Author's Note - This is the Re-write of a story I deleted, it has been changed a by my wonderful Beta reader Destiny Aitsuji and I hope that everyone who reads it truly does enjoy it.

Blood Stained Lips

I do not own this series. Or any of the characters either.

Chapter 1

It started out as an ordinary day with the ordinary routine for Zero while he was getting ready for school. It was time for school but as usually, Zero just skipped class and decided to go lie in the barn and fall asleep.

When Zero awoke, it was already dark and when he got up he saw Kaname standing at the opening of the barn.

Zero hissed at the sight of his supposed enemy. "What do you want, Kuran?"

Kaname just stared at Zero for a few minutes then walked away. Zero got up to ask him what he wanted again but when Zero left the barn, Kaname was already gone.

As Kaname lay draped across his bed, he was clenching at his throat. Kaname got up and got a cup of water and dropped 3 blood tablets in it.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Ruka's voice drifted through the near empty room. "Kaname-sama is something wrong? You didn't show up at night class."

Kaname sighed and managed a polite, "I'm fine please go away."

When Ruka did not move away, Kaname walked to the door and opened it. He tried to maintain a neutral expression.

"Seriously, I'm fine. You can stop worrying now please go away." He did not wait for the girl's reply before rudely slamming the door in her face.

He settled down in the chair and took another gulp of the blood tablet solution. The burning thirst did not reduce and Kaname took another dose of it. When the thirst would not, go away he wanted blood more than before. "Shit…"

Zero was walking around the school for the last time that night on his patrol duty. When he felt like he was being watched, he turned around and saw a shadow of a person.

Zero yelled. "Come out now! I know you are there."

Kaname walked out calmly from his hiding place and started to walk over to Zero.

Kaname smiled without humor. "Look you found me. Shall we give the winner a prize?"

Zero snarled. "What do you want this time, Kuran?" the name on his lips were like poison as he spat it out.

Kaname smirked. "I just thought I'd tell you something… interesting." The last word ended with a purr and Zero shuddered. He had a bad feeling about it.

Kaname pinned Zero against the wall and leaned close up to his ear. Kaname whispered to him "You should watch your back."

A click of metal made Kaname jump back quickly from Zero. The hunter had his gun pointed right at Kaname heart. Bloody Rose shimmered in the silver moonlight, clearly out for blood like what the vampire was.

Zero demanded in an icy voice that matched his icy stare. "What's that supposed to mean? Why would you tell me to watch my back?"

Kaname just laughed and walked away, leaving the laugh to echo eerily in the empty hallways. Zero ignored what Kaname said and just returned to his dorm.

When Zero got back to his dorm room, it was a total mess. His window had been opened and it looked as if a tornado had gone through all his things.

Zero swallowed the bile rising at the flash back of the warning Kaname had given. He started cleaning.

After Zero finished cleaning his room, he set his alarm and tried to go to sleep but he could not get the words Kaname said out of his head. With what happened to his room, Zero was on high alert.

Kaname knew what was wrong with him and why his thirst would not ease. He refused to believe it. The reason behind his thirst was because he wanted Zero's blood. It meant that he was in love with Zero, the cold blooded vampire hunter who hated his very existence, and he knew he was in love with him.

Kaname was unable to stop thinking of Zero. He wanted to see Zero again but he knew if he did he wouldn't be able to stop himself. He yearned so much that it hurt.

Zero decided to go to school today. He walked to the school with the rest of the day class students who were getting ready for class. Zero's mind was far from whatever the teacher was teaching. In fact, he fell asleep when he got to class because he could not get a wink of sleep after what Kaname told him.

When Zero woke up, it was night again. He got up and started to leave the classroom when he saw Kaname walking from another direction.

Right when they were about to pass each other, Kaname turned and pinned Zero against the wall again, only this time was different. Kaname had his leg between Zero's and was leaning closer against Zero. Zero tried to scream but a hand over his mouth muffled it. Eyes widened as Kaname licked Zero's neck. Hot breath on the sensitive area of skin made the white haired hunter's heart race. Surely he could not be…

The pain of having sharp fangs puncture the skin confirmed all of Zero's fears. The scent of his own blood overpowered his senses as he struggled to break free from the pure blood's grasp.

It was a fierce struggle between prey and predator. As blood was drained, the fight left Zero until he just stood there, unable to fight back as Kaname had complete control over him, rendering him helpless.

When Kaname stopped, he saw Zero's face and his emotions took over his rational mind.

Kaname grabbed Zero's arm and started pulling him down the hall. Zero was too weak to resist and allowed Kaname to drag him along.

Kaname pulled Zero into an empty room and shoved him against the corner of the room. The door slammed shut and clicked locked behind them.

Kaname reached his arm around Zero's back and reeled Zero closer to him. Kaname pressed his lips softly against Zero's and kissed him tenderly.

Right at that moment, Zero regained control of his body again. He pushed against Kaname but Kaname had more strength. The night dorm leader pushed him back against the wall and kissed him again but more passionately.

At that moment, Kaname noticed what he was doing and stopped. Shock was written all over his face as he backed away, leaving Zero there against the wall. Zero put his hand on his on his neck and fled for his dorm room.

Author's Note: This is my first story so please be brutal with any mistakes. Hope you like it and thanks for reading.

Beta Reader's Note: I am Destiny Aitsuji and this series is being rewritten. Please support us by leaving a review or two (: