Willa hadn't planned to spend her Thursday night with the Argents. In fact, she had very much planned to spend it with her boyfriend, in his room, and not leaving until the next morning when she was required to attend school. But those plans had been completely dashed when the Alpha called for Scott earlier that night. Which, due to the terms of the very tentative agreement Scott and Derek had, meant Derek had to go meet Scott and they needed to track the Alpha, or something to that extent. And it meant leaving Willa at the Argents.

Because as much as Derek hated the hunters, Scott had made a valid point; the Argents didn't know she was a wolf, and if the Alpha came after her, who better to protect her than werewolf hunters? That was why instead of finally getting some alone time with Derek, she was sitting on Allison Argent's bed, talking about him. Talking about him was much less satisfying than actually being in the same room as him, she found.

But she didn't want to offend her potentially dangerous friend, so she pretended that Derek was busy, lied that Scott was doing homework, and Allison had been more than happy to finally have a friend over. Allison's parents were on 'date night'- Willa was nearly certain that that date involved wolfsbane and probably a gun- and her aunt Kate still felt bad about the 'Condom Fiasco'. And the need to be 'Fun Aunt Kate' had been the only reason Willa was allowed over.

Honestly, Willa severely disliked Kate Argent. The woman nearly killed her mate, not caring who it was she shot, she just wanted to shoot something with a bullet of pure death. If she got the chance, Willa would gladly rip the bitch's throat out herself. But seeing as she was 'human' and hadn't technically met Kate, the blonde just smiled politely when she had arrived and been introduced, the urge to growl suppressed successfully.

Thankfully, that had been the only interaction she had had with the brunette Argent who lacked any semblance of a conscious. The past couple of hours had just been Allison and Willa, trading stories of their men. Willa had told her fair share of stories about Scott, of course, but at the moment, she was telling Allison about the pseudo-date she'd had on Tuesday. Like all her tales of her broody boyfriend, all werewolf and supernatural portions were edited and changed, and some parts were complete fiction to make it seem more date-like.

Technically, Derek and Willa had never actually gone on a date. Willa didn't care, of course, she preferred to just spend time alone with Derek, not go out where there were other people. But her relationship was odd enough, and she just needed Allison to think it was normal. Which was why she always did so damn well in the creative writing portions of English; she was fantastic at making things up when required.

Allison took her turn telling Willa the absolutely pristine version of her date with Scott, with Willa teasing her sporadically. It was probably the only normal part of Willa's life anymore, ironically. Werewolf and werewolf hunter's daughter being friends, and it being the werewolf's only remaining portion of normal.

Willa tossed a pillow at Allison and told her, "You should thank me, for training my brother! If it weren't for me, he'd be, well, he'd be like another Stiles."

Faking a gag, Allison replied, "No offense to Stiles, but oh god! He's a sweet kid, just not my type." As much as she loved Stiles, Willa understood. Stiles was… as unique as both his real name and his nickname. It would take a special kind of girl for him, and he deserved the right girl, which was one reason that Willa would be going complete she-wolf on any girl who even considered dating her best friend.

The blond shook her head and sighed, "He's verging on not being my type if he keeps up his little over-bearing routine. I swear, you'd think I was attacked the way he's acting. It makes seeing Derek so damn difficult."

Giving the sixteen year old a sympathetic look, Allison offered, "Well, anytime you need to have an alibi to spend time with him, you can always say your hanging out with me, and I'll cover for you."

"And what are you offering to cover for?" The teenagers looked up as Kate walked into the room with a pizza box. The elder Argent set the box on the bed but quickly took a seat in her niece's desk chair as well, her brow raised as she waited for an answer.

Before Willa could come up with an absolutely clever lie, Allison just clued her aunt in, "Willa seeing her absolutely gorgeous boyfriend." The emphasis of 'absolutely gorgeous' made Willa flush a bit but her wolf also stirred in jealousy, that anyone else talk about her mate in that manner. Though, the hunter in the room did a great job at keeping that bit hidden.

Kate chuckled at the two girls before asking, "And why would you need to cover for her to see her boyfriend? I mean, I get protective brother, but can't you just sneak out?" It was like the woman just wanted to hear a full confession, and Willa had to resist the urge to reply something incredibly rude and sarcastic.

