A/N: Hello. It's been a while and I'm extremely sorry I haven't been updating. It may seem like an excuse to you but I've been preparing for university in Korea which is very troublesome and I had gotten in trouble in school making it almost impossible for me to find the time to write the story or even brainstorm for the next update. Once my vacation starts I'll because to spend more of my time in the fanfics I'm currently working on and also in the future fanfics. I'd like to inform you that I'll put up a "Meet my OCs" sometime soon. Two of my OCs is for Magi and while one is for overall anime/manga since she is more like modern.

Tetsuki sighed as Seirin were dribbling the balls and shooting. She still couldn't feel a thing on her left hand which wasn't a big deal since it was her dominant hand but she felt troubled.

"Tetsuki-chan?" she heard. She looked up to see Riko smiling worriedly at her. "Tetsuki-chan, do you want to head home early? You seem to be spacing out a lot." Tetsuki thought back. She would have to agree with Riko. She glanced at Kagami and Himuro to see deeply focused on their practice. Taking the chance, Tetsuki nodded. She quickly got her things ready and left. Himuro sighed. He knew that Tetsuki was being distant so he wanted to give her some space. He looked longingly at the door which Tetsuki had just left.

"Tatsuya! Pay attention!" growled Taiga.

What Tatsuya didn't know about was that Tetsuki wasn't distant with him because of his confession but because of her planning to go to the hospital. Tetsuki glanced at her left arm and move it around and then laid it upon the window of the bus. She couldn't feel the coldness of the window. She got off the bus and walked to the hospital were Dr. Midorima, uncle Midorima to Tetsuki, worked in. She quickly went to his office ignoring the desk lady. Once she spotted the door she knocked on the door with the hand she actually feel.

"Come in," she heard from the other side. Tetsuki slid the door open and stepped in.

A tall purple head giant was picking the newest releases of snacks in the convenience store. The tell giant was no other than Murasakibara Atsushi. Atsushi was about to head to the cashier until he saw a bundle of sky blue. He glanced to see Tetsuki sitting in a coffee shop staring at her drink. She seemed spaced out. Murasakibara paid for his snacks and went to the coffee shop. He sat in front of Tetsuki but she didn't look up. She was totally out of it.

"Kuro-chin?" Tetsuki didn't respond. Murasakibara frowned and lightly tapped onto the table but that didn't get her attention either. Atsushi started sulking a bit and shook Tetsuki by her shoulder. Tetsuki finally looked up to see Murasakibara and he noticed how pale Tetsuki looked. Her eyes were wide in fear and disbelief.

Her mouth opened and it could be read, "Atsushi-kun". She never called him that unless she was in stress and sickly worried. His eyes grew worried. "Kurochin, what's wrong?" Tetsuki quickly snapped out of her disbelief and change it with a light smile which didn't match her eyes and only shook her head.

Murasakibara stared at her a moment and then dismissing it not wanting to put her in discomfort and because he didn't want to strain his friendship anymore.

"Kurochin, you're such a bad liar," was the only thing he said as Kuroko looked back down. She knew she was a bad liar but at least Murasakibara wasn't pushing it. Unknowingly, Murasakibara's presence did calm Tetsuki down as she watched him eat his snacks. She pulled out a notebook from her bag and wrote on it before showing to Murasakibara. He looked up and read.

"Would you keep me company for the rest of the day, Murasakibara-kun?" and he nodded. They both got up and exited the café. They started to walk through the streets, taking a turn here and there until Tetsuki shoved her notebook to Murasakibara. Atsushi looked at the notebook while taking the lollipop out of his mouth.

"How did you find me?"

"I saw a bundle of sky blue cotton candy aaaaaand…" he pointed his lollipop at Tetsuki, "it guided me to Kurochin."

Tetsuki smiled at that. Atsushi would always say that to try and improve her mood whenever he found Tetsuki.

"And that blue bundle is?"

"Kurochin's hair~!" Atsushi singsong the answer. Kuroko nodded and sighed happily as she looked up ahead. She felt her food sink through the concrete floor which made her freeze completely. Murasakibara noticed her stop and looked back at her as she watched the floor. He followed her gaze but found an empty floor so he looked back at her confused.


Tetsuki reached her hand out for Murasakibara which he took. She still didn't move and it started to get Atsushi worried.

"Kurochin!" he tried shaking her bit but that only made it worse. She started shaking and sweating. She looked around in panic. Everything felt wrong to her. She couldn't feel her arm yet she felt like she was sinking north, south, east and west. Her vision became blurry but at the same time it was normal. Finally she decided to close her eyes and her body's strength left her. Murasakibara caught her immediately. He could tell she had fainted. Not knowing what to do but had only one choice, Murasakibara took out his phone and dialed a number.