Hello people! Since it has been requested and I have found the inspiration I shall be writing a sequel to the Imprint. And I plan on writing a third one as well!

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Percy Jackson OR Twilight they belong to Joanne K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyers

Chapter 1

Percy POV:

Percy gripped the arm rest of his seat. The plan took off an hour or so ago. So far Uncle Zeus has been kind. Since I am his favorite nephew. But I still am praying his isn't in a bad mood and does blast me out of the sky.

I kept my eyes shut tight. I could feel 3 pairs of eyes on me but I ignored it. I know I must be worrying them. They would be acting the same way if they were in my position. The plane hit a bit of turbulence and my hands gripped the arm rest harder. I could feel myself paling drastically.

"Hey Perce, you all right?"

I opened my eyes. Sam, Embry, and Jacob were starring at me with concern. Jakes beautiful brown eyes were filled with more worry then my own mother. Seth was asleep.

"Y-yeah I'll be fine." I said but they weren't convinced.

"Your afraid of heights aren't you?" Sam asked

"No not heights. I don't mind heights really. Its just flying" I said shaking my head. "Oh"

"So Jacob, when are the Cullen's coming again." The members of the vampire coven who came to NY with Jacob and them stayed behind.

"They will be taking the next flight on the next rainy day they can. They would of come with us today but Reneesme wanted to stay a bit longer." Jake replied.

"Oh Ok. I understand. The big apple is an exciting tourist trap and, well, big. Lots of cool stuff to see." I said nodding. There were still parts of New York I haven't seen yet.

Uncle Zeus hit the plane again causing turbulence. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes. This is going to be a long flight.

When we landed I grabbed my bag and ran off the plane as soon as I could. I ran to the grassy area far away from the plane and plopped down. I laid on my stomach and pressed my face into the grass.

'Thank you Uncle for not making me go BOOM. The sky rumbled a bit. I could feel sprinkles of water droplets falling. I was relaxing at a steady pace.

After a few minutes I heard the guys approaching and felt some one sit next to me. I looked up and saw Jake. My Jake.

Sam, Seth and Embry followed and sat on the grass.

"So how's the grass?" Seth asked with a smirk.

"Friendlier then the plane. Gods I hate flying" Jake chuckled and I sat up. We locked eyes for a moment, the next we were both blushing.

Embry and Seth were both snickering while Sam was smiling. "C'mon guys, lets go get our stuff. Emily and Billy should be here." Sam's face light up at the thought of seeing Emily, his imprint, again.

I got up and picked up my bag. Jake walked with me and stayed close to my side. Which was fine, Seeing how we are each others imprint.

I thought to myself, soon I will be at my new home with a new life. Of coarse I would go back to camp for the summer. It is still my home. But La Push will be my home too.

Dad has a house of the Rez that I can live in. Its called Coral Cove. It is not far from the beach or Jakes house. That the Gods for that.

We got to the luggage pick up area and my other bag was already out so I went and grabbed it. Sam's then Embry's then Seth's came. They went to go find Emily and Jake's dad Billy Black. I stayed with Jake and waited for his. But not to long after the others left did Jacobs bag came. He grabbed it and went to go find the others.

We spotted them and made our way over to them. Sam had his arms wrapped around a very pretty woman with scars running down the left side of her face. Embry and Seth were talking to a man who looked a lot like Jacob and was in a wheel chair. They had to be Emily and Billy.

As we approached Sam introduced me. "Emily, Billy this is Perseus Jackson, but prefers to be called Percy. He is joining the pack and is moving into the Coral Cove."

"Hello Percy, I'm so pleased to finally meet Jacobs imprint." Emily said.

"The pleasure is mine Emily. It's so good to meet you. Sam speaks fondly of you." I said giving them a warm smile and a wink.

"Hello Percy, I'm Jacobs dad." Billy said.

"Hello Sir. Nice to meet you."

"Come now. Everyone is so excited to meet you." Emily said.

We walked to a parking lot to 2 cars that were parked side by side.

