Chapter 13

Monica: damn you chandler.

Chandler: what did I do?

Rachel: ok people.. Let the women explain to us how is this going to work?

Monica: you just use the characters that you have chosen when you are with us.

Ross: cool .. That makes it easier.

Phoebe: why?

Ross: I don't know .. I was just making a statement..

Rachel: yeah.. And not a very good one.

Monica: ok people!!

All: ok/ what/ sorry mon.

Joey : wait.. If I'm you.. Then I have to clean?

Monica: well.. Not really.. You can just talk like me. You don't have to be really like me.. A little will do. Got it?!

All: yeah/no need to yell.

Monica: sorry…

Chandler: now you're the one saying sorry.

Monica: what ?

Chandler: I don't know… I'm phoebe .. I say weird stuff.

Phoebe: shut up man..

Chandler: yeah ok.. I curse you to be a frog some day..

Ross: this is a very good idea … (laughing)

Phoebe: hey.. You fooled around with my sister..

Chandler: no chandler did..

Rachel: hey.. Chandler is a woman .. (laughs .. Then everyone excepts chandler)

Monica: rach.. You're so funny … no wait… I'm suppose to be the funny one here.

Ross: Monica let it go..

Rachel: Ross you have to get me some dino things for my room.

Ross: what for..

Rachel: I'm you.. I'm a dino freak.
Ross: then what.. I need to wear Ralph Lauren suits everyday?

Monica: people!! You are not listening to me just now.. You don't really have to be the person.. Just a little will do.

Joey: can we get started I need to clean.

Ross: no you don't.

Joey: oh yeah that's right.

Rachel: so what? We start now?

Monica: yah?

Phoebe: ok got it … hey.. but luckily I don't really have to be like joey czuse then I have to eat beef. A lot of beef.

Chandler: you're right. Ok let's get started.

(everyone was silent)

Joey: people!! Start!!

Ross: ok ok.. Hang on there.

Rachel: so you know guys.. There is going to be a nature show coming up… I'll be here on the couch. (goes to the couch)

Ross: how did you know?

Rachel: you told me yesterday…

Monica: and you still don't know (has this chandler look on her)

Phoebe: try harder mon ..

Monica: I'm sorry but this is my best…

Chandler: seriously .. THIS is your best?

Monica: of course not …

Rachel: yes it is..

Monica: ok .. Yes it is.. I dun know how to make jokes.

Ross: yes you do.. When we were little ..oh I'm sorry no you were big ..

Phoebe: now that's funny.

Ross: thank you.

Joey: you know mon .. this is not working … it's actually kinda hard to act out each other.

Monica: you're an actor ..

Joey: but .. It's still hard .
Monica: ok fine.. I'll call it off.

All: yes!/ thank god!

Chandler: not I can be my old funny me again .. Woo hoo.
