It's been a while, but I'm here with a new chapter. I just want to forewarn you guys about the story progress. Just because they're getting along right now doesn't mean all is well. Remember Dez isn't a fan of Austin's moves on Ally, but you'll see, everything will be fantastic. Also, as we move along, we're going to see the more reckless side of Ally. Her doing things while party is going on barely scratches the surface of what I'm going to have her do, beginning in this chapter. So if you've stuck around this long, but don't like heavy mention of violence/drugs/alcohol/a *lot* of sex, then hey, you might want to leave, but no hard feelings I'm glad you stuck around as long as you did :)

I haven't been to the hospital in so long I forgot about the hours spent in the waiting room for less serious emergencies. I've been injured before, fights that got out of hand, stunts that didn't turn out as planned, but I avoid hospitals as much as I can.e I hate the way they smell. I hate the fake smiles the ladies at the counters wear.

"Ally Dawson?" A cute blonde women sporting a fake smile looks around the crowd of people. I stand, walking toward her with Austin just behind me. We walk past doors and doors until we come to a stop to a room with an x-ray machine.

"Yes, Ally. So it seems you have broken a bone, presumably?" She looks at me, but her eyes slide to Austin's, and something seems to click.

"Austin?" My eyes widen slightly. This cute nurse knows Austin.

"Missy." He says to her. I flick my eyes to Austin's quickly, and his face tenses. Apparently, the cute nurse has a cute name, she knows Austin, and more importantly, Austin knows her.

"It's been weeks Austin. 3, to be exact." She smiles slyly and my stomach clenches. "Are you missing your belt yet? It's still in my bedroom." She winks, and I have to resist the urge to punch her in the fucking eye with my good hand.

Austin laughs softly. "I believe that we're here for Ally." He keeps his tone light, but he's fighting an edge just barely beneath the surface.

"Yes, of course. You and I can talk later."

Missy takes my hand and places it on the x-ray table, fiddling with the position of my fingers. Roughly jerking the finger of my broken knuckle. When she seems satisfied, she steps back from me.

"I'll be back in just a moment." I watch her leave the room, imagining what happened between her and Austin. I don't know why I'm doing this to myself. I've let boys lay me down at night and I'm gone away from them before the light can filter through the windows of their bedrooms. I'm so stuck on Austin and I wish I could shake it off but I'm not sure how.

As soon as she leaves the room I feel Austin move behind me, with his mouth brushing up against my ear and his hands lightly gripping the curve of my hips.

"I need Missy off my back. Play along?" He asks, pulling me back against him.

I contemplate for a second. Something feels different with him. I want him to like me. Some part of me isn't happy with the back and forth of last night. Making out with him was great. I want to have sex with him. But I want more than that. I want it to mean something. I want to mean something to him. I'm not sure if playing along is a good idea, I know anything he does won't mean anything to him, but butterflies flutter in my stomach with him being so close.

"Sure." I say, shrugging in what I hope is a nonchalant way.

"We might have to go a little far. Missy is, uhm-persistent to say the least."

"Mhm. As far as we need to." I say to him, innocently lifting my head a little so his lips fall on to my neck. He chuckles a bit, biting playfully at my skin. Footsteps sound behind us, but I'm lost in the way his mouth is suckling on my neck.

Missy clears her throat, but Austin doesn't stop "Wildly inappropriate at this time, Austin, Miss Dawson." Austin pulls his mouth away from my body.

"Sorry, Missy. She's just so damn sexy" He punctuates the end of his sentence with a hard slap on my ass.

She clears her throat again, gesturing with her chin to the xrays that have appeared in front of us. "As you can see, there is a very clean break in the knuckle of your index finger. We'll have to cast it. From there you'll have to come back every week or so so we can assure that it's healing correctly." She lifts her eyes from mine to Austin's, a devious smile paints itself on her lips. "You can come back anytime. Maybe we can have a little doctor-patient fun." He hand flutters onto his chest, and he looks at me with pleading eyes and a irresistible pouting face.

I trace intricate patterns on his leg, inching closer and closer to his crotch. I stop when I reach my destination, and palm him obviously, through his jeans.

"Sorry, Missy. He's taken." I tell her, popping the button on his pants. "all mine" I purr.

