WARNING: This chapter is NSFW.

HAPPY FORKIVERSARY! That's right, it's been exactly one year since my blog was created! Thought I might give you guys a present in the form of a long-overdue update! Hopefully you still care about this story despite my failure to be remotely consistent with updates. In light of that, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Hellyeahpuckentine, who is responsible for my position in this fandom being slightly more significant than it otherwise would have been. Whether or not that's a good thing.

So by now a lot of you have figured out that this isn't going to be your average Elsanna fic in which they go "Oh well, incest - whoops!" and everything's cool. Nor will it be the kind in which it's a non-stop Angstathon from beginning to end. Since I set out from the beginning with Elsa and Anna as (mostly) mature adults, I wanted them to approach this the way adults would. Or well, adults who are in love with close relations would, haha.

Also, one of the articles Anna mentions is a real article. Can't post the link here, but if you Google, all shall be revealed. Yes.

Here's to a year of ridiculousness, and hopefully another year yet to come!


Chapter 19: Frequent Flyer Miles

Silence passed between Anna Snowman and Elsa Froiland as they sat in the seats by their gate, twin cups of coffee in their hands. The bagel on the seat between them was cold by the time Anna offered half-of-half of it to Elsa. She took it. It tasted cold and bland, and didn't even have butter, much less lox. She ate every bite.

The better part of an hour passed that way. Once or twice, one of them would turn to say something, squirm, and then turn away again. Without anyone else to serve as a foil for speaking to each other, it seemed conversation was not forthcoming anymore. This was a hurdle they would have to clear, and soon. Yet time kept slipping past with no words. How does one set about repairing a bridge so badly broken?

Their plane boarded. Before the startling revelation of the night before, Elsa had ensured they got seats next to each other, haggling with the airline to move another passenger. Now… it was an ominous prospect. The flight was very long, and they had no choice but to be mere inches from each other for the entire duration. What an ordeal.

As it turned out, however, all of Elsa's worrying was for nothing. They had scarcely seen the "fasten seat belts" lights wink off and felt the plane level out when Anna turned and, ignoring the large man with headphones on her left, leaned in to whisper to Elsa, "So, I did some Googling."

Rolling her eyes, Elsa turned from the screen on the seatback in front of her. To be fair, it was only showing an advert for a soft drink, and this was what she had been hoping for: that they could talk. "Oh dear. Nobody still uses Google."

"Sh-shush," Anna said nervously. "Um… I know it's still kind of awkward to talk about this stuff, or anything at all right now, so should I just, um, send you the link to this article?"

"No!" When she saw someone across the aisle glance over at her, she lowered her voice again. "No, that would… leave a digital paper trail. Just tell me now."

The corner of Anna's mouth twitched up. "Okay. Well, in my research, I came across this phenomenon known as… 'Genetic Sexual Attraction'. There's-"

"Stop," Elsa grunted. "Not sure I really want to hear this."

"Well, you're going to, because this is important, okay?!"

She debated for a moment before nodding. It was. It most certainly was, no matter whether or not sufficient time had passed for her to be able to hear it without her latte and bagel making a reappearance all over the soft drink on the screen. "Fine, what of it?"

"Studies have shown that, in the absence of the Westermarck Effect, people with similar genetic makeup can sometimes feel attraction beyond the familial. This is because of assortative mating, which-"

"Wait, wait, the what effect?"

"It's what they mean when children are raised together, and they see each other as 'siblings' and that's why they don't feel that type of attraction. Westermarck Effect. However, when they aren't raised together, sometimes - and I swear I'm not making this up - sometimes it's more likely that they'll be into each other than if they were total strangers. See?"

All at once, Elsa found she was smiling at Anna, a true and real smile. When Anna merely raised her eyebrows to demand a reasoning for this smile, she whispered, "You're adorable when you're studious."

That caused an immediate and profound blush from the younger woman, but she did smile as well. "I j-just thought, um… well, after I stopped freaking out and blubbering, I figured it might be better to do something productive, to see if this had ever happened before. As it turns out…"

"It has? Really, more than once?"

"Lots of times! I bookmarked a few news articles if you want to see them later, about couples who met and then found out they were related months or years later. Sometimes they already knew they were related and became couples anyway, but um, those seemed less relevant."

