The pain was intense. He knew that it was bad. He should have thought the attack through before charging in full steam. That was his way though, guns blazing and thinking on the run. A miss judgement that he probably won't live to regret.

He pulls himself into a safe spot, hidden from the fight still going on. Sam will find him later. Poor Sam, he is going to be really pissed at Dean for going off script. Well he won't be able to hear the yelling and see the bitchface.

Tears stream down his face, he is really cold. The cement floor sapping the little bit of warmth he still has. He knows he is fading fast. His head is pounding and he feels weak. The last thing he does is send a prayer out.

"Cas, I fucked up, Cas. I need you to take care of Sam for me. You have to do that for me Cas. I am so sorry." He lifts his face toward the ceiling of the warehouse, "I wish I had a little more time Cas. Talk about miss opportunity. I never said anything, never knew how. I love you, every feathery bit of you. I have for years, bad timing, I know. I just need you to know, I can't have you not knowing."

His eyes close and he begins to fade before he can hear the faint sound of wings near him.


Dean has been awake for a few hours now. He feels heavy and groggy and very fucking confused. He has been listening to everyone talking all around him since he woke up and freaked out. The beeping of the monitor is driving him crazy, as is the tubes in his nose and arm.

He has no idea where he is, who all these people are, or who the fuck he is. It is scary to wake, knowing you are hurt, but have a blank brain. He freaked out, of course he did. They had come in and pumped him full of something that made him pass back out. He decided he didn't like the way it made him feel so he isn't doing that again. He needs to calm down.

He glances around the room at the people inside. The really tall guy, freakishly tall, is Sam. He figures that out quick. Sam is his brother, Sam is as freaked out as he is. He also knows that his own name is Dean. It rings a slight bell in his melon. Maybe things will fall in to place.

The Asian, Kevin, is a mystery. He can't be related to him. There is also a short little red head, Charlie, that seems to be trying to take control of the room and calm everyone. Dean had thought she was his sister, but she isn't. He smiles slightly at her. She seems to be able to get all the others to follow her lead.

Dean decides to close his eyes and pretend to be alseep. He isn't ready to deal with any of this. He keeps his ears open to listen to the conversation though. Maybe it will help him remember to hear them talking.

"Where is Castiel?" Kevin asks.

Sam sighs, "He disappeared after he saved our asses and got us here to the parking lot. He burned up most of his energy getting us here. He went to clean up our mess. He said he had to take care of a few things so he could be here for a while. He will be back. I have sent him a 'message' that Dean has woken up and can't remember shit." Dean notices that he says the word message differently.

"How is he handling that? I mean he is going to flip out if Dean can't recall him at all. Dean is Castiel's whole reason for even being down here at all. This isn't going to be good." Kevin is pacing.

Sam rubs his face with his hands, "I don't know, I sent the message and now wait for him to drop in. I agree, it isn't going to be good."

Dean lays there listening, He wonders who Castiel is. He must be important. Sam said he saved him. He tries to remember, he knows after listening that he should remember him. All Dean gets is a really warm, nice feeling when he hears the name. He will figure it out later, when he isn't as tired.


Dean opens his eyes, seeing two huge blue globes staring back at him. He jumps a little. He can't help but notice that those eyes are fucking amazing. Who the hell has eyes that color?

Blue-eyes cocks his head to the side as he looks over Dean some more. Dean feels his body grow warm under the look.


It is barely a whisper. Dean can hear the deepness of the voice even through the softness. The man takes two fingers and places them of Dean's forehead. The blue eyed man looks confused. He pulls his fingers away and just stares. Dean can't form any words, he just stares back.

"Hey Castiel. You're back, didn't hear you get here." Charlie says as she touches the blue eyed mans shoulder. " I see the staring thing didn't change any."

So this is Castiel. Dean notices that he feels safer than he has since he woke up earlier today. It is as if his body knows this man in front of him, even if his brain doesn't. The panic and lost feeling fades some, this is the first time since waking that a bit of comfort seems to wash over him.

Dean takes in the whole man in front of him. He looks kind of shabby, baggy clothes, trench coat, like a bum accountant. His hair needs a comb and he has a five o'clock shadow most men would kill for. The face really didn't fit the clothes. Dean smiles a little.

Cas sees the small lift at the corner of Dean's mouth. Cas isn't sure why he can't just fix Dean. His power seems unable to knock the memories back into place.

Charlie starts to feel awkward watching the two men. Everyone eventually feels it when the two of them start that intense staring at each other. She sighs and sees that even if Dean can't remember Castiel, he still knows him. It would be much easier on everyone if the two of them just figured out they love each other. The tension is stifling.

"So Castiel, how long you sticking around for? Do you have to feather off soon?" Charlie tries to break the stare.

"I am here for Dean. Nothing is more important right now." Cas states, as if she should already know this.

Dean's mouth drops open. Holy Mother Of God, that voice is not supposed to come out of a nerdy dude. He had heard Castiel whisper, but it was nothing like real thing. Dean feels heat envelope his whole body.

"Ok then, um, I am gonna go get Sam, he headed to get some food. The doctor will be in soon." Charlie starts to back out of the room, "Oh Castiel, we had to tell them you were his brother. Only family is allowed in the room and well, we really figured it just made it easier."

"Of course, thank you for thinking of me. What ever allows me to be here, in the open."

Just who the hell is this guy anyway. Dean fights to stay awake, but soon his body wins the fight and he drifts off, wondering just who Castiel Is to him.

With that, Charlie spins and heads to get Sam. She has a feeling that things are going to get interesting.


"His body is healing wonderfully. It is actually a miracle really." The Doctor explains to the room.

Three pairs of eyes turn and look at Cas. Dean catches the action. He wonders what is going on. Before he can ask, the doctor starts talking again.

"We feel he can be released to you today, but you have to bring him in a week for a check up and some therapy." There is a loud sigh that seems to escape from three of the four visitors.

"How can we help him?" Sam asks.

"We think the amnesia is temporary. Retrograde amnesia usually will correct itself all on its own. He will remember the odd thing here or there. He will have pop culture and those kinds of knowledge, it is the personal info he will have trouble with. The best thing you can do is just act normally. Let him look through pictures and answer his questions. All we ask is that you try not to shock him too much. Let's try not to put anything really major into his brain until we know a little more."

Once again, three sets of eyes lock on to Castiel. He is starting to wonder if Castiel may know things that might freak him out. Dean actually laughs a little. Suddenly, all eyes are on him.

"Relax guys. Just get me the hell out of here. I need a cheese burger and maybe some pie." Dean sighs and leans back.

Laughter fills the room, he opens his eyes again. Everyone is smiling at him, even Castiel, who always seems like he has a stick up his ass. He smiles a bit back.

The doctor makes the arrangements with Sam about the re checks and Charlie throws a bag with clothes at Dean.

"Get dressed Dori and I'll be back in a few. Castiel, come on, let him get dressed. Why don't you meet us back at the bunker. You could go get some burgers and pie and bring them back."

Cas just stares at Dean, he isn't sure he wants to leave him. Dean can see the inner conflict going inside of Castiel.

"I'm ok. I really could use a burger. This hospital food sucks. I will see you at home, ok? You will meet me there, right?" Dean tries to get Castiel to relax. He finds it weird that he is the one all fucked up, yet he is worried about this guy.

"Whatever you need. I will see you in a little while. Please be careful, Dean. Call me, if you need to."

Dean nods his head and watches Charlie usher Castiel out the door. As soon as the door shuts, Dean can feel the panic rise a little. It seems that Castiel somehow keeps the complete lost feeling buried a bit. Dean knows Castiel will meet him back at home. No need to panic.

Dean throws his clothes on pretty quick, being careful of the cuts and bruises. There is a large brown envelope in the bag, Dean sees his wallet and some jewelry in it. He figures he doesn't need that right now, he throws it back in the bag and hollers for Charlie.