Mending Ways. By Effrinae Trinx.

"What is the matter with you?" Effie moaned as Haymitch winced again. He shuffled uncomfortably, trying to relax in his chair. The pair had been sitting quietly in the penthouse suite all night, waiting to hear their next POA from the Capitol.

Their tributes were dead, the victory tour for 2 was in a week, and they had to wait patiently to see if they were allowed to return to there own homes yet or if their presence was to be required elsewhere.

"Nothing" Was his response and it made Effie roll her eyes.

She thought about letting it go, as she watched him from the corner of her eye. He'd been wincing and scowling and rubbing gruffly at his shoulders and lower back for the past hour. It was safer to leave him to it, she knew that, but the nurturer inside of her told her that she had to at least try and help him in some way. Haymitch shifted again, placing his glass of whiskey on the arm of his chair.

If the drink was down then there was definitely something very, very wrong.

"It doesn't look like nothing to me" Effie sighed, but tried her best not to speak in her usual nagging tone "Can I help?"

Haymitch let out abrupt laugh.

"Sure, sweetheart. If you're any good at massages, knock yourself out" He shook his head, humorously and shrugged his tight shoulders. There it was again. He winced in pain.

"I am actually!" Effie suddenly stated proudly, Eyeing him like a new project.

"Am what?" Haymitch asked in a throw away tone and leant forward a little, resting his elbows on his knees

"Good at massages!" She smiled. "It's your back isn't it? Come on. Lie down"

Haymitch raised an eye brow at her.

"Excuse me?"

But she had already stood from her place on the couch, making room for him.

"Come along!" She clicked her fingers like a school ma'am beckoning a naughty child and the hairs on the back of Haymitchs neck suddenly curled up.

"It was a joke Effie, you don't have to-"

"A bad back is no joke, Haymitch!" Effie carried on "If we are needed in the Capitol whilst the tour is afoot, I can't be carrying the weight of both of our work loads. Come"

He looked at her wide eyed as she beckoned him over to the couch. If she had been joking, her face didn't give her away. Her lips were pressed into a stern pout as she stood with her hands at her hips, looking ever so like the dominatrix he'd always imagined her to be. Her offer was uncomfortably tempting. Pain or no pain, he wouldn't mind being handled by her for a minute or two.

Haymitch pressed his own lips into a curious pout before throwing his hands up in defeat and moving towards the couch.

"Alright princess. If you think you got magic hands, do your worst" He chuckled and led down on his front, along the length of the couch.

"Shirt please" She commanded and seated herself at the side of his waist

"Are you sure this isn't just a ploy to get me to strip tease for you?" Haymitch winked, slipping his shirt over his head and making himself comfortable once more

"By all means, strip away" Effie sighed "Just, less of the tease. i'd like to keep my dinner down"

He liked it when she was sarcastic. It wasn't often that he felt that she enjoyed the banter that the two of them shared. She was always to busy, to stressed, to be bothered with him. She'd usually finish their battles abruptly, with a huff and a groan and then stomp away out of his sight. But nights like this, when it was just the two of them, and all schedules had been scattered to the wind, they found themselves actually enjoying each others company, other than just baring it.

"Are you comfortable?" She asked casually, removing her gloves and shifting into him a little closer to get a better angle on his back.

"Oh yes. Very" He teased and she registered the cheekiness in his voice

"Don't get any ideas Mr Abernathy, this is purely for your own good"

"Well get to it then sweetheart, work your magic"

She rolled her eyes at him again, but kept the hidden smirk to herself. As infuriating as he was sometimes, he had a knack for making her laugh.

She placed her hands at the base of his shoulder blades and began to work.

Her hands were a little cold but he liked it. In fact, he found himself liking it a little too much. He'd already got excited at the very mention of her giving him a massage but now, as her delicate hands and fingers kneaded delicious circles into his skin, he found himself having to bite down on one of the scatter cushions to distract himself from his undignified thoughts.

She was good.

She was really good. Strong too. It was quite a shock.

It was quite a turn on.

He tried to shake her from his mind.

Focus, focus, focus. This is Effie Trinket touching you. She is your Escort, she annoys the heck out of you, she is not coming on to you she is just trying to be nice! Focus, focus!

But it was impossible. Her hands began to get lower, kneading heavy, deep circles into the joints of his spine.

"Ouch!" he suddenly jumped at her touch. She'd hit the sore spot.

"Sorry" She whispered tenderly and he felt her shift again slightly, trying to focus now on that area.