Mulling this information over for a few moments, Elsa decided that it was much better to at least entertain this notion - to explore the possibility that, just maybe, what had happened to them wasn't entirely outside the realm of the natural. Therefore, her next move was to pick up Anna's hand and trap it between her own possessively. The action looked even more predatory to her now, her hands on such a delicate creature. She did her best to ignore that misgiving.

"What else did you find?"

The gleam in Anna's deep turquoise eyes before she started speaking again was so full of energy and vitality that Elsa wanted to drink it in forever.

"There's this one family who already had children before they found out they were related - on a radio show, even! Isn't that freaky? And there were no genetic defects or webbed toes or anything like that."

Elsa was almost afraid to ask. "Did they… stay together?"

"You bet they did," she said, voice almost exploding with glee. "Never divorced for any other reason, either. Storybook ending."

"You're very, er, excited about all this research of yours. Might I ask why?"

"What do you mean?" The look on her face was not only quizzical, but hilariously so. "Excited? Aren't you excited? Don't you get what this means?"

Try as she might not to smile, Elsa couldn't help but allow a small and bitter one. "Alright, yes, it's happened before. And I can't pretend it doesn't make me feel a touch better. Still, their situation isn't at all the same as ours. They had already been married, with children to think of! We've only just shagged a couple of times!"

"Not enough times," Anna tried out seductively. When Elsa looked like she was going to hurl herself out the transparent aluminum of the nearest window, her smile vanished and she whispered, "I'm sorry, I know that wasn't okay to say yet, I- it just kinda came out!"

"You can't make jokes like that right now, alright?"

"Who says I'm joking?"

"Y…" Elsa goggled at her travelling companion. "That was quite the turnaround from yesterday."

"You're so good," Anna said baldly. "Even though I'm not sure I'm going to be able to handle the consequences yet… and I know how that makes me sound. Nutso. But I have literally never had my body feel as awesome as with y-"

"Stop, please," Elsa hissed tearfully.

"No! No, you need to hear this so you remember the good stuff while you're guilting yourself into oblivion, okay? My brain is working just fine, I'm not drunk and I don't have amnesia, so I didn't forget how we were together before we knew we're… before this happened!"

"Don't you think both of us being women was hard enough in the first place? Or you having to deal with my weird body?"

"Perfect body," Anna amended quietly.

"Please stop! Stop being everything I've ever wanted when it's nothing I can actually have!"

The sigh that floated out from Anna's throat was like one from a petulant child being told yet again that she had to pick up her toys. "Who's stopping you besides you?"

"I heard you crying."

That silenced Anna pretty soundly.

"Right. So you can just leave off playacting that this situation doesn't bother you, because… I know it does. It bothers both of us, because we are rational adults. Rational related adults, Anna!"

"Big deal. This kind of thing has been happening since Biblical times. Ever hear the one about Lot and his daughters? Now there's a genealogical mess!"

"Do you hear yourself?"

"Reckon I'll mosey on down to Alabama with y'all," Anna drawled in a passable Southern accent. "We can get hitched in them thar parts!"

The only reaction from Elsa was an affronted glare.

"Come on, that was hilarious," Anna prodded her.

"I'm not laughing." Anna imitated a banjo being plucked with both hands and mouth, and Elsa merely pursed her lips and said, "Nope."

"Just try laughing at it a little with me, Elsa?" she pleaded, now gripping Elsa's arm with both of her hands. "When I'm not all pissed off that things turned out this way, it really is kinda funny."

"Anna, I'm never going to think it's funny."

"What if we both like the same kind of latte because of genetics?!"

At the sheer absurdity of this last one, Elsa could only turn to gape at Anna, mouth hanging slightly open. Seizing the opportunity this presented, Anna sat up slightly and kissed the vulnerable bottom lip soundly, drawing it just the tiniest bit between her own before she sat back with a satisfied smile.

"You're cute when you're about to murder me."

"You are… absolutely mental, Snowman." After saying this, she leaned back against her headrest. "Hm… Elsa Snowman."


"That would be my name. You know, if our shared parent had stayed with my mother." She rolled it over on her tongue. "Elsa Snowman… Miss Elsa Snowman."

"Mrs Elsa Snowman?"

Despite her best efforts, a blush rose on her cheeks. "Is that you proposing?"

"Duh! Weren't you paying attention when I said we could move to Alabama?"

"You'll have to do far better, I'm afraid, 'future husband'. You haven't even got down on one knee."

