A/N: Hey everyone, here's a new chapter for you all as a belated gift for Valentine's day! There are a few things going on in this chapter but there is also something new altogether! Please tell me how you feel about it! I love reading your reviews, what you liked, what you didn't like, your ideas etc. Read and Review please! Enjoy!

Chapter 13: Hogsmeade with Fleur


The sunlight flickering through the curtains and birds chirping outside woke Fleur from her slumber. Blinking the grogginess away, she realised that she had fallen asleep at some point in the early morning. Her side was warm where Hermione was tucked against her, arm around Fleur's waist and legs tangled together. They must have moved closer to each other in their sleep. The brunette's face was in the crook of her neck and she could feel her even breaths caress her neck. Her wavy russet locks were splayed half on the pillow underneath Hermione's head and half on Fleur chest. It was the most delicious way of getting up Fleur ever experienced.

"Hmm…" Hermione hummed, her sleep broken for some reason, but she waited a few seconds before getting up. The bed was unusually warm and she wanted to soak it in. Lifting her head to shuffle herself better into the warmth, she found herself looking into blue eyes, filled with amusement. With a squeal, she pushed away, nearly falling off the bed, hadn't it been for the arm that circled her waist and pulled her back.

"Good morning, Cherie," said Fleur, grinning. A groggy Hermione with sleep tousled hair was the cutest thing she had ever seen.

"Fleur!" Hermione sat up, feeling Fleur release her, "Uhm… good morning."

"Did you sleep well?" the blonde turned to lie on her side and propped her head on her elbow.

Hermione was stunned at how the blonde looked beautiful even with a bed-head. "I did," she said, rubbing her groggy eyes.

"Excited for our 'Ogsmeade trip today? Fleur asked sweetly.

"Uhum," Hermione nodded as she slid off the bed, "we should get ready, I need to go back to the castle to shower and change."

"You can use my bathroom to freshen up if you want. I can lend you some clozhes for your walk back to ze castle." Offered Fleur, getting off the bed as well.

"Yeah, I would like that."

Riffling through her wardrobe, Fleur took out some jeans, T-shirt, sweater, coat, gloves and a blue beanie " 'ere."

Hermione took the clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. She only washed her face and brushed her teeth before she pulled on the garments. Exiting the bathroom, she rounded up her items, her uniform she took off to put on her evening dress and her bag.

"I'm off to the castle to get ready" informed the brunette.

"Ok. Would you like me to escort you back?" asked Fleur.

"There's no need, you need time to get ready as well. I'll see you in the Hall for breakfast. See you soon!" replied Hermione as she slipped on her shoes and then exited the bedroom. Knowing her way out of the carriage, she soon found herself in the snow outside and started her quick trek back to the castle for it was freezing outside.

Freshly showered, Hermione started dressing up for her Hogsmeade trip. She pulled back Fleur's sweater on, she kinda liked it and put on her brown corduroy trousers. Slipping her outdoors black boots, she pulled her thick brown coat over her shoulders. Rummaging through the chest at the foot of her bed, she found her matching red gloves and cable-knit beanie and slipped them on. Wrapping her Gryffindor scarf around her neck as a finishing touch, she looked at herself in the mirror. Yep, she looked toasty warm and ready to brave the snow outside. Throwing her messenger bag over her shoulders, she exited her room on her way to the Hall.

As she arrived at the Hall, she saw Fleur already seated at the Ravenclaw table. Nodding a greeting, she directed herself to her own table and took a seat next to Ginny.

"Morning, Mione," said Ginny as the girl sat next to her, before whispering in her ear, "I came to check on you early this morning. Didn't spend the night in your room, eh? I hope you had plenty of rest." The salacious face Ginny was making told everything on what the redhead was thinking.

"We returned from the ball really late last night and Fleur kindly asked me to stay instead of walking back to the castle" Hermione explained, a faint blush rising on her cheeks at her friend's dirty mind

"Sure…" Ginny winked at her, "tell me all the details later" she said as she noticed the approach of Harry and Ron.

