Hello everyone, I apologise again for such a long wait between uploads, but here it is. Enjoy.

"Are we ready for this?" Rebekah asked, looking at her brothers in the courtyard. The siblings looked at each other, a number of different emotions radiating off of them.

"Four against an army of witches, I like the sound of that." Kol joked, his signature smirk making Klaus smile.

"All witches are to be dead by the end of the night. No exceptions." Klaus growled, nodded at Elijah as the four of them made a silent pact. People knew of the flaws of the family and despite the fact that they were arguing, or fighting or trying to kill each other the majority of the time, when it came down to it they would protect each other and fight as a group – always.

"Proceed." Elijah nodded, flashing out of the courtyard followed by his siblings. If the witches wanted a war, then a war is what they will get.

"Hey." Bonnie whispered, noticing Caroline's eyes fluttering open. Caroline looked at her, her eyes glazed over as her memories started coming back to her.

"Bonnie, what are you doing here?" Caroline whispered, a small smile playing on her face as she pushed herself up ever so slightly.

"Katherine called me, which was very surprising considering I didn't know you two had become such good friends." Bonnie joked, giggling slightly as Caroline glared at her. "I was worried about you anyway, after you rung me and told me about Klaus. When I got the call from Katherine saying you were in trouble, I came here straight away." Bonnie exclaimed and Caroline reached out, holding her hand and smiling.

"Thank you so much Bonnie, I would be dead without you." Caroline thanked her and she looked around her at the room. "Where is everyone? What's happening?"

Bonnie sighed, adjusting her position so she was lying on the bed next to Caroline.

"It's a long story, all of the details for that can be explained later. They've all gone to finish this war tonight, a number of other powerful witches turned up this evening hoping to kill the baby as well. Davina was nothing compared to them, according to Katherine anyway. She's been following them for weeks. She's a lot smarter than we gave her credit for you know." Bonnie laughed and Caroline joined her.

"I know, how did we miss that!" Caroline teased, jumping slightly as the door pushed open.

Both girls turned to see Katherine standing in the doorway, her shirt covered in blood and face dirty.

"We have a problem. I don't suppose either of you are feeling strong enough to help me kill some witches are you?" Katherine asked as Caroline's hearing focused in on the sounds of chanting coming from outside her window.

"What's going on?" Bonnie asked, standing up and walking over to the window, looking down to see numbers of witches heading towards them.

"It seems that the witches army is big enough that they've split up; half of them fighting alongside Davina, half of them here to kill Hayley and her baby. Whether or not they're counting on us being here, is another question." Katherine explained as she walked into the room and joined Bonnie by the window.

"Where is Hayley?" Caroline asked, sitting up as a sudden surge of protectiveness came over her.

"She's asleep in her room; as far as I can tell her stomach has healed. But those witches haven't come unprepared; they have numerous other knives that can be used to kill the baby. If only one of them stabs her, the baby is dead this time around, for good." Katherine explained and Bonnie and Caroline looked at each other, silently communicating with each other through their eyes.

"Do you have a plan?" Bonnie asked, turning to look at Katherine.

"Davina!" Klaus growled, walking up to the outside of the graveyard. "Come out here and face us like the good little witch that you are."

His voice echoed around the graveyard and they waited patiently, knowing she would be drawn out at some point. Why the witches had chosen to stand by her, when she'd killed half of them already was a mystery to him, but seemingly she was not as clever as they had once thought.

"Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah and Kol; what an expected surprise." Davina smirked, stepping out from behind one of the grave stones. The eyes of the vampires darkened and their fangs protruded from their gums.

"Let's end this, little witch." Klaus spat as he flashed forward, entering the graveyard followed by his siblings. Davina had run, hiding behind numerous different stones and making her way around the graveyard with ease. She had cloaked herself very well, but it still wasn't enough.

"Very good witch, but still not good enough to hold off the strongest vampires in the world, or did you forget that little detail?" Rebekah smirked as she stepped in front of Davina, blocking her next exit.

"You might be the strongest vampires in the world, but you're definitely not the smartest." She spat, disappearing from sight and Rebekah's eyes flashed up to meet Klaus' as he growled, both vampires flashing away again.

"They're here, prepare yourselves." Davina coughed as she re-entered her body, standing up from her chair as she joined the group of witches forming a line at the entrance to the tomb. "Remember who we're doing this for; remember why we're doing this. What we've got to gain from this. Do this for our fallen, do this for our future!" Davina shouted, riling up the witches.

