A/N : Hello everyone! This is my second Sekaiichi Hatsukoi fanfic, which will be a series! I'm so excited about this and I hope I do well. I'm gonna include all cute and sweet moments as well!

This might contain some spoilers... And... err... The characters meet each other, well they do. At some point... In this fanfic, you'll also end up finding Onodera still undecided with the affairs of his heart and eventually beginning to accept Takano as something more than just a boss and colleague!

I'm so excited! Anyway, here's the first chappie!

Oh and please note, when I write in italics, it's usually the thoughts of the characters :)

~ Chapter 1 ~

"Meeting Takano-san after all those years would've probably been the most horrifying event to occur in my life. I hadn't expected him to be my past-love from highschool and he turned out to be a jerk after all..."

The brunette sighed as he gazed at the computer in which he had typed an email to Mutou-sensei. Her retirement wasn't a bright spot in his life at the moment, no, it only made him feel worse. Mutou had become pregnant and had decided that it was finally time to end her career as a mangaka and Onodera Ritsu, being her editor only wished her the best for the future.

The long-awaited manga "Shoujo" was to end abruptly and quickly and thankfully, she had explained the situation to her fans but hadn't said whether she'd make a comeback or so...

"Ricchan, are you okay?" Asked the concerned Kisa, he eyed his colleague in worry. It's true that Ritsu was still annoyed with them submitting late manuscripts, still irritated at Takano-san, still orderly and persuasive and pushing forward yet... He sighed more and smiled less and even though his fellow editors didn't admit it, they too were concerned about his welfare.

"Oi! Ritsu! Get your butt downstairs!" Hollered Takano-san from across the table, temporarily removing the book from his face and glaring at the brunette.

"Ehh?! Ritsu? Since when did you and Takano-san become so buddy-buddy?! Uwah~ I'm jealous!" Exclaimed Kisa with a slight teasing grin.

Ritsu shook the blush away from his cheeks, "EH?! Why?!" He yelled back.

"Because your new mangaka has been waiting downstairs for the past 45 minutes! Didn't you read my freaking email?!" Glared Takano adjusting his glasses dangerously.

With a gulp, the newbie editor rushed downstairs, clutching his bag tightly and running with all his might.

"Ah! You must be Onodera-kun!" Smiled the fiery-haired woman who had already seated herself down in the cafeteria which was empty for the day.

"Yes! I'm sorry but you are...?"

"I'm your new mangaka... Well the mangaka's representative, call me Aikawa-san!" Grinned the woman happily, opening her briefcase and gathering her material.

"Ahh... I'm sorry, did I leave you waiting long?"

"Not really, I was editing my own manuscript a few minutes ago so it's fine that I managed to get some work done. Would you like to know about the author?" She chuckled as she took in his appearance.

"Um, yes... I have many questions to ask you, Aikawa-san. But I hope you can begin!" He bowed formally.

"Yes, yes. Well your mangaka is Aikawa Yayoi, a man by the way. He was born in March and comes from a filthy-rich family... Too bad he never hung on to their legacy. Anyway, he's a writer and has decided to expand his franchise with it's own manga series. He's not the one writing the manga but he'll just give the artists the content and it's up to them to design and draw!

He's 29-years of age and he can be really grumpy when he wakes up in the morning so don't call him until after 8am. He currently has an extremely cute young boy living with him whose name is Misaki and he's 19-years old. I wonder how the young highschool-boy actually lives up to his expectations." She rattled on.

"I'll stop there and I'll send you the first manuscript tomorrow!" She finally gasped, panting for breath as she stood up and bowed her head as though to take her leave. She walked briskly and quickly out of the cafeteria and soon disappeared out of sight.

"Um, I'm looking forward to working with you all." Ritsu bowed back awkwardly.

"Who the heck was that woman?! And Aikawa Yayoi? I suppose that she's the wife and her husband writes all of this out. I think that the 18-year old boy might as well be their child... Misaki?! Isn't that a girl's name?"

He mused aloud as he walked back home having missed the last train. He turned through the many roads and crossed the pedestrians, arriving at an almost deserted alleyway...


He let his eyes widen and a gasp escape his lips when he saw two guys kissing on the road. More surprising, the shorter one of the two looked incredibly familiar and the other one seemed to look as though he had escaped from a shoujo manga.

"Black hair and short, black hair and short, black hair and short. Why does he seem so familiar?"

And then it dawned upon him, "KISA-SAN?!" He practically yelled, his eyes wide and his mouth open.

The black-haired manga editor turned to him and gasped, "RICCHAN?!"

And all this time, the shoujo manga guy looked about in confusion.

A/N : If you know Junjou Romantica, you'll know who Aikawa Yayoi is.. ;) That and yaaaay! Ricchan saw Kisa-san and Yukina-kun kiss! 3

I hope it wasn't a horrible attempt and I hope that if you like it, you'll drop a review ^_^ Thank you everyone, good night and sweet Sekai Junjou dreams 3