What's up everyone I'm Aqua and this is my first fanfic, as in the first one I ever posted online. If you read the preview its basically Yu-Gi-Oh GX with OCs! Hopefully this'll rock and you'll enjoy my OC's deck.

Oh yeah, extra note, Synchro and Xyz monsters are welcome in this Fanfic! So if you have an OC with an Xyz deck, then feel free to add it!

Discalimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. The original characters here are mine but the cards they use are not. The made up cards used by my OC are mine, but inspiration comes from are produced by Tatsukono Production.

Chapter One: Dark Horse

"Carrie Robbins to duel field 2. Carrie Robbins to duel field 2." Came the monotonous voice that blared through the stadium.

In the crowd, a peach haired girl in a dark blue blazer, a cream yellow top and fuchsia skirt stood up, fixing her ponytail and bangs, adjusting her uniform's fuchsia tie and she eyed the fields with her blue eyes and she smiled, excited as her opportunity to duel came after waiting for a long time. She expected it to be early, considering her first name beginning with C, but she didn't mind as she got to see some awesome duels. Now it's her turn to shine and she was ready.

"Last call for all academy applicants, if you're not checked in for your exam, please do so now." She heard the PA say dully as she went down the stairs towards the duel field along the way she saw a duel between a student and a proctor.

The student wore an all-white uniform and had black hair that was nearly flushed back, a little to his left and a calm look in his eyes. He had 3200 lifepoints, a single monster and a facedown card waiting in the wings. While the proctor had two monsters in defense mode.

The proctor has 1800 lifepoints, no facedowns and two defense position monsters. "Alright new guy, you got two monsters staring you down. Do you A, throw in the towel. B, beg for mercy. Or C, run home to momma?" The proctor taunted but the boy didn't lose his focus.

"I'll go with D, none of the above!" He replied as the card flipped face up, showing a metal ring with some flames surrounding it.

"A trap?" The proctor asked.

"Exactly, you see, with Ring of Destruction I can destroy any monster on the field that's in attack mode and we both take damage equal to its attack points." He explained as the Ring appeared around the neck of his monster, a Vorse Raider, and caused it to explode, which took his lifepoints down a bit and the Proctor's lifepoints down to 0.

The crowd's response was a mix of shock, awe and excitement. "Clever move applicant." The proctor praised in a professional tone. "Welcome to the academy."

The boy in white bowed respectfully, or satirically. "Thank you O wise Proctor." He said before exiting the arena. Carrie smiled inwardly at the duel, unable to contain her excitement as she entered the arena.

Elsewhere in the stadium…

"Wow, that guy's pretty good, don't 'cha think Chazz?" A boy with a southern drawl asked.

"Guess the rumors about him being some kind of whiz kid were true huh?" Another asked to the same person. A boy with spikey black hair and an arrogant look. Like his other two companions, he wore a uniform of a blue coat. He sat in the middle, lounging as he eyed the duel field.

"He's a punk." Chazz replied. "We went to Duel Prep School for the past 3 years, we're ready for the Academy. These kids don't know what they're getting into, but they'll learn." He then smirked as he looked down on the others. "The hard way. The Chazz Princeton way."

Elsewhere again…

"Wow that last guy really tore it up!" A brunette said, his arms crossed over his black uniform and the red shirt underneath. He asked a short, blue haired applicant who was looking through his round glasses timidly.

"Yeah, Bastion Misawa. They said he has the highest score in the written exam of all us applicants!" The blue haired boy explained.

"Wow, I just barely passed." The brunette said in awe.

"Yeah me too…" His new friend replied, a little upset. "My name's Syrus by the way, nice to meet'cha. I kinda have a thing where I get test anxiety, I dunno how I won my match."

"So you're in!" The brunette suddenly patted Syrus' back hard and caused the smaller boy to jolt forward in surprise. "Congratulations! I'll be in too as soon as I win my duel!"

"Wait you haven't dueled yet?" Syrus interrupted worriedly.


"Then you might have a problem, they just gave the last duel away to that girl." Syrus said and the brunette's eyes bugged out.

And back to the field…

"Don't get too riled up now, your written score's good and all, but can you walk the talk?" The proctor asked Carrie as he shuffled his deck.

"I'll do more than that sir." She replied as she set her bag down, took out her K.C second edition duel disk and slid it on, before grabbing her deck from a belt in the back and shuffled it. The two inserted their decks in their duel disks.

"Duel!" The two declared.

Carrie: 4000
Proctor: 4000

"Oh, 4000 lifepoints?" Carrie asked and looked at her lifepoint counter and drew her five cards.

"Official school rules, for first years, the first semester uses 4000 lifepoints to adjust. Players can change it to 8000 lifepoints if they want to." The Proctor explained as he too drew his five cards. "Just giving you a feel of what it's like in the Academy." He made no further comment and Carrie took it as a gesture, drawing first.

