So here's a new story idea for all of you! :) This is inspired by a play in the shoujo anime: Glass Mask (One damn good shoujo series if you reach the middle... or almost the whole of it is great)... and well, one part of it mentioned: "There is no shadow if there's no light"... that made me totally fangirl. I think I know where Fujimaki Tadatoshi-san got his idea of light and shadow... nah, just kidding. Moving on, the pairings here are... AkaKuro and AoKuro, side ones are MidoTaka and.. I don't know, I guess we'll have to see as the story progresses.

That was one long prologue, but it was actually necessary for the story to progress, I know there a lot of plot holes but they will be explained as I said, when it progresses further.

Why am I being so demanding of all of you? Bad me. Bad bad bad.

Before I forget... Disclaimer: This awesome magical miraculous basketball series, Kuroko no Basuke is not mine.

Enjoy! Hope you'll all like this!

"Oi, Tetsu, you there?"

There was no response, and Aomine Daiki was left with nothing but the silence of the darkness in front of him. He practically had a hard time seeing himself even though he had the lantern to help light the place up.

And so, he was left with nothing but the shadow of his prisoner, or well, not exactly his prisoner, but the prisoner he was in charge of watching over.

"Tetsu, don't make me feel like a dumbass, talking to myself, if you still don't talk to me, just so you know, I'm never coming here ever again."

He knew that those words were a lie, deep inside him, he knew he could never resist coming to this place, and he properly knew the other side, the other person, knew very well that he was bluffing.

Of course, Kuroko Tetsuya has always been like that, ever since.

"Aomine-kun," the small voice said, much like a whisper. He was surprised, taken aback a bit in fact, for Aomine Daiki had never heard Kuroko Tetsuya's voice to be this fragile, to be this weak. It sounded very much like the sound of a silent child longing for someone to be with.

And well, he couldn't help but wonder if he was the one Kuroko Tetsuya actually wanted to be with.

True, it may have seemed so rightly wrong, for him to be in love with his own prisoner... it just felt so defiant of justice... and that wasn't necessarily what he was here for, that was for sure.

"So you are there after all, isn't it a bit mean, giving me the cold shoulder all of a sudden?"

"Aomine-kun, aren't you the one being a bit rude here? I know that I'm not good company but you should at least know how to treat your company nicely... If this continues, you might even be trapped in your own cell, accused of being a-"

"Okay fine, fine, Tetsu." He roughly pushed the door of black bars open, and the mere sound of it creaked loudly. He winced at the sound of it and just wanted to turn back in time and repent for what he did, for in case anyone woke up, it wouldn't be good, for him or for Kuroko. Imagine people finding out he was gay over a prisoner.

Or wait, that wasn't the point.

Much to his delight though (ignoring his earlier fault), he could properly see his companion clearly now, it just meant that he wasn't talking to a ghost, a mere illusion.

"I'm the one at fault so... let's just say you have to be thankful to this package." Aomine took out the reason on why he was even here in the first place, he had received direct orders to deliver them from a certain person, who he wouldn't even dare to disobey. This wasn't necessarily the first time, packages like these were sent for Kuroko Tetsuya numerous times, he could barely even count them.

Thanks to them being sent almost every day now, he felt more like a middle man than a policeman.

"...For me, again?" He could sense in Kuroko's tone that he was obviously happy, who could blame him? Those packages were pretty much the only gifts he had received in his whole life, second only to how he was given a life- a life accused of something he did not do.

"Yeah, seems like they come from... uh, you know who." It was a name so powerful that Aomine Daiki couldn't even mention it aloud, if in case it attracted the attention of anyone within the dungeons, they would attract serious attention, which directly meant dire trouble.

"Aomine-kun, you see..." Kuroko's said as his hands held the package tightly, which gingerly opened it slowly, Aomine couldn't help but stare at them, marvel at them.

He really couldn't fathom that they were the hands of a supposed to be candidate for the crown prince, but he knew that was all buried within these fourteen years of his life, buried within lies and accusations.

"I had a dream earlier, I don't know if you would call it a nightmare, after all, I don't exactly know what brave people like Aomine-kun call a nightmare but..."

"Stop it, Tetsu, seriously, stop that. First of all, I am not brave, of all words, you do not describe me like that."

He held his firm, strict gaze, yet within all that, he just doubted himself, the emotions welling up inside him, the memories that were carved into his mind through time, and never was there a time that he called himself brave, never.

