Author: Dear readers this story is adapted to Moja Ganda's story, Accident.

Summary: Akira a curious beautiful child who traveled to the past to be protected by what is happening in the future. How would his young parents act towards a child they know nothing about and part of a person, something they hate?

Rated M

Pairing: Kaname/Zero

Genre: Romance/Family/Adventure

Chapter: Prologue

100+ Years Into the Future

Akira even though educated, is still a child, a beautiful child, a beautiful curious child. But even though he is a beautiful, curious child he is still a child therefore still needs his parents but alas he need to be sent to the past for his safety.

"Mama, what are we doing here?" Asked Akira to his mother, a very pretty man named Zero Kiryuu, a vampire and a vampire hunter.

"We need to send you to the past, darling" replied the silver haired man to his child.

"Bu-but you and papa won't be there. I would be alone." argued the nine year old pureblood to his mother. He started so sob softly but before he child could cry loudly Zero hugged his son and whispered sweet nothing to his ear.

"Shh… Don't cry my Aki. Everyone would be there they would just be younger and won't be able to remember but don't worry mama and papa would follow but before then just be a clever child in front of them like you usually be in front of us here. Be a sadist like your papa if you will." Insured Zero.

"Promise?" Asked Akira. Zero nodded. "Okay then I'll go just be careful okay, mama?" Once again nodded Zero.

Both looked at the time machine and separate themselves. Akira went in front of the time machine while Zero went to the control panel and pressed the words, TRAVEL, PAST A blinding light engulf the room and when it disappeared only Zero remain.

"Goodbye, and Good luck, My Aki" Zero whispered as he left the room.

Present Time

Saying Zero is pissed is putting it mildly. He is not enjoying his job. As you know his job is to be a prefect of the school. Protect its student including the bloodsucker that he hates so much. Zero was chains of thought was interrupted when the gate that separates the day class students and the bloodsuckers open revealing the beautiful people (vampire) in the eyes of the human that he is protecting.

"Kyaaa… Kaname-sama" shouted one of the female day-student. Zero could tell that Kaname was about to respond with the call but was interrupted by a smoke that suddenly surrounds the vicinity.

"Every day class student MOVE" Zero shouted no one move but when they heard someone growling (Zero) they run.

"Don't lower your guard." Shouted a vampire. Every vampire surrounds their King. Thirty seconds later the smoke disappeared showing a kid with a brunette hair and violet eyes.




"Hi" the brunette said with a smirk, waving to everyone as if it's a natural thing to do.