NOTES: Another short chapter, sorry. I will make up for it in the next one, believe me. I hope you are enjoying this and trust me, it is going to get really smutty really soon. Trust me.

I do not own Degrassi.

"Well I say we finish up the details!" Fiona says, already starting to walk out of the office and into the main living room. The couple follows her out, the two of them standing close to each other but not enough to touch. "Sit on the couch; I have to get out a few things."

Fiona hurries back to the cabinet she'd pulled the paperwork out of earlier and takes a small black box out and then goes back to her friends. They're both eyeing her curiously as she hands the box to Clare and insists she opens it immediately.

"I hope I picked the right one. If you two absolutely hate it, we can pick another one." Fiona goes on, then starting to explain the meaning of it as Clare struggles to open the tape stuck to the box. "It's sort of like an initiation into this little thing. It'll make sex between the two of you less complicated."

The box is open now, and Clare is a little confused, surprised but also a little aroused to find a dark blue dog collar in the box. She looks up at Fiona, eyebrows pushed together. "A dog collar?"

"It's a sex collar!" Fiona squeals, clapping her hands excitedly. "There are different kinds of sex, you know? There is the really dirty, kinky stuff – the kind of stuff you're here for now – and then there's the sweet sex. Now, Clare, when you're all into the sexy stuff, you bring the collar to Eli. That way, he knows what kind of sex-mood you're in. Does that make sense."

Nodding, Eli reaches out to grab it. "Okay, I get it. So this is just purely about this kind of sex." Eli clarifies.

"Exactly, Goldielocks. I give them to all my clients. Imogen has one; it's hot pink and has cute diamond encrusted studs on it." Fiona waves her hand in the air a little, mumbling to herself: "God, I'm too good to her."

The three of them are quiet for a moment as Fiona walks around a bit. She's scampering from one spot in her condo to the next, grabbing things and spinning around. Honestly, both Eli and Clare couldn't keep their eyes off of how elegant she was, even flustered.

"So is that it?" Clare speaks up, catching the brunette's attention. "You just helped us take some test and give us some sex collar and expect us to know what we're doing?"

"Fuck no!" Fiona chirps, making her way back to the two of them. "There's so much more in store. But we can't start today. Only the basics, no actual interaction."

Eli's a little disheartened by this. He knows that with his and Fiona's schedule things won't really be starting up for about a week or so. He's squirming uncomfortably in his seat because he's a little turned on, but can't make it into too big of a deal. Fiona sits across from the two of them on the couch, her long legs draped over the arms of a beautiful dark green chair. She smiles gingerly at the couple, and lets out a rather content sigh.

"I'm so happy the two of you aren't going to be hiding away in your little apartment, wishing you were having spectacular sex anymore. This is phenomenal." She sighs again, running her fingers daintily through her curls. "So, next thing on the agenda would be your safe-word. You always have to have a safe-word."

Clare and Eli both know what she means by a safe-word, so neither bother to ask. They're silent for a second, both coming up with ideas to spit out at her, assuming Fiona will be the one deciding what their own sexual stop sign word is supposed to be.

"Tightrope?" Clare says first.

"Ramen?" Eli blurts just seconds after.

"Ramen?" Fiona repeats, laughing a little at his suggestion. "Why on earth ramen?"

Eli shrugs. "I just don't think I'd ever say ramen in the middle of sex. Why, do you think it's a bad idea?"

"No," Fiona shakes her head. "It doesn't matter to me. It's your safe-word."

Clare's blushing and she doesn't really know why. It's just the situation, that's what she's telling herself. It's just how weird all of this is and how she knows that at the end of the month she could be having sex with both people in the room. She likes that, for some reason, but doesn't really know how to articulate it without it coming out like mush. "I like ramen." She says finally, giving Eli a very steady look. She's trying really hard to stay calm. "Let's go with ramen."

"Ramen it is then. Now –" Fiona's interrupted by the sound of heels clicking down the stairs from behind them. Everyone turns to glance at Imogen Moreno, walking down the gorgeous metal staircase. Clare gulps.

Well, now she could be having sex with all three of them.

"Holy hello!" Imogen squeals once her eyes fall on Eli and Clare. "What in the world are you two doing here!"

They're both nervous to answer, and who wouldn't be? Eli's looking at Fiona to answer for them, and when the coordinator of this whole thing gets his look she groans loudly. "These two are my new clients. Weird right?"

"They can afford you?" Imogen bats her eyelashes innocently. "No offense. Fiona's just really expensive."

"They're old friends, Immy. I can't charge old friends!" Fiona counters, to which her girlfriend shrugs and makes her way into the kitchen. "No matter though, what are you doing down here?" Fiona's playful tone suddenly turns sour and everyone in the room can tell. Soon enough they're all looking at Imogen who appears rather nervous.

She squeaks out a sorry and turns to run back up the stairs before Fiona can say anything, but the girl doesn't let her off so easily.

"Sorry what?" Fiona pushes. All eyes are on Imogen as she turns back to Fiona, crossing her hands behind her back and looking towards the ground.

"Sorry mistress." She says sadly, going back up the stairs again. It's so shameful and embarrassing and Fiona knows exactly what she's doing when she does it.

"What was that about?" Eli asks, starting to point out the obvious. "She wasn't wearing a hot pink collar."

Fiona scoffs, rolling her eyes as if Eli is so out of the loop for not knowing. "Imogen and I are on a strict cycle for right now. Twenty-four-seven she is my little pet. It's hard to explain but sometimes you get to that point and you just have to keep running with it. Besides, Imogen likes it."

It all goes quiet again and the only way for the silence to break is for Fiona to tell the two of them to leave. So that's exactly what she does. She shoo's them out, telling Eli that she will text him the details for the next weekend, which is when training and such would begin. She seems so bubbly with excitement, even after the small mishap with Imogen just moments before. It seems like they just got there and then she's got them in the elevator door. Fuck, that's all Eli can think. FUCK!

"Are you sure we're up for this?" He asks as they're going down a few floors. His eyes glance to the box with the sex collar inside and he knows that he's sure.

"Yeah, this is… interesting." Clare laughs, her cheeks turning red as she takes a step closer to her husband. "Besides, I mean… we haven't really pushed ourselves sexually. So this is like a whole new adventure, isn't it, master?" Clare's attempt at being flirty is shaky as it comes out of her mouth, but it comes perfectly across to a very interested Eli Goldsworthy.

Fuck, he thinks again. He cannot wait until next weekend.