"I am the one that gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition" "I shouldn't be here in this den of iniquity" "I learned that from the pizza man."

Dean wakes and sits up. Memories flood his head. He remembers Cas, the barn, Bobby. He is a hunter. He remembers. He remembers fighting and getting hurt, he prayed. He prayed to Cas, told him to watch Sam. Dean was going to die, he knew it. He told Cas that he loves him. He remembers. He raised Sam mostly himself, Kevin is the prophet, Charlie is the little sister he never asked for, but is glad he found. He remembers.

He sits up and runs for the other room.

"Charlie, lets go. We are taking Baby for a little road trip. I'll bring you back some of that shitty rabbit food, Sam. Be back in a little while." Dean never stops.

Charlie grabs her shoes and runs after him. "He remembers Sam! He remembers."


Hours later, sitting on his bed, Dean Prays.

"Hey Cas, I hope you have your ears on, not that you'll get that reference. Sam talked to me today, he filled in some blanks I had. I have to be honest Cas, it never freaked me out that you were an angel, hell I guess my brain maybe knew already. I was more weirded out that we weren't together Cas. In all the silence my brain had, you made sense to me. You and me was all I had to grasp onto. The only thing I knew was that I love you."

Dean grabbed the trench coat from the bed and spread it over his lap. "I remember Cas. I remember the Barn, I remember trying to get you laid, I remember you dying on me. I remember asking you to take care of Sam, I remember telling you that I love you."

Dean hears the wonderful sound of Castiel arriving in his room, he looks and sees him in front of him.

"You remember?" Cas asks, hope filling his brilliant blue eyes.

Dean stands up and walks to Cas, stopping inches from him. "I remember. I remember laying in that warehouse, thinking that I was going to die. I remember thinking that I had wasted so much time worrying about everything. I worried I wasn't worthy, I worried that you would leave me. I didn't want people to judge me, I am Dean Winchester, people have a preconceived idea of who I am. I was scared to change that. I am not scared anymore Cas."

Cas closes the distance between them, crashing his mouth to Dean's. His hands wrap around Dean's hips, pulling him closer. Dean's hands bury themselves into Cas' hair, deepening the kiss. They taste each other and savor every movement. Neither one of them rushing.

Dean slowly pulls back, resting his forehead against His angel's. "Cas, the best thing that happened to me is forgetting everything. The only thing my brain could remember was how I felt about you. You were the light in the fog" Deans hands fall from Cas' hair onto his hips.

"Don't you ever do that to me again, Dean. I heard your prayer and came as fast as I could, I almost didn't make it to you in time Dean. Never do it again. You can not be so reckless with your self. I cannot exist in a universe that you are not part of."

"I did a lot of thinking today, Cas. I know we have a profound bond and nothing can take that. Here though, most people don't know about that, I was wondering..." Dean pulls his hands away from Cas and fiddles with his ring, still on his left hand. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box, "I went with Charlie today and picked this out. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to."

Cas takes the small box from Dean and opens it. Inside is a band, dark in color, as the light catches it, it shines different shades of blue and purple, almost iridescent.

"You are asking me to wear this." Cas states, "You want me to be yours in everyones eyes?"

Dean rubs his neck and looks at the floor. "Well I know every angel knows that I belong to you. It is practically etched into my ribs and scarred on my skin."

"Oh, it is definitely etched into your bones, Dean"

Dean laughs softly, "Well I want people here, humans, to know that you are mine. I can't etch you, so this will have to do. I mean a wedding is stupid. I am not sure Kansas will allow an angel to marry a hunter. Plus we are a bit beyond that I think. This is the forever kind of deal. Like even after I am gone from here, it is going to be me and you."

Cas slips the ring out of the box and Dean takes it from him. Dean takes Cas' left hand and slides the ring onto the finger, "Mine." Dean softly whispers.

Cas looks at his hand, watching the colors in the ring, "Yours."

Dean pulls Cas back into him. Their mouths meet with tenderness this time, slow and soft. Dean would love to kiss every inch of his angel, but he knows they have time. There is no need to rush into it. It sort of amazes Dean that it isn't all that important to him right now. Must be a sign that this is as real as it gets.

"I love you, Dean Winchester."

"I love you, Castiel." Dean breathes into Cas' neck as they hold each other close. "Lets go talk to the others. Charlie is freaking out. Don't be surprised if she wants to take us shopping for matching pjs and China patterns."

Cas tilts his head, not understanding why he would want to go to China, or wear pajamas.

"Don't worry about it, Cas. Come on." Dean drags is confused heavenly spouse out to tell his family.