A/N:Been really busy lately, and i've had some more crap happen over the weekend. I'm sorry if this chapter isn't that good or as long as I said, but I'm not really in the best place at the moment. I promised you guys a chapter though and I'm giving it to you. Please review... I really hope you like it, because I tried really hard.

Chapter 4:

Aria's room

She had been packing for so long she was pretty sure her whole room was in her suitcase. Just wanting to make sure she has everything that she could need or want with her.

She packed way more closes then she could ever need on the trip also. Cell phone charger was a must, so she can call her parents when they got there, since they think the girls are going alone it's important that she have that.

Makeup and hair stuff was a must also! Hanna would kill us if we looked anything other than perfect in LA.

Hanna's room

How many bags do you need for one trip? Well if your Hanna two, and still packing.

"Mom, do you know where my boots are?" Hanna called out.

"Yes, they are in my room. Remember I barrow them over the week?"

Hanna went and grabbed the shoes from her mom's room than added them to her bag.

"There, I'm done." Hanna said as she was grabbing her phone charger and putting it in her purse.

Emily's room

She's the simple packer of the group. Only packing what she will need.

Jeans and t-shirts? Swimming suit? Make up bag? tooth brush? Tooth paste? Underwear and bras? cell phone charger? A few different pair of shoes? Brush and some extra money just in case.

"Okay, that seems good." Emily said to himself.

She wasn't really worried because if she forgot anything the other girls probably packed it anyway.

Spencer's room

She's almost as good as Emily when it comes to packing. Only packing what she knows she will need. Bringing snacks and drinks in a different bag, so if they end up hungry Ezra won't have to stop everytime.

As she was finishing putting her phone charger in her purse, she looked at her phone. Aria had sent the girls a text message.

" Hey, I'm done finally. Whenever y'all are ready, come to my house."

Spencer reply's with "I'm on my way."

At Aria's house that day. (3:30)

Everyone was finished packing and just sitting in Aria's living room. They were having a movie day waiting for Ezra to pick them up that night.

"Popcorn?" Aria asked.

"Yes,I'll come help you." Hanna said.

As they were waiting for the popcorn to finish... Hanna decided to say somthing that had been bugging her.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted the other day, Ezra and you planned this awesome trip, and I was acting like a little brat."

"Don't worry about it Hanna, we all have been going though a lot lately, and if it makes you feel better the beach in LA is totally on my list of places to go."

They hugged after that Hanna felt a lot better knowing that Aria wasn't mad at her.

With the bowl of popcorn they returned to the living room where the movie "Soul surfer" was playing. It was one of their favorite movies to watch when they get together.

Aria's phone beeped, letting her know she had a text message.

" Hey, just letting you know I'm got to stop at the store, but i'm done packing. Picking y'all up in about 35 minutes."

"okay, Love you."

" Love you too."

Aria looked at the girls and said, "Ezra said he will be here in 35."

They all go back to watching the movie, asit was going off they hear the doorbell go off. Getting all their bags they go open the door.

Ezra looks at all the bags the girls have and can't help but wonder...

What have I got myself into?

"Who's ready for a roadtrip to LA!"