"Then this won't take too long." She stated, scanning her hand. "I play, Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen. Since I control no monsters, I can special summon a fairy-type monster from my hand once per turn." Carrie explained as four pillars rose from the ground, each entangled by vines with red flowers along with a throne and two angel statues. A red curtain began to materialize between the pillars in the back. "I activate its effect to special summon my Seraphim Saber in attack mode!"

From the curtain, an angel in white robes rushed in. It had a halo on it, long blonde hair and white wings that tucked in while it launched itself to the middle of the field. On its arms were rings that were made of a transparent light blue material that glowed. She carried a sword in her right hand and the blade was made of the same transparent blue material. She spread her wings as she landed on the ground (4/1600/1500).

"Now for my normal summon, Seraphim Gardna in defense mode." Carrie announced as a circle shined next to Saber.

What came from it was a fully armored angel, with white and gold armor and small white wings and the glowing halo above it. It carried a shield which was white with gold outlines and covered most of its body. On some parts of the angel, specifically his head piece, some areas where orbs would be and the centers of the two circles on his shield, was the transparent blue material evident in Saber (4/1000/2000).

"Now the effect of my Saber and Gardna activates. Saber gains 300 attack points for every other fairy-type monster on the field." Carrie explained as the transparent materials glowed brighter on Saber and the same happened to Gardna's shield. "While Gardna gains 300 defense points for every other fairy-type monster on the field."

Saber; (4/1600-1900/1500)
Gardna; (4/1000/2000-2300)

"I lay this card down and end my turn." Carrie said.


"Not bad, she set up a wall and nearly 2000 for offense." A blonde girl complimented as smart brown eyes watched the last duel. She wore a white tank top uniform with blue trimmings and a blue miniskirt. Her name is Alexis Rhodes and she leaned on the railings with her elbows.

"Seraphims are battering rams, and battering rams don't finish the fight." Another girl stated, she had short dark brown hair and a silver hairband and deep blue eyes. She wore a coat that looked like the blue uniforms some of the student wore but the colors were switched, it was instead white with blue trimmings. Along with it was a blue miniskirt like the first girl. Her name is Dannielle Jones-Cain, otherwise known as Danny, a senior in Duel Academy. She had her hands in her skirt's pockets.

"What will then?" The blonde asked.

"My guess, another set of monsters." This time, a tall boy with a coat similar to her, but the tail was sharp and in two and wore dark blue pants. He had long dark teal hair that extended behind the collar of his uniform and long hair that went down his back, a little over his shoulder. His name is Zane Truesdale, another senior in Duel Academy and the top student. His arms were crossed over his chest while he watched as the Proctor draw a card and summon it.

Charcoal Inpachi rose from the ground, the burnt out wooden golem steamed as it crossed it arms to protect the Proctor (1/100/2100). "Next I play Final Flame and Hinotama to deal 1100 points of damage to you!" The Proctor announced as two spell cards appeared and from both of it, they created different forms of fire.

A barrage of small fireballs came from Hinotama first and phased through Carrie as she took in the damage. Then the Final Flame card created a sea of flames that rushed towards Carrie, resulting in the peach haired girl to shield herself with her disk.

Proctor: 4000
Carrie: 2900

The Proctor placed a card facedown and Carrie drew a card. "Like I said, no problem, because now I overlay the Level 4 Seraphim Saber and Seraphim Gardna to create the Overlay Network!" The crowd gasped as the two fairies turned to balls of yellow light and a yellow portal opened up on the ground, with the two balls of light spinning around it harmoniously. "Rise, Starliege Paladynamo!"

In a bright light, a knight in futuristic armor lowered onto the field, he carried a halberd, its blade was a transparent blue. He had a helmet with a purple visor and a steel mouth guard that hid his face, and spikes on his shoulder along with an extensions of his armor behind him. As he stood with a swordsman's stance, small stars burst outward away from him (4/2000/1000).

"Nice, Xyz monsters have been around for a while but we haven't seen many here." The Proctor complimented. "But… A warrior?" The Proctor asked.

"With a nifty effect, but first I activate my trap, Xyz Effect!" Carrie revealed her facedown, which depicted an explosion of sort with a black sphere in the middle. "When I Xyz summoned a monster, I can target 1 card on the field and destroy it! So your Charcoal Inpachi's gone!"

A black sphere appeared in front of the burnt monster and pulsed slowly, until it rose in speed and soon, it exploded, releasing white and purple energy that sucked in the Proctor's monster towards the black sphere. After it went it, the energy collapsed on itself and wrapped everything up nicely.

'I'm guessing you have Call of the Haunted, meaning no matter what, I can injure him…' Carrie thought. 'I have this in my hand anyway, so no biggie…' She placed a card facedown and picked a card from her hand.

"I play the Dicephoon spell card! I get to roll a 6 sided die, and if the results 2, 3 and 4, I get to destroy a spell or trap card, if its 5, I have to destroy two spell or trap cards, if it's a 1 and 6, I take 1000 points of damage." A white die appeared above the field in the middle and rolled itself. Suddenly a circle flashed and in it, the number '5' flashed, making Carrie inwardly grin. "I destroy your facedown and my facedown Dummy Marker, meaning I get to draw a card since it's destroyed when it was set."

The Proctor could say nothing, as his facedown card, Negate Attack, flipped up and shattered to pixels while Carrie drew a card. She then looked at her knight. "Now Paladynamo, attack directly with Dynamic Slash!"

The Paladin nodded and jumped up high and after reaching his maximum height, at which point he moved his sword above his head, ready to strike down as he lowered and his blade shined bright blue. The empty field was perfect for the knight to attack and he struck down the Proctor.

Proctor: 2000
Carrie: 2900

"Not bad, she used up all her resources but found some way to bring it back, even if it's just one card." Bastion noted as he sat down in front of Syrus and the brunette, taking off his duel disk.

"It's kinda like she expected that 5!" Syrus gasped.

"That was a pretty sweet comeback!" The brunette next to him smiled. "Oh yeah by the way, I'm Jaden! And Bastion that was a tight duel!"

Bastion silently looked up behind him. "Thank you." He said politely with the aloof nature of a genius.

"From the looks of things, your position of number 2 is on the line!" Jaden grinned as Bastion's eyes widened and looked at Jaden, confused. He wanted to ask the brunette what he meant but he looked so fixated on the duel that Bastion didn't bother as Carrie set her lone card facedown.

"I play Spellbook inside the Pot, letting us both draw 3 cards, but I'll also activate a Pot of Greed, letting me draw 5 in total!"

The Proctor played the two cards and the jars appeared, letting Carrie draw 3 and the Proctor draw 5, bringing his hand to a total of 7. "Now I summon Axe Raider in attack mode!" A muscular tan skinned man with gold and red armor along with a tattered undershirt and loin cloth appeared, carrying a golden axe with him (4/1700/1150). "Now I equip him with Axe of Despair, giving him a 1000 point boost!" The Golden axe was replaced by a strange axe made of either wood or flesh. Its blade was dark and silver tipped and gave the Raider a dark aura (4/1700-2700/1150).

"Attack her Paladynamo!" He commanded the Raider who gripped the axe, ready to strike.

"I activate Half or Nothing! So what'll it be? Half the attack or end the battle phase?" Carrie offered and grinned.

"I'll end my battle phase and end my turn…" The Proctor said.

'Guess I'll have to use them after all!' Carrie thought and she summoned a monster. "I summon Hajime Ichinose!" She announced and from the portal came a young girl, probably a teenager with grey eyes and brown hair decorated by a white bird hairpin. She wore a school uniform consisting of a white shirt, black overall dress that crossed at her back and a yellow tie, with some stockings and ankle length black boots. She had a cute duck backpack behind her and made scissors with her two hands as she appeared (2/1000/0).

"What can she do? She's practically harmless!" The Proctor wondered.

"For now she is, but since she's a required material to Synchro Summon a Gatchaman monster, I can special summon NOTE from my hand!"

This time in a flurry of winds, a small notebook, which was silver on top and changed colors in the middle with a black stylized g emblazoned on it appeared and began to float over the field. Hajime saw the note and silently squealed at the sight of it (3/500/300). "NOTE is a tuner monster with a handy special ability, by revealing a Synchro monster in my extra deck and selecting another Synchro material, I can change NOTE's level as I see fit, as long as the monster is a Gatchaman monster."

Back with the spectators…

"What are these Gatchaman?" Syrus asked.

"A series of Synchro monsters that gets stronger when their levels increase. Their effects are also affected by coin flips, so playing them is a risk." Bastion explained.

"And we're about to get a sneak peak!" Jaden exclaimed as Carrie brought out the Synchro monster.

"Not exactly." Bastion replied, confusing Jaden, who now realized that Carrie was showing their side the back of the card. The peach haired girl quickly returned it to the extra deck.

"But I don't get it, she can win this with that Paladynamo alone." Syrus looked to Bastion who was just as unsure of her tactic.

Back in the duel…

The Note had gained a white color now as its level increased. (3-5/500/300)"And now I tune my Level 4 NOTE with my Level 3 Hajime Ichinose to Synchro Summon, Gatchaman Hajime!"

Hajime grabbed the notebook and its white part turned transparent, a blue light glowing inside. Hajime held it close to her face as 3 stars appeared on her as she grew transparent and the note produced 5 green rings.

"Protectors of the city, the white bird has arrived! Spread your wings and defend it wholeheartedly! Synchro summon! Bird Go, Gatchaman Hajime!"

The green rings were soon filled with light and once it disappeared, the schoolgirl had changed completely. She was now a mecha like being, with pink 'hair' styled in pigtails with a golden decoration on it that looked like deer ears and a 'crown' made of neon blue tubes that ran down to her thighs. Her face was purple and framed at the chin with pink metal. Her armor was white on the top with the stylized g going from her torso to her midpoint which was pink with gold trimmings. It had a black, purple and white skirt with diamond shapes at the edges. Her legs now had shin guards and wheels at the back of each legs, making rollerblades. She held a similar pose to Hajime before she tuned with the Note then struck another pose, some parts of her lit up in neon blue and neon pink and her eyes which were blue shined the brightest (7/2100/1700).

"Close but no cigar." The Proctor tutted at Carrie in disdain. "Do something or else its adios Duel Academy."

"I know, I know! Now I activate Starliege Paladynamo's special ability! By detaching an Xyz material monster, I can reduce the attack of one of your monsters to 0!" One of the blue lights surrounding the Paladin went to the Axe Raider, weakening him and forcing him to his knee (4/2700-0/1150). "Hajime, attack with Blanc et Noir!"

"You triggered my-"

"Don't bother teach!" Carrie said quickly as the facedown's reversed side was covered in a net of electricity that negated its activation. "It's the effect of my NOTE, if it's used as a tuner for a Gatchaman monster, the monster is immune to card effects as long as the NOTE is in the Graveyard! And by returning it to the bottom of my deck, your card's immobile!" A card slid out of the Graveyard slot and Carrie grabbed it, placing it at the bottom of her deck.

"That's why she needed that Gatchaman monster." Syrus realized. "To protect her attack from card effects!"

"You think we'll get to see her monster's effect?" Jaden asked.

"I doubt it, she's about to finish this duel." Bastion said.

The Gatchaman pulled scissor blades holstered at the back of her boots and combined them to form a giant scissor and tested it, snipping the air before skating towards the Raider and jumped, swinging the scissors at the Raider which exploded on impact.

Proctor: 0
Carrie: 2900

Carrie then began to move her graveyard's cards back to her main deck before putting it all in the deck holder and switched the duel disk off. "Thanks for the duel!" She said sincerely.

"That was great, you defended yourself pretty good." The Proctor praised. "Welcome to Duel Academy."

She smiled before walking off the arena back to her seat.

Elsewhere in the stadium…

"Looks like we have a pretty good crop this year!" A teacher said positively.

"Yes indeed." Another agreed as they closed their papers.

However, suddenly a security guard approached the teachers, specifically an effeminate man wearing a blue coat with pink ruffles and his blond hair kept in two parts, one part short and the rest of it was long, reaching his back. He also had silver earrings with teal orbs in a mood shaped pendant. He interrupted the teacher who was ready to leave back to Duel Academy. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but one last applicant has arrived to take his exam Mr. Crowler."

"Did you just call me 'Mr.'?" Crowler asked.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm new here Mrs. Crowler." The security guard said and rephrased his sentence.

"I have a PhD in dueling; I've earned the title 'Doctor' thank you." He said, keeping his tone calm but obviously irked at the security guard's mistake. "Now tell the truant that he'll just have to come back next year."

"Oh come on Dr. Crowler, we have time for one more!" A teacher said.

"Yes let's give this duelist a shot." Another much older teacher added and Crowler began to shake in place at his colleagues pleas.

"He was just a bit late that's all." Another said casually and that drove Crowler over the edge.

"Late is rude!" He snapped, causing the teachers and the guard of the front row to jolt back in surprise. "I have no time for slackers…" He said as he stood up and realized his phone was ringing and picked it up. "Hello? And who may I ask is-"

"It's Sheppard." The caller interrupted.

"Ah Chancellor Shepard." Crowler's tone changed to a much more pleasant one.

"Just calling to make sure everything's running smoothly Crowler." Chancellor Sheppard began. "Wouldn't want a repeat of what happened last year."

Crowler twitched at that as Sheppard continued. "When you cut a third of our student applicants for some ridiculous reason, what was it? Calling you Mister or Misses? Whatever. Just make sure everyone gets a fair shot!" Sheppard explained, emphasis on everyone.

"Absolutely!" He replied, a scowl on his voice but he kept his tone pleasant

"Well good carry on Crowler." Sheppard replied, pleased and closed the call. "

Furry chinned windbag." He muttered. 'Doesn't he realize we have enough talentless flunkies at this academy? But he's the boss, if he wants to give everyone this rapscallion (A/N: What the heck did he say here rim shanker? If anyone knows please tell me) a duel… well fine…'

He got up from his seat. "Pardon me gentlemen, I'll be right back." He declared and began to walk away to the stairs that lead to the elevators but the other teachers called out to him.

"But uh, who's gonna be the boy's dueling proctor and what exam deck should we use?" A teacher asked and held up a box of decks.

Crowler turned away from the box and smiled inwardly. "Leave that to me…"

"So this Gatchaman deck is her main deck…" Danny mused. "Kinda reminds me of your monsters Lex." The girl said, directing it to the blonde.

"This will definitely be an interesting year." Alexis stated and she looked at the third person of their group, who never moved his stance since the beginning of the duel.

"But how much interesting can we hold?" Danny then pointed to a part of the stadium made for teachers and specifically to Crowler, who was on the move towards the elevators and noticed the other teachers who haven't moved from their spots.

"Crowler's going to duel." Zane noted. "But who?"

"Who cares who, we're gonna see that monster of his." Danny smirked.

Now back to Carrie, who walked up the stairs, she heard an announcement made by the dull PA voice. "Jaden Yuki to duel field four, I repeat, Jaden Yuki to duel field four."

Carrie looked around, seeing a brunette rise from his seats and talk to his friends before walking down the stairs, 'I thought I or the Bastion guy had the last duel…' She wondered but shrugged it off and continued up the stairs, passing by the brunette.

"Hey you're the one that just dueled!" Jaden said as they passed by. "Sweet deck by the way."

Carrie blinked for a second at the sudden interaction before smiling, an eyebrow raised. "Well you're the one who's gonna duel, so good luck down there." She said.

"Thanks! Welp gotta jet!" Jaden then continued walking down, waving to Carrie who continued up, she found her seat filled with more people around it, specifically Bastion and Syrus.

"Mind if I sit here?" She asked and the two shook their head while Bastion picked up his gear and she gave a quick thanks and sat down, opening her backpack and putting her duel disk back in place. She saw Crowler, who had a large duel disk, with the field slung across his torso and the deck holder on his chest currently getting prepped up on him.

"He's so sure of himself, I wonder if he's really that good." Syrus said.

"He's going to need to be, look who he's dueling." Bastion replied and the three looked on.

"Nice get up... So, who is he dueling?" Carrie asked.

On the duel field…

Jaden slowly rose up the elevator, silently gawking at his surrounding and his opponent just finished getting his gear set up. "Alright, test time!" Crowler announced. "So son, your name?"

Jaden turned to Crowler, immediately straightening up. "Uh Jaden, Jaden Yuki!"

"Well uh-Jaden-Yuki, I'm Dr. Vellian Crowler, Department Chair of Techniques here in Duel Academy." He introduced.

"Wow a Department Chair, I had no idea! With how you were dressed, I thought you were some weird Academy mascot!" Jaden said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Like a majorette or a cheerleader!" He said while laughing.

On another part with good ol' Chazz Princeton and his mates…

"You know now that he mentions it…" One of them, Torimaki, muttered silently.

"This kid's got some lip huh Chazz?" The other one, Mototani, asked the leader of the triad, ignoring Torimaki.

Chazz didn't reply but he was evidently irritated, gritting his teeth and glaring at Jaden.

"Duel Vest, on!" Crowler commanded his equipment which lit up at the chest piece and 5 cards slid out and Crowler grabbed them as he moved the field in position.

Jaden looked on in awe. "That's pretty sweet teach!" He complimented. "How do I get one of those cool blue duel blazers?"

"Oh a lot of hard work and extremely high marks." Crowler said casually with pride in his voice. 'Of course you have to get IN Duel Academy first. And I intend to make CERTAIN that won't be happening!'

"Well I'm ready!" Jaden said, grinning and drawing his five cards.

"So let's duel!" They both said.

Jaden: 4000
Crowler: 4000

"Here it goes…" Jaden said as he drew his card and checked his hand, smiling. "Sweet, I'm gonna summon Elemental Hero Avian in defense mode!"

A card appeared on the ground and from it, a fairly muscular man dressed in green appeared. His face covered by a green feathered helmet with a red mask. He has a clawed gauntlet on his left arm, covering the hand and similar red claws for his feet and a pair of white wings. After soaring out of his card, he knelt in front of Jaden (3/1000/1000).

"I'll also throw down a facedown and end my turn." Jaden announced as a reversed card appeared. "Alright, get your game on!"

"Yes… very good…" Crowler said sarcastically as he went for a card on the vest. "Don't tell me what to do." He silently muttered, chuckled and checked his hand.

'After all, since I'm using my own personal deck rather than using those test ones, I'll be calling all the shots.' He thought with a smirk. 'I'll fail that insolent little brat and send him home in no time.'

"Alright for this first move, I think I'll start nice and easy!" Crowler announced as he plucked a card from his hand. "I choose to play the spell card, Confiscation!"

"Ok, so, what does it do?" Jaden asked.

"What it does is allow me to pay 1000 lifepoints for the chance to pick at your hand and toss one of your cards into the graveyard!" He announced gleefully as Jaden's cards glowed blue and holograms of his cards appeared in front of Crowler.

Crowler: 3000
Jaden: 4000

"Oh yes I remember some of these from back when I was a naïve rookie." Jaden gritted his teeth as Crowler looked at his cards. "Now which one shall I banish? Ah yes, Monster Reborn to the graveyard!" Crowler pointed at the reversed card and it flipped over to show the famous card, which shattered to pixels.

Jaden discarded the spell card and turned back to his opponent. "Next I place two cards facedown on the field." Two reversed cards appeared in front of Crowler before he took another card. "And last but not least, I'll play Heavy Storm! This spell card destroys every other spell and trap card out on the field!"

A wind kicked up across the field and flipped every facedown spell and trap cards face up, shattering Jaden's draining shield and Crowler's two Statue of the Wicked. "Whoopsie! Did you forget you had two trap cards out on the field yourself?"

Crowler simply chuckled as the storm passed. "Now, now you mustn't speak out of turn young scholar." Suddenly, dark blue fog surrounded the field.

"What's happening?" Jaden asked, confused.

"Nothing's happening. Not yet anyway!" And in front of Crowler, came two worm like monsters, which oddly had claws. Both had four eyes with dark green scleras and red irises and jaws that carried a red stone ball in their mouths (4/1000/1000)2x.

Bastion was relaxed in his seat, his arms crossed over his chest while Carrie leaned forward, fixated in the duel. Syrus was standing at the back, confused at what had happened. "Can somebody tell me what's going on?"

"The two traps that Dr. Crowler had on the field was called 'Statue of the Wicked'. It's a special trap that creates a Wicked Token monster when it's destroyed, that's why he played Heavy Storm."

"That was a good move…" Carrie noted. "Darn."

"A card that powerful couldn't be in one of the test decks!" Torimaki said. "Crowler must be using his own."

"Then this is over, no applicant can beat the deck of an expert like Dr. Crowler!" Mototani added.

"Yeah it's impossible, don'cha think Chazz?"

"Yeah what do you think Chazz?"

Chazz grinned in his seat. "I think I'm gonna enjoy watching Crowler mop the floor with our mouthy little friend down there, I only wish he treated all the other second rate duelists the same way."

And right above them…

"What an elitist snob…" Alexis muttered. "Bullying some amateur with his very best cards…"

"You're too soft Alexis." Zane said. "I just hope we get to see that legendary monster Crowler has stashed away in that deck of his."

"Besides if this kid can't beat Crowler he won't last long in the Academy." Danny added, stretching her back.

Back down on the field, the dark fog disappeared and the tokens stared down Avian. "Ready for your next lesson?" He asked.

Jaden laughed, excited at his opponent's move. "You bet! I can't remember the last time learning was this much fun!"

Crowler hummed disapprovingly. "Yes… well, I'm quite the excellent teacher thank you." He said sarcastically. The two tokens then bursted into flames as it writhed in place. "Now I sacrifice my two Wicked Tokens to summon my Ancient Gear Golem!" Crowler held up the card before placing it on his disk, which triggered another storm as a monster rose from the ground. The audience gasped and eyed the rising monster, which was a giant machine with large gears in various places. It had a helmet that showed its one red eye, similar to that of a Roman Phrygian helmet.

"There it is! The legendary rare card!" Alexis gasped as the monster creaked and groaned in place and the smoke disappeared, revealing its impressive stature (8/3000/3000).

"I say we're about to find out what makes it so legendary." Zane added.

"I hope you're not too scared of my legendary Ancient Gear Golem!" Crowler said from the duel field.

"Nah I've always wanted to face one!" Jaden declared, causing Alexis to gasp and Danny to raise her eyebrows and the crowds added in their mixed reaction.

"Either Jaden's really brave or he's nuts!" Syrus gasped.

"What makes it so legendary anyway?" Carrie asked Bastion.

"We're about to see…" Bastion waved her off, he too was fixated on the duel.

"He's staring down that legendary rare monster like he doesn't have a care in the world." Zane said, a little impressed. "I guess the youth and inexperience have their benefits after all."

"C'mon give it a rest Zane, at least the kid's showing some backbone." Alexis waved off the senior's comment.

"There won't be much to show after this." Danny muttered.

Crowler laughed. "Golem attack with Mechanized Melee!" He pulled back a fist and pumped it forward, directed at Jaden's Avian.

The red eye of the Golem lit up, acknowledging the request and the gears in its head began to spin, causing the other gears to spin as its arm pulled back and launched a fist at the green Elemental Hero, which braced itself as it faced a fist to its face and shattered to pixels.

"Aw Jaden's monster didn't stand a chance, its defense points were way too low!" Syrus said worriedly then shook his head. "This isn't looking good."

"And it's about to get worse." Bastion began which prompted the other two to lean over and listen to the intellectual applicant's explanation. "When that Ancient Gear Golem attacks a monster in defense mode, the difference between the attacking monster's attack points and the defending monster's defense point is dealt to the opponent as damage."

"That means… 2000 lifepoints going down!" Carrie realized.

The holographic fist continued after it hit Avian, heading straight for Jaden and dropping his points.

Crowler: 3000
Jaden: 2000

Jaden was shaking in place, silently making incomprehensible noises while Crowler laughed, mistaking it as sobbing. "Don't feel bad, this is the top dueling school in the country! Some people are simply not cut out… for…" Jaden's head slowly rose, along with the volume of his laughter, causing Crowler to stop and see him smile instead.

"Boy I really wanna come to this school now!" He said, a determined look on his face. "You really know your stuff teach!"

Crowler's eyes bugged out at Jaden and he gritted his teeth, trembling with rages. 'Can't he take a hint? You will NOT be allowed to pass this exam! And he certainly won't be permitted to make a mockery of MY deck!'

'Just look at him tremble! He must really be impressed by me!' As he was about to draw however…

'Coo!' Was the noise he heard, intriguing him to draw his next card. He drew the card and saw it was a furry little brown monster with green paws and large eyes and a pair of wings, the card he received from a stranger this morning…

"Watch out!" Jaden warned as he skidded to a halt and warned the person in front of him, who moved too late and caused Jaden to hit him and fall backwards, dropping his deck and duel disk, "Sorry!" He apologized to the person behind him as he picked up his cards, making sure they're alright.

