Welcome to the sequel of my story 'Untrustworthy', If you haven't read that one yet please do before you read this one. I've just started watching walking dead from the beginning for the third time and it's still awesome. So here we go, the first chapter of my new story.

Rebecca woke to the feeling of Dixon licking her hand.

"You hungry boy?" She mumbled

"He's a fine guard dog" the Governor chuckled from the door way, Rebecca twisted round feeling her heart jump in fright.

"Governor, you scared me." Rebecca sighed, holding her hand to her chest.

"Sorry Ma'am, didn't mean to sneak up on you, S'just nice watching him with you. He won't leave your side." He apologized, smiling sweetly at her.

"It's okay, now and then I wake up thinking it's just me and Dixon again, out there alone... It feels amazing when I remember we're safe here." She whispered, ruffling Dixon's fur.

"I just came by to ask if you've got any clothes that need washin'" The Governor explained, reaching down and picking up an old, tattered shirt.

"Not that!" Rebecca yelped, jumping out of the bed and snatching it away from him.

"Belong to someone important to you?"

"It reminds me... of a better time." Rebecca smiled holding it up to her face and closing her eyes.

The Governor nodded as Rebecca looked at him.

"I can understand that." He smiled gently at her "An old boyfriend?"

"I guess you could say that..." she whispered "We parted on bad terms... a long time a go."

"He still alive?" He asked

"I'm not sure, I doubt it though..."

The Governor smiled tenderly at her. "We've cleaned out an apartment for you and Dixon, it has a lot of books and clothes in there for you to enjoy."

"Thank you so much, you saved my life." Rebecca placed the shirt on the bed and caught sight of herself in the mirror. Since she'd been here she'd managed to put on weight, she didn't look as skeletal anymore and her deep, blue eyes had life in them again. Her hair, although still quite short, didn't hang as limply as before.

"We've got to stick together, keep hold of some real kind of life. Come down to the town hall when you're ready to move in." The Governor said before leaving her alone.

"Dixon, we're going to have a proper home now." She grinned

Dixon barked happily, wagging his tail.

"I better get our stuff together." She sighed

Rebecca and Dixon stepped out of the door on to the street, a few people waved and smiled at her, the bright sunlight couldn't shake the biting cold wind that blew through her. It was almost winter and Rebecca shivered, she didn't have proper clothing to keep her going through the colder months but hopefully she'd find some in this new apartment.

"Good morning Rebecca." a cheery voice greeted her.

"Chris! Good morning." Rebecca smiled, Chris was a nurse in Woodbury, he'd helped her recover and spent most days with her since her arrival, his sandy blonde hair shined in the early morning sun. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard they'd found you a place to settle, thought I'd come by and help you." He grinned,

"That's very kind of you." Rebecca blushed

"Don't mention it, I like spending time with you." He muttered

It made her feel uncomfortable, she was thankful to him, he'd saved her life after all, but it had only been three months since she last saw Daryl. She didn't want any kind of romantic attachments anymore, this world was too cruel. She just wanted to live and look after Dixon and this town would make that possible.

The gates at the end of the street screeched as they slowly opened allowing a truck to rumble in to the secure town.

"What's going on?" Rebecca asked, she'd never seen the gates open the two months she'd been here.

"Merle Dixon and his group must be returning from their mission." Chris explained,

Rebecca's eyes widened dramatically as the name Merle Dixon repeated in her mind.

"Merle Dixon?" She yelped, she'd know that name any where, Daryl's older brother.

She sprinted towards the truck as it came to a halt allowing the men to jump out.

"Merle Dixon!" She yelled at the group, a few turned to look at her with confused glares before a man lifted his hand.

"I know you?" The man huffed

"Are you Merle Dixon?" She asked, reaching out to him

"What's it to you sweetheart?" He smirked, there was no doubt in Rebecca's mind that this was Daryl's brother, the way he carried himself and his southern accent were exactly the same as Daryl.

"I knew Daryl." She whispered

Merle's eyes widened briefly before he took her by the arm and dragged her towards the town hall.

"How'd you know my brother?" He hissed

"He found me, let me be a part of his group."

"Why isn't he with you now... he's dead?" He stopped and stared in to her eyes.

"I don't know, we got... separated... when I went back to find him the group had disappeared." She wished she had better news for Daryl's brother but that was all she could say.

"Where did you see him last?" He asked, his grip tightening on her arm painfully.

"At a farm, Greene farm. I don't know how to get there from here though, and like I said, it's abandoned." She winced in pain from the tight grip of Merle's only hand.

Merle drops her arm and stalks off towards the town hall, Rebecca rubbed her arm gently before following him. To think she'd ended up in the place Daryl's brother lived, it had to be a sign. She would find him again, alive or dead, and she had a lot to say to him about how he left her alone, how she almost died. She understanded his logic behind staying with the group but she would have chosen him over anything else.

So, what do you think of the first chapter? :) I am so enthusiastic to write this story that I want to finish it in one day, however I do want to keep you guys on edge aha. Tough decision.