Somehow, she managed to remain completely calm and the blonde answered semi-honestly, "It's not just my brother, it's my best friend as well. They would call the cops if they thought I wasn't were I said I was." Willa didn't think she should mention to Kate Argent that her boyfriend was older.

Allison, however, had no quips on that matter and added, "Derek's older than her, too." And now Willa really wished she was chasing the rogue Alpha loose in Beacon Hills.

The recognition of the name 'Derek' flashed over Kate's face, and while she was sure that Allison didn't pick up on it, Willa most certainly did, and she was not thrilled. Because Kate didn't seem like the type to be concerned and warn her against seeing Derek, using the 'he's dangerous' card. No, Kate Argent seemed to be the type of person who assumed that since she was dating Derek, she either knew everything, was a werewolf, or both. While true, that didn't mean it could have been. For all Kate knew, Willa could just be some lovestruck teenager enamored over the concept of an older boyfriend. Or be using him to buy alcohol, there was always that!

The hunter frowned, clarifying, "His last name isn't 'Hale' is it?" Willa was going to deny, say it was something else, but Allison beat her too it by confirming it, chirping some kind of perky affirmative to her aunt. Kate had a glint in her eye as she zoned in on Willa, making the blonde shift uncomfortably. Instead of pushing further, the older woman stood abruptly and suggested, "Willa, why don't you help me get drinks to bring up?"

Her first instinct was to say 'hell no', but that wasn't exactly something she was in the position to say. So she plastered a sweet smile and nodded, following the brunette out of the bedroom and down the stairs. At that moment, Willa felt like she would have been safer standing next to the Alpha, who had already tried to kill her once. Instead, she found herself in the kitchen, next to Kate Argent, filling a glass with water.

Willa kept her mouth shut, saying nothing. Because as good as Willa was at figuring out what people thought on occasion, she knew that hunters were unpredictable and misleading bastards, and this particular one didn't seem to care who she killed as long as she just thought they were a werewolf. And she was not going to give this woman a reason to think she was one.

Kate took the filled glass from her and handed the teenager another one to start filling, her eyes burning into Willa like hot embers. Obviously, she didn't think that Willa was innocent or useless. It was almost like Kate Argent had a billboard above her head that said 'I am a cold-blooded werewolf killer'. The only reason for the silence was Kate was calculating Willa's value to her.

The second glass was taken and she was handed a third, the silence still resting uncomfortably in the kitchen. Finally, Kate spoke up, asking, "How much do you know about Derek Hale?"

Well that was certainly not what she had been expecting. She had been expecting something more in the 'you are a werewolf and I am going to kill you' category. But she could live without that. It was easier to lie about this anyway. Blinking in surprise at Kate, she stammered, "W-what do you mean?"

Maybe Kate wasn't as good at being a hunter as she thought, the woman softening as she replied, "I mean, how long have you actually known him? About his family, his past, that kind of thing." It required massive amounts of self restraint for Willa not to bark in defense of herself and her mate, but she managed it.

Swallowing thickly, she chose her words carefully, "We met over the summer. I know he lost most of his family in a fire, and he just lost his sister to a wild animal attack. He doesn't really like talking about it, though. I don't blame him." Kate just nodded, taking the third glass and setting it on the counter, studying the blonde teenager before turning away, grabbing two of the glasses and heading upstairs. Willa let out a silent breath of relief. It seemed she would leave the Argent house unsuspected for now.


Derek wasn't exactly thrilled to find her perched on his bed. It meant she had been alone in the woods to get there. But the agitation rolling off Willa was what seemed to prevent him from even bringing up that detail. Instead, he stood still, leaning against the door as he closed it. The blonde was watching him with dark blue eyes, but the edge that was nearly slicing into Derek was proof they could flash yellow at any moment.

Finally, the silence was shattered when Willa asked, her voice icier than ever, "Why didn't you ever even mention you knew Kate Argent?" Derek visibly flinched, at both the tone of her voice and the name of the hunter.

After she had gone back upstairs, thinking herself to be in the clear with the female hunter, her comfort had been crushed when Kate brought Willa's boyfriend up again, telling Willa and Allison that she had known Derek very well back when she had lived in Beacon Hills the first time. Right around the time of the Hale fire. The threat in her words was so well veiled that Allison hadn't picked it up. But Willa sure as hell had; Willa had to watch her back or risk being burned, literally.

