So... it's been a while since I updated. I know, I know - please don't throw pitchforks at me. I have my reasons ;-;

So, I'd like to say thank you, once again, to those who still read this fic regardless of its flaws and well... yeah, you get it :)

To the reviewers: Awesomeangel, EclipseKuran, Assassin8, VioletFan123, CloudCarnivore, and nat04otakufor - A BIG THANK YOU FOR REVIEWING :D

Please enjoy this new chapter for Warmth: Where the Heart Lies~

Under the reign of Akashi, the unison of the kingdoms seemed to grow stronger than ever, and things in Teikou were in a peaceful state. It was from noticing this that an idea came to him one day.


Said boy looked up from the paperwork he was helping Akashi do, putting down his quill daintily. It was the Seirin side of the paperwork Kuroko was doing, that Akashi decided, was best to leave to him, considering he could learn more this way – and be more aware of his duties as a prince of Seirin. He was really growing to be the prince he was meant to have become, slowly but surely. He wasn't a natural leader, but a dutiful listener, and he would always do well in attending to the people's concerns. Akashi of course, had to sit with the politics and the diplomatics of majorly everything. The dull stuff he wouldn't let Tetsuya concern himself with.

"What do you say we plan a visit to the town district?"

Ever since Akashi's reign, the terms "Upper District" where the upper class resided, and the "Lower District" system, wasremoved, and they all lived as one. Many found the change hard at first, but from news that reached them, it seemed to be working out well. The only way to tell the truth was to go see for themselves. He saw this as a good opportunity too, to show Tetsuya off, to make people aware.

Of course, the relationship thing was still a secret.

Kuroko on the other hand, really couldn't think of a reason why Akashi would suddenly bring up such an idea. Akashi was always like that, unpredictable.

"... If Akashi-kun says so."

And so it was decided, just like that.

Kuroko had to go first, considering Akashi would attract too much attention. Because of this, Kise had accompanied him considering he had "nothing to do" and he claimed he wanted to stay by "Kurokocchi's" side. Akashi shot him a death glare before they had left, telling him to take good care of Kuroko.

"Wait for me at Celestia Town Square."

Celestia Town Square was somewhere in the middle of town, which was well known for a couple's ideal place for stargazing at night, as if the sky had been a translucent blanket that was like a frame to the universe above. There was a tale of how Celestia was the goddess of the sky who fell in love with the god of the Earth, Terra, and this was their meeting place. The place where the earth and the sky were at its closest.

This wasn't the only famous spot in Teikou. Since they knew Akashi would probably take a while, Kise took him out for some sightseeing. There was the "Sky Maiden", that was a gift from the Kaijo kingdom, known for its many skilled sculptors, and it was said that you could see the sky in her eyes, infinity reflected in her irises.

"You know, the Sky Maiden sort of reminds me of Kurokocchi, for some reason." Kise had commented care freely. Kuroko had shrugged.

There was the "Great Divide", which was a cliff that got you a rather good view of two neighbouring kingdoms, namely Kaijo and Yosen. Kise had smiled with nostalgia, telling Kuroko of tales from back home, in Kaijo, and how he used to spend his days idly. Kuroko could visualize it all in his mind. It was breath-taking, like an entrance to another world.

They were on their way back to Celestia Town Square hadn't gone to those too far, so Kise just babbled on about them, on and on,

"And of course there's the Sanctuary, where kings and queens used to be bound by matrimony."

Ah, Kuroko's heard of it, or at least read of it. It was a source of intrigue, apparently, and it was made by the best architect to ever grace the seven kingdoms, Touou'sHarasawaKazuma, back when Teikou had first established its reputation as a true kingdom. Even now, its pillars stood tall, and the eyes of the goddess of marriage passed on her blessing.

Or that was what Kuroko knew.



Kise paused, waving at some girls as they passed by. He seemed rather popular in these parts, he must have been a frequent visitor.

"... Ne, Kurokocchi, did you know? Did Akashicchi ever tell you about his mother? The late queen?"