She fell silent as four shadows turned the corners, the bodies of the four siblings coming into sight. She looked Klaus in the eyes as she smiled, nodding her head as the witches broke out in a number of different chants. Upon hearing the cries from the vampires, she turned and walked away.

"Hayley, Hayley, wake up." Caroline whispered, lowering her hand onto the sleeping girls shoulder and shaking gently. Upon seeing her stirring Caroline sighed in relief.

"Caroline, what's going on?" Hayley asked, jumping up as she remembered everything that had happened, her hand flying to her stomach, her fingers poking through the ripped hole in her t-shirt.

"She's okay, she's alive." Caroline reassured her. "Hayley, we need to get you out of here now. There's another army of witches, stronger witches here to kill her."

Hayley looked up at Caroline, her facial features softening as she took in Caroline's weakened body, her pale face, her sunken eyes. She was as exhausted as Hayley felt and yet she was on her feet, helping to save her life.

"Why don't we kill them? There are enough of us." Hayley growled, pushing back the covers and taking Caroline's hand as she pulled her up.

"Actually there's not. Klaus and the others have gone to kill Davina and the first army of witches; I don't think they were counting on a second army of witches coming here tonight. So it's just the four of us." Caroline explained and Hayley's brow furrowed in confusion.

"The four of us?" She asked.

"Yep; me, you, Bonnie and Katherine. And yes, before you say anything, Katherine has explained herself and she actually saved both you and the baby when she stabbed you and right now, she's working her ass off, to do that again. So save the hatred for later on when we're all alive and well."

Hayley glared at her before sitting up and making her way over to the door frame.

"So what exactly is our plan? Because no offence, but two weakened vampires/hybrids, a witch and a reasonable strong vampire isn't enough to hold off an army."

"Well our priority is to get you out of here safe and well and keep you both alive. So Bonnie and Katherine are going to stay here and distract the witches and I'm going to take you to a little hotel room that I found the other night. I'll stay there with you until Bonnie comes to take over, then I'll go and help Katherine."

"Caroline, you can barely stand up yourself, you'll be easy pickings for the witches, they know what Davina did to you, and they'll know how to take you down in one fail swoop. You need to call them for back up." Hayley muttered and Caroline shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't really have a choice here Hayley and there is no back up, they're fighting their own army in a different location. Just keep yourself safe, that family won't survive if anything happens to you and the baby. The rest of us? We're just collateral damage." Caroline smiled, although the sadness was clear to Hayley a mile off.

Hayley nodded, following Caroline as she led her out onto the balcony and over to Bonnie.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Bonnie asked as she looked down at Katherine in the centre of the courtyard.

"I'll have to be. Just keep yourself alive until I can get back here okay?" Caroline asked, looking down at Katherine as well. Bonnie nodded and Katherine smirked.

"Please, do you know who you're talking to here? I'm the queen of staying alive." Katherine teased and Caroline rolled her eyes. She turned back to Hayley and nodded. "Let's go."

The witches begun chanting and the sibling's grabbed hold of their heads as the searing pain spread through them. Klaus looked up at Davina walking away behind the witches and he growled. In one swift movement he had reached beside him, grabbing a rock from the ground and threw it through the air in the direction of the witches. The rock had slammed through one of the witches' heads, killing her instantly. With one witch down, the pain eased slightly.

Hearing one of the witches cry out, Klaus took this as his chance to kill her, the previous witch he had killed obviously being her mother. Reaching forward he grabbed a second rock and watched as it flew through the young girls head, her lifeless body falling to the ground.

Elijah looked at him and Klaus nodded in the direction of Davina.

"Kill her, we'll handle this lot." Elijah groaned and Klaus nodded as he turned and flashed away from the group of huddled witches.

Elijah looked at his two remaining siblings and glared.

"Shall we remind them who they're dealing with?" Kol smirked and Rebekah laughed.

"Yes, lets."

Within seconds she had flashed up, grabbing a large head stone from one of the graves and smashing it into the centre of the witches, the chanting almost completely stopped giving Kol and Elijah enough time to flash forward, biting into the necks of the oldest witches, knowing they were the most powerful.

Rebekah joined them, smiling as she flashed forwards, her hand reaching into the chest of one of the witches and ripping out her beating and bloody heart. "Enough of that." She laughed, chucking the heart on top of the lifeless body.