"Ok Sam, Seth and Embry will ride with me and Jake you and Percy will ride with your father." Emily said as the others got into her car.

"Ok Emily see ya later." Jacob said as he got his dad into the car and I helped. Me and Jacob sat in the back seat.

Just as we got onto the high way my phone rang. This phone was created by the Hepheastus kids so it won't attract monsters when a demigod uses it.

Not bothering to look at the ID since it was a private number and only my close friends and family have my number I answered it.


"PERSEUS ACHILLES JACKSON!" Came the voice of the one and only Annabeth Chase. I can tell from her voice that I'm screwed.


This went on for a while. She kept switching from English to Greek. That's when you know she is majorly and royally pissed. When the fire stopped I managed to speak.

"Ok listen, Annabeth, I'm sorry I didn't tell you or the others but it was sorta last minute. They already had a flight booked and I only just managed to get a plane for the same flight as them. I was planning on calling you guys later. I actually asked Him to tell you guys. My mom knew cause I had IM'd her before I left."

She sighed and said rather reluctantly. "Fine. But next time leave a note Seaweed Brain. Oh and by the way, Thalia was not happy. She was really pissed. As was Nico. So expect them to visit you soon." She said. I could tell she was laughing.

"Oh I am so massively screwed aren't i Wise Girl?"

"Yes, yes you are. Just be thankful Chiron talked ME out of hunting you down."

"Alright. Bye Annabeth I promise to call tomorrow. I'll leave text if you don't answer. Ok?"

"Alright bye Percy."


I ended the call. Jacob was starring at me with hilarity and Billy was laughing. "Who was that Perce?"

"My friend Annabeth. She can be real scary when she is angry."

"Who is Chiron?" Billy asked.

"'Chiron' is the camp director for this summer camp I go to. We call him Chiron because he, like a lot of us, are Greeks or part Greek. 'Chiron' is his nick name. He is actually Mr. Brunner."

"Your part Greek?" Jacob asked amazed. "Yeah"

"Who is Thalia and Nico?" Jake asked.

"My cousins. We are like siblings. We may argue a lot but we make up and we love each other. Thalia has a blood brother and Nico has a half sister. The four of them are my cousins but Thalia and Nico are more like brother and sister to me since i knew them longer."

"Why did you say that you were screwed when Annabeth said they were gonna pay you a visit.?"

"Because a angry Thalia means a hurt Percy. A angry Nico means somebody is gonna get hurt. A angry Thalia AND Nico together means somebody is either gonna die or be placed in a hospital for a while. And I just so happen to be on the receiving end of the anger."

Billy snickered. Jake looked concerned "How old are they?" Billy asked.

"Its complicated. I'll explain when I tell the entire pack what I am. It will make more sense then"

Billy nodded in understanding. Jake looked excited to learn more about me.

"Hey Perce. What was that language Annabeth was yelling at you in?"

"Greek. She is part Greek too. Since our first language is Greek we have a hard time reading English. It is commonly known as dyslexia. Which I and my friends have. We also have ADHD. Which will explain why I cant sit still for long periods of time."

"Really? Well ADHD must come in handy in some cases?" Jacob asked.

"Oh yeah. Like it keeps us focused if we are in a fight. If something is coming from the side the ADHD will act as an alarm and warn us. But we don't always react in time."

Billy smiled. "Well that does come in handy then. Look, We're here" Billy said as he pulled into the Rez. We drove for a couple more minutes till we came to a house where Sam and Emily had parked. Seth, Embry and Sam were with a bunch of guys who looked like them, Emily was talking with another girl a couple years or so younger then me. They looked our way when we pulled up. The other boys trying to crane their necks to look into the back seat where Jacob and I were.

I sighed. Well here goes nothing. I opened the door and stepped out.

Hey guys Whatcha think? This story will have more chapters then 'The Imprint' but not a lot. Maybe 4. I plan on doing a chapter in Jacob's POV, Seth's POV, and Nico's POV. I already have plans for the third one! Please review! Love y'all!