Hey everybody!! I'm still working on my other fic...but I got this idea and had to write it right away so I wouldn't forget!! Heehee! Anyway...the gang only knew each other and hung out with each other for a while, but then they all went their separate ways. C&M didn't happen but R&R did...but they broke up since Ross of course cheated on Rach. But Rach didn't really want them to break up, but of course, her pride...so yeah. It's now ten years later, and the gang hasn't seen each other for that long. Rachel is married- no kids. Ross, single. Monica JUST went through a terrible divorce after her hubby cheated on her. Phoebe is married and Joey and Chandler are both single, but Chandler has a daughter...(wife left him with her ) All right? If it gets kinda confusing at the beginning...sorry!! I got this idea from a commercial of some movie...all right...here goes!! This is a R&R fic mostly...but I'm going to add a bit of C&M in it since I love them too!

Summary: When you leave your old life for a new one, does life always end up better? Not exactly. Enter the world of regret, lost friendship, life's consequences and undying love. Will life ever be the same again?

~For The Love Of Another Man~

Rachel Greene West sat leaning against her bathroom wall, the door locked, tears pouring down her cheeks.[she puts her head down on her knees] Was this the life she really wanted? Or had she yet again made another mistake? She looked around the room, which she could already call her second home. This was where she stayed almost every day, hiding from the terror outside the door, and hiding from her present AND her past. She slowly got up, struggling at first with the pain that spread down through out her entire body. She quietly gasped with the pain, but made her way to the sink, and looked in the mirror on top of it. [we can only see her from behind, we cant see her reflection in the mirror yet] She brings her hand up to her face and touches it. [we go to her reflection in the mirror and see a blue/black circle begin to circle around her right eye.] She had to do something...this was not the life she wanted....she wanted the life she had before...and she'd have to go find it; in New York.


Ross Geller walked alone in Central Park. The sun was slowly setting, and darkness was taking over once again. For ten years, darkness had been Ross' favourite part of the day, cause that meant he would be alone...away from all the people bugging him and asking him questions. He would have his own time, to feel sorry for himself, and remember all the things that used to make him so happy; his friends. Where were they, and where had life taken them? Had it really been a good thing to split apart? When we all knew we needed a lot of maturing to do before we would have the "perfect" life. He hoped they weren't going through all the consequences he was going through...


Chandler Bing sat in his office, bored out of his mind. Where had life taken him? Did he really deserve a life like this? Well, it wasn't that bad...because he had his baby. She was his life; his reason for living. Without her, he would be nothing. [suddenly we hear soft giggling from outside his office, and this little cute girl comes running in]

Girl: Daadddaaa!!

Chandler: Hello baby!! Where's jennifer?

Girl: She was in a hurry...so she drop me!

Chandler: All right...I guess I'll have to pay her another time...sooo...ready to head out to dinner Michi?

Girl: (giggles) yay daddy!! Can we go to Chuck Cheeses?! Chuck cheeses!!

[*I know it's Chucky Cheeses...but she's only 3! Okay, her name is Michelle...and when he said MICHI...that's just a cute nickname and is pronounced: mishi...]

Chandler: (laughs) Of course! As usual!

Michelle: yay!! (she runs out of the room followed by a smiling Chandler)


Monica Geller sat in her apartment, wondering why life had so many ups and downs. Why couldn't life just go back to how it used to be? She never really did understand why life had to take such a horrible turn, leaving her alone, and feeling forgotten. Why was she tortured like this? Did she really deserve it? She desperately needed a new life...she would have to go back...and find one.


Phoebe Buffay stared at her husband in shock as he told her that he had been promoted and was asked to move to New York. She didn't want to go back...life had finally gotten better after 5 years of regrets, pain and forgetting. It had taken her that long, and she didn't want to go back to her old stage. Her husband stared at her, waiting for her answer, a small smile on his face. He didn't know how bad it was...he didn't know how she felt. He didn't know anything about her past...and he wasn't about to find out. She was speechless, she really didn't want to go. But he looked so happy-he really wanted to go. What would she do? Should she just go along and pretend that everything was fine? What if she saw them again? Would life take another horrible turn...or would life get better than ever? She would just have to wait and see. (she nodded her head slowly, and her husband took her in his arms, smiling widely. A tear falls down her cheek.) She was going home...


Joey Tribbiani had gotten the phone call that day. He had really wanted that movie part, but when they told him he had gotten it and was expected to fly to New York for the filming as soon as possible, he began to wonder what he really wanted. Did he really want to go back? No...he belonged here now. In Los Angeles...away from his past. Things hadn't left off properly...and if they were there...he wouldn't know how to face them. A chill went down his spine as he tried to imagine what they would all say. Life had been okay these [past ten years...hadn't it? The was a famous actor...like he always wanted to be...but something somehow seemed to be missing...



Okay...I know there wasn't that much dialogue...but the next chapter will....if I get a lot of reviews!! So PLEASE...be nice and review to my ickle story!! It means a lot to me!! And if you dont mind...if you have a account...please sign in? I really want to know who you are...and maybe if I have to, I can email you or something...or even read some of YOUR stories...please. Well, it's your choice...what ever...just PLEASE review...okay? thanks!! (the more reviews the faster the next chapter comes up! I hope you will like this!!) [oh yeah...the next chapter would be about them all going to NYC if they're already not there...and well....I'm not sure if I can get them to meet up in the next chapter...it would be too fast...but I'll try...]