Chapter 1: Snow White

Narrator: Yukimura Seeichi

Once upon a time, a Queen gave birth to a beautiful daughter, named Snow White. She has full red rose lips, skin white as snow, and a gentle and kind personality. Snow White led a happy life. But then, her mother, the Queen died, and her father, the King, remarried to another woman. This woman became the new queen. But she was jealous of her stepdaughter's beauty…

A few years later, the King died and left the kingdom in the evil queen's hands. The queen then took advantage of her position and made Snow White to become a scullery maid, because the Queen was afraid that one day Snow White's beauty will surpass her own.

"Saa… Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all them all?" asked Queen Syuusuke.

"You are the fairest of them all in the world my queen…. Screw this, why am I a mirror!? I know this is much better than what Echizen was forced into, but why I become a mirror?! I just want become the audience…" the magic mirror said (while complaining).

Unfortunately, the Ki- Queen heard her mirror mumbling. "SHINJI!"

"Shumimazon Tachibana…" the mirror… apologized? *cough* anyway… The Queen was satisfied with her mirror's answer… for now anyways.

Years later, the Queen repeated the gesture. She stood in front the magic mirror and asked "Mirror mirror on the wall… who is the fairest of them all?"

To which the mirror answered (more like more mumbling…) "Tachibana-san please…. the fairest of of them all is Echizen Ryoma! No one can outmatch his beauty… and why the same question again? This is ridiculous! We are tennis players! We are supposed to play tennis! Why are we doing-"


"Shumimazon Tachibana" *cough* hearing the mirror's answer, Queen Syuusuke became enraged. H- she then ordered a hunter to kill Snow White.

"Saa... Yutta, I want you to kill Echizen and bring her- I mean his heart inside this box." Queen Syuusuke ordered the young hunter as he handed a red box with a golden heart shaped lock.

The young hunter agreed, and said, "As your wish, aniki… ummm… I mean

my queen."

'Tell me… why I become the hunter? I think that Kabaji guy suits much better…' the hunter mumbled to himself.

The next morning, the hunter accompanied Snow White into a flower field in the deepest forest…. as Snow White pay attention towards the field full of flowers blooming, the young hunter raised a dagger, attempting to kill her… I mean him. But the hunter didn't want to kill an innocent girl, even though said Snow White is a boy in this version of story.

He then warned Snow White. "Please run…. I can't do it… the Queen ordered me to kill you! Run, run to the place where the Queen won't find you!"

"Yadda… why should I run? I just can face Fuji-sempai-"

*ehem* "Echizen don't ruin the scenario." I (Yukimura Seiichi) scolded Snow White (with Sanada dragging Echizen from the scene). *sigh* am I the narrator?

Anyway, after hearing the warning Snow White ran into the forest… during that time she or he saw scary things that we'd rather not describe and ended up with animals accompanying her/him to barge some random empty (dwarf's) house.

In there she found out the house is in a messy state. Dirty laundries around the house, dirty plates that hasn't been washed only left in the sink, dust everywhere, you name it, we have it. Seeing that, she decided to clean the house with her newly made wild animal friends. After she's done with the cleaning, she cooked some broth for dinner climbed to the second floor and slept in a stranger's bed.

Meanwhile, outside the mine located in the forest, 7 dwarfs were just done with their mining activity and are preparing to go home. When they arrived near their home, they spotted light coming from their home, and thought that maybe some kind of thief barged into their house. They decided to attack the bastard.

But then, when they entered their house, they were shocked. Their previous dirty house has already been cleaned. There are no longer dirty laundry around the house, no dirty dishes to wash and no dust at all. Everything was spotless!

While they were discussing about the person who cleaned their house, they heard a noise coming from upstairs, and they prepared their weapons as they went upstairs to catch the culprit. When they arrived at their bedroom, they saw a lump lying on their beds. With a very slow motion walking the leader of the dwarfs, opened the blanket.

While the others are preparing to attack, the blanket covering the lump got uncovered. Inside, a beautiful girl *ehem* guy is sleeping peacefully…. as the woman/guy woke up the dwarfs quickly hid near the bed that person sleeping at while majority keep some of they hair to be seen (for Sanada *cough* his hat).


Meanwhile in the castle… when the queen knew the hunter had finished his job, she returned to her magic mirror, and asked the same question. But the mirror answered, "The fairest of them all is Snow White… why do I have to do this again? They already know the answer… so why I need to-" "SHINJI!" "Sumimazon Tachibana…."

Hearing that, the queen became enraged and went to her… I mean his secret underground cove…. and she make herself into an old badger ("Iie… I'm not old yet Yukimura-san." Inui said as he continued to write in his notebook.) And the she… he made a poison apple. He then took a boat to the dwarfs' house where the Snow White is currently staying.

Meanwhile, Snow White was singing Dreaming On The Radio when he saw an old badger that was taller than him, wearing glasses. Then he rolled his eyes, walked towards the grandma and asked, "H-how can I help you grandma… pffft…"

"Maa... I'm here to offer some nice juice to you, pretty one! Here… this is my special super ultra deluxe ginger ale, which I made especially for this drama! Saa, drink!"

"…" Suddenly, Snow White turned pale, and with eyes bulging out along with his skin turning green he took a lot of steps back. Then, he shouted, "YADDAAAAA! TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME INUI-SENPAI!" "Come on, I'm sure this will be delicious!" after he said that, he forced Echizen to drink it ('though I thought it was supposed to be an apple not a juice…' I thought as I read the script.) and he passed out.

"ECHIZEN!ARE YOU OKAY?! HOLD ON FOR AWHILE!" Momoshiro Takeshi shouted, "KABAJI!" "usu…" *EHEM* after that the dwarfs came home and found Snow White's body. Thinking that Snow White is dead, they put her body in a glass coffin and went to kill the Queen. After the witch fell of the cliff, they went back to mourn for Snow White. As they mourned they heard a neigh of a horse… when Prince Tezuka Kunimitsu hopped down from his horse as he saw the woman he loves sleeping in a glass coffin.

"Do I really have to kiss him?" the Prince asked.

"Yes," the dwarfs said in a dull tone.

Then the Prince kissed Snow White (both made disgusted faces, though the Prince's went unnoticeable to many.) When the kiss ended, Snow White suddenly woke up from his sleep.

"W-what happened to me? The last thing I remember was Inui-senpai in front of me… and that kiss was disgusting."

"I'm glad you felt the same way." The Prince said in a dull tone.

After that the prince hugged Echizen (both of them made disgusted faces again.) and asked her to marry him ("This is for the sake of the drama! And I'm going to complain to the author after this!" Echizen stated.) and live with him in the castle, which Echizen happily agreed to ("One of the worst moments of my life," Tezuka muttered.) and after that they lived happily ever after in the castle ("NEVER," the 'couple' stated).


"Wait a minute! Why am I the only one to drink that cursed juice?!" Ryoma-san shouted.

"Well because the author of this fiction deemed so…" Yukimura and Fuji answer together.


N/A: So what do you think of this story? I hope you all like it… if you want another drama just vote which one do you want: Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast or The Little Mermaid.