Kol and Elijah managed to rip through the remaining witches limb from limb in a number of seconds and in that moment, they realised that this was almost a little too easy. Turning to listen, Elijah heard Klaus' footsteps heading towards the entrance to the graveyard and they followed him immediately.

"Davina!" He growled again, his voice echoing off of the stones and surrounding them. He sensed his siblings having joined him and laughed. "That didn't take long."

"Don't you think that was the plan?" Davina asked, stepping out from behind the wire gate on the outside of the cemetery. Klaus' brow furrowed as the smirk fell from his lips. "I find it amusing that after all of this time, you still seem to doubt me. Those witches sacrificed themselves, knowing they weren't anywhere near strong enough to survive your wrath. But they distracted you for just enough time to let me exit this cemetery and lock you inside." Rebekah growled, flashing forward before stopping at the entrance, the block stopping her from going any further.

"As I said earlier, you may be the strongest, but you're not the smartest. You fell right into the trap of following me with the intent on killing me. But the thing is, I knew that is exactly what you would do. I also knew that you would leave Hayley and Caroline back at the courtyard, believing that they would be safe there, whilst you killed off the large army of witches here."

Klaus grew angry as he realised what Davina had done. She looked at him and smirked. "There you go, you've figured it out. Those witches were ready to die. The real army of witches are on their way to the courtyard, where your precious Caroline and baby are sitting ducks waiting to die for good this time. What can you do about it? Nothing, because you're trapped in a cemetery."

"If you touch a hair on either of their heads I will rip your body limb from limb and give you the most painful death you could imagine." Klaus threatened and Davina laughed.

"By the time this spell wears off that is keeping you here in this cemetery, both Caroline, Hayley and the baby will be dead and I will have protected myself so that you will never be able to find me. The other witches will then rage war after war against you, until each and every one of you is dead. Threaten me all you like Klaus, but you were a fool for falling into my trap this evening. Now if you don't mind, I have a couple of deaths happening right now that I would really like to see." Davina laughed before turning and walking off down the street and out of view of the siblings.

Elijah pulled out his phone and dialled Hayley's number immediately. She answered in one ring.

"Hayley, there is an army of witches on their way to kill you; Davina has managed to put a spell on the cemetery meaning we cannot leave. Where are you?" Elijah exclaimed, the others listening in on his phone call.

"Elijah we know, the witches have been chanting there way here for the past few minutes. Katherine saw them a mile off and me and Caroline are on our way to a hotel room to hide it out from them whilst Bonnie and Katherine do their best to hold them off." Hayley explained and Elijah sighed.

"Hayley that is not going to be enough, you need to get far away from the centre of town and well away from all of those witches."

"Elijah, there are huge numbers of them and I'm counting on the fact that they aren't stupid enough to send all of their witches to just one entrance of the courtyard. They're probably dotted all over town, nowhere is going to be safe for us. We don't have a chance. Caroline can barely stand as it is, Bonnie is mortal and Katherine is only one against all of them." Hayley explained and they could all hear how hopeless she was.

Klaus grabbed hold of the phone.

"Hayley, get yourself to the cemetery. We can't get out and if you get yourself here, the witches aren't going to enter this cemetery to kill you knowing we're here waiting for them." Klaus explained and he heard Hayley whispering.

"Okay, we'll try." She hung up the phone and Klaus dropped his hand from his ear.

"Did you hear that Caroline?" Hayley asked and Caroline stopped for a second, looking around the corner of the wall and turning back to her and nodding.

"Yes, I heard all of that and it's actually a pretty good idea. Apart from how the hell we're going to make it all the way across town to the cemetery without getting murdered." Caroline asked sarcastically and Hayley rolled her eyes.

"Well I'd prefer to try and make it there than sit in a hotel room just waiting to be found and killed."

"I'll do whatever it takes to get you to that cemetery Hayley, but don't expect the both of us to make it there alive. If we're going to do this you have to promise me, that you won't stop for anything. You push yourself and you get behind that barrier in the cemetery because your baby depends on it. Okay?" Caroline asked, turning around and looking Hayley in the eyes. Hayley knew exactly what she was saying and she shook her head.

"Caroline, we're both making it to that cemetery." Hayley growled, grabbing hold of Caroline's hand. "We're starting this together and we're ending this together. No questions asked."

Caroline looked at her and smiled. How had she started off despising the one girl that in the moment of battle, wasn't turning her back on her despite it.

