Hey guys! I know, it's been awhile since I've written a multi-chapter story. I don't think it will be as long as my last multi-chapter, but I'm hoping that it will be enough to satisfy all those Danny whumpers and bromance lovers out there!

Anyways, here we go. I got the idea for this story when I heard the song "Lean on Me".

Sorry, this chapter is going to be REALLY short. But my other ones will be longer. I just want to get an idea of the level of interest in it, that way I know how often I will have to update. But don't worry, even if only 3 people like the story, I won't abandon it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hawaii Five-O or any of it's characters.


"Danny, how was I supposed to know what she was going to do?"

"The ARMY trained you for that kind of thing, didn't they? Sniffing out your enemies tactics? Predicting what they're going to do?" Danny was determined to win this "cargument" as Catherine had so cutely put it.

Steve took a deep breath, settling in for a long rant. "The NAVY, Danny, it was the NAVY. And it's called counter strategy and finally, yes, they did train me in counter strategy, but I can't smell it on someone. How was I supposed to predict that she was going to kick out your window? I thought that she was adequately detained, just like you did."

"Well, apparently, she wasn't and she kicked out my window. I didn't even want to take her."

"Well, Danny-." He never got to finish his sentence. A hard collision from Danny's side of the truck sent them sliding across and off the road.

Steve slowly lifted his chin off his chest and winced at the pain in his head. He could tell that he didn't have a concussion, but it still hurt. Raising a hand, he reached across the center console and gently grabbed Danny's arm. "Danno?"

A hand came up and patted his, reassuring himself that Danny was still ticking. "I'm here, babe. Are you ok?"

"Yeah." Suddenly, their doors were being pried off and both men began to struggle with their seat belts. Danny managed to undo his just as his door was taken off. A hand reached in and Danny batted it away, springing out of the truck to get whoever was after him. But there were more men waiting for him and they grabbed him, pinning him to the ground as someone placed a cloth over his mouth and nose. Danny's eyes slipped closed and he went limp under his captors.

"Danny!" Steve's own door was pulled off at that moment, causing Steve's attention to be diverted. They didn't even bother to get him out of the truck, simply reaching inside with another cloth and clamping it over Steve's face.

Steve struggled, but his headache and weakness from the collision made it difficult to struggle long and his awkward positioning in the seat made it hard to fight back and he soon succumbed to the same fate as Danny, going slack in the seat belt and helpless to these men.

How was it? Please review! I should have another chapter up either later today or tomorrow! Have a great rest of the day!

P.S. If there were any mistakes regarding strategic training, I apologize. I'm not in any form of military. Again, if there were any mistakes, my apologies.