Hello my loves! It's me again.

In the last 24 hours or so I have received quite a bit of feed back. And in the comments I had received about my new story my decision for what I will do with my new story idea has been confirmed. I already had the idea that I would not publish anything until I am sure I can finish it and the comments I received both from you guys and my friends I believe it is best if I don't publish anything yet. If I do it will be after I at least finish the story in mind or at least get one chapter posted on each of my existing stories. But my idea for this new story has changed a bit so it will seem less crack-ish then how I had explained it in my previous authors note. I figured that if I was to go with the idea then I had better come up will some pre-stories for it or some back stories for certain characters, maybe even make it into a series or something. But it will be a while before that even happens, that is if it even does happen at all.

And on the note of my other stories that are already in progress, I just want to let you know that I am NOT, repeat, NOT abandoning them! They are just on a hiatus until I can get some time to work on them, sense I can only use the computer when my dad is at work. I can't guarantee that any chapters will be posted anytime soon, it might be during the summer before I can. I may have to read through them some so I can get back the idea of where I was going with them and to familiarize myself with them again since it has been awhile since I have read them myself. Just know that I don't plan on leaving them, all of the wonderful reviews that each of my stories have received have inspired me to at least try and get them done, or at least close to done. So don't worry.

Speaking of comments, the guest who had left a comment on the Imprint 2, I'm not sure if you meant it for it to be as rude as you did, but I did find it to be a little rude. I haven't moderated it because I read the reviews when I am feeling a bit down or something and they cheer me up. Don't worry if you didn't mean for it to come out as rude as it was.

Anyways, tomorrow I will remove the first authors note so it isn't in the way or anything. Here's to hoping I can get some more chapters done and posted in next few months! Summer vacation is only a month away!