A/N: Hope y'all liked the prologues! Make sure to leave me a review if you did! This chapter starts the real plot. Hope you enjoy! Reviews are magic!

Also, this story takes place in between Prince Caspian and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Just a clarification.

Disclaimer: My Polyjuice Potion didn't work, so I unfortunately still do not own Narnia…

Chapter One- Three Months Later

"Wake up my love." She moaned as he shook her gently and rolled over onto her front. "Come on, Su. It is a new day." "Nooooo," she groaned, her voice muffled by the pillow she had pulled over her head. "You have to get up my darling." "I don't have to do anything. I'm Queen!" "Not quite yet, my love. As we are not yet married, you must remind your people why they love you so. What will they think if their new Queen just stays in bed all day?" "I don't care!" "But I do." "You care what they think of me more than my needs?"

He sighed. "That is not what I meant. I am worried about you, Su. You have been acting so unlike yourself recently." She sat up and shrugged. "I don't know, Caspian. I've just been really tired. I promise to go see the healer after I wake up." "No need my love." He kissed her forehead gently and tucked the blankets under her chin. "I will send her to you." "Thank you, dear." He pressed his hand to her forehead, frowned, and swiftly exited the room. Susan shifted slightly, he hand coming to rest on her stomach, and she fell into a deep sleep.

A few hours later, Caspian found himself at the apothecary. The bell chimed as he entered, and a dwarven woman hurried to assist him. "My Lord. To what do I owe the pleasure?" "Please, Pomona. None of these formalities." She smirked and nodded for him to continue. "I would like very much if you would go examine the Que- Susan." "And what seems to be ailing Her Majesty?"

"All she does is sleep. When I wake her up in the morning, she falls back asleep almost immediately. And when she is awake, all she does is eat and occasionally read." "I see. And have you and our future Queen been engaging in pre-marital relations?" Caspian blushed beet red under his dark tan and stuttered, "Umm, yes." "As I thought. I will attend to Her Majesty promptly. Off with you now, my King." "Yes Pomona. Thank you." With a nod, she shut the door and he was left to contemplate his love's ailment.

"Queen Susan? May I come in?" "Yes, please do." Pomona entered to see the Gentle Queen seated at her table, eating a bowl of rice and vegetables. "Good afternoon, my Queen. King Caspian has sent me to you." "Yes, I know. Thank you for coming." "The King described some of your symptoms to me. Is there anything that he would not know?" "When I eat, I am eating quite a bit more than usual. But I cannot eat meat or I will be sick." "And what of your monthly courses?" Susan shook her head. "I have not had them. But then, I rarely ever did in Narnia."

"I see. Tell me, how are you and Caspian doing physically?" "Physically? As in – oh. Fine, I guess." "Frequently?" "Ah yes. Quite." Susan looked embarrassed, but Pomona just smiled. "Ahh, to be young again. Do not be ashamed, Susan. There is nothing wrong with your love." Pomona pulled out a small bag of seeds and handed it to the young Queen. "Eat these every day for the next week. It may be too early to tell, but we might as well try." Susan paled slightly as she accepted the seeds. "Too early to tell what?" Pomona smiled softly and took the Queen's shaking hands. "Have you not yet guessed, my dear?" "What? Guessed what?" Pomona took a deep breath before answering,

"You're pregnant."

When Susan opened her eyes, she found herself in her bed surrounded by a cast of characters. Pomona had pressed a warm cloth to her forehead, Asher the nymph placed a bowl of broth on Susan's bedside, Reepicheep and Trufflehunter were talking animatedly in the corner, and Caspian was pacing across the room, muttering to himself. His eyes met Susan's, and he hurried over to her.

"My love," he breathed and kissed her gently. "Are you all right, baby?" "Baby. Baby." "Yes. Are you okay with that name? If not…" "No, Caspian. Baby." She took his hands and placed them on her stomach. He gasped and his eyes bored into hers. "Are you sure, my love?" "Well no, but I cannot be yet. It is too early. But I think so. Call it mother's intuition." She smiled, but he was still frozen with shock. "Caspian, my love? Are you alright?" She looked up for help, only to find that everyone else had vacated the room. Suddenly, with a jerk, Caspian broke out of his trance. "Eat. You must eat." He grabbed the broth off of the table and held the spoon up to her lips. She let him feed her for a few minutes before pulling away gently.

"Caspian, say something." "What would you like me to say?" Susan almost began crying in exasperation. "Anything! That you're happy. That you're okay with this. That you want this baby!" Tears rolled down her face, and Caspian quickly took her into his arms. "Hush, my love, hush. How could you ever think that? I love you, and I will love our child. Please stop crying, baby. I love you. I love you so much. Hush now."

Her tears slowly stopped as he rocked her softly. He lowered his lips to hers, and she pulled him on top of her. Her hands fisted in his hair as his hands traced her body. She arched into him and he gasped. "No, my love, no." She pouted, and he kissed the tip of her nose lightly before lifting himself off of her. "Come, dearest. We have an announcement to make." He held out his hand to her, and they quickly dressed in a flurry of corset strings and boot laces.

"Trufflehunter!" Caspian called to his advisor. "Yes, my Lord?" "Gather the kingdom. Queen Susan and I need to speak with them." The couple shared a secret smile, and Trufflehunter nodded. "Right away, my liege." He scurried away, and Caspian led his young love into the Council Room. The Council stood in respect when they entered, and Susan sat on Caspian's throne, his hands on her shoulders. "You may sit."

"My Queen. What brings you to our humble council? Is all well?"

"Yes, all is well. Thank you."

"Has your illness passed, milady?"

"I am feeling much better, rest assured." She smiled softly at them, and the men were instantly charmed. "The King and I have some news for you." Susan looked back at Caspian and he rubbed her shoulders reassuringly. "We are expecting our first child."

The room dropped into icy silence before bursting into conversation. The lead advisor Malachi approached the couple. "This is very happy news, and I congratulate you. But have you considered that the child has been conceived out of wedlock? That will bring some disapproval upon you." Susan's eyes narrowed. "Yes, I have considered it and no, I am not concerned. Caspian and I will be married long before the child is born." She glared at them and placed her hands protectively on her stomach, as if daring them to hurt her baby. Malachi took a cautious step back, and was replaced by Jotham, another advisor.

"If this is true, my Queen, then have you and the King set a date for the wedding?" This time it was Caspian who answered, stepping forward to stand next to his Queen. "Yes. It will be a small ceremony three weeks from today." Caspian glanced at his love, and Susan nodded in confirmation. Three weeks. She would become Caspian's wife in three weeks.