"I see... I'm sorry, Aomine-kun, I didn't even consider your feelings."

"Nah... Great, what am I getting so embarrassed about?" Aomine chuckled nervously, and now those round blue eyes just stared into his intently, as if also amazed by Aomine's sudden opening up.

"So... Uh, yeah, just continue already, I don't have much time left before I'm summoned, Tetsu. You know, with all that's happening around this country and all..."

"Aomine-kun, is there any chance that... you'll come back alive?" There was reluctance in his question, for he was well aware of the war brewing up outside the walls that stood to protect this very kingdom, and he was well aware that he could lose his only company to this very cause.

"Yeah... I guess... I leave the day after tomorrow, but don't worry, I'm sure he'll do something about it if I die, he won't let you suffer alone, that guy. He may be weird and psychopathic, but deep inside he probably cares about you."

"Aomine-kun, even though I haven't met him, from all that he's done, I know that he is a good person. However deep inside, I just can't seem to bring myself to believe in that... It haunts me every day, Aomine-kun, when okaa-san was killed, he was there and he... he... he was about to kill me too."

Damn, Aomine thought, he had almost forgotten what hid beneath those innocent eyes, what those eyes had seen was a different story all throughout. He had seen a lot of people executed in front of his eyes, but he just seemed to forget about them by the passing day, because he didn't give a care about them. It would have been fine if it was him, but soft hearts couldn't possibly handle all that, and by all means, Kuroko Tetsuya was definitely not hard-hearted.

This always haunted him, true enough, Kuroko's mother was executed because of said treason to the kingdom, plotting to take the throne for herself, and his punishment was simply to live under the palace's watch, but what if, it was just a what if...

What if he were to be given the punishment of execution?

He just couldn't imagine that, he didn't want to. He didn't want to lose any more people to the clutches of the kingdom, especially if they plan to take away the person he truly cared for...

"Don't worry, Tetsu, he won't, I assure you that, I won't let it happen anyway. Besides, he thinks you too precious to throw away, you should see how different he is when he talks about you, seriously."

"I wish I could meet him... Even just once..." He hopefully said, smiling as he looked at the gift.

"Wait, a book again? You must really love books for him to send you some from his own collection... He's really possessive about stuff."

Aomine didn't know if Kuroko knew what he was referring to, who he was referring to. That guy did not like his "things" stolen away from him, basically, he treated people like pieces on a chessboard. If Aomine thought it over, Kuroko would probably be the queen or something... And sorry to say, he was on the opposite side, too out of reach.

"Aomine-kun, could you please read the note for me? I can't seem to see things clearly now... It won't be long before I can't even see you clearly..."

"Yeah sure, why not?" Aomine liked how the request was directed at him and only him, but well, too bad the message was too annoying for him to savour that moment.

I hope you have a good dream after this Tetsuya. No, you will have one, you'll see.

Akashi Seijuro.

Akashi Seijuro huh... both a formidable and an annoying man if you asked Aomine Daiki.

"Akashi-sama, what wakes you this late at night?"

Mayuzumi Chihiro asked this out of curiosity, but that wasn't how it seemed, for Akashi Seijuro heard it as something that questioned the fact of him being awake.

"Is there a problem with that, Chihiro? I trust you know what are the consequences for questioning my actions, this is the third time already cousin. Be thankful I am being lenient with you, for the fact that you are family, one of royal blood, changes that. However, that does not stop me from having the right to punish you when I see fit, am I understood?"

He took care to keep authority in his voice, but Akashi Seijuro seriously didn't have the mood to be angry. It was a very rare case indeed, for him to not enjoy anger, for right now, his thoughts comprised mostly of him.

"Yes... But Akashi-sama, are you sure that things staying like this is fine?"

"What are you suggesting, Chihiro? I trust that you and I, along with Daiki, are the only ones who know of my connection to my stepbrother, and how I know he exists. I am just waiting for the right time, it is too dangerous to act as of now."

He had been thinking about the brother he never had the opportunity to meet, in fact, he had known of his existence for no longer than a month ago... after hearing what he shouldn't have heard. It was top-secret information, but as a prince, his ears heard almost everything, in fact, he knew a bit too much that it actually hurt.

He hated disobedience, he couldn't tolerate people questioning his actions, for he desperately needed more answers to the questions left unanswered for as long as he could live.

"It's just that... Akashi-sama, don't you think he's been stolen of what he rightfully should have had for something he shouldn't have done? You're the prince of the high royal court, you should at least do something about it, i-"

"And you don't think I would have done so if I could? My my, Chihiro, you seem to underestimate me so, but rest assured, I have a plan... and it is to be executed tomorrow."

He was pleased with himself, for once satisfied with his talent which was effortlessly his since birth, he had been praised for it, betrayed for it, lied to for it... and now it did him good.

"Wait for me, Tetsuya, I'll get you out of your cage soon... And you'll be in mine."

"I've... been released?"

He just couldn't believe it, he didn't even dream this day would come, the day he would be able to see the rays of light which used to greet him every morning, the day he would be able to feel the sweet sensation of what was so-called "freedom".

"Yes, under the direct orders of the crown prince of Teikou, His Majesty Akashi Seijuro himself."

Even though his feet felt numb from the cold of the dungeon floor, his body just moved on its own and supported him to stand up. He touched the hard stone wall which he used to lean on for support and dream on, only imagining this day for as long as he could remember, every day, every night... and to think he was going to leave it all behind for the real world, the world outside.

It was probably going to be the last time.

"His Majesty is waiting in the royal court, you are to be escorted by this idiot here... Forgive him, I don't know what is on his Majesty's mind right now to send this utterly useless friend of mine." Kuroko knew this person as Kasamatsu Yukio, who was showering the blonde right beside him with... insults. He was a new face to Kuroko, and he couldn't help but wonder what kind of person he was to make him seem to be so... bad, but then again, all people were bad in their own way.

"Mou, Kasamatsucchi is soooo mean, just so you know, I properly got promoted out of hardwork ssu! Not like you who's stuck in these dreary dungeons guarding all the prisoners! Wahahahaha, the next time you see me, you'll be bowing down before me~!"

Okay, now even Kuroko knew he was giving himself too much credit... he meant the blonde by the way.

Still, the mention of dungeons and prisoners made him shiver to the bone. He couldn't help but want to note on how this person had to be more considerate of other people's feelings.

"Just shut up and back to the serious business..." Kasamatsu dragged Kuroko to Kise and he landed on the stranger, all arms on him.

"He's the guy, name's Kuroko Tetsuya. Now just get out of my sight already!" Kasamatsu irritably growled, though he meant it was a good old joke... okay, maybe a harsh joke, but still.

"Fine, fine... Well then, I'll be taking my leave, Akashicchi might get mad when I'm late..."

He held Kuroko's hand in his, and it felt terribly cold, and well, he was gentlemanly enough to know that a hand being callused wasn't an excuse for letting it go, he was well enough used to this, he wasn't like those people who just didn't know their place.

He didn't know when any sense of equality would even be present in this kingdom's royal aristocratic society, maybe never, maybe he was being too wishful.

But if he had heard the gossip right... that this person who he was with now was a possible candidate to the royal court, then something, something might just change without him knowing.

"So... your name's Kurokocchi? That sort of sounds familiar... I think I heard it back when I was a child..." The blonde thought hard, as if trying to register the name. On the other hand, Kuroko winced at the mention of it being familiar... and at the fact that this person was being a bit too familiar with him. He wasn't even used to be called by his name, let alone be noticed, even.

He sweatdropped, not only because of the intense heat, but also because he was slightly afraid, that this person would judge him for those lies again. He just wondered if the truth really always prevailed, of course not, for various lives perished defying that very law of the world itself.

"Ah... You must be imagining things, the name 'Kuroko' is rather common around the kingdom... It wouldn't be weird if you knew someone else by the name of Kuroko."

Okay, now that was awkward. First of all, he and his now deceased mother were pretty much the only Kurokos he knew that even existed, in fact, it was even considered a cursed line. The Kuroko family had been known for being one of the noble families... but that was all in the past, now it was just a pure disgrace. There was a time when he had heard of a proclamation on how all who had the surname of "Kuroko" was to change their family names immediately, and the punishment could be a tarnished family name or even life in prison. Even his perhaps deceased family didn't even acknowledge him and his mother, they were basically abandoned to rot in hell.

And no, having another "Kuroko" in the prison did not make him any more comfortable.

He wasn't ashamed of the name itself, but of the lies that surrounded it, the lies that concealed the meant to be rightful truth.

"Oh well, I'll think about it later... For the meantime..."

Kuroko was thankful that this person didn't bother to investigate on it further, for he didn't want this person to misunderstand. The world seemed to be his and only his right now, a world he was taken out of for so long.

"I'm Kise Ryouta, and I'm leading you to his Majesty, Akashicch- I mean, His Majesty Akashi Seijuro."

The mention of the name made Kuroko warm up inside for some reason, he didn't know why. But one thing was for sure...

This wouldn't be the last time he would feel this.

This warmth.

Kuroko Tetsuya was silently screaming, wanting to ask Kise not to leave him alone with this... terribly mysterious evil-looking guy. His very existence in this room seemed to demote Kuroko, he seemed to look so small in front of him... and to think the height difference wasn't that great.

"I've longed to meet you, my dear brother."

It took a while before he registered those words into his mind, it seemed a bit too unbelievable right now, everything. The sensation of the palace floor touching his bare feet, the freedom he was granted with, the turning point which could drastically change his future, and finally the sight before him.


"Are you... really...?"

He was left speechless- even more speechless when he found arms wrapped around his entire body, enveloping him in their embrace. It was something he hadn't felt for a long time, he didn't know if this was an embrace of love, or merely a playful gesture, but he felt safe, for the first time, protected, wanted.

"Yes, Tetsuya," It sounded like a whisper, and the playful way the redhead said his name seemed to make him have this tingling sensation, it felt rather awkward. "But first of all..."

"When was the last time you've taken a bath?"

"Umm... Three days ago? Or was it two...? I'm not sure, I don't even know if my sense of time is right, you can never differentiate day and night in that cell... I'm just thankful Aomine-kun is nice enough to bring a bucket of water from time to time... and pour it on me like it wasn't his business if I mock him or not."

The memory made him feel good, but he had come into realization, realizing what he was saying was really inappropriate. He felt embarrassed, to think he was saying all this to a mere stranger.

Or wait... was he really a stranger?

He was family... right?

Some part of him just told him that he was part of the family that... betrayed him. That revoked him of the life he had always wanted, but this wasn't a reason to judge him as someone like that, all people were different in their own way, they all had their reasons. Just like how he had welcomed him, he should just learn to trust in them more, to welcome them with open arms.

"Well then, we have to get you all clean first... yes? We wouldn't want you to get sick, we have to get rid of those... germs you've gotten from that awful place."

The way he said it seemed to be full of disgust, he didn't even know where the disgust was directed at. And to think he was a part of all that before...

"There's a bathroom left unused just down the hallway, and I can guarantee you that no one uses it as this time of the day... at least not while I'm around."

There it was again, that seemingly cold smirk, he couldn't seem to know what kind of person this Akashi Seijuro was, what he was hiding under that mysterious playful façade...

That he had yet to know.

"Oh, and make sure to stay unnoticed, we wouldn't want to get in trouble on the very first day yes?"

"Don't worry Akashi-kun..." The sudden mention of his name made him turn, and heterochromatic eyes stared into Kuroko's blue ones, as if trying to figure out what was in his mind right now, it looked like that calculating mind most monarchs had... which scared Kuroko a bit, Akashi realized this and immediately apologized for it, saying it was something he had gotten used to in the palace.

"You never know who lies and who tells the truth... You can never be sure."

"...I'll make sure to remember that... and it happens that staying unnoticed is my specialty."

Kuroko was really grateful for the generosity so far, and he had to say, it's been a while since he actually felt that he had a living body... literally.

He really had to say that taking a bath in the prison and in the royal bathrooms had a very large difference, in prison, there were times he felt so cold he couldn't feel his hands anymore. The comfort of the warm water would probably take a toll on him later, but he figured that he should enjoy it for the time being.

He'd have to thank Akashi Seijuro for that later... and wait, did he just smell Akashi's scent in that shampoo?

He blew the soap bubbles out of his hands and couldn't help but notice his own reflection in them, only making it all the more obvious that he didn't look anything like his stepbrother at all... but that wasn't really a bad thing was it? That way, it would be easier to differentiate the level between the two of them...

That's right, he had to be reminded that his stepbrother was too out of reach as of now, and if this keeps up... he just might lose this person to change too.

He buried his head into the water and let himself cool down, still though, his eyes were shut in an instant.

And never did his thoughts escape, in reality or in dreams.

Midorima Shintarou did not know why he couldn't get a wink of sleep at all last night, he was starting to wonder if he should consider himself sleep-derived from stress like his companion, Kazunari Takao said.

He normally wouldn't be saying this, but a bath should cool his head down and wash out his worries.

What was he even worried about?

That he didn't know, but as he always says: "Do the likeliest and God would do the rest", who knows, he might find out along the way.

However... when he opened the bathroom door, all his hopes were destroyed.

There was no bath, there were no worries.

For all he could think about, all he could see right now, was the boy in the bathtub.

Kuroko Tetsuya just woke up from a nightmare, and yet he didn't know which was scarier. That or... the fact that a "peeping tom" was now looking at him... taking a bath.

"Umm... hello, may I ask who you are?"

He knew he shouldn't be saying that, after all, he was new to the palace, one wrong move and he was straight out those doors. This person could be anyone, this person could be wearing anyone's mask, anyone's lies. If this person had stayed in the palace for a long time now, he definitely had no place in his right mind to say that.

He looked up at the tall youth who just stood in front of him, staring straight at him... jade eyes trying to see or at least predict who he was and how he thought at that very second they met, it was the same expression...

The same expression Akashi Seijuro wore.

"Midorima, that's all I'll say for now..."

It was a curt reply, and that person named Midorima immediately left for the door, not bothering to turn back. Kuroko wondered if he had done something wrong, asking the stranger's name. Basically, giving away your identity was like asking one's enemies to bring it on, it was basically like bring on a fight remaining unprepared.

"Midorima...-kun, huh?"

He felt this name was familiar from somewhere, he wasn't sure on where he had heard it, it could have been anywhere, anytime. It mattered not if it was in the distant past or only a matter of days ago, some part of him told him he had to find out.

"Shin-chan, you've been acting really weird since you left to take a bath, you sure you didn't get a cold or something?"

Midorima Shintarou didn't even bother to console with his fellow partner in politics, Kazunari Takao, not like he usually did. He couldn't stop thinking about that boy he saw earlier, how he seemed so creepily familiar from somewhere in his memories...

"Shin-chan... That's a no no, thinking about other people other than me." It was meant as a joke, the usual flirty jokes from Kazunari Takao which just slightly offended Midorima, however now it didn't seem to be the case, for not only was he offended... he was irritated for some reason.

"Takao, you do have to realize that what I'm thinking about is important right now, considering the importance of things has always been a weak point of yours, and you'd better make up for that by giving me time to think."

"But Shin-chan-"

"Don't call me 'Shin-chan'... not while we're at the palace."

It was this affectionate nickname Takao called him with since their childhood days... but he knew that those days were long gone, they were all buried in time, and they could never go back to that. There was no "back then", there was only "now".

"Fine, Shin-chan," Takao purposefully called him, the said person decided to let it be for now, he couldn't even remember what Takao called him before he called him "Shin-chan".

"How am I supposed to know what you're thinking about when you're not saying anything about what you're thinking about?"

He had lost this time, he admitted it, Takao had a point. He just didn't know how to put it into words... The teal-haired boy he had met, how he possibly could have something to do with his childhood memories, and how could he possibly be a stranger to him when he was within the vicinities of the palace- Midorima was confident enough in his memorization of all the palace staff and nobles, royal family included, and never did he see a boy like that, never, not in the recent years anyway.

Wait... teal?

"Takao, do you remember the execution records for the past ten years?"

"Wait... Shin-chan, why are we suddenly talking about execution? And wait, ten years ago? Come on, Shin-chan, we were only four back then! We weren't probably even permitted to witness-"

"I was, the only execution my mother wanted me to witness... If I'm not mistaken... dated back to ten years ago, something that changed the laws... that changed the future of our kingdom at that time."

"But wait, wasn't your mother rewarded because of you know... giving out the information on that woman who committed treachery years ago? That was a long time ago but well... I think the name was Kuroko-"

"There's the answer, Takao, the execution of the Kuroko family years ago... That must have been it... he must have been the one... that rumoured survivor who was cursed to live his life in prison."

He was sure of it now, for in his memories, the whole scene flashed clearly. The execution occurring, him burying himself under the shelter of his very mother, the witnesses begging for more blood to be shed... and the child who was screaming for it to stop.

If in case he betrayed this information once again like how his mother did, he would be rewarded- but no, he wasn't like his mother, he didn't want to become like his now deceased mother. He knew very well the value of life, and he had no intention of taking more for the sake of wealth and power... he wasn't going to become the kind of person that people despised.

"Takao, you are not to tell of what has happened to anyone, or else-"

"Yeah, Shin-chan, not a soul. I am well aware that you'll cut out all relations between us two if I break a promise, it's something very Shin-chan like."

"If that's how you view me... then you don't know me at all nanodayo."

"Akashi-kun, would you mind telling me if you know any person in the palace by the name of Midorima?"

The two were now in the prince's suite once again, and whilst they were discussing about the palace itself and its rules, along with its hierarchy, Akashi Seijuro asked if there was anything he didn't understand or if he had anything to ask him halfway of the said conversation, and this was the question that had been buzzing in his mind repeatedly by now.

"And why do you ask?" was the reply, and Kuroko didn't really have any reason to come up with, so he figured being truthful was best.

Oh, he was so dreadfully wrong.

"Well... you see a person kind of saw me in the bath and he named himself as Midorima... I failed to catch his first name though, he didn't make any mention of it. He seemed to be strangely familiar though... him and his family name."

"Oh, I see," Akashi hissed, and Kuroko wondered what he did wrong. Okay, maybe he shouldn't have mentioned the bath part after all. He could see a dark aura emanating from the crown prince, and well, it didn't look so good, it didn't seem to wade at all.

"True enough, the Midorima name is quite known to me in my whole life stay in the palace, it would be strange if I didn't know them. They are a family quite close to the royal family itself, it's best you keep your distance. Do tell about this Midorima you met though, I would like to hear more about him."

There was a tone of danger in his speaking which Kuroko wasn't aware of. In fact, Akashi Seijuro had meant to add that he wanted more details so he could pulverize that person and kill him... not literally though. Even he did not have the authority to kill someone of nobility without solid proof and causes against him or her.

"Well... he had green hair-"

"Wait, Tetsuya," Akashi had cut in, "I had failed to note that almost all in the Midorima family have green hair, it lives up to their namesake... and I am told it is quite dominant in their genes."

"What else could I tell you then, Akashi-kun? You seem to know everything already... I don't even know what to tell."

"Oh, I don't know everything, I simply want to know more of course, and besides, why would I ask this of you when I already knew? Did you really think I would tire you out if I didn't need to, Tetsuya?"

"...No," was the simple dismissive response from the younger (step)brother and he moved on telling more about the physical appearance of this "Midorima" person. Akashi merely told him to go on, and finally told him to stop when he had heard this person had a weird accent.

"I am almost positive it's Shintarou," He said tentatively, and asked Kuroko whether this person was holding anything that caught his eye, something you wouldn't see in these parts of the land.

"Well... He was holding this... how do I say this... small lifeless pig? It couldn't have been a real one though, it didn't show any sign of life."

"A pig... huh? As usual, Shintarou carries around really weird things... However, Tetsuya, this isn't what we're supposed to talk about."

He could feel tension brewing up in the atmosphere, he felt nervous all of a sudden, for some part of him knew that they came here to talk about him and his life... his new life in the palace.

Or... maybe not.

"Tetsuya, I trust you have finished this book which I sent in the package days ago?" Akashi held out the said book, and Kuroko couldn't help but reprimand himself for being that careless with it, he didn't remember leaving it there, he thought it was with him the whole time.

"...Yes, I'm sorry to have treated it so carelessly, it was a gift from you after all..."

"No, it's fine, however, I of course won't let this opportunity slip. In return, you have to tell me the plot of the story in two sentences. Well then, Tetsuya, take up to the challenge?"

The smaller of the two nodded slightly, tilting his head to the sight and thinking, even more pressured when Akashi told him he had ten seconds. Well great, he believed in him and his talents that much.

"Basically it's about a war between the two kingdoms which divide the continent into two for they wanted claim over power and territory. The kingdom of Vinea did not see any hopes in winning, therefore they sold off- I'm not sure if that's the right wording- married off their princess to the kingdom of Hildegarde as something similar to a peace treaty to end the war, except in the form of the princess."

"Very good Tetsuya, and I trust you are now asking yourself why I asked such a question?"

"...To test my understanding of the book?" Kuroko answered, oblivious as to how Akashi Seijuro found this amusing, then telling him to turn it to an even broader view of things.

"...I really don't understand what you're thinking, Akashi-kun."

"Tetsuya, make sure to not be so surprised by what I'm about to tell you, is that too much to ask of you, I wonder?" The bluenette shook his head, and Akashi knew that it was best to finally get to the root of things like he had intended to.

"Well then, I of course will not be marrying you off- you're too valuable for that, yes." At this, he swore he just saw his younger brother blush ever so slightly... or wait, that was none of his business, he decided- so he continued on.

"I will however, be doing something similar to that of what Vinea did, but don't misunderstand, I am not doing this for my sake, but for your own safety."

There was only silence, and a slight pause before the bluenette pursed his lips out of nervousness, and Akashi had already somehow predicted that he would not take this easily- of course not, any human wouldn't.

"Akashi-kun, was this... planned from the very moment I stepped into this palace with Kise-kun?"

"No, if that's what you're implying, then no. I thought this over while you were taking a bath."

"...Akashi-kun, I am not joking, and this isn't supposed to be taken as a joke... or is this whole thing a joke?"

Akashi looked at Kuroko, who still wore his blank expression, however he could sense the seriousness- the change in his tone. He didn't know what to answer now, after seeing him so serious it was... well, cute.

"No, Tetsuya, I am quite serious here, I know you must be thinking this is all a conspiracy, after all you had just gotten out of that... place, and now I send you to another completely unknown place all throughout. If so, you misunderstand. I think you are knowledgeable enough of what's happening outside those walls?"

"...The war."

It was a curt reply, but the air seemed to weigh down on Kuroko's shoulders by the mere mention of it, and he could only think of one thing- one person.


"That is correct, a war between our kingdom and the kingdom of Seirin... I trust you know by the now who is winning?"

It was an answer too obvious he didn't need to say it, it wasn't even a question by now. Of course... it was still the same after all those years, the Teikou kingdom prioritized victory, and they wouldn't hesitate to do any means to attain it- even if it meant losing its countrymen, it was something you could hear of at the very streets, something you could read in its very history.

"Ever Victorious".

"... So, Akashi-kun, aren't we at the advantage here? So I don't see why we are proposing the peace treaty, and not them."

"...Tetsuya, don't treat this as a peace treaty. Consider once again that the Seirin kingdom is losing, so if they see a better deal which tips to their advantage... they'll surely take it, and that deal is you. Tetsuya, you have to understand that I myself don't want this to happen- after all I finally got to meet you..."

Kuroko swore he saw it, he just saw this hint of sadness and humanity in Akashi Seijuro's eyes, a sign that longing was there- how it immediately disappeared however, was done skilled enough worthy of masking one's emotions, like how someone who had to do that for a long time would do.

"But you have to know how dangerous this is for you, you're in grave danger as we speak. After all, once they know the only surviving Kuroko descendant is out of his life in imprisonment, they'll surely try to look for you, and it is only a matter of time before that happens. I personally have instructed the guards and the security to keep it hidden for now, but even I don't know how much they swear their loyalty to the royal line, that can only be measured by actions- by time, by how long they could hide the truth."

Kuroko was starting to understand now, and how grave the situation was, basically he was out of prison, but he didn't even consider the consequences, he knew he was being selfish, and he was prepared to listen to Akashi's side of things.

"And if they take a liking to you- which I won't like," he playfully added, "They might make you a noble, a person with a title, and do you know how much value that holds to change your life?"

"... I'll be able to face Akashi-kun."

"Yes, and that is what we want to achieve, I want your name to be cleared, the Seirin kingdom could be your alibi, I am confident that the next time we meet- you'll be under their name, and that's one step to prove your innocence, that you had nothing to do with your mother's actions years ago. However... There is one thing that concerns me."

"What is it, Akashi-kun?"

"How long it would take, that I don't know, it depends on how long it takes for them to willingly accept you into their stronghold and be a part of them, I trust you are prepared to hear an invitation to be part of their kingdom and not Teikou, if that day does come, you have to willingly accept, no matter what."

There was such a strong will in his words that even Kuroko had no choice but to accept everything, there was this part of him which doubted Akashi's actions- and he hated himself for it. It was now clearly obvious that he was purely doing this for his sake, and even he understood that there was no other option. He wasn't losing anything, in fact, he knew this should have been even more painful for Akashi.

But then again, he was the Akashi Seijuro, what if he did have something in mind beneath all this? What if he was trying to tempt him to bend to his will and do what he says?

"Tetsuya, who knows when the next time I'll see you be, I can't promise anything... But I'll promise to bring you back, no matter what it takes."

Kuroko knew very well that promises were easily broken- they were fragile, much like glass, you could break through them easily, and after that, people act as if they never existed to hide their faults.

"I swear on my life as Prince Akashi Seijuro of Teikou."

Their fingers intertwined, and it felt like their hearts were bonded, extending to eternity. They were siblings, two different bodies, and one soul.

It's so weird... even though we just met... why?

Why did he feel so close to him? As if anything that happens in the future from now on couldn't break through their promise? Why is it that he felt so wanted when he was right beside him? Why did he feel that he was swearing, sacrificing, his very life in front of him?

What was this unexplainable feeling?

"Well then, Tetsuya, I'll let you spend your last hours in this castle in peace, it seems we have lost track of the time with our conversation here." Akashi said while pointing at the two fingers of the grandfather clock, and Kuroko couldn't help but think what time really was, whether it really was mere numbers- or was it merely an undeniable prankster making everything disappear. In a matter of time, everything changes, everyone leaves, and what's left?

You're alone again, and the moment he takes his eyes off them for a second, he feels those warm fingers of his brother's slip out from his own, and he feels incomplete, like a part of him, he had just let go.

"Before I leave... take this, it'll surely help you when the time comes."

The warmth from his hands was replaced by the cold of the dagger which was now settled onto his hands, which could barely even carry it. He couldn't help but marvel at its radiance, how it glinted brightly with a faint spark of light and how it seemed to blend with the surroundings, almost completely shielding its presence from even Kuroko himself, and finally it being emblazoned with the royal crest- the Teikou crest.

"This'll grant you access to almost everything you request from any kingdom with relations to Teikou, if ever they ask you how you've attained such a valuable thing, tell them Akashi Seijuro sends them their best regards and condolences."

Kuroko reluctantly accepted, even after seeing that smile with killing intent, well, Aomine did stay true to his words, he did seem psychopathic, keywords: did seem.

"Thank you, Akashi-kun, I'll make sure to take care of it."

"Do not fail me, Tetsuya, though I'm not doubting your abilities- after all you are my brother, I hope you keep in mind that making a mistake means betraying my trust, and you do not want to make an enemy of me and the whole of Teikou kingdom."

They didn't came out more of words of threat rather than words of warning, but Kuroko understood, and he was left alone to think for himself. He looked out to the scenery beyond the window, beyond the palace gates, and as always, the end of it was the paace walls which blocked the view of what was outside there. What horrors it hid and what wonders it wielded he had only heard from stories and read in books (courtesy to Akashi's sent packages), but he couldn't help but be anxious, of what awaited beyond those walls, what his future awaited him.

"I won't disappoint you, Akashi-kun."

It was a promise that could change the history of the Teikou kingdom once again, a promise that changed the life of the two brothers, separated by fate for too long, and now it was time for their destiny to finally unfold.

The curtain rose for the two sides, and there was no good or evil- well maybe there was, but by what we've seen, we could only see two people in their own world- Akashi and Kuroko.

It was a new beginning for this story of theirs, but then again, not all stories end happily. However, this story extends to eternity, to what the two men couldn't see from their view of life, at least...

Not yet.

What is left of we, the audience, is what time would decide, but these two main leads of ours were determined to achieve their own ending, and all fate could do was watch.

I know, Akashi was a total ass at the end... but well, that's what character development is for right? As for that "peace treaty" part, let's say it was the only conclusion I came up with on how to make our dear phantom safe, I don't want him to suffer as a servant in the palace, that is so damn cruel of me! (And besides, his teal hair and the palace gossip would give him away... and no I don't plan making him crossdress or dye those locks of teal hair. And yes, I know the usage of the word is incorrect, peace treaties are supposed to be in the form of contracts, and yet I had to do that... I have no excuse, though it'll all be solved next chapter. Next chapter we'll get a glance at the Seirin kingdom and well... you all know what that means... upcoming hints of KagaKuro. Wait, should I make that a pairing?

So... how was it? Your reviews are welcome! Fangirl reviews, criticism or what, they're all welcome! :D

Once again, thank you for reading and till the next update!
