A/N: This is the final chapter to this story. Thank you to everyone who has been reading and leaving reviews it means the world to me. Hope you enjoy!

"You done?" Deeks asked as he stood up with his plate.

"Yeah." Kensi said as she shoved the last bite of pizza in her mouth and handed her empty plate over to Deeks. "Thank you."

"Technically I didn't cook it so really you should be thanking the pizza boy I guess." Deeks said trying to lighten the mood.

"I wasn't thanking you for the food. I was saying thank you for everything. For coming to find me, for not giving up, for you being you." Kensi said honestly.

"Wow! Are we having a moment?" Deeks asked.

"If you don't ruin it we will have more than a moment." Kensi said as she got up off the couch and made her way towards Deeks. She stopped right in front of him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She lifted her head from his chest and started placing sweet kisses on his jaw, then let her path trail down his neck. Deeks closed his eyes, "The hell with the damn dishes." Deeks said as he let the plates fall out of his hand.

Kensi smiled as Deeks grabbed her by the hips, "Took you long enough to ditch the plates." Kensi said.

"They were my favorite plates." Deeks shot back.

"I know something you like better." Kensi said as she bit down on his shoulder. "Jesus Kens." Deeks said as he started trying to move them in the direction of his room. "Hold on to me." He ordered.

"Forever." Kensi replied as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. Deeks lifted her up into his arms as they walked down the hall to his room. He sat her down once they had made it to the confines of his room. He walked towards her slowly and reached his hands out to her. Kensi took his hand in hers and let him lead her to him. Once she was where he wanted her, he rested one hand on her hip, and the other went to the side of her face. He gently traced the fading bruise with his thumb. She closed her eyes at the feel of his gentle touch against her tender skin. God how she missed this. Deeks leaned in and captured her lips for the sweetest kiss they have ever shared. It wasn't hurried, it wasn't a cover kiss, it was real. It was love, it was them.

Deeks moved his kisses down her neck. He traced the delicate line of her collarbone with his tongue causing Kensi to arch her body into his. His hands moved down her body till he grasped the bottom of her shirt. Kensi pulled back lifting her arms from around his neck to allow him to pull her top over her head. His hungry gaze roamed over her body. Kensi dropped her head looking down at the floor. She couldn't lock eyes with her lover right now, she was nervous of Deeks seeing her body still recovering from her capture. The worst of her injuries were healed now; all she now carried around were the last few remnants of fading bruises, and two new scars.

Deeks lifted her chin so she had no choice but to look at him. "I can never tell you enough how gorgeous you are. You're amazing." Deeks said.

Kensi grabbed Deeks by the belt and pulled him towards her this time as she walked back leading them to the bed. Deeks hovered above her, he placed his hands just beside her head, as he leaned down for another intoxicating kiss. Deeks kissed every cut and every bruise he found on her body, while he sweetly whispered to her over and over again how much he missed her, and how perfect she is. After Deeks was satisfied he kissed every place on her that needed to be kissed he returned hovering above her.

Kensi reached up and ran her hand over the scruff of his jaw and continued a path until it rested just above his heart. "In my darkest hour your light saved me. Every kiss, every touch, every second with you was all I had to hold onto. In my heart I found us, I found love." Kensi said through her own tears.

Deeks was stunned by Kensi's heartfelt confession. He took his left hand and placed it on her heart, mirroring what she was doing to him. "No matter where you go in this life I will never leave you. All you have to do is find me inside your heart, that is where I will stay forever." Deeks said before he leaned down and kissed the love of his life.

Without the darkness we face the light wouldn't be nearly as beautiful when we finally see it. Inside of all of us there is a dark place, a place we never want to have to go. But right there by that darkness is our light, or hope, or souls. Every now and then two people get lucky enough to find the other half of them, their missing link. Love can overcome anything this world throws at us all we have to do is believe in it, and they did.