"You're a duelist aren't you?" The stranger asked.

Jaden turned around, smiling, "Yup! I'm just gonna try out for the Academy!"

The stranger's expressionless face turned to one of amusement and he softly smiled, "You don't say?" He asked while opening his deck case.

Jaden stood up, laughing sheepishly, confirming the stranger's question and finally getting a good look at the person he hit. "H-Hey you're-"

"Why don't you take this? Something tells me it belongs to you. "The stranger said, giving him a card. Jaden looked at him, surprised but looked at the card.

"Wow, for real?" He asked.

Without another word, the stranger walked away, "Good luck." Was his last words to Jaden as he walked towards the path out of the park.

"Hey wait!" Jaden said and turned around. "Thank you! I'll… make you proud!" He said and bowed respectfully and Yugi turned around slightly, giving the brunette a thumbs up.

Jaden checked his new gift, a Winged Kuriboh, that he heard coo the same way it did just now.

"Oh it's you!" He exclaimed to himself after remembering how he got it and smiled at the card as its wings glowed, 'Something tells me that it belongs with me too.' Pleased, he read over the monster's effect again, suddenly seeing it wink at him. 'I guess that's a sign to play you! Yeah, definitely!'

"Alright, I summon Winged Kuriboh in defense mode!" Jaden announced. "And I'll place one card facedown, not bad huh?" He asked as a reversed card appeared behind Winged Kuriboh.

Crowler laughed confidently. "No, not bad but you must understand that I'm a master technician, a Kuriboh to me is rather pedestrian, even one with wings. You see its defense points are still no match for my Golem!" He said mockingly. "It's a textbook mistake don't feel bad… now let's proceed…"

His vest beeped again as a card slid out. "With the legendary Ancient Gear Golem, attack that Kuriboh with Mechanized Melee!"

Once again, the Golem acknowledged the request, spinning its gears and pulling back its fist as it punched the small brown creature, which managed to endure the first second, but shattered to pixels afterwards. Jaden shielded himself from the winged creature's demise, looking at where it was. 'Sorry Winged Kuriboh…'

Crowler however, frowned even more than anyone thought possible. "Check your gear, your lifepoints haven't changed."

"My gear's fine!" He replied casually. "On the turn Winged Kuriboh's sent to the graveyard I take 0 damage."

Crowler gritted his teeth and his eyes widened in enraged shock as the crowd gasped.

"How 'bout that, a technique the good doctor didn't know." Alexis smirked as Danny laughed slightly at her comment.

"No one can be expected to know every technique Alexis, especially one as obscure as that." Zane retorted.

"And a fairy in a deck of Elemental Heroes is quite odd." Danny shrugged.

"Yeah well that kid made it work." Alexis said, ignoring the two and amused at the duel.

Jaden moved the Kuriboh to the graveyard as Crowler regained his composure, "Fine, fine, I guess your lame little monster saved you there."

"Hey slow down there teach! You may have beat him but that doesn't give you the right to call him lame!" Jaden countered and Crowler rolled his eyes.

"Oh yes I forget how attached you new duelists are with your monsters, I'm sorry." He joked.

"Well you should be, because by attacking my Winged Kuriboh, you've set off a trap card, and one of my favorites too! Hero signal!" Jaden grinned as his reversed card flipped up and a beam of light fired from it, leaving a stylized H in the sky that caused Crowler and the audience to look up at it. Jaden then grabbed his deck, searching for a card. "That brings out my second Elemental Hero!" He then picked a card. "Burstinatrix!"

A pillar of fire appeared in front of Jaden and brought out the fire themed Elemental Hero, a grey skinned, green eyed woman in a skintight red suit and a golden headpiece appeared and soared slightly, before hovering a few inches above the ground (3/1200/800).

"My turn!" Jaden said as he drew a card. "Alright Winged Kuriboh, this next one's for you… Here goes nothin'…" A spell card appeared on his field. "First off I'm bringing back Avian with the spell card, the Warrior Returning Alive!" A card slid out of the Graveyard slot and Jaden picked it up. "And now I'm gonna summon him to the field!"

The green winged hero returned to the field next to his ally (3/1000/1000).

"Oh okay, another amateurish mistake!" Crowler taunted. "But this is good, this is good, now would anyone like to tell me what our little friend here-"

"Now, actually I wasn't done yet…" Jaden interrupted. "See, I know my two heroes aren't very powerful by themselves, but if I can form them together, that's a whole other story! And I have just the card to do it!" Jaden then showed a card to Crowler.

Crowler gritted his teeth, irked that the applicant had interrupted him.

"Polymerization! Fuse Avian and Burstinatrix!" The two Heroes jumped into a fusion gate that appeared a little bit above them. "Fusion Summon!" A new hero appeared from the portal, descending and hovered above the field. The hero has a mix of Avian and Burstinatrix's colors, even elements from their design, but unlike the two, this one has a red dragon for a right arm, and a red tail as well (6/2100/1200). "There he is! The Elemental Hero-Flame Wingman! I hope your Golem's ready for a Clash of the Titans!"