"One knee? In these aisles?"

They both chuckled at that, and Elsa found herself relaxing again. Not entirely, not as wholly and deeply as she might have done before… but relaxing all the same. They weren't broken at all. Tainted and marred, yes; that could not be helped. But the core of their affection for each other was largely the same.

"Did have a thought myself," Elsa offered very timidly. "About… you know."


"It's only his DNA. Colin's." She shifted uncomfortably, crossing her legs in the opposite direction. "Maybe this is just me being particular about things, but I feel like it would be worse somehow if we had the same mother. Is that utter nonsense?"

"You mean if we had both been in the same womb at different times?" Anna took a minute to think that over. "Now that you mention it… yeah, that would make us look a little skeevier."

Nodding, Elsa took up Anna's hand again, looking down at it. "And to that end, why don't we get a say in who we are to each other? That's an aspect of this that's been irking me since we found out; I had no choice, and neither did you. Our parents hopped in and out of bed and made rash decisions. Not us."

"Well, some wiseass would probably point out how we moved in together the same day we met," Anna muttered under her breath. Elsa squirmed. "But you're right, that's different! We weren't a- you were just being nice to a poor, destitute businesswoman!"

Rolling her eyes, Elsa said, "I was. And look how that turned out; in Banjo City, as you so succinctly told me moments ago."

"Mm-hmm." Voice pitched low, Anna leaned in on the armrest between them and whispered directly into Elsa's ear, "That first time, when I fed you strawberries and crème fraîche? God. Take me to Banjo City anytime if that's the kind of welcome we'd get there, right?"

It was almost criminal for Anna to bring such a thing up with so many witnesses nearby. She experienced a moment of staggering paranoia, feeling thousands of eyes on her. Then she put a combination of her stepfather and mentor's lessons into effect, blocking out such useless thoughts, focusing on the important matters.

Elsa leaned slightly aside to give Anna a taste of her own medicine, nose tickled by a stray ginger hair as her lips more formed the words on still air than spoke them.

"How would you like to join the 'Mile High Club' today?"

Anna's elbow slipped off the armrest and her forehead bumped into Elsa's shoulder. They both sat up, staring at each other for different reasons: Elsa because Anna had lost all coordination, and Anna from sheer incredulity.

"That got a rise out of you," Elsa said with a grin. "Perhaps now you'll think before you sp-"

"Challenge accepted."

The grin vanished. "You wot?"

"Pound out two 'We Will Rock You's on the door and I'll let you in," she whispered as she unclasped her safety belt and began to rise. "Give it about five minutes for people to forget I'm in there."

"No, I'm- Anna, I was joking, you'll have a long wait if you-"

"Will not," she said with confidence. "You can't resist me, pork chop."

"P-pork chop?!" But her scandalised outcry got no response from the girl ducking between two passengers rummaging in overhead bins.

This could not be coming to pass. It was bad enough that she was a lesbian who recently found out she was mucking about in her own gene pool. Now, they were about to engage in criminal activities together. Thousands of feet above the surface of the planet. This could not be allowed to continue, or soon she'd be lying naked on the White House lawn with some sort of live animal stuck somewhere it most certainly didn't belong.

And yet… Anna was waiting.

Five minutes passed.

"I'm just going to check on my friend," Elsa said amiably to the large man, polite smile on her face. He didn't even acknowledge her. In fact, he seemed to be asleep. Stomach doing somersaults, she rose and made her way down the aisle.

Much to her dismay, a little old lady was standing outside the lavatory doors. Even worse - there were multiple. Two doors. Two lavatories. What was she to do, find a coin to flip? Already, she was ill at ease with this dangerous gambit; she didn't need more obstacles on the course.

One of them banged open, and a dark-skinned gentleman in a suit edged his way clear. The old woman glanced at her as if to say "I was here first" before going in. That suited Elsa fine. Approaching the other door, she hesitated. What was the signal again? Right.

Knock, knock, knock. Knock, knock, knock.

The lock clicked open. That was it. To the rest of the plane, it looked as if Elsa had merely made sure it was empty. Sliding open the latch and hoping no one was keeping a close eye on the comings and goings of those with nervous bladders, she slipped inside and pushed it shut behind her before she - or anybody else - had seen inside.

And found herself trying to occupy the same space as another person.

"Sorry!" Anna whispered. "I didn't realise it would be so cramped in here!"

