Hey guys! Sorry about the long wait! Life has been so crazy. I've been kitten sitting and it's a pain. My hands are covered in little claw scratches, but hey. She's adorable. :)

Moving on, I apologize again for the long wait. I got an inspiration for an original story and I had to write it. And then when I got home, I had to practice for a parish picnic band performance which was fun, but HOT! They didn't have nearly enough fans. :)

So here you go. Chapter 10. I'm afraid that this is the last chapter for this story, but don't worry. I'm already planning my next one shot for But if you must . . . and I have another multi-chapter story on the way.


Disclaimer: I do not own Hawaii Five-O or it's characters.

Warnings: This chapter is a little gory. Mostly just the setting and the knowledge of what happened. Sorry if you are offended.

One Month Later

Steve burst into the room, tactical vest on and gun drawn as he swept the room for any possible threats. Chin and Kono were following, outfitted similarly. They cleared the room, seeing only a small table, where a computer was sitting, and a chair in front of it.

Kono moved swiftly to another room off to the side and opened the door, clearing it as a wave of nausea swept through her, causing her to breath slowly and swallow. A metal table sat in the middle of the room with bloodstains on the floor. Rusty surgical scalpels and saws rested on a smaller table beside it and Styrofoam coolers sat to the side of the room. Kono backed out and rejoined the group in the last room.

It was about the same side as the first room, but with no furniture. The window high up on the wall had been busted out and the grass outside it was trampled.

Steve looked over the room with new eyes, resting on the bloodstain on the wall and floor. He shivered at the memory of Danny sliding down the same wall, eyes wide with shock at what had just happened.

Looking away from the stain, he moved back out to the first room, not noticing the room to the side. "Hey, Danny! All clear! You can come in now!"

Danny peeked into the doorway, dressed in a pair of jeans, a dark blue t-shirt, and a jacket. His blood pressure was still a little low, causing him to be cold, but he couldn't stand another day in the hospital. And he gives me trouble for not staying in hospitals, Steve thought.

Danny shivered, and not from any chill. "Remind me again why we're back here."

Steve smiled. "You know why, Danny. We need to make sure that there is no one else operating out of this building." Secretly, he was with Danny. He had not desire to be back here. Too many bad memories and the stain on the wall was almost too much.

Danny's eyes scanned the room and fixed on the door to the side. Steve followed his gaze and grabbed Danny's arm as he tried to pass. He'd seen the door and had caught a brief glimpse inside, but he hadn't wanted to look too closely. "Danny . . ."

"It'OK,Steve. I need to see . . ." Danny looked up at his partner, trying to make him understand that he needed to see what they had escaped.

Steve looked down and nodded, releasing Danny's arm but walking with him to the doorway, his shoulder brushing his brothers. They looked at the room together, both breathing carefully as they surveyed the gore.

After getting out of the hospital, Kono had told them that several missing persons cases had been filed in the month preceding their abduction. With the evidence they had just found, it all made sense. The men were black market organ dealers, kidnapping people off the street and cutting them up to use them as a scrap car.

Steve wound an arm around Danny's shoulders and Danny put his around Steve back, a silent conversation passing between them. After a moment had passed, Steve and Danny turned away, breaking apart. Steve ran a hand through his hair as he headed towards the door. "I could use a beer."

"Me too," Danny said, following.

"Uh uh! No beer for you. You're still taking medication."

"You're kidding me, right?"

"No, I'm dead serious!"

"I am a grown man, Steven. I can handle my own medication and diet."

"Apparently not if you think that you can drink beer while taking medication."

Chin and Kono glanced at each other and smiled, following the two bickering partners. After seeing the plan that the men had for them, they were even happier to see that they were ok. Exiting the building and stepping into the sunlight, they saw Steve and Danny climb into Danny's Camaro, with Steve in the passenger seat of course, and their smiles grew as they could still hear the bickering. As they got into their own car, they knew that everything was going to be alright.

How was it? I hoped that you liked this story, and, again, I'm working on a new one so just hang in there. I can't wait for the next season even if Grover is a team member now.

Have a great week!