Akashi-kun's mother...

The late queen... Akashi hadn't really mentioned much about her. Of course not, why would he?

"She...Akashicchi's mother..." Kise gulped.

"She committed suicide there, at that very place." he murmured lowly, inaudible for the people around them.

Kuroko's throat felt dry, "... Why?" he managed to croak out.

"It's not my place to tell you that, Kurokocchi, as far as I know."

The conversation was dropped at that very moment, and they walked in silence. Almost reaching Celestia Town Square, they caught sight of piercing heterochromatic eyes look at them from under a mantra.

That's too obvious no matter how you look at it...!

"Now, where did you two wander off to, I wonder?"

Kise's expression was of panic, yet Kuroko remained calm. He explained himself, or more like, he explained on Kise's behalf – for the poor blond seemed to be rather shaken.

"Kise-kun was kind enough to take me to go sightseeing. It was a rather enjoyable experience." Kuroko shared Kise's sentiments somehow. He had fun... sort of. If you called people sort of looking at you (in truth, they weren't, you just thought you got noticed) but were actually looking at your fabulous blond friend fun, then yes, it was fun.

Akashi looked at Kise with a smirk, "... I see. Well, I suggest it's better for me to take my turn in doing so now, you may leave, Ryouta."

Kise opened his mouth to protest but Akashi didn't even let him speak, his back now facing Kise, with only Kuroko waving goodbye to Kise who was in (crocodile) tears – but the frustration was genuine obviously.

"I wonder if Kise-kun will be okay..." he said with concern.

"He'll recover."

"... Akashi-kun, is this...?"

"An orphanage, I used to visit this place secretly when I had time."

The moment Akashi's voice was heard – children of many ages started running to their side. It was an odd sight, for Akashi to mingle with... well, children. He didn't seem to be the kind of person kids would easily approach – erm, what Kuroko meant to say was, Akashi had this side too, huh...

He'd be really good with children...

Wait – what was he thinking?!

"Akashi-nii-chan~! Play with us!"

"I will, I will," Akashi assures them – children tugging at him in all directions. He looks to Kuroko, and nods. What is he planning to do?

"I brought a new friend over."

There were cheers everywhere – it was evident almost no one came over these parts. Kuroko couldn't help but stare in awe and wonder, it's been the first time he's been around so many kids in his life – and it just felt so... wonderful. Lively.

Seeing Akashi so happy too...

"Meet Kuroko-onii-san, children."

Next thing he knew, Kuroko was being tackled by children.

"You'd make a good mother." Akashi had said halfway through the commotion.

At the mention of "mother", Kuroko nearly flinched. The earlier conversation with Kise sparked up in his mind – but he immediately ceased to think about it when Akashi's heterochromatic eyes determinedly trailed his.

"Tetsuya?" It was Akashi's normal tone of speaking to him now, and it made him completely snap from his trail of thoughts.

"Is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Akashi's eyes narrowed for a second, trying to read his expression which Kuroko struggled to keep blank, before moving on further inside of the orphanage. Kuroko followed, with children still clinging to him.

He had definitely been found out. He definitely was.

"Don't think this conversation is over, Tetsuya." Akashi says, "It's too soon to be relieved."

The moment they left the orphanage – Kuroko knew he was doomed.

Or so was what he had thought but...

Akashi was strangely... open about it...?

"Ryouta told you something, didn't he?"

Kuroko kept silent.

"Didn't he?" Akashi pressed on – but it wasn't anger in his voice, instead it was – something like openness.

"...Yes." Kuroko said resignedly. "I'm sorry."

"... I sense it is something about me. Wait, of course it is." He grunted, "Who else could it be, after all?"

"Someone's cocky."

"Really, now?"

There was a moment of silence between them, and it was a much appreciated thing. For both of them, that is, what with all that's been happening recently. It almost seemed so... surreal.

The warmth of Akashi's hand now was true though.

The company he offered.

His comforting words.

Kuroko's heartbeat that was thumping loudly like it was about to burst out.

