-Alright so this is my first attempt ever at making a Vampire Diaries story, im not going to follow the storyline to the point. Also there will be no HayleyxKlaus baby drama either. Mainly cause i kinda hate her character xD But Hayley will be in the story! Also Kol never died, Silas is dead, Jeremy never died either and Katherine is still a vampire.

Caroline sat in her car parked outside the Gilbert house, her hands tapping the steering wheel. This was insane, literally. Elena must have lost her mind, cause that was the only explanation as to why they were doing this. Why had she agreed to it? Oh right, she was a good friend, and Bonnie wouldn't understand.

Leaning back against the seat she started to think about the conversation she and Elena had last night.


Caroline heard a loud knock coming from downstairs, she knew it was Elena since she had texted her earlier, informing her that she was on her way to talk. Getting up from her bed she quickly made her way downstairs opening up the door to reveal one of her best friends. Her hair was up in a pony tail, and she was wearing a purple summer dress with a leather jacket over it.

The girls smiled and embraced each other in a quick hug, before they moved inside and into the livingroom. Sitting down Elena's once happy face turned serious.

"Caroline, I'm going to ask you something and I want you to be open minded about this. Cause honestly you are the only one I can ask for this, and you are the only one who would understand." Caroline looked at her friend, urging her to go on.

"Would you come with me, to New Orleans?"

New Orleans, Klaus was in New Orleans. Why on earth would Elena want to go there? Then it hit her, Elijah.

"Does this have something to do with one handsome gentlemanish Original?" Elena rolled her eyes at her friend and gave her a slight smile.

"Partially, its just Damon and Stefan are driving me insane. And I can't choose either of them, and I swear if I have to be around both of them for another day I will snap. And I know it sounds awful, but they are really driving me insane Care. Besides, Elijah said I could talk to him if I ever wanted to. And it would just be for a week, maybe two. Please Care, I don't want to go alone." Elena gave her friend her best puppy eyes look, Caroline let out a sigh, shaking her head a smile appeared on her lips.

"Fine, I'm doing this for you Elena. But you owe me so hard." Letting out a squeal Elena hugged her friend. "Thank you Care. Im going to go home and start packing, pick me up tomorrow at 10am" Caroline nodded at her friend.

After Elena left Caroline made her way up to her room, upon entering her room her eyes immediately fell upon the drawing Klaus had made for her. One or two weeks in New Orleans with the guy who had run her ex-boyfriend out of her life, killed his mom, tried to kill her twice, tried to kill all of her friends. And yet there she was, admiring the drawing, she looked down to her wrist. The diamond bracelet he had given her was there, moving her other hand she started to play with it, remembering the words he had spoken when they had walked through the woods searching for the witches.'So you've never felt the attraction that comes when someone who is capable of doing terrible things for some reason, cares only about you?'

After everything that he had done, he was still the only person who had put her first. He cared about her. She moved onto her bed grabbing the drawing, 'Thank you for your honesty - Klaus' was written at the bottom of it. She remembered back to when psycho hunter Alaric had kidnapped her, Stefan had told her Klaus had refused to go until they informed him that she was being held captive. Snapping out of memory lane she placed the drawing back on her nightstand table and moved to her closet. She pulled out 2 bags and started packing.

-Flashback over-

Okay so maybe this wasn't such a bad idea, she thought. At least now she could figure out what her feelings towards Klaus was, without anyone judging her. She heard a door slam shut and saw Elena moving towards the car holding two bags. Smiling at her friend she got out to help her with her bags.

"Excited?" Elena asked, a smile on her face. Caroline shrugged, but gave her friend a smile in return.

Once Elena's bags were in the car, they were off.

Elena turned to her friend. "Thank you again, for doing this Care. It really means a lot."

"Its no problem Elena really, its fine. You don't have to thank me a thousand times" Caroline said, giving her friend a reassuring smile.

"So you do know Klaus will be there, right?"


"And you have no problems with that?" Caroline eyed her friend for a second. "I don't Elena, I have been thinking a lot about it, about Tyler,Klaus,me,you, Bonnie, everyone really. And I've decided that I'm going to try and sort out my feelings. You were right about me denying them, I do have feelings for Klaus. I just don't know what they are exactly, and this trip is the perfect excuse to figure that out."

Elena gave her friend a nod. "What ever happens, I'm not going to judge you Care. And whatever you decided to do I will be by your side." Caroline gave Elena a warm smile, appreciating that she had such an amazing friend.

"Alright enough serious talk, lets get this trip started" Elena exclaimed turning on the radio, 'Timber' By Pitbull started blaring out, and the girls began to sing along.

Klaus was sitting in his study, surrounded by books and parchments. The witches of New Orleans seemed to be a bump in the road he just couldn't get over. Sighing he leaned back in the arm chair. Why were they being so stubborn, so against him.

Hearing a faint knock on the door his gaze fell upon the entrance to the room. And there stood his older brother. He was wearing a grey armani suit, light blue shirt, and a light purple tie. His hair brown and styled.

"Elijah, what can I do for you?" he spoke up, keeping his eyes on his brother.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you Niklaus, but I have something to tell you." Klaus looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I got a call from Elena Gilbert, she wishes to see me. She will be in New Orleans by evening and she will be staying with us until she wishes to leave." Klaus let out a groan, the last thing he needed right now was the doppelganger coming to New Orleans to distract his brother.