Her irritation was more of a shield for just how upset she actually was. Kate Argent had pushed every single button possible. Whether it was to make Willa let something slip about Derek, or to get Willa to shift, she didn't know, but both had been very close calls. The wolfsbane smell that always held strong in the Argent house hadn't helped matters either.

Willa didn't get a response, not quickly. Derek remained quiet, not moving from his place leaning on the door. The blonde stubbornly crossed her arms and leant on the headboard, settling in to wait. She may have been more upset with herself that him, but that didn't alter her wanting a reason that Derek hadn't told her about Kate. It was highly upsetting to find out your friend's aunt had dated your boyfriend. Though, more creepy on Kate's part, Willa knew Kate was older than Derek, older than the five years that separated her and Derek.

A feather dropping could have been heard in the room, and the tension was making the entire atmosphere thicker. Derek didn't want to answer at all, while Willa wasn't going to budge until gave her at least a half-decent explanation. They continued staring each other down, though Willa's was more of a glare, until Derek conceded, though the answer was harsh, "I didn't know who she was until after my family was burned alive."

Immediately, Willa's anger dropped, the shield shattering as she felt just enough self-loathing for not connecting the dots. The threat from Kate should have clued her in that she had been the reason for the fire, that it had been her idea. And Willa already knew that mentioning the Hale fire was off limits around Derek, especially with Laura gone.

Standing up, the blonde stayed near the bed, apologizing quietly, "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-"

"Then why did you?" It was the older beta's turn to glare, and the younger lycan shift uncomfortably, upset that she had let Kate get to her and that she hadn't figured it out until after she opened her big mouth.

Willa let her eyes flick up at Derek once, finding the glare still firmly plastered to his face. She felt like a newly bitten wolf all over again, too weak and stupid to be of any use to anyone, let alone him. It was one of the worst feelings, worse than being bitten, than her first shift, worse than when her dad had left.

Wrapping her arms around herself, she ducked her head further, only shaking her head. She didn't want to tell him that she had done exactly what Kate had wanted, she couldn't. She hated that, that she had allowed Kate in her head, let that horrid creature pour salt in every wound and magnify any doubt. It made her feel like some easily played child, like some manipulated idiot.

The heavy steps that belonged to Derek moved toward her, amplified in the silence, and she backed up, bumping gently against the wall. He was still upset, she could feel it, that he was still angry, but it had lessened. That didn't change how much Willa hated herself for falling for a hunter's ploy.

His arm wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her against him, asking again, though not as agitated as before, "Why did you bring it up?"

She wouldn't cry, she refused to cry. Willa was emotional enough, and she knew that it was just because of the time of year, it was like she was on a six-week period as far as her emotions went; they were all elevated. But that didn't mean she wanted to cry, that she would. She was a freaking werewolf, she could restrain herself from sobbing over the stupidest mistake she had ever made.

Then again, she couldn't really. While she didn't break down into sobs, warm tears did fall rhythmically from her eyes, making her squeeze them shut. She was forced to reopen them when the build up of salty liquid began to burn. Finally, she just caved, allowing herself to break down for no good reason, making her look like a complete idiot for probably the billionth time in front of Derek Hale.

It took a good five minutes before Willa got herself under control, and she was quite positive she looked absolutely terrible. Pulling herself away from the firm warmth of Derek, she managed to answer in a watery, used voice, "T-that bitch got into my head. She said everything just wrong enough to make me do something stupid. I let her get what she wanted, let her get to you through me. And I'm sorry, I should have been able-"

"Did she know about you?" Willa looked up, her vision just barely fuzzy from the tear residue. Derek was still upset, visibly. But, as always, she could tell that the emotion wasn't aimed at her anymore. Now it was at the Argent who broke the code, always.

Shaking her head, she answered him, honest as always, "I don't think so. But I think she wants me to push you enough for me to find out about werewolves, or at least get you to shift, maybe." Willa let out an irritated breath before exclaiming, "Maybe she did know, I couldn't tell! She's a heartless, evil, demonic creature!"

What upset Willa most was that she had been outsmarted and used. She was aware she wasn't the best werewolf, even with the strength from the mate bond, all the maturing and everything, she still wasn't some model lycan. But she was smart, she always had been. And that was one thing she was proud of herself for, being smart. For Kate to disorientate her enough to bring up something incredibly painful to Derek….