"Let's go." Hayley whispered, hearing footsteps behind her and they flashed down one of the side alleyways and behind the run of bars and hotels that would lead them to the cemetery out of sight.

"Katherine, why are you doing this? Why are you helping them?" Bonnie asked as they stood at the top of the balcony waiting for the witches to enter.

"Honestly, I don't really know. I like Caroline and I guess I kind of like you too and whilst I'm here, I might as well help you fight. It's not like I have anything better to be doing anyway." Katherine smiled and Bonnie nodded, knowing she was just as scared as she was. Knowing this made her feel just a little bit stronger.

Bonnie's phone pinged and she pulled it out looking at it.

"It's Caroline, she said she's trying to get Hayley to the cemetery, Klaus and the others are trapped in the cemetery and can't get out. That's the only way Hayley will make this." Bonnie exclaimed and Katherine looked at her.

"Caroline is going to be dead if she goes anywhere near that cemetery. She can barely stand and you know as well as I do that she'll collapse as soon as she knows Hayley is safe. Change of plan Bonnie, follow me." Katherine cried, grabbing hold of Bonnie's wrist and flashing off through the office and out the window on the other side. The chants now stopping as the witches realised that they were no longer in the courtyard, that no one was in the courtyard.

"What are you all doing? Where are they?" Davina asked, pushing her way through the witches to the eldest at the front.

"They aren't here like you said they would be Davina, where are they?" The witches asked and Davina turned, looking up at the balcony and the different rooms. She sighed with laughter. "They heard you coming and my guess is they're making their way to that cemetery right now. Get them." She screamed as she turned and closed her eyes, watching the witches turn in the opposite direction and cut through the back ways to make it to the cemetery before them.

Caroline stopped silently, holding Hayley against the wall as her breathing quickened and her head became dizzy.

"Caroline are you okay?" Hayley asked and Caroline nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go." She smiled weakly, pushing herself up off of the wall as she flashed off rounding their final corner. She felt a flash of wind behind her and turned to see Katherine and Bonnie behind her.

"God, did you two travel the long way to get here or what? The bad news? The witches knew a short cut, they're round that corner." Katherine spat, poking her head round to see swarms of witches making their way through the centre of the high street.

"I can try and hold them off long enough for you guys to flash over there." Bonnie spoke up, walking forward, her eyes full of concern as she saw Caroline's eyes glazing over, her skin becoming paler and her body leaning against the wall for full support.

"Something's wrong." Hayley cried out, grabbing Caroline as she collapsed down to the ground, her eyes turning black as she fell out of consciousness.

"Caroline, you're a very clever girl I'll give you that. I'm surprised you've made it that far with your weak body; you're determined to save that baby aren't you. The thing is, I can't let that happen. That baby needs to die and you know why, you know it's the best thing for everyone Caroline. Give up, the witches will find you and it'll end peacefully for you. You won't feel a thing. Stay where you are Caroline, I'm coming."

Caroline cried out as she slipped back into consciousness, looking up at Hayley leaning over her, her eyes full of concern.

"That was Davina wasn't it?" Hayley asked and Caroline nodded.

"She knows we're here, she's coming and she won't be long. You need to get inside that cemetery now and I have an idea." Caroline whispered, reaching onto Bonnie's arm for support as she pulled herself up.

"The chants that the witches are using, what are they saying Bonnie? What do they mean?" Caroline asked.

"There's a mixture of chants, the majority of them are chanting to weaken your body, to pull the strength from you in order for the other ones to hex you, once you're feeling the pain from that, the final witches chants are to kill you." Bonnie explained, looking behind her as they heard numerous footsteps growing nearer.

"Katherine, you're the strongest out of all of us at the moment. Do you think you'll be able to distract them enough just to give us enough time to get Hayley over to the entrance?" Caroline asked and Katherine nodded.

"Distract them? Sort of. Kill them? Definitely." She smirked and Caroline nodded.

"Bonnie, do you think you could counter their chants to weaken us? They can't put the hex on us, if we're not at a certain state of weakness. Weakness from both the body and mind. If you can counter that, then I'll push through just enough to get Hayley over to that entrance and then I'll come back and get you." Caroline explained and Bonnie nodded.

"You need to feed." Hayley ordered and Caroline turned and looked at her.