"These were designed for half a person," Elsa growled as she turned slightly - and found their noses were touching. "A-ah. Alright?"

"Hey," Anna half-laughed, eyes dark in the muted washroom light. "Welcome to my parlour."

With a vague nod, Elsa began running her hands down Anna's sides, smoothing them over her hips and coming to a rest there. "You are the hunter of the two of us, I'm convinced."

"Actually, you're the corporate assassin, right? Looking at innocent little deer like me as your next target. Next meal." As her lips moved in to brush over Elsa's, she whispered, "This is the hunter getting captured by the game."

When Anna kissed her, she didn't kiss back. After a few seconds, she stopped and drew back - or drew back as much as was possible in the close confines.


"We don't have to do this if you don't want to," Anna assured her, completely sober. "Just thought… since you suggested it, that… I'm sorry."

"We're-" A few seconds went by as Elsa tried to gather her thoughts. "It feels like if we go along with this now, after learning what we did yesterday… it's the point of no return, you know? Proceeding with full knowledge. You can understand how I'd be a bit indecisive, can't you?"

"Yeah. But do you want it?"

"Hell yes."

Anna smirked slightly. "You can't get knocked up from me."

"I can't get knocked up at all," she laughed bitterly. "Ever. But… that is true. All consequences are purely mental for us."

One of Anna's hands snaked around to rest lightly on her stomach. "My poor Elsa's womb."

That simple action paired with heartfelt words made heat blossom in all of Elsa's limbs and deep in the pit of her stomach. Those weren't the only locations, of course, but they were where she felt it most strongly in the moments after Anna spoke.

Elsa's lips found Anna's quivering in anticipation of her next movement by the time she acted on her impulses, nearly diving against Anna with the slight pitch of turbulence to speed her along, landing them on the toilet seat. That was how she found herself straddling Anna's knee, both thankful and cursing that she had worn slacks today. Hands wound into Anna's braided bun, loosening it, turning it wild as nails raked down the back of Elsa's blouse, scoring her through the thin silk.

A thousand reasons to desist with this madness immediately swept through Elsa's mind as she started to roll Anna's loose cotton shirt up and over her chest, as she pulled back just enough to discard it before throwing herself against the newly-topless woman once more. They were all sorted into a file folder marked "For Later Review".

The vibrations of the plane were going to make short work of Elsa's orgasm, she could already tell. Her unique anatomy made her especially sensitive to such things - when applied directly to it, that is. As she began to roll her hips slightly, Anna pulled back from the kiss with a slight giggle.

"Can't wait for me?"

"Don't know… what you mean," she panted quietly, mouth hanging open between words. "You're right here, aren't you? Certainly… feels like you are!"

"Elsa," Anna breathed, voice full of both desire and affection. "God, if you had any idea how you sound right now…"

Out of either desire or mercy, Anna reengaged their lips with great force, holding the elder woman close as she rode her companion, breath falling hotter and faster from her nostrils for lack of other exit. Release was sudden and jarring. Normally, she could last longer than that, but between the thrill of flouting the rules, the forbidden fruit factor and how purely eager she was to be with the woman who had become her entire world…

"W-wow!" Anna was trying her best not to say it too loud, but her sheer amazement was making that almost impossible. "That was, um… you came like a freight train!"

A weak nod as her head leaned against another. "My… my apologies, Anna."

"Don't; it was beautiful. I just… holy shit."

"Mmm." When she pulled back, she had her breathing somewhat under control, and favoured the redhead with a lewd grin. "And now…"

"Now?" As Elsa began to sink slowly to the floor, hands moving to the hem of Anna's skirt, she whispered, "Ohhh, now. Y-yes, I remember 'now' being in the coming attractions."

"Attraction is without question," Elsa breathed between Anna's knees. "The coming part… I'll see to it, my pet."

It seemed Anna no longer trusted herself to speak. Elsa was granted an extremely pleasant view from where she crouched; thighs, smooth stomach, a white, lacy brassiere. Freckle-dusted shoulders. Anna's flawless face, partly anxious, partly ravenous.

No, that wasn't quite right. Elsa was the ravenous one, and she was about to prove that true.

"A-are you sure?" Anna breathed as a pale hand began to brush against her through her panties. Black, Elsa noted with bemusement. "Because if you're going to do what I think you're going to do-"

Elsa drew back just enough so Anna could see her eyebrows lift. "And what might you think that is?" Anna didn't answer. "Well?"