"will be joining her as well" he added, Klaus snapped his attention back to his brother, amusement was dancing in his dark eyes, and he had a slight smile on his face.

"Yes I thought that might lighten your feelings on Elena coming here." Klaus scoffed at him, which only made the smile on Elijah's face grow.

"Now that I got that out of the way, has there been any progress with the witches?" He undid the button on his suit and took a seat in the armchair across from his brother.

"Unfortunately no. They are too stubborn, and the fact that they hate me only makes cooperating worse. Tell me again brother, why can't I just kill them all? All our problems would be solved and id be on my merry way of running this town completely."

Klaus grinned as Elijah sent him a stern look. "Because brother, not everything needs to be solved with violence. And besides you will come to need these witches one day, and wouldn't it be better if they were alive when that day comes?"

"Touché" Both brothers grinned at each other, hearing the front door open and slam shut signaled them that their sister was back home.

"I'll let you get back to your planning Niklaus, I have to go inform Rebekah about the guests that will be arriving." Elijah stood up and made his way downstairs. Klaus watched him leave the room. Caroline was coming to New Orleans, the timing was utterly horrid, but nonetheless she was coming here. A smirk grew to his face as he remembered their last encounter. It had been graduation and they were at the empty football field. He had told her that he intended to be her last love, something he was determined to make true.

He had also heard that her and Lockwood had ended things, perhaps she would give him a chance. Perhaps she could oversee all the horrible things he had done. Shaking his head he removed any thoughts of Caroline and went back to planning, he had witches to befriend and a city to take back. He would worry about Caroline once she was here.

They had been driving for 5 hours, getting tired of the music the radio had been turned off. And now they were reminiscing about their past.

"Oh god, do you remember when we tricked April into believing there were ghosts in the closet at night. And if she didn't sleep they would come out and bite her?" Elena gasped out between giggles, Caroline started laughing and she nodded her head.

"Those were good times, everything was so simple. Life was simple." She gave Caroline a small smile.

"We should probably get something to eat." Caroline said, and on cue Elenas stomach made a small grumble. Which sent the girls into another fit of giggles, they drove for another 15 minutes before they found a small diner. Getting out of the car Caroline moved to the back of the car.

"Can you keep an eye out?" She asked her, Elena nodded and blocked her friend from view, making sure no one saw her. Caroline opened up the blue cooler and grabbed a blood bag quickly drinking it. Once done she threw the bag back into the cooler and closed the trunk.

"All done?" Elena asked, she nodded at her friend and they made their way into the diner.

Upon entering they heard that all familiar bell sound, that most diners had signaling that someone had entered. The diner was small and had a 80's theme. They found a table and soon a waitress was taking their orders.

"I'll have a burger with fries and strawberry milkshake" Elena said, handing over her menu to the waitress who in turn took it and turned towards Caroline.

"And ill have only fries and a chocolate milkshake." The waitress took the menu from Caroline. "Coming right up." She said and moved towards the kitchen to hand in their order.

"So, if you don't mind me asking Elena. What exactly is going on between you and Elijah?"

"Nothing Care, he's a friend, and he is easy to talk to. He understands my situation, he listens to me."

"So you're saying that there isn't a teeny tiny piece in you that has any feelings towards him?"

"Care..." Grinning in victory she decided to not push it any further, their food arrived and the topic was changed.

"So what are you going to do once you see Klaus?"

"I have no idea Elena."

"You think he knows that you and Tyler broke up?"

"Its Klaus we are talking about Elena, he knows everything before anyone else." the two girls started to laugh.

"He hasn't called you or anything since he left? Not even a text?" Caroline eyed her friend, contemplating on if she should tell her friend about the voice message Klaus had left her. What harm could it do, they were already on their way to the same city he was in.

"Well, he left me a voice message about a week after graduation. Inviting me to come and spend some time with him in New Orleans, first class ticket and all."

"Oh, so why didn't you go?"

"Elena you know why, I just got Tyler back, and Klaus isn't exactly everyone's favorite person."

"True" Elena said and picked up a fry, Caroline shrugged and took a sip from her milkshake.

"I've always wondered what it was about Klaus that got you interested." Elena suddenly said, eyeing her blonde friend.

"I honestly don't know what it is about him Elena. He's just different when he's around me, he challenges me, he pushes me to do things, dares me to try stuff. And his accent is just one big bonus to it all." Elena rolled her eyes at her friend. Thinking back to what he said to her in the woods once again she said. " Its just something about him, the fact that he is capable of doing such horrible things and not care about it. And then there he is, caring about you."

Elena let her words sink in, Klaus did care about Caroline. It was obvious to everyone, it was quiet humorous as well. The big bad hybrid, feared by many, cared about a sweet blonde baby vampire. His only weakness.

"Maybe you can make him a better man Care, you never know. You might be what he needs to be saved from his path of darkness." Caroline eyed her friend and gave her a small smile. Maybe she was his saving grace.

I would really appriciate if you could leave a review, telling me what you think. Also feel free to give me tips on how i can improve my writing. Also i do apologise if some words are spelled wrong, English is not my first language, i did put it through a spell check before i uploaded. But you never know! Might be a few misspelled words here and there./Scars