She was pulled against Derek's chest again, but this time she wrapped her thin arms around him, nuzzling close to her mate. Willa didn't want any more words, just being close to the older werewolf was reassurance enough that her idiocy wasn't being held against her, for the time being.


Neither Allison nor Scott were in class. Which was odd, Willa had picked up both of their scents before she went into History. She sent a text to both of them, though the one to her brother was far less polite than Allison's. As she moved to Chemistry an hour later, neither missing teen had replied to her, and she shot them both one more message before tucking her phone into her pocket and sitting at her lab table.

Stiles entered the class in his usual chaos, papers sticking out of his bag and the textbook tucked under his arm, and today he had a highlighter sticking out of his front pocket. Amazingly, though, the brunette wasn't late for class. There were still three minutes until then. After he dumped his things unceremoniously on his desk, he walked over to Willa, asking right off the bat, "Have you seen your brother? Or Allison, or Lydia? Hell, even Jackson? Or, I dunno, picked them up with your wolf-y senses?"

Willa sighed and propped her chin in her palm, telling him, "I haven't seen any of them, but Scott and Allison were at her locker today according to my 'wolf-y' senses. Dunno about Jackson, but Lydia isn't here today. And that's because I called and asked, dumbo."

She shot a heatless glare at her friend before he could ask why she knew Lydia wasn't there. Lydia was at home, either drunk or stoned out of her mind. And she only assumed that because when the redhead had answered she had asked how Willa had shrunken into her phone. Willa was sure that she had made a logical assumption.

And as far as Allison went, it was just the wolfsbane on her that clued Willa in. No one else had even the slightest trace of wolfsbane on them. So when she picked it up at Allison's locker, mingled with Scott's scent, she was pretty sure that was another logical assumption. Because Willa only knew five scents by heart; Scott, Stiles, Derek, her mom, and Sheriff Stilinski. She knew her small 'family's scents.

The bell rang, and Stiles practically jumped out of his skin, then scrambled back to his seat just as Mr. Harris began talking. Honestly, Willa didn't like the history teacher all that much. He seed to like her just fine, since she was a good student, but he seemed determined to give her brother and best friend as much detention as academically possible. And that didn't put him on her good side, it shoved him onto her 'highly dislike' side.

Of course the first thing he mentioned was the parent teacher conferences, and those who were below a certain grade average were required to attend. Scott was one of those people, unfortunately. And seeing as he was missing, she wondered if he actually even remembered that the conferences were tonight.

Jackson slunk in just as Mr. Harris was about to give the class instructions of what to do during his class. The lacrosse player's entrance was accompanied by the added smells of blood and wolfsbane, but it was just as faint as it was on Allison. Willa immediately frowned, maybe it was just Allison passing by with a cut.

But when the jock took the empty seat next to her, Willa almost groaned. It wasn't the Argent, the sour smell of wolfsbane mixed with the metallic smell of blood were intertwined with the overpriced aftershave and grass smell that clung to Jackson Whittemore. As Mr. Harris stopped at their desk and said something about Jackson being allowed to leave whenever he wanted, Willa saw the reason for the scent change.

There were puncture wounds- Leather. The smallest whiff of leather was underneath it, and Willa sighed. It was just the puncture wounds on the back of Jackson's neck, he hadn't taken up hunting werewolves. The strength of the two smells must have meant that Jackson had either tried to clean it or messed with the wound earlier.

Harris released them to read chapter nine, perching himself at his desk with a stack of papers after reminding Stiles that the text book was not a coloring book for his highlighter. Willa glanced at the board before flipping her book to the correct page, internally sighing as she saw the topic. It was something she and already covered the year before in one of her advanced classes. It meant that it would be a boring and repetitive class, yet again.

Before she could start the tedious reading of a known topic, Jackson cleared his throat slightly, turned towards her on the lab stool, and asked quietly, "Uh, could I share your book. Mine's, I kind of-"

The poor guy was terrified, despite trying to cover it up. As much as Willa disliked Jackson, she felt bad for him. He had seen the Alpha, almost been killed by it. And she knew the fear that came with an encounter like that. Smiling gently, she nodded and moved her book to rest between them, telling him softly, "Just let me know when your done reading the page."