"You're full of knots Haymitch! You really ought to do some exercises in the mornings"

Haymitch smiled to himself. He knew exactly what exercise he'd like to do in the morning. The sudden thought sent an abundance of images, flashing through his mind. Effie. Naked. Massaging him all over, in his bed. He felt a sudden tightening in his trousers and it jolted him from his fantasies.


What could he do now? He was hard. He was actually hard. Effie was performing an innocent task, to help him feel better and he was being an absolute pervert.

He bit harder onto the cushion and Effie noticed.

"Does it hurt?"

"No, no sweetheart, you carry on" She couldn't stop yet. If she stopped he'd have to move and if he moved she would see.

"I think I need to apply more pressure, you're so stiff Haymitch"

Her use of words made him gulp. At least she wasn't finished with him yet.

"You do what you gotta do sweetheart. Its helping, trust me"

She smiled at him. She couldn't believe he was appreciating her simple gesture. Haymitch appreciated nothing but the liquor cart. For a moment, she felt a little special.

Haymitch suddenly felt Effies weight shift again, he cocked his head to the side for more comfort but just as he was calming himself down he felt her thighs, either side of his waist, as she straddled him from behind.

She pushed deeper into his lower back with her hands, the effort making her release an audible breath.

You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

He couldn't take it any more. The feel of her petite frame, wrapped around his middle, sent his testosterone into overdrive.

He didn't think, he didn't even blink. He shifted beneath her, holding her steady as he turned. Effie had to grip the back of the couch so that she didn't tumble off of him

"Haymitch- what are you- ?"

He was facing her now as she sat frozen, still astride his middle. His hands began to wander up her thighs slowly


her grip tightened around his waist, subconsciously. Their eyes were locked and Effie finally felt him rock hard beneath her. At first it was a shock. She shrieked in pure disbelief of it all and leapt from the couch, stumbling backwards a little.

"HAYMITCH ABERNATHY! WHAT IN THE WORLD!?" But the shock turned curious. He was aroused? By her? But, he hated her, did he not? Was it possible? Did he find her attractive? He obviously did. She took a breath as he sat up, sheepishly and met her glare.

"Effie, look, I'm sorry" There was a slight smirk behind his apology and it infuriated her to no end. Infuriated her because she too, suddenly found herself becoming aroused.

"Explain yourself" She demanded. But the low growl to her voice was giving her away. Haymitch noticed. He also noticed that her breathing had become eradicated and she had a glow in her cheeks.

"No" He said suddenly. Firmly. "You explain yourself Trinket" He got to his feet and made his way toward her. "After all, you're you one who initiated it"

Effie gasped dumbfoundedly "Initiated? I was trying to help- you're the one- I didn't- I"

His hands slipped to her waist, shutting her up.

"Really? A massage, Ef? Take my shirt off? Lie down?" He pulled her closer and her nose bumped with his "Admit it Ef. You. Want. Me"

She parted her lips to protest but nothing came out. Her lashes beat wildly and the feel of his bare chest pushed against hers sent an ache to her core.

"I- I-I-"

"Say it"


"Say it"

"I want you"

It just slipped out. It was quick and it was stupid and she covered her mouth like she had just cursed. Haymitchs eyes widened and a smile teased his lips

"My, My. Effie Trinket…"

"What?" She began to protest "You want me too! I felt it…I can still feel it" Her brow furrowed in confusion as he stepped back a little to admire her.

"Hey, I'm just a guy Efs. Things like this happen all the time" He chuckled. Her face turned almost crimson "But at least I finally got you to admit it!" He laughed again "You want me!"

Effie folder her arms across her chest in a huff.

"So, If I want you and you want me, what the hell are we doing?" She questioned, with a raise of her eyebrow

He shook his head and eyed her up and down before striding back over to her.

"Wasting a hell of a lot of time on silly massages" He captured her face in his hands and pulled her in for a hungry kiss. It knocked the breath out of her but she pulled on the waist band of his trousers to bring them closer, still.

He bent down slightly and was about to lift her into his arms when he felt a pull and he went crashing back down onto the couch

"Damnit!" He cried, rubbing the base of his spine. Effie couldn't stifle a giggle.

"It's not funny" Haymitch grumped and beckoned her over. She sat beside him and stroked at his stubble, placing a gentle kiss at his lips.

"Lie down" She said again, with a sigh. But when he went to lie on his front, Effie cleared her throat with an 'Ahem' and beckoned him to turn over. He eyed her eagerly and complied, flashing a seductive grin when she straddled him again.

"What are you up to?" He asked, suspiciously, with with a wicked glint in his eye.

"Giving just what you need" She smirked. Then her hands began to loosen his belt "Like I told you before, I'm very, very good at massages"