A chill went through the air, grazing my back. It felt nice. Whatever was under me was soft. It didn't feel like my mattress but I don't think anything of it. The breeze suddenly gets colder. Did someone leave my window open again?

"Hey wake up!"

Who's calling for me? I didn't recognize the voice.

"Wake up!" Whoever it is tried to roll me over with some success. I finally opened my eyes a little. A round blue head and big sparkly eyes stare into mine. I jump away, trying to stand on my back two feet only to fall on my side with an 'oof'. The orange dragon behind the turtle laughed. "Nice going, Squirt."

"Shut up! I didn't think he…or I mean she'd freak out like that!"

I stared at the two. This must be a dream. Pokémon can't talk…at least, none that I know of. I stood, a small dizzy spell coming over me as I made my way toward a small stream. Maybe if I put some cool water to my face I'll wake up. I have to wake up. I look down at the water, my eyes only half open, and a green face stared up at me. My eyes got bigger and I don't know what to do but scream. My heart raced slightly. How did this happen? Why am I a Pokémon? Why don't I remember anything? What happened? Can I change back? Is this a dream? It has to be a dream! I backed up into a tree.

"What's wrong, Bulbasaur?" Charmander asks.

"I'm not bulbasaur!" I screamed at him.

"Alright, alright. Then what's your name?"

"My name? Oh right. My name is Linda."

"Well, Linda, I'm Char, and this is Squirt." Char pat his friend on his shell.

Squirt got a little closer, staring into my eyes. "What's got you so freaked out?"

I looked at the water then back at squirt. Well, this must be a dream. It shouldn't hurt to play along right? "N-nothing."

Squirt pointed at me accusingly. "Liar!"

"I am not lying!"

"Yes you are! I can smell liars from a mile away!" He pressed my nose and I bit him. He yelled and jerked his hand away. Char laughed so hard he fell to the ground. "Shut up!" We yelled in unison.

"Help! Help!" Everyone stopped yelling and looked at a butterfree coming our way. "Please, help me!" She stopped in front of us.

"What is it?" Squirt's face changed suddenly from playful to serious. It took everything Char had to not laugh.

"I-I was attacked by some wild Pokémon. They must be enraged by the natural disasters. I flew and, and I flew but I think my baby was left behind. Oh please! You have to help him!"

"Don't worry, we'll get him." Squirt comforted.

Char looked at me. "You'll help, won't you?"

I hesitated but nodded.

"I'll stay here with her. You two go on ahead."

Char looked like he wanted to argue. I went on ahead and he soon followed.

"So what's this place called again?" I asked Char.

"Tiny Woods. And it lives by its name; this is the smallest forest in the world. And there are ton of small Pokémon here." The forest was so thick I wouldn't have guessed it was small. "

H-help!" Someone cried. "Please!"

"Did you hear that?" I looked at Char.

"No, all I heard was the sound of the wind."

I growled. "Be serious!"

"It was a dumb question!"

"It was not!" I started to walk toward the cry.

"It so was, Bulbasaur!"

"Shut up!" A small head poked out from a bush.

"A-are you here for me?" It was a small caterpie.

I walked toward him with a small smile to comfort him. "Yeah. Your mama's worried about you."

Caterpie came out from the bush, his eyes still teary. "O-okay." Immediately he climbed up on Chars back.

"Hey, hey, hey! Why can't you carry him?"

I walked past him. "Because he likes you better." Something growled from the trees and we stopped.

"You heard that growl too, right? It sounded big."

I nodded and we look around in the trees. Red eyes poke out from every direction. We were surrounded. Char set caterpie down and got ready for a fight. The first one to come out from the trees is a sparrow. He pecked my head. My head rang from the attack and I tackled him. A pidgy attacked Char who scratched at it desperately. Bird-type Pokémon attacked us from all sides.

"Ready to run now?" I asked him.

"A little." He picked up the caterpie and we sprinted out toward butterfree. By the time we got back to her and Squirt we were out of breath.

"Oh, my baby!" Butterfree hugged Char, ignoring me. "Thank you for saving my baby! Let me give you something in return."

"Oh, you don't have to do that." I chimed in.

"Hold it, now, lets let the lady thank us."

Squirt rolled his eyes at his fiery friend.

Butterfree held out an oran berry. "Take this. It isn't much but it'll help if you're ever in danger."

"Thanks, lady." Char smiled genuinely.

I looked at Caterpie who is looking at me with eyes sparkling. "You guys are cool! I'm gonna be just like you when I grow up." My face gets hot with slight embarrassment. We watched them walk away.

"You were great out there." Char admitted.

"We ran away, that isn't that good."

"Still, you weren't bad. I have an idea. Why don't we all start a rescue team? Squirt and I were gonna start one anyway but you can join us if you'd like."

"I'd like to but…I don't even know what a rescue team is."

Squirt gave me a funny look. "You are a strange Pokémon aren't you? A rescue team rescues Pokémon and does…well other jobs and we get money or berries or other things from others as a reward."

"Yeah, that sounds like fun." And maybe I'll figure out what happened to me along the way…but I really should tell them what I am. But they'd probably laugh at me. I followed them home. Their home has two separate areas, one area is mainly water based and the other is fireproof based.

Char looked at me. "We'll build you your own room eventually. But until then, you can share an area with me."

I hesitated and looked at the water-based area then at an empty area to the left of the fireproof area. "Or maybe I could just sleep outside. I'll figure something out." Char and Squirt shrugged and headed to their separate areas, waving at each other. I walked to the empty area on the other side of the fireproof area and laid under a tree and fell asleep. I guess this is a start of a new adventure.