"Give me head?" When Elsa laughed, Anna kicked her in the back. "Shut up, you jerk!"

"You've put it so eloquently, though!"

"I've never been the recipient of head before, okay? I don't have some huge list of smarty-pants words for that!"

"Come off it," Elsa whispered as she smoothed her hands over Anna's thighs before returning to tuck the crotch of her underwear aside. "Never, even once? I find that difficult to believe." No answer. Elsa's smile slipped. "Not even your husband?! What sort of selfish jackass-"

"Let's not, okay? We've already gone over it enough; he sucked."

"Or didn't, as it were."

At that joke, Anna literally gasped. They both giggled, but Anna's laughter changed in pitch when Elsa's hand found its way home. "A-ah! Wow, right to the… yeah, I guess we don't have much time!"

"We won't need much. Hang onto your hat."

"I'm not wearing a h-hhAAAAHhhhhh!"

What Elsa noticed during the next few minutes was not so much her own actions; those were old practice and a second nature to her by now. Instead, she focused on just precisely how sweet her Anna was - and not figuratively. There was an actual sweetness to her. Whether it was natural or derived from diet, she couldn't say. There had never been a woman so perfectly formed and soft, her sensitive tongue attested. The further along they got, the further back Anna leaned, the higher her legs shifted, until ballet flats were sliding down Elsa's back to thump against the floor behind her. To her even greater surprise, she felt bunching at the fabric of her shirt; it had been a long time since a woman had been driven so wild by Elsa Froiland's aptitude for cunnilingus that her toes literally curled.

Guilt tried to assert itself again in the final moments. Who Anna was to her, and the implications of what she was doing in the here and now. But she forced herself not to care. Later that night, when she was alone and unable to sleep, it would likely haunt her. In the interim, she had a partner and dear friend who was begging for release.

Which she got.

"OhhhhhhHHhh," Anna sighed throatily as she slowly spiralled down from the heights of joy. "God, you're a… how do you do that?!"

"Keep your voice down," Elsa hissed, though she was laughing too hard for the reprimand to sound truly stern.

"Keep it down? I want to roll down the windows and start screaming at people about how intense that was!"

"You do remember we're in an airplane, don't you?"

It was actually quite sexy the way Anna's thighs rubbed together on either side of Elsa's neck, and Elsa felt her desire building yet again. Easy enough to bottle, of course; she had just been sated. However, she couldn't resist turning aside to nip lightly at the tender flesh beside her head, earning her a started squeak from the redhead.

"Elsa, you're incredible," she giggled. One of her arms limply reached down for Elsa's face but couldn't quite reach; she was too fatigued to manage and too happy to care very deeply. Elsa handed her the shirt that she had discarded before, but Anna replied by lifting her bra to expose her glistening chest instead. When Elsa averted her eyes to pick up her shoes and slip them back on, Anna's feet were suddenly cupping Elsa's face.

"Having fun, are we?" Elsa snorted, words slightly muffled from the way her cheeks were being smooshed together.

"Tons." Then she booped Elsa's nose with her big toe before letting out another sigh of pure contentment. "Wow, I… everything feels so good right now. Is it supposed to feel this good every time, have I been doing it wrong?"

Elsa snorted again as she stuffed one shoe onto her half-coherent lover. "Far be it from me to question the methods of you or your previous partners, but… perhaps so. For goodness sake, will you put that shirt on?"

"No." Elsa reached up and pinched her hard on her backside and Anna literally had to stuff her face into the shirt to muffle her scream. "Geez, Elsa, you can't do that!"

"Aww, poor thing. Hurt your baby bottom too much?"

"Felt too good! You'll have to start all over if you keep it up!" When Elsa merely shook her head and tried to put the other shoe on, Anna started jerking her leg to counteract her efforts. "Apologise!"

Elsa tried to look stern. It was pretty impossible to do with a flushed Anna looking faux-smug, bra askew and hair disheveled. "We don't have time for games now, someone's bound to come calling for the loo any moment!"

"Say you're sorry." When Elsa merely stared at her blandly, Anna shoved her foot in her face. "Kiss it and say you're sorry for pinching."

"This is ridiculous. You should be apologising for flashing me!"