Missy's face falls before a bittersweet smile shows through. "Alright Ally, you have your fun, but one text from me and he'll be crawling back."

Austin stretches his hand behind his head, ruffling his hair uncomfortably. "Alright, well...We should get going..." His face flushes.

I can't resist planting a playful kiss on his lips. He's adorable, even if he's just using me to get a girl off his back.

"Do you mind if we stop at my place for a minute? I have some things I want to pick up."

"Sure." I answer, picking up a pair of sepia tone aviators from the car floor. I slip them on my face and look at Austin.

"How do I look?" I ask him, striking an exaggerated model pose.

Austin smiles, all perfect white teeth and full lips.

"Beautiful, princess." He says, taking a hand off the wheel to push the glasses up the bridge of my nose.

I feel my face flush. He called me "princess" and there isn't a reason to be pretending. It's only just the two of us.

"Did you just call me-"

"Welcome to my humble abode, Ally."

My chest deflates a little. One minute princess. The next? Ally.

I climb out of the car, taking in Austin's humble abode It's probably the same size as mine, which means he's rich. Then again, anybody that lives in this area of Miami is rich. it's right by all the beautiful water, perfect tourist attractions, if only the tourists knew where to look.

"Are you coming?" Austin asks me from where he stands on the porch, door wide open, beckoning me in.

I hop up the stairs to his porch landing and step inside, closing the door behind me.

A gentle hum of an air condition greets me, and it's a welcome change from the heat of outside. Everything inside of his house is modern and sleek. The kind of stuff most people don't even want to breathe around in fear of getting something dirty.

I start kicking my shoes off. I'm not intimidated by his place, but it's common courtesy.

"Don't bother. My parents aren't here to complain about the mess. Just follow me.' His warm hand entangles with mine, and he leads me up a spiraling staircase, down a hallway, and into a large bedroom he must call his.

One look at the contents of the room and I know it's his. It's pretty much exactly the room he has at my house, just multiplied a few times. Instead of one guitar, he's got about seven. Acoustics and electrics. Drums. Bass. Apparently Austin is very musically inclined. Which brings me the the posters. The color of his wall is completely concealed by them.

"Ready to go?" Austin asks, slipping a bag of something inside his pocket discreetly.

I grab at his hand and the bag falls to the floor, and the unmistakable smell of marijuana hits my nose.

I crouch down and pick it up before he can.

"Mhmm. Weed." I say, examining the bag. "You gonna share?"

Austin smirks, and something catches the light.

A lip ring. I realize.


"You shouldn't smoke." He starts.

I shoot him an are you kidding me look.

He sighs. "I'll roll a few when we get back to yours. Sound good?" He proposes.

Not good enough, He has drugs, and I wanna get high.

"Why can't we just roll them here and smoke them now? My house is so far away..." I whine, stepping closer to him and running my fingers through his hair. "Please?" I beg, pressing little kisses to his neck. "Please, please, please, please!" I whine louder.

He shrugs me off lightly.

"Nah, Allycat. As irresistible as you are, I promised your brother I'd smoke with him, so you're just going to have to wait."

"Fine." I say flatly.

Austin's hand pushes lightly on my lower back, moving me to him. His lips meet the top of my head and I feel the cool hardness of his lip ring on my hair. "Sorry, princess."

Oh, now I'm princess? I think to myself. This boy needs to make up his mind.

Austin shuffles around a bit more, grabbing a few packs of cigarettes and a couple lighters.

"Shall we go?" Austin says, holding out his hand for me to take.

I take it, and we stroll out of his house, back into his car.

He starts the car, letting it rev for a second while he lights a cigarette.

"Can I have a drag?" I ask him.

"Smoking is a nasty habit, love." He says, but he passes it over anyway. I place the cigarette between my lips inhaling deeply and holding it there for a second before I let it go. I hand it back to me and he presses the gas, keeping the hand holding the cigarette out of the car, lightly tapping the ashes off the end.

"So who is Missy, exactly?" I ask him.

"Just a girl who got a little too attached after we had some fun one night a couple weeks ago."

Austin is like the male version of me. Doesn't do attachment.

I'm not sure if I like that.

Alright. Another chapter down. This one was meant to just get a bit more of Austin and Ally together before the Dez and Trish come back into the picture. I hope you liked it!