Author's Note Sorry AngryHobbit, but flashbacks are essential to the plot. You didn't upset me though, any time the little number pops up I'm happy.

Josef laughed as Emily screamed. He was ripping out chunks of her hair, piece by piece.

"Just kill me!" Emily screamed, tears mingling with the blood on her cheeks.

"Oh no…" Josef grinned. "Only later."

Mycroft was trying to figure out where he was. He had noticed the mud on Brown and Black's boots, it was fairly fresh. So he was somewhere rainy, and the air was humid. The men hadn't taken his watch… it had been four hours. He was in Worthing.

So now he knew where he was, but he still needed to find a way to escape.

His thoughts were interrupted by Josef returning with Emily. She was dumped unceremoniously onto the ground, and the door was slammed shut once again.

Emily shrugged into a corner, and Mycroft wished he had his trusty weighted umbrella with him. He would have bludgeoned the men to death right then and there.

Hours passed in the darkness. Suddenly Black appeared, setting down a plate and leaving without a word. He had left a single piece of bread. Mycroft gently persuaded Emily to eat. But what really intrigued him was the plate. It was made of porcelain.

Elise approached Sherlock cautiously. "Uncle Sherlock," she began. "What if the bomber was Moriarty?"

Sherlock shook his head. "I've already thought of that. Moriarty would have teased us, led us on. Besides," his voice darkened. "Mycroft fed Moriarty information."

Elise flushed angrily. "Shut up." Sherlock smirked like a devious child. "Didn't your precious father ever tell you?"

Elise bared her teeth. "My father is an honest man."


"What on earth is going on in here?" That was John, walking through the door, seeing a smirking Sherlock and an angry Elise. He dropped the groceries, facepalming. "Elise, go to your room." When she didn't move, he repeated the order. "Go to your room, Elise!"

Elise stalked off, but she was able to listen to the conversation below. "What did you do?" John demanded.

"I told her that Mycroft fed information to Moriarty."

"Sherlock, that's her father, for Pete's sake! You can't insult a man who's probably dead!"

"I can." Sherlock replied curtly.

Mycroft held a piece of the broken glass carefully to avoid cutting himself.

Josef opened the door, ready to deal more damage to Emily. As he moved towards her, Mycroft lunged, cutting the man across the throat. He fell to the ground, gurgling. Emily stared in horror, as Mycroft pulled at the chains. "Help me, Emily!" he whispered, and she began to help him pull. The chain came out of the wall, and Mycroft grabbed her hand.

They ran through the door Josef had forgotten to shut, and out into a hallway. "This is Castle Goring," Mycroft whispered. "It's been abandoned since 1825." Emily and Mycroft raced towards the exit, the chain weighing down his arms. But the exit was not as close as it seemed. B

rown and Black stood at the door, arms crossed and holding guns. Mycroft began to back up, then whipped his chain and hit Black in the side of the head. He fell to the ground, grunting. Brown looked at his partner, and dropped the gun.

He held is hands up, blubbering in Danish. "Jeg har aldrig ønsket dette!"

Mycroft nodded. "Jeg vil ikke såre dig, lad os nu passere."

Emily furrowed her brow. "What's he saying?"

"He was forced into this by Josef. He never wanted this. I told him I wouldn't hurt him if he lets us pass." Mycroft clarified as he took the gun from Brown, shooting at the chain. It broke off, and Mycroft ran towards the exit. Emily's legs began to falter, and Mycroft began to carry her.

He made it to the road, where a car pulled over as they saw the bloody child. "Can you take us to a hospital?" Mycroft asked the driver of the car, an old woman who nodded frantically.

John was pacing worriedly in the flat when the phone rang. He answered it, then almost dropped the phone in shock. "ELISE!" he called.

When Elise showed, John handed her the phone. "Dad?" she gasped, bringing the phone to her ear. When Elise arrived at the hospital, she ran to Mycroft, who was currently hooked to an IV that was rehydrating him. She hugged him tightly, speaking into his hospital outfit.

"Whoa, Elise," John said. "You'll fracture his ribs."

Elise stopped, but she continued to hold onto her father's hand, as though she was afraid she'd lose him again. "Are you safe now?" she asked.

"Yes, Elise." Mycroft replied. "We can go back home."

Author's Note: This is the end! Thank you for all your lovely reviews, and I hope you enjoyed! -ATLK