And Now This Battle Has Begun

Author: LexysCPD
Words: 1,027
Disclaimer: Don't own Chicago PD, or the plot.
Author's Notes: I guess with the exception of the first Chicago PD story, my stories are all about music. But they are all themed. So the title of the Story came from the theme song of Pokémon: Battle Frontier. The title of the theme song of Pokémon: Advance Challenge. Can you guess the theme? I just wanted to do something fun, and this is what I came up with.

So TvRomances gave this idea to me. So my plan for updating is WYSTFJWYA, then AKMF, then this one. So if you follow those stories, new chapters soon. So enjoy this story, like you guys have the others. How I did it justice, TvRomance.

The kiss between Erin and Justin never happened. And Justin is older, like an older brother. Enjoy. :)

Uploaded: March 09, 2014

Jay Halstead watched as Erin Lindsay talked in the phone. She seemed annoyed, as she talked to the person on the other side. He had a small smile on his face, as he watched her. Jay could take a guess on who she was talking to. Voight's son was starting to annoy him. Justin just brought trouble, and Erin was always there to help him.

"What did he want?" Jay asked, giving Erin all his attention, but not showing it.

"He wanted me to cover for him with Voight," Erin answered, sitting down on her chair.

"Are you going to?" he asked, looking up at her.

"Am I what?" she asked, distracted.

"Are you going to cover for him?" Jay asked, again.

"I don't know," she responded, thinking of what she should do. Justin was like her brother. She had promised Voight she would protect him, and she'd be damned if she didn't. But she didn't want to lose her trust with Justin, not when it was important to her and Voight to protect him.

She looked up at the man in front of her and gave him a small smile. He was her best friend. He could be more, but Voight's disapproval made it hard for them to follow their emotions. She knew Voight was doing it for the team, and for her safety, but he took it too far.

Chicago PD

Voight, Justin, and Erin were having dinner together. Justin had invited Erin, saying he wanted to spend time with her and his father. She had accepted, wanting to keep an eye on him, and liked being in the Voight men's company.

"What are you doing today?" Voight asked, as he picked up his cup.

"Nothing," Justin lied, looking at his soda. He didn't want to tell Voight, and he didn't want Erin to tell him either.

"Are you going home after this?" Voight asked, interrogating his son. Erin knew what he was doing.

Erin turned to Voight. She started asking him questions, ending the interrogation. Justin looked relieved, and mouthed a 'thank you'. He stood up, and told Erin and Voight he was meeting someone. The two watched him walk away.

"I thought he didn't have any plans," Voight said, looking at Erin.

"I guess he just didn't want you to know," the woman said, as she grabbed her jacket.

"You're leaving too?" he asked.

Erin nodded. "Yeah, I'm meeting someone."

"Halstead?" Voight questioned, disapprovingly.

"I have friends you know," she snapped as she stormed away, leaving Voight alone.

Chicago PD

Erin sat in her car, watching as Justin talked to his friends. He didn't know she was there, watching him. He didn't know she had followed him. She wasn't going to blow her cover until it was necessary.

She took a picture of the man Justin was meeting up. She wanted to be able to check the guy, and know what he had on Justin.

Erin saw Justin walk away, and wondered what was said. She started her car, and followed Justin until she was sure he was home.

She didn't notice someone behind her. She gave Justin all her attention, that she didn't realize a car had been following her the whole time.

Erin went to her apartment, and walked to her kitchen. She retrieved a beer. She opened her laptop, and started to search for the man Justin had met. She wanted to know if he was dangerous, and if Voight needed to be told.

Erin heard a knock on her door, just when she found the man's profile. She stood up, and closed her laptop. She put her beer right next to it, and walked to her door. She opened it, and saw the man there.

"Who are you?" she asked, reaching for her back pocket; that held her gun. She saw him aim his gun at her.

"Hands up," he demanded, glaring at her.

Erin raised them, not defying him. He laughed, as he walked into the apartment. He closed the door, and told her to walk in front of him. He reached forward and took it away from her. He put it between his hip and his belt.

She walked, not wanting to be shot. She thought of a way to escape, and get the gun.

"Didn't anyone tell you to mind your own business?" he asked, as he walked around the apartment.

"It is my business if it involves Justin," Erin told him, as she kept one eye on the gun.

"Did they ever tell you?" he asked, as he opened her laptop.

"Tell me what?" she asked, frowning. She didn't know what he was talking about, and she did not like that he knew something.

"Daniel Asher," he read, a small smile on his face. "Searching me, were you?"

"Don't change the subject," Erin told him, as she stood up.

Daniel looked up and smirked. "Why don't you ask him?" He put the gun down and started to delete the history from the computer.

Erin rushed forward and her gun back, as he reached for the gun on the table. He aimed it at her, while she aimed it at him.

That stood there, and stared at each other, neither backing down.

"Put the gun down," Erin demanded, her finger twitching on the trigger.

He gave her a smug smile. He took a step and got closer to her. Erin didn't move and stayed alert.

"Justin and his father kept a secret from you," Daniel told him.

Erin frowned, not knowing what he was talking about.

Daniel took the chance, and hit her with the gun. She dropped her gun in pain, and moved away from him.

Daniel pulled the trigger three times, and left after Erin hit the ground.

Erin groaned in pain. She slowly tried to get up and reach for her phone. Once it was in her hand, she dialed a number she knew well, and tried hard to stay awake. Her vision blurred.

"Erin? Hello? Erin," the person called, a little concern.

"Jay," she said softly, as her head fell and her eyes closed.

"Erin? Erin!" Jay called, not receiving an answer.

Next Chapter:
If You're Strong, You'll Survive