Willa pulled her notebook and pens out, and easily began taking notes, her hand moving the pen across the page quickly. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jackson watching her, a cross between shocked and admiration flickering over his face. When she stopped taking notes, placing her pen down, the blonde asked, keeping his voice low, "You're already done?"

Looking over at him, she nodded and replied, her voice staying as low as his, "I learned this last year. I'm taking the notes for my brother. Don't worry about it." Her mood towards him was confusing, she was completely aware. Willa wasn't exactly nice around him, she always had a come back for the remarks he made, and ignored him if she could. But it was very clear she wasn't pitying him or babying him. She was just being nice.

Jackson stared at her for another minute, before shaking his head and beginning the reading. Willa caught a couple words from Stiles questioning Danny, but other than that, the class passed quietly. She would take quick notes after Jackson turned a page, before putting her pen down until a new page was turned. When the bell rang, the lacrosse captain had only managed to get three fourths of the way through the chapter, and as they both stood from the plastic stools, Willa offered, "You can borrow the textbook if you want. I'll just use Scott's later."

Her offer surprised Jackson, quite visibly. He wasn't sure how to react so he just nodded dumbly and mumbled, "Thanks." Willa smiled before ripping a piece of paper out of her notebook and scribbling something on it.

She folded it in half, placing it on the last read page as a bookmark before closing it, and handing it over to the older boy. Picking her bag up, she gave him another smile before slipping past him and out of the lab, falling into step with Stiles, who had gotten out of the room quicker. He was on the phone with her brother, the two of them arguing before hanging up.

Stiles looked over and immediately started the new conversation with, "Why the hell were you being nice to Jackson?"

Willa sighed, shifting the strap of her bag higher on her shoulder. Of course that was what he brings up. But she answered him nonetheless, "He's going through something very similar to what I went through." Stiles didn't get it, at least that was what she got from the look on his face. So she continued on, "Coming face to face with this Alpha is the single most terrifying thing. It looks like some demon from hell, Stiles. It's absolutely horrifying, and no matter what you tell yourself, no mater what you make yourself believe or how many lies you come up with, it doesn't change the fact that you don't know how you made it out alive. That you faced something that could have turned you into human pulled pork and made it out alive, but it's still out there. Jackson Whittemore will never admit it, but he's actually scared."

The benchwarmer took her words in, before whistling lowly and conceding, "I never thought about it that way. Remind me to never call you a 'scaredy-cat' ever again." Willa laughed as the two wove through the halls to continue their school day.


She had been right that morning, Lydia Martin was completely and utterly stoned out of her brilliant and beautiful mind. The junior had to have taken at least five doses of the anxiety pills at once, or something. The visit had been uneventful, even a bit entertaining when Lydia identified a stuffed giraffe as a mountain lion. Until Willa answered the girl's phone. There was a video, of the Alpha, on her phone. The bright red eyes made the blonde freeze, before she showed Stiles.

After sending it to herself, she deleted it from Lydia's cellphone, then deleted the sent message as well. It wasn't going to do anyone any good if Lydia saw that video when she sobered up. Stiles and Willa had taken their leave soon after, but not before Willa went around and made sure all sharp objects were hidden and out of reach.

Stiles wanted to go home immediately, and try getting a hold of Scott. Willa, however, had other plans and just promised to let Stiles know if she found anything. The two then parted ways, Stiles going back to the Stilinski house to call her brother, while Willa ran to Derek's house. She kept to the paths Derek had marked off earlier that week, keeping her senses elevated and alert, but as always, she didn't meet anyone.

Derek was doing pull ups when Willa came in the back door. She chuckled and leant on the doorframe that lead from the kitchen into the living room, immediately teasing her mate, "You know if your trying to impress me, you're doing a fabulous job. I'm loving this view."

The raven haired werewolf snorted slightly and asked her, not stopping his exercise, "Did you take care of Lisa?"

As always, straight to business. Willa didn't mind, she knew he was just worried about the wrong people knowing the wrong things. It was just Derek's personality, get the hard stuff out of the way and if you were still alive at the end, you could mess around. Pushing off the aging wood, Willa moved through the living room, around the moving mass of muscle she called a boyfriend, and sat on the stairs, replying, "It's Lydia, and yes. Not that there was anything to take care of. Her stoned little mind has completely convinced her it was a mountain lion. I even deleted the video she took of the Alpha."

