A/N: Hey guys! My name is Erica, and this is a story I've had in mind for a while. I hope you guys like it, and please tell me if there are any mistakes in the reviews!

Tris POV

I woke up in a large bed with silk sheets. The rest of the room was blank, except for a small window near the bed and a door at the far end of the room. I felt bandages wrapped around my stomach, where I was shot. Who bandaged me up? I glanced down at what I was wearing; a black tank top and black running shorts. I wasn't wearing the clothes I wore when I broke into the Weapons Lab. Who changed my clothes? Where was I? The last thing I remember was David shooting me. How long was I out? Where was Tobias? Did I succeed in releasing the memory serum?

Questions swarmed through my brain, all waiting to be answered. To try and find out where I was, I got up and looked out the window. There were other houses surrounding this one, and a few boys were playing on the street with toy guns. It was your average neighborhood setting, but that was the problem. It was your typical neighborhood setting in the past, perhaps 200 years ago. I learned this from faction history, back before I chose Dauntless and got myself into a huge mess.

I sighed. I missed Dauntless and everyone there. I even missed Peter bullying me. It seems like such a small problem compared to the problems I get into now; for example, getting shot twice by a maniac who wanted to wipe the memories of all of Chicago. I shook my head. Snap out of it, Tris, I thought to myself. Focus on getting out of here.

So I used the Erudite side of myself to try to figure this out. I'm definitely not in the Abnegation sector; parents would never let their children even touch toy guns. I'm not in Dauntless either; if I were in Dauntless the kids would probably be using real guns, not to mention that the Dauntless live in the Pit. I couldn't be in Erudite; they would find it illogical to be playing with toy guns. Not Amity; they lived outside the fence and wouldn't let such a violent toy be played with. Probably not Candor either; I saw no sign of the Merciless Mart. For a brief second I felt pleased with myself for figuring all of this information out just based on some toy guns and my surroundings.

So where could I possibly be? Could I be outside the fence? That would make the most sense, but who would have brought me here? Does Tobias know where I am? Am I safe here, or are they going to use me for something? More and more questions swarmed through my brain; more questions I couldn't answer.

Just as I thought I would be drowning in questions, the door at the far end of the room opened. The first thing I thought was, Attack them. Hold nothing back; they took you away from the people you care about. I turned and saw a girl about my age standing in the doorway. She had dark hair and green eyes. Her eyes widened at the sight of me awake, but she quickly composed herself. The girl opened her mouth as if to say something, but I cut her off with a punch to the jaw.

She stumbled back clutching her jaw, and I took the opportunity to sweep her feet out from under her. She fell with a loud thud on the wooden floor, and I pinned her arms and legs to the ground with my own. She looked up at me wide-eyed. I glared down at her and said, "Didn't think a small girl like me could do that, huh? Well, don't underestimate me. Where am I? Who are you? What am I doing here?"

I expected her to look terrified, but she only looked amused. She laughed. "Woah, where's the fire? I only came here to check to see if you were awake. And by some possibility you were, I would've answered your questions. Now get off me, and I'll explain everything." I was surprised; she said everything with nonchalance, as if there wasn't a teenage girl pinning her to the floor.

Instead of getting off, I said, "Oh? And why should I trust you? For all I know, you could be here to kill me." She sighed. "Tris, you've been unconscious for almost a week. If I wanted you dead, you would be already." How did she know my name?

I looked at her cautiously, but slowly got up. She stood too, dusting her shoulders and arms off. How could she be so relaxed about all of this? She straightened her back and nodded toward the bed. "Why don't you sit down? I bet attacking me was tiring," she said sarcastically. I just stared at her. I wasn't going to sit down; not with my captor just standing in the middle of the room like that.

She only sighed. "Well then I guess I'll answer your questions while standing. To start off, my name is Alexandra, but I always thought that that name was too complicated. So people call me Alex." She held out her hand for me to shake; a Dauntless custom. Could she be from Dauntless?

I refused to shake Alex's hand. I won't have any friendly contact with her until she gives a good explanation for me to trust her. She let her hand drop and continued, saying, "As for what you're doing here, I saved you. Well, I wasn't the only one who saved you. I had some help, but you get the point. We got you bandaged up and well again. You had some nasty gun shots."

So she was the one who bandaged me up? "But why would you even try to help me?" I asked with a curious look on my face. "We don't even know each other. Why would you want to do this for me? What were you even doing in the Weapons Lab?"

She grinned and answered, "This is the interesting part. You see, I'm a certified time traveler sent to-" I cut her off immediately and said, "Do you seriously think I'm going to believe this time traveler nonsense? Time traveling isn't even a real thing."

She shook her head. "Ah, but that's where you're wrong. About 20 years after you were born, the Erudite creates a time machine." I looked at her curiously. I didn't totally believe her, but I still asked, "So you're from the future?" Alex nodded, but I was still confused. "Why save me, though? What's so important about me that you had to go back in time to save me? Why not just let me die?"

She sighed again. "Now that's where things get complicated. I can't tell you things about the future, it interferes with the passage of time. But I will tell you this; in the future I live in, you die when you're still desperately needed. Not just by the people who love and miss you; all of Chicago," she said in a condescending tone. Something sparked in her eyes, as if she knew something I didn't. Well, she did know something I didn't.

"You still haven't answered one of my questions." I said. "Where am I?" She looked at me and said, "You haven't figured it out yet?" I looked at her curiously. She mumbled, "Well I guess they made a mistake when they said you had an aptitude for Erudite." She probably didn't mean for me to hear that. I just glared at her.

She looked at me questionably. "Seriously? I'm a time traveler. This is a place nothing like the faction system or anything outside the fence. This is a typical neighborhood in the past. Have you figured it out yet?"

My eyes widened. "I'm in the past?!" Alex threw her hands up in exasperation and rolled her eyes. "Took you long enough!" she exclaimed. "I thought I was going to have to spell it out for you!" I was overwhelmed, though. I needed to get back to the Bureau! I needed to get back to the future. I needed to help Chicago with whatever crisis it was about to get into. But most importantly, I needed to get back to the people I loved.

A/N: Was it good? Was it bad? Please tell me your opinions about it in the reviews! Be Candor with me; tell me your honest opinion. I'll post another chapter if someone asks me to continue! ~Erica