I'll Be By Your Side

Author: LexysCPD
Words: 1,630
Disclaimer: I don't own Chicago PD, or the plot.
Author's Note: Thanks to those who reviewed. This story is now complete. Thanks to those who reviewed, stuck around.

Title of Chapter: Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne

Uploaded: October 23, 2014

"You seem ready for work," Voight commented, as he smiled at Erin. It had been weeks since she had been kidnapped, and she had healed. It was her first day back, and she couldn't be happier.

"You gave no idea how much I missed working with you guys," Erin told him, as she moved into the car. She had slept over the night before, after being caught up with a board game she was playing with her brother and father.

Voight rolled his eyes and got in the driver seat. "Why do you always drive when you're with your partner?"

Erin grinned. "I've been in this unite longer and I like it when it bugs him."

Voight chuckled, as he arrived to the station. "You're such an annoyance, kid."

Erin grinned at Voight as she followed him to the station. She gave a weird smiled to Sergeant Platt. She smiled at Burgess and Atwater, who were glad to have her back. Antonio hugged her once she returned, followed by Adam and Olinsky. She blushed when Jay hugged her.

"It's good to have you back, partner," he whispered, as he took in her scent.

"It feels so god to be back, with you, all of you," Erin muttered, as she held on to him, tightly.

Jay closed his eyes, but slowly let her go.

Chicago PD

"You wanted to talk to me?" Justin asked, as he sat in front of Erin in a bar.

Erin nodded. "You know I'm better, right?"

Justin nodded. "You're healing well. You're almost to your normal, annoying self."

Erin rolled her eyes. "Yeah well, I can't get past it until I do something."

"What? Sleep with your partner?"

"You take the annoying little brother roll seriously. Anyways, there is something I need to do, and I want you there with me," Erin whispered.

"What is it?"

"I want to see Daniel. I need to talk to him. I can't get over it if I never talk to him."

Justin frowned and stared at her. He shook his head.

"Justin, please, I need this."

Justin stared at her for a while, before nodding. "Okay, I'll go with you."

Erin smiled and nodded. She picked up her drink and drank it.

Justin didn't move, he just stared at his sister, unsure of what to say. He didn't want her to see Daniel, but he couldn't change her mind. He'd just have to protect her from him, make sure he didn't try anything.

Chicago PD

Erin had just returned and went to Voight's office. Jay watched her go. He stood up and walked to the coffee room. He turned around when he heard someone behind him. He smiled at his friend.

"Have you asked her out?" Antonio asked, with a smirk on his face.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" Jay questioned, his eyes wide.

Antonio laughed. "Everyone knows about your crush."

Jay grinned and looked at the coffee cup.

"So are you going to ask her out?"

"Yeah, soon. I just need a little more time to decide how I want to do. She deserves the best."

Antonio smiled. "Just don't wait too long. You may not have a lot of time."

"Have a lot of time for what?" Erin asked from behind her.

"And that's my cue to leave." Antonio winked at Jay and walked out.

Jay glared at him, then turned to Erin. She raised an eyebrow at him, not sure what was going on.

Jay opened his mouth, but Adam rushed into the room and told them that Voight wanted them, that there was new information about the case they were working on.

Chicago PD

Erin was getting ready to go to bed. She was in her shorts and t-shirt. She was pulling her comforters when there was a knock on the door. Frowning, she opened her door. There was no one there. She was about to close the door when something caught her eye. On the ground was a stuffed dog. Under it was a note.

She reached down and grabbed both. She looked around, and entered her room when she didn't see anyone. She locked her door and leaned against the door. She opened the latter and smiled at the note.

Dear Erin,

I couldn't think of a better way to do this. All my other ideas were cheesy, and I thought this was so high school, and I thought it would be perfect.

I got you a stuffed dog, because I know how much you like dogs. And he can keep you safe when I'm not around.

Erin smiled when she read that. She looked at the dog and then continued to read.

I want to tell you a secret. I've had a crush on you for a long time now. And it would mean a lot if you went out on a date, with me.

I will be waiting for your response.


Erin grinned, as she looked at the dog. She hugged it to her body and placed the note down.

That night she slept with a smile, holding the stuffed dog, which she named JJ, Jay Jr..

Chicago PD

Voight told the team that Erin would be out for the day. He went to his office, and left the boys alone.

Jay frowned; disappointed that he wouldn't get an answer. He opened his cabinet to get to pens. He smiled when he saw a small stuffed kitten holding a note. He looked around and when he sat that no one was watching. He opened the note and read what was said.

Dear Jay,

Yes, I am looking fur-ward to the date.


Jay smiled as he read the note over and over again. He had a date with Erin. He had finally asked her out.

Chicago PD

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Justin asked Erin.

She nodded, as she sat at the table. Justin reached over and held her hand. They were waiting for Daniel.

She froze when she saw him walking to her. He had a grin on his face, as he walked to her. His grin got bigger when he saw her.

"You're still alive?"

Erin didn't answer. She just stared at him, not sure what she wanted to say.

Daniel sat in front of her, a smile on his face.

"Why?" Erin whispered, as she looked at him in the eye.

Daniel chuckled. "Why? I had a plan. Justin was a part of that plan, but then you got involved. You ruined my plan. And you had to pay. I couldn't let you get away with it. And when it didn't work the first time, I decided it should have been worse. You send me here."

"You send yourself here. It was what you did."

Daniel shook his head.

Erin looked at him, a small smile on his face. "I should be thank you. It was because of you I gained a father and a brother. It was because of you I get to be happy. Yeah, you hurt me. Yeah, I had to be hospitalized, but in the end, my life is amazing. I'm happy."

Justin smiled as Daniel glared at her.

"Voight became the father I never had, Justin became an amazing little brother. And Jay just asked me out. You are stuck here, while I get to live my life." Erin stood up. "I just wanted you to know that."

She walked away with that. Justin smirked as he followed his sister out.

Soon, they were both in the car. Justin was in the driving seat. He turned to Erin before driving.

"So Jay finally asked you out, huh?" Justin questioned, a grin on his face.

Erin smiled. "Shut up and drive."

Justin laughed.

Chicago PD

Jay stopped in front of Erin's door. She smiled at him.

They had just finished their date. Jay decided to have a fun date. And went Go-Karting. He joked around, saying that he wanted to prove to Erin that he knew how to drive well. He told her that the winner of their small race would drive for the next week. Erin won after slamming her car against his, (although it was against the rule, but she didn't get caught).

"I had fun today," she whispered, as she turned to him.

"I'm glad," he whispered back.

After the Go-Karts, they got hotdogs from a street vendor and walked around. They talked about anything and everything. Erin told him a little about her life with Voight, and Jay told her about his life in the army.

Erin blushed, as did Jay. But he leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on her lips.

"You'll pick me up tomorrow?" Jay asked, when he moved back.

Erin nodded. She opened her door and turned to Jay. She decided to be bold and grab his shirt. She pulled him to her and kissed him.

When she pulled away, she had a grin on her face. "I've always wanted to do that."

"So did I," he responded, a similar grin on his face. "I better leave, or I'll never get out of here."

Erin nodded and watched as he walked away. She closed her door and sighed.

She was finally happy with her life. She couldn't wait for the next date with Jay; she couldn't wait for family dinner with her father and brother.

She received text message. She opened it when she saw it was from Jay.

Sweet Dreams.

Erin smiled at the message.

She responded with a similar message. She grabbed the stuffed dog, and hugged it. She slept with JJ at her side every night.

"I think I'm falling for you Jay," she whispered. Knowing he was probably feeling the same.

Her life was perfect.

Once again, thank you for sticking around.