A/N: Wow… this is the first time I've actually had time to get one of my fanfic ideas down in a LONG time. I'm not sure what type of updating schedule I'll be able to keep, but I guess it's better to start than not to.

Also, be warned, no matter how I wrote the first lines, it came out choppy… so read at least one chapter before giving up on it.


Harry and Ron looked at each other in horror.

The barrier to platform nine and three quarters had closed, and they had no way to board the train to Hogwarts.

It was than that a boy walked between them, seemingly ignoring them. He was a strange looking kid. About their age, yet with shoulders much broader and muscles so defined and huge that they could be made out from under cloths, he had onyx black eyes and raven dark hair, and walked with a calm neither had seen from anyone in their lives.

He reached out and touched the wall, than frowned.

"What did you guys do?"

"Nothing!" Ron immediately responded, a response which Harry backed up with haste.

He glanced between them disbelievingly, than looked at the wall intently.

"Well, no harm done, I fixed it," he said simply, than frowned again. "Or not… Give me five seconds…"

The two second years were speechless as the unnamed newcomer glared at the wall intently, his hand glowing slightly. They than moved aside as he stepped back is if to admire his handy-work.

"You guys might want to go through first, I don't think I can keep it open while on the other side," He said matter-of-factly.

Gohan watched the two wizards go through the portal, and sighed. The two were about his age, and he couldn't help but be disappointed. They had been completely clueless as to what to do in such a simple situation.

Be aware, he remembered fortune teller Baba advise him, you come from a unique background. Some of the most advanced magic will come impossibly easily to you, and some simple spells will be almost impossible for you to learn.

He sighed. He didn't see what was so important about being "formally" trained. Baba was a much better suited to be his teacher, and with the necessity of both his magical education and Ki based training, he saw no practical use of going to Hogwarts. There seemed to be a huge amount of drawbacks and no upsides.

Again he walked to the wall and placed his hand on it, and began his work.

Baba said that this was a highly unique ability, one that undoubtedly was unique to him due to his heritage and Ki mastery. He began sensing residual magic, and found two main sources. One, the more powerful one, he assumed to be the magic of the platform itself. The other he assumed to be the work of whoever, or whatever, was blocking the platform in the first place.

However, the later no longer was in active effect, and thus was, at his current skill level, impossible to trace to it's source.

He frowned and glanced around. He didn't know what caliber of magic it would take to block such an essential mode of transportation, but it see he assumed from his travels with Baba that he had scared off whatever had caused it. His venerable teacher had explained to him that it was terrifying for a magic creature, human or not, to have it's magic ripped apart by Ki.

She had equated it to the Native Americans starring down the barrel of a gun that just blasted a hole in their religious artifact; Ki was an unknown force that was beyond the knowledge user's understanding, and all that they knew was that it had the ability to completely destroy everything they thought was absolute. Ki on its own was immensely rare in this part of the universe, and Gohan, as far as she was aware, was one of the only inhabitants in the history of earth to be capable of using both Ki and magic.

He scanned the room one last time to make sure that the perpetrator was gone before going through the barrier. He rose an eyebrow at the train station, slightly confused. However, it had nothing to do with the magical appearance of a crowded train station

Perhaps it was Baba's lessons in practicality he had grown accustomed to in the past year, but if they had the magic capability to instantly move people from one place to another, why didn't they move them directly to Hogwarts? The train ride seemed highly impractical.

As he was pondering, the train whistle suddenly pierced through the station, and the giant crimson vehicle begin to move, Gohan silently cursed himself for taking to much time to ponder, and rushed through the crowd of waving parents, and scanned the train side.

He ignored the startled parents and looked for a window which he could enter through, a difficult task considering all the students either had the window closed to block the noise or were saying their last goodbyes.

In fact, he didn't seem capable of finding any. Every window was either closed or had an adolescent dangling out of it, and he was quickly running out of space to run beside it.

Think fast, he berated himself, what are the ways you can keep up with a train without being noticed more than you are already are?

Follow the tracks? No, that wouldn't work, the adults would see him and worry that he had missed the train.

Jump on top? No, that was immensely visible.

How about under?

He liked the sound of that. However, as he glanced to the bottom of the Hogwarts Express, he quickly realized that the train was low enough to the ground that he would most likely scrape the tracks if he hid under it. Although it most likely wouldn't hurt him, he didn't want to cause property damage.

He quickly approached the edge of the station, and realized that it was decision time. He bent his legs, than had an epiphany. He jumped with speed that would look to a bystander like he had simply vanished and 'reappeared' on the front of the train, cross legged as if he was sitting on it, perpendicular to gravity.

He grinned. No one could see him like this, and he simply had to hover and rely on the train to push him forward.

The Demi-Saiyan sighed as he tilted his head back, allowing the wind to rush past his face. Freedom. It was something that he hadn't truly experienced until his recent travels with his magical teacher. From birth he always had a 'mission'. Study and become a scholar! Train and save the world! Chores, now! Survive in the wilderness for half a year as a four year old!

During his travels with Baba, he had no real responsibilities. It was her belief that in order to truly learn magic, one had to release the intuitive notion that anything had to be done in a certain way, so she did all she could to break him of his habits. She had forbid him to make his bed for a month, than ordered him to do it only as he felt like it. She ordered him to wash only when he felt he was dirty. Whenever the two were in a trouble, she reminded him that brute force and diplomacy each had their uses, and refused to acknowledge that one was superior to the other in any given situation, and insisted that whichever way felt more natural was the one he should take.

He grinned, remembering all those times. They had adventures that even his dad would be jealous of. The only goal in life he had was to learn the way the world worked, and roam wherever his heart had desired.

And now, he was going to be locked up in a castle and was going to have to follow every miniscule rule that people, who didn't know a thing about him, put in place without question. It felt… wrong.

He groaned, rolling over the edge of the train, easily keeping up with it's speed. He flew close to the ground, and brushing the grass as he flew over it.

Enjoy that grass boy, Baba once advised, there are people who live their entire lives without ever seeing it. You have an opportunity they won't ever have, don't let it go to waste. Remember this, just like no two people have the same DNA, neither do two blades of grass.

He sighed. And turned upside down, and flew with his back to the ground. Had he really missed the train by accident? Or was it that he saw no point in taking a train when there was what he considered to be a better way?

He glanced at the windows, finding one that was open still. He supposed it was time to make his entrance.

A/N All the "Gohan goes to Hogwarts!" stories, while some of my favorites, most start similar. So I decided to switch it up some. Instead of chapter 1-10 being preparation to go to school, all of that is going to be simply implied.

A quick summary of my approach: Gohan doesn't come into Hogwarts wide-eyed and make new friends, he comes in after a series of life-changing adventures that focused on teaching him magic for a reason not yet explained, and instead of simply being there while the cannon story happens, he is going to completely throw everything into an AU with his presence (he already thwarted dobby's plans to "help" Harry.)

If you haven't noticed, I'm also going to assume you are at least somewhat familiar with both series… sorry about the learning curve, but I feel a large part of the reason crossover stories sometimes don't succeed is that they are so busy trying to make sure fans on both sides get everything that they never quite get to the plot, and end up bored and quit writing it. I'll cover whatever I think is lesser known in each story (ex: wandlore), and if you have any questions you can simply pm me.