The crowd gave a mixed reaction of cheers and gasps at Jaden's new monster.

"So teach, whaddya think!" Jaden asked the doctor who shook his head disapprovingly.

"I think you're dueling very well for an amateur, but next time, try summoning a monster with higher attack points than the ones out on the field." Crowler replied with a wearied tone, tired of Jaden's games.

"What does he mean?" Syrus asked.

"He means that Wingman's attack points are no match for his Ancient Gear Golem's attack points, shame too." Bastion explained "When the Wingman destroys a monster, that monster's attack points are dealt as damage to its owner."

"Pretty sure he has a plan. He still has that card." Carrie pointed to the lone card in Jaden's hand.

"True, if your friend's as good as he says he is, he might use that to find a way." Bastion added nonchalantly.

"Wow did we really seem like friends?" Syrus joked but his expression a little out of place and flattered.

"Alright young scholar, I don't mean to rush you but I am a busy man…" Crowler sighed. "Are you done yet?"

"Of course… I'm not done yet!" Jaden almost scoffed as his field spell slot opened. "And of course I knew my Wingman has less attack points than your Golem! That's why I have this." Jaden flipped over the card in his hand, showing a city with spotlights and the moon hanging in the sky on its top right corner. "Skyscraper! Go!"

Light shined as buildings appeared and rose from the ground, surrounding Jaden, Crowler and the Golem while darkening the sky. In the scramble of the rising buildings, the Flame Wingman found the highest building, a building with a lightning rod, and perched there, looking down at the surrounded Golem. The moon was behind the Wingman, giving him a menacing look.

"Alright Flame Wingman, go show those heroics and attack that Ancient Gear Golem with Skydive Scorcher!" Jaden commanded as the hero deliberately dropped from where he perched and jumped up high into the sky, finding a good enough angle before beginning its drop on the Golem.

"Fine, bring him on!" Crowler replied, relaxed. "This silly little field spell of yours hasn't lowered my Golem's attack points by one bit!"

Soon however, the Wingman was enveloped in flames and its arms and wings was tucked back in. "You're right teach! What it's done is raise my Flame Wingman's attack points by a grand total of 1000!"

"WAIT WHAT TIME OUT!" Crowler shrieked as he realized the hero's flames, which grew stronger (6/2100-3100/1200). He pulled out a fist and dove for the Golem's core, damaging the cogs and causing it to explode. He then emerged on the other side, crouching after a job well done. A piece of the crumbling Golem hit Crowler in the head, dropping his points slightly.

Crowler: 2900
Jaden: 2000

"Oh and Flame Wingman has a special ability! When he destroys a monster, the attack points are dealt as damage to your lifepoints!" Jaden explained before grinning. "Sweet huh?"

"No way…" Crowler then realized, the remains of the Golem creaked as it stood its ground but was unsteady and began to fall. Flame Wingman, using the dragon arm, fired a small fire beam to the Golem's weak spot and made the Golem collapse as the rubble fell down on Crowler, and brought down his life points.

Crowler: 0
Jaden: 2000

"And that's game!" Jaden cheered as he gave the doctor a two finger salute with his index and middle finger. "So I passed the test, huh teach?"

The field spell disappeared and the crowd cheered, some joined in late after they shook away the shock of how the late, amateur student managed to beat a teacher's personal deck.

"Impossible… There's no way this delinquent flunkie could defeat me!"

Up in the stands, the students with the Blue Coats seemed the most surprised, especially Chazz, who gritted his teeth. "It must've been dumb luck! No way Crowler could lose to some flunkie!"

And directly above them, Alexis was smiling. "That kid's got a future here, wow!" She then waited or a split second and turned around, seeing Zane walk away, a ghost of an impressed smile on his face and a shocked Danny, who turned to Zane and the duel field, before following behind him.

"Alright Jaden won!" Syrus cheered.

'Nice, I could use a little competition.' Bastion thought as Jaden waved towards the cheering crowd.

'Awesome, I'll get to face these Heroes in Duel Academy…' Carrie grinned inwardly at the thought.

"I made it to the Academy!" Jaden cheered at the crowd, waving and turning around all over to address everyone he can. "I'm in! I'm in!" He laughed. Jaden then pulled out a card from his graveyard slot, Winged Kuriboh and smiled. 'We're both in!' He rejoiced at the card in his mind. 'And from here on out, you and I Kuriboh, we'll be partners!'

Again, the Kuriboh winked and cooed at Jaden.

Wahoo 18 pages and 7 700+ words that's way more than the mega final project for my school!

Please Rate and Review, I hope you enjoyed that because there's a whole lot more yo!

EDIT: Thank you to 'Guest' for telling me about Dicephoon! Although I did get Hajime's level right, she's a level 7 not a level 8. Level 5 NOTE, Level 2 Hajime Ichinose, level 7 Gatchaman-Hajime

EDIT 2: Changed rule on the 4000 LP