The elder beta did pause for that. Willa rolled her eyes, muttering that he wouldn't stop for her but everything froze for the Alpha. She was well aware Derek heard her, and chose to ignore her as he dropped to the floor and moved over to the stairs were she had settled. Rather than risk him breaking her phone, she pulled it out, and showed him the ten seconds of Alpha. Raising an eyebrow, silently asking what to do, Willa looked up at him, blue eyes studying him like she always did.

He hadn't shaved today, the strong line of his jaw dusted with short black hair. The lack of shirt, which Willa was a huge fan of, showed the clearly defined muscle of his torso, shining just enough from sweat. If he was sweating, he'd been working out a few hours, and that normally meant he had encountered someone he was not fond of. This time, it was Jackson, he'd told her already.

Willa had been designated to make sure Lydia wouldn't be a problem, and Derek had been in charge of threatening Jackson to keep his mouth shut. And her mate was not fond of the lacrosse captain after what had happened with the bullet of death. That was why Jackson had puncture marks in the back of his neck, actually.

Before their conversation could go any further, the smell of wolfsbane and metal, along with the hum of voices interrupted. They were walking, because the smell was getting stronger and the voices clearer, two males and one female. Both wolves immediately moved to the back hall, out of sight. The there hunters walked right into the house, like they owned it or were invited, and the smaller male made a dog joke.

It was Kate freaking Argent with them, scolding her companion for his poor choice of comedy. Of course, she immediately insulted Laura, and despite the unspoken order for Willa to remain unseen and unknown, she reacted first. The hunter who had made the dog joke had wandered too close to the doorway of the back hall, and Willa growled, grabbing him by the throat and throwing him across the entryway, into the wall.

Derek growled, ordering Willa to remain there, moved himself into the remaining two hunters line of sight, before launching himself off the stair rail and kicking the other male in the chest.

Willa snarled when she heard the zap of electricity and groan of her mate. Despite the order, Willa appeared in the doorway of the living room, half shifted, and roared at Kate Argent, her golden eyes locked onto the woman.

Kate seemed surprised that Willa was the other wolf, legitimately surprised. Her wolf wanted to attack, simply overpower the human and kill her. But there was electricity and Willa saw Derek sprawled on the ground. She wasn't stupid, she understood that Kate had something strong enough to knock Derek off his ass, which would make it twice as worse on her. Despite being one with her wolf, Willa needed to be in control, complete control of this situation if she wanted her and Derek to come out of it alive.

Stranding straight, Willa pulled her wolf back entirely, remaining cool and calm. Kate had regained her composure as well, and Willa commented, "You know, I really thought you were better than dog jokes, Kate. 'Bit it', really?"

The brunette Argent scowled for a second before taking her own shot. Circling Derek, who was still on the floor, struggling to get up, she taunted, "This one grew up in all the right places. I'm not sure if I should kill it, or lick it."

She wanted to remain in control, she really did. Willa knew that the only way to fight Kate safely was with a sharp tongue. But her wolf's possessive instinct overrode her logic. Eyes flashing yellow and canines becoming small daggers, Willa growled before lunging at the hunter, only to go flying back and collapsing to the floor. The black stick had zapped her, and the blonde sixteen year old panted heavily as the muscles in her body spasmed from the massive amount of electricity that had hit her.

Derek snarled and shoved himself up, only to land a few inches away from Willa, struggling to gain control over his body. The blonde whimpered and somehow managed to pull herself over to her mate, her body hitting the floor again.

Kate chuckled, watching as Willa struggled to breath and Derek kept his body in front of the younger girl protectively. Kate continued to taunt and prod the wolves, but it was only Derek who paid any attention to the woman. Willa had curled up slightly on her side, breathing heavily. 900,000 volts was lethal to humans, not werwolves. But Willa was a small girl, and 900,000 volts did much more damage to the girl who barely weighed a hundred pounds, werewolf or not.

As Kate continued to talk, Willa slowly recovered, and she had already picked up on Derek's plan. He'd managed to recover as well, but continued to pretend he was still weak. And Kate just kept on going. There was a scratchy slide and a click as the brunette put her electric stick away, much to Willa's relief. Less than a minute later, though, the bitch had a gun, and was holding the trigger, just letting it shoot like it were some kind of video game.

Willa and Derek managed to get out of the house just as she told them they were useless. The pair continued running, until neither of them could see the house and the gunshots sounded like rain on a roof.

Leaning against a tree, the blonde ran a hand through her hair. Kate knew about her, which mean Allison's parent's would know about her. As Derek turned to look at her, she leant her head against the tree and closed her eyes. She didn't want to know how pissed off he was, not yet.


Chris Argent watched as Mike was helped up by Jasper, his pale blue eyes making sure they weren't too badly damaged before sighing and turning his attention to his sister. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he asked, "Tell me, Katherine, why in the name of God did you think coming in without me and provoking Derek Hale would be a good idea?"

Kate glared at her brother as she told him, "You should be thanking me, Christopher. Because I know who the female beta is." That caught the elder Argent's attention. As upset as he was that his sister's reckless behavior had nearly ended in murder, he did want to know the identity of the werewolf.

They knew about Derek, but he wasn't the Alpha. That left three werewolves unidentified; one young male beta, the Alpha, and the female beta Chris had almost shot on the full moon. But apparently, the female wasn't a mystery anymore. Chris rose his eyebrows expectantly at his sister, waiting for her to share the information.

She sighed when she realized she wasn't going to be getting a 'thanks' from her older brother, not that there had been much of a chance of that, and told him, "It's Allison's friend, Willa McCall. She was here with Derek. And the other night, she told me, well Allison did, that Derek Hale is her boyfriend."

Chris studied his sister, before turning away, going over the new information. Honestly, the hunter was shocked. Willa McCall, a werewolf? His daughter's friend was the last person he would have pegged for a lycan. She was tiny, much smaller than the average sixteen year old, and she was incredibly timid. The kid was the polar opposite of every werewolf he had ever encountered.

And she was dating Derek Hale? The Hale boy wasn't exactly nice. He was aloof and blunt, the kind of person Chris would think Willa would be terrified of, not dating.

But if Willa really was the female beta, she would have been able to tell the Argents were hunters, the wolfsbane smell that Chris and Victoria made sure was on everything would have told the kid that.

Kate saw the gears turning in her brother's mind, and that he was having a hard time believing that Willa McCall was a werewolf. She didn't blame him, much. When she'd seen the petite blond half shifted that afternoon, she was completely and utterly shocked. But she'd seen the kid shift, heard her growl and nearly been attacked by her.

Standing up straight, Kate interrupted her brother's thinking, "I know exactly what I saw, Chris. She seems harmless, but Willa McCall is the female beta, and she is with Derek Hale. And I think they're more than just dating. She was way too possessive over him, too protective for just a girlfriend or just pack."

Chris shook his head, "I believe that it's Willa, as odd as it is. But Willa's too young to be mated. Werewolves have always held to legal age, especially the Hales."

Kate laughed cyclically, challenging her older brother, "You think that they really are going to pay attention to that? They're just animals, on top of that, Willa's a kid, she's hormonal and probably thinks she's in love."

This was one of many things that the Argent siblings disagreed on. Chris held to the code, and saw their jobs to be upholders of the curtain between natural and supernatural. Kate, however, saw their jobs as exterminators and would kill any werewolf she encountered. Even an innocent kid, like Willa McCall. The blonde may have been what he hunted, but he would swear on his life that she had never done anything worth being killed for. Sure, make a bad choice on who she was dating, but she was a kid, and not exactly the strongest willed, either.

Chris glared at his sister, before ending the conversation, "You and I both know that the only werewolf killing anyone is the Alpha. There is no proof that either Derek or Willa have broken any laws. And wolves mate for life, they wouldn't make any claim if it wasn't a true mate claim. Let's go, I have to get to the high school." With that, he turned and exited the house, leaving his fuming sister to storm out after him.


Authors Note: Hey guys, I'm sorry this took so long and it's not that good. Also, I was alerted that someone stole my story. Apparently the user x_sara_x_x on Wattpad posted my story like it was her own and even had the nerve to post an authors note saying she hadn't updated because she had been 'busy'. No, she hadn't updated because I HADN'T. I messaged her and made her take it down, although that seems to nice in retrospect, I should have just reported her…

Sorry about my rant, it's just things like that bug me to no end. Anyway, hopefully it won't be that long for another update! Comments and votes and review and all of it please!