AN: I've been pondering this idea for a while, so I made it.

Full Summary: Bella is a daughter of Athena and twin sister of Annabeth Chase. Her real name is Rosemarie Chase. Annie was caught cheating with a son of Ares. Percy and Bella fell in love. Now it's been a year and Chiron wants Bella to go back to camp. Without Percy. But our favorite vampires had the same idea.


Rosemarie's Point of View

I can't believe it's been a whole year since I came home. Since Percy and I fell in love. Since he sang She's not afraid by One Direction just to get me to go out with him. It made me blush just thinking about that night. Now Chiron wants me to go back to Forks. Without Percy. This will be the hardest quest EVER. He said I could take Annie and say I found out Charlie adopted me and she is my twin sister. Which is true. So I'll tell them that. By them I mean my friends. I had kept in touch with Angela so she knows what I look like. She is actually a daughter of Apollo. She came to camp and wasn't surprised to see me there. When I removed the mist, I looked more like a daughter of Ares. I have burgundy hair, brown eyes tinted red. But not too much. Not enough to make me look like a cold one. Not even close. My skin was slightly tanned and I had pink lips. My hair went to the bottom of my breasts.

Annie and I were packing in our room. Since Athena had never had twins, we were moved into another cabin. (AN: Imagine the cottage from Breaking Dawn part 2.) It was a cute little cottage not to far from Thalia's Tree. I was in my room packing my last book, Allegiant ,into a backpack. Loved that book. It was early December and Dionysus let snow into camp. During winter break, we're going to come back here and celebrate Christmas with Thalia, Percy, Clary, Grover, Andy ( Annie's boyfriend), Nico, and maybe my mom will come down. Yeah, the gods are allowed to see the demigods now. Zeus didn't want anyone to do what Luke did. I was so lost in thought I didn't hear Anna banging on my door.

"Πάρτε πισινό σας από εδώ ή θα σπάσει την πόρτα προς τα κάτω!" (Get your butt out here or I will break down this door!) . She yelled.

"I'm sorry, I spaced out. I'm coming!" I yelled back. I grabbed my jacket and yanked the door open to find her with her hands on her hips and tapping her left foot.

"There you are! We have to go!" She said. I nodded, tears coming to my eyes. I couldn't leave him. But I had to. I looked into Anna's eyes. It held the same amount of sadness mine probably did. She wasn't ready to leave Andy. "Let's go. Chiron's orders." We walked out of the cabin to face Chiron, Percy, and Andy. I bit my lip to keep it from trembling. We made it over to them and we both hugged the opposite's significant others first. When I got to Percy, we just stared at each other. The I wrapped my arms my arms around his waist tightly and he hugged back. I started sobbing uncontrollably.

" It's okay. It's okay. We'll see each other in three weeks. It's okay." He let me drench his flannel shirt in my tears. We pulled apart. He looked me in the eyes.

"Σ 'αγαπώ" (I love you)he said. I felt my heart flutter at those words. I looked right into his sea green eyes.

"Σ 'αγαπώ πάρα πολύ, τόσο πολύ" (I love you too, so much.) I replied. Fresh tears were flowing from my eyes. His lips crashed down onto mine for a few seconds. Then he pulled away.

"Come on, our ride is here." Anna said. I nodded. I walked to the Chariot of Damnation. Once we got in I zoned out. I only focused on my world. My love, my life, Perseus Robert Jackson. (AN: I don't know Percy's middle name so I made one up.) How much I loved him. This was going to be the longest three weeks of my life.

AN: Chapter 1 upgraded! Now I just have to work on Chapters 2 and 3 and I will officially be ready to make chapter 4. Review how you liked Rosemarie Annalies Chase! By the way, Percy looks like he did in Sea of Monsters movie ( as well as Anna) and Rosemrie looks like Hilly Hindi. (Look her up, she makes awesome movie parodies on youtube)