"Then I won't put my shirt on," Anna threatened. "We'll have to stay in this cubbyhole for the rest of the flight if you don't you apolh…"

The younger woman had not been expecting Elsa to actually comply, it seemed, as evidenced by her words tapering off. Even less so for Elsa to press her lips against the end of each toe, eyes locked with Anna's all the while.

"Wha… are you nuts?"

"Well," Elsa breathed as she pushed the shoe on, a mirthful glint in her eyes, "that sufficiently distracted you enough for me to finish the job. Doesn't sound that 'nuts' to me if it works."

"But you kissed my stinky foot." Anna was blushing so deeply that her ears were scarlet. "I… you didn't really have to do that, I was kidding."

While sliding up and over Anna's knees to tower over her, Elsa slowly and lazily licked her lips, staring straight down into her blue-green eyes. "Firstly, given where my mouth was a minute ago, I can't imagine you really see this as that baffling. Secondly… I would gladly kiss any part of you. Anytime. Anywhere. Now you know that to be irrefutable fact."

Her index fingers slid lazily over Anna's nipples while trailing down, prompting a quiet gasp before she hitched the bra back into place. Then arms were wrapping around her back and drawing her downward.

"Ah!" Elsa giggled once their mouths were inches apart. "But I'll taste Anna-flavoured, love. In multiple ways."

"See how much I care."

It seemed like their lips had scarcely met when they heard an impatient knock at the door. The placement of the clouds outside the window behind Anna indicated otherwise.

"Dammit," Anna breathed, trying not to laugh. "What do we do?"

"Aren't you the mastermind of this scheme? You think of something!"

"Shirt, shirt!"

The knock came again while Anna was struggling into it. "Leave off!" Elsa snapped through the door.

"Hurry up in there!"

"Sod you!"

Finally, they were both dressed and Anna's hair resembled something orderly, though it was still a bit untamed. Elsa used a bit of toilet paper to clear the rest of Anna's essence from her face. When Anna turned a panicked look at her, shrugging both shoulders, Elsa held up a finger before moving to the miniature sink. Anna gasped slightly when she was slapped in the face with a handful of cold water.

"Shhh," Elsa warned as quietly as she could manage. "Now look sickly."


"This is not the time to second-guess me! Just do it!"

When they slid back the catch and the lavatory opened, a roundish Asian woman took a surprised step back when more than one person exited. Anna was already coughing and allowing herself to be half-dragged out into the aisle.

"Sorry," Elsa breathed to the flabbergasted lady. "Hope you haven't had the fish, have you?"

Rather than answer, the woman cautiously peered into the room they had vacated, as if worried they had been reenacting The Exorcist in there.

Upon regaining their seats, Anna leaned in and whispered, "Can you believe we just did that? We're like, rebels or something!"

"Delinquents," Elsa confirmed as she straightened her blouse, glancing back and forth. "Deviants, perverts… however you want to paint this, clearly there's something off about the pair of us."

"Oh, come on, you had fun."

"We both had fun! That was the general idea! Unfortunately, that doesn't mean we ought to have had it - this was still extremely risky! Not to mention unsanitary!"

Clearly, Anna had struggled not to roll her eyes, but ended up doing so. "You were the one who just had to actually kiss my foot, genius, so I don't wanna hear it."

"Oh, please," she scoffed. "That's not what I meant - we were in the loo!"


"Do you know what people typically do in there?"

"No idea," Anna sighed as she settled back against her seat. "Maybe the worldlywise Madame Froiland should explain these things to poor, dumb me."

"You and I have both heard the tales of how men can't seem to aim - and I'll hazard a guess that, since you've lived with one before, there's some firsthand experience you're pretending to forget!" Grinding her teeth, she added, "And you made me kneel in that!"

"Weird; I don't seem to remember a gun being held to your head… while you gave it."

Finally seeming to catch on that Anna was teasing her, Elsa harrumphed and leaned in close, her index finger tracing a line of electricity along her companion's forearm. "Next time, perhaps you'll kiss my feet for a change."

"Oh, the hell I will!"

"Sure, you proclaim that now, but I wonder if you might change your tune once I have you tied up and naked, sobbing brokenly for release?"

Suddenly, Anna's cheeks were redder than her freckles again, and Elsa was grinning mischievously. Neither of them could tell if the threat was entirely hollow.

"H-hh…" She cleared her throat to try again. "How long until we land again?"

- To Be Continued -