"... I'm sorry about your mother." he muttered out with a shaky breath.

"So it was about that, huh?"


"I don't remember much about her, to be honest." Akashi said bitterly, "And I regretted that.

It could have been better had I not known her at all."

"Don't say that."

"No, you don't understand – had I not known her, maybe... just maybe, I wouldn't have been haunted by the shadow of my father."

And it was then that Kuroko decided upon a stupid reckless motion to kiss him. And he did, like a spur of the moment kind of thing.

"Tetsuya, what-"

"Akashi-kun, you idiot." Kuroko pouted, "Please don't think of your mother as a painful reminder – I don't think she'd be happy with that."

"Does it even matter?"

"It does. It really does."

It was then Kuroko took a more serious note. A more forlorn expression – and he was... thinking over things.

"I regretted it."


"I regretted thinking of my mother that way – the one who accursed me to that life I once had." the look on his face is almost guilty – only this time, Kuroko's gaze is thankful – and that gratitude was for him.

"But I was thankful towards her – because then, had I not lived that life – there was a chance we never would have been able to be like this. I might never have met my sociopathic stepbrother."

"... That's a nice way to put it." he muttered sarcastically. "But thank you, for trying to make me feel better."

Kuroko raised an eyebrow. "Trying?"

Akashi chuckled at the motion. "Fine, you win."

It was a scene from his dreams. Akashi and he would be sitting while staring up at the night sky – Kuroko leaning on his shoulder like what he had always wanted to do when he had a big brother.

It was actually happening. And this time it wasn't just about being brothers. It was about someone who stood by his side despite all that's happened.

"Let's stay like this."

It sounds like a very tempting offer, but Akashi shakes his head. "We'll have to return soon. We took long enough."

But there was no response.


But Kuroko was already sound asleep, eyes closed – wandering off to the world of dreams. With that peaceful expression, Akashi didn't dare wake him up. He must have been tired from all the children.

"You really are helpless, you know that?"

In the end, they both came home refreshed at some point, both deciding it was best to retreat to their rooms. 'Home', the word had a new ring to it now. For both of them.

Kuroko started changing out of his clothes, wearing the new robes prepared out for him. Strange, they had a certain scent to them... a scent familiar to that of spring flowers that bloomed in the zenith of spring. And Kuroko liked it just fine.


For some reason, it sounds more real than ever. Closer, even.

In the following nights, he would probably think of nothing else. Nothing but this day he had been a step closer to Akashi's heart.

... It didn't seem to matter anymore, even if they were brothers.

"A letter for you, Your Majesty."

Akashi eyed the letter carefully. There was no royal crest of any kingdom, but instead that of a dragon strangling a white dove. He felt it familiar – the symbol.


He dismissed the messenger who had left through the door, as soon as Akashi had told him so.

An ill omen...

Greetings, Akashi Seijuro of the Teikou kingdom– it is a sudden matter, but I just figured you'd be worth my time, and decided to give you a warning.

Putting aside formalities (as they will get us nowhere, really) – I'd like to tell you that I know of your sin – and what you've done.

It will no longer be a secret once it is found out and revealed. From what I could tell, you'd do everything to stop this from happening – but I wouldn't suggest that.

By the time you receive this letter, the uprising will have come soon.

My men have already started moving – I suggest you stay close to the ones dear to you... while you still can.


The Messenger of Ravens

He had heard news of such things – but to think it would be to this extent...

He did not fear for himself – it was hardly a threat– but he feared for the others. Especially... especially for Tetsuya.

Perhaps, the time has come that they would have to distance themselves from each other again.

A storm was coming.

The raven has sent his warning, and he...

His, will be engraved in the records of history - through blood and war.

...Okay- what did I just do...?

Well, hope you liked it anyway :D (It's okay if you didn't ;-;) Sorry if it was a short update, but it's the turning point for the first half of the story :) We're not far off from the end... I think.

Please review if you'd like - feel free to tell me what you think :)