"We're a little bit low on blood right now Hayley, and it's not really the time for a snack. I said I would get you to that cemetery and it's just over there. Don't start fighting against me." Caroline argued and Hayley rolled her eyes, stepping forward and grabbing Caroline's shoulders.

"You can barely hold yourself up and if you remember rightly, I said we were doing this together and we're ending this together. We're both getting to that cemetery. Bonnie, can she feed from you for a second to give her a last splurge of strength?" Hayley argued back and Bonnie nodded.

"She's right Care, you need this." Bonnie muttered, pulling up her shirt and extending her wrist to Caroline. Caroline fought against her own instincts, but her veins pulsed under her eyes, her own body betraying her in hunger.

"Guys, they're here. Go!" Katherine shouted, before she flashed forward, ripping out the hearts of two of the witches that had rounded the corner. She was shouting at them to move as she grabbed numerous objects and distracted the witches from their chants, plunging stakes from benches and tables into their bodies.

The world fell into slow motion, Caroline saw in the corner of her eye the four figures flashing out of the shadows at the entrance to the cemetery and all she could think about was how devastated they would be if she didn't manage to keep Hayley and this baby alive. Klaus deserved this, he deserved to have a chance with his daughter and she wasn't about to take that second chance away from him. She could hear Rebekah's screams as the witches grew closer and Caroline turned, grabbing hold of Hayley's hand and she winced as she started to run.

Bonnie cried out as she started to chant against the witches, their strength completely over riding her as blood started pouring from her nose. She turned in one last effort as she saw Caroline flashing Hayley over to the cemetery as quickly as she could. She collapsed to the ground, her hand reaching out towards them as she saw Davina storming back towards the cemetery.

She saw Caroline running with Hayley and screamed, flinging her arm to the side causing Caroline and Hayley to be flung off course, their hands separated as Hayley landed closer towards the witches. Davina grabbed a knife from one of the fallen witches and started walking towards Hayley.

In the distance Katherine saw Davina from the corner of her eye and she saw Bonnie lay out on the ground.

"Bonnie?" She screamed, seeing the witch lying in a pool of her own blood, the witches counter chants too strong for her alone.

Caroline groaned as her eyes fell dizzy, her body turning over as she saw Davina walking towards Hayley. Hayley pushed herself up, turning and looking at Caroline with desperation as she screamed, the searing pain spreading through her body as Davina raised her arms in the air.

"I think this has gone on long enough now." Davina growled, finally reaching Hayley and grabbing hold of her hair, pulling her head back and exposing her stomach. Caroline looked behind her in desperation and saw Katherine flashing towards Davina with a stake in her arms, she threw the stake and a cry was heard as it pierced through Davina's thigh.

Caroline looked at the entrance to see all the siblings staring at Hayley in desperation and Rebekah's eyes fell on hers. Caroline looked away from her and she pushed herself up, using what little strength she had left to get to Hayley.

"I made you a promise and I intend to keep it!" She cried as she grabbed hold of Hayley and gave her one final push in the direction of the cemetery. Hayley pushed herself up and started to run, feeling Caroline behind her. She reached the cemetery and Hayley fell through the boundary spell and into Klaus' arms, he picked her up and moved her from the entrance, out of the way of Davina and the witches and Elijah reached forward and held Hayley in his arms.

Caroline collapsed to the ground when she saw Hayley enter through the boundary spell and she looked into her eyes and smiled weakly.

"Caroline, come on!" Rebekah screamed but Caroline turned behind her and saw Bonnie lying on the ground behind her, the pool of blood soaking into the ground below her. Rebekah followed her eyes.

"Nik, she won't make it." Rebekah cried out and Hayley watched in silence as Caroline turned and pushed herself up, her eyes dizzy, the world around her falling in and out of darkness as she stumbled in Bonnie's direction.

"Caroline!" Klaus growled as he slammed his fist against the boundary spell. She ignored his roar as she pushed forward. She promised she'd go back for her and she wasn't about to abandon her.

"Caroline, I've got her. Get inside that cemetery now!" Katherine shouted as she flashed past Caroline and over to Bonnie. She picked her up and had her in her arms. Turning back towards Caroline she screamed as she saw the stake plunged through Caroline's heart. Caroline's breath hitched in her throat as she looked down, her eyes fading to black as she heard screams around her.

Where am I, Where Am I, Wher-

Caroline's body fell to the ground, her pale skin turning grey as her world faded away.

There you go, please let me know what you think and don't worry, it doesn't all end badly I promise.