

"Hey Tobias."

"Why the sad mood? Did you not find the dress?"

"Oh I found it alright. I just miss you."

"Aww I miss you too Tris!"

"I want you home soon."

"Don't worry I'll see you very soon, I promise." I giggle at his reaction.

"I love you Tobias!"

"I love you too Tris!"

"Good night."

"Nighty night!" I hang up the call and soon enough I am dragged into a dreamless sleep.

Phew! It is definitely hard to get back into the swing of things! Sorry if it isn't as smooth as it has been recently. :D So my mom is going to be back home in three weeks at the most. Maybe even earlier. All the doctors call her the miracle patient. I'm cannot explain how much love I feel getting all the PM's and reviews with your concern about her. I can't possibly ask for anything more after all you have given me. Sorry to get mushy :P So if you have any questions please don't be afraid to ask. I will be updating my second story very soon! I love you all and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! XOXO