They quickly ate and separated, Ron, Ginny and Harry making a group to go to Hogsmeade while Hermione was set to go meet Fleur. Ron was not happy about her not coming along with them but she turned a deaf ear to his grumbles and walked away towards Fleur, who was waiting for her at the main doors.

As the Gryffindor approached the blonde, Hermione was finally able to see what Fleur was wearing. Fleur had on a white button up shirt that was tucked into a pair of grey cargo pants, secured with a black belt. The pants were tucked into black leather boots. She had a black blazer on, the sleeves rolled up.

"Wow, you look great," Hermione said as she reached the blonde, "aren't you feeling cold, though?" she asked, puzzled.

"Uhm, not so much. I'm feeling a bit warm today," replied Fleur, "and you look cute as a button."

"Thanks…" blushed Hermione, not used to compliments, "are you sick, though?" she asked, concerned as she brought the back of her hand to Fleur's forehead. As soon as her hand touched the blonde, she was surprised to see her blue eyes switch to silver for a split second. Startled, she asked in an alarmed voice, "What was that?!" cupping the girl's cheek as she took a closer look.

"What waz what?" asked Fleur, confused though quite aware of Hermione's face inches from hers. She could see her lovely freckles so clearly.

"Your eyes just went silver for a second" Hermione said, peering intensely into the blue orbs, to see if they changed again.

"Oh… the changes must 'ave started. It must also be why I am not feeling cold." Fleur reasoned.

"The changes, already?"

"Oui, I'm just growing up as a Veela. Don't worry about zhem. Shall we head off to 'Ogsmeade?" Fleur asked.

Hermione nodded, still a bit worried but followed Fleur as she went down the beaten path that led to Hogsmeade.


"So here, we are. Hogsmeade!" exclaimed Hermione, spreading her arms wide as they entered the picturesque village.

"Hmm…" murmured Fleur as she took a look around at the small snowy roof-topped array of shops. It was quite beautiful, reminding her of the snowy village she visited with her family, located in the Alps.

"Shall we go to Scrivenshaft first? I have a quill and other stationery to buy," asked the brunette.

"Sure, lead ze way, 'Ermione," nodded Fleur.

They spent half an hour at Scrivenshaft as Hermione selected one new quill for herself, with a beautiful reddish gold plumage. She added a few feet of parchment paper to her purchases before she paid for it and exited the store.

"Would you like to go to the bookstore? I like to browse the new books for anything interesting," Hermione asked, not sure if Fleur was liking her first Hogsmeade visit.

"No need to ask me every time, 'Ermione. Just go where you need to go and I'll follow you. It'll give me the chance to visit the stores." Fleur reassured the brunette.

Nodding, Hermione directed them to another store with a hanging nameplate, reading "Tomes and Scrolls". This was Hermione's second wonderland, the first being the Hogwarts' library. The Gryffindor brushed her fingers on the spines of the books in the "New" aisle.

"Fleur, they have Crabble's new book on the study of nonverbal spells."

"Is that something you are interested in?"

"Yes. Nonverbal spells are very complicated and we only start to learn them in our sixth year. It is said that some spells are easier than others such as the Levicorpus. The Patronus Charm, on the other hand, is already a difficult charm to do especially a corporeal one. To do so nonverbally is said to be quite a difficult task." Hermione found herself babbling, probably boring the French girl to tears but as she looked at the blonde, she found Fleur listening to her with interest.

"'Ave you managed any wordless spells?"

"A few but not as many as I wanted. Some have been harder than I thought," shrugged Hermione, embarrassed. It was embarrassing for her to say she didn't manage something, especially when the Gryffindors would expect her to get it on the first try while the Slytherins waited with baited breaths for her to fail.

"It iz difficult, as you say. I 'ave managed a few spells as well. What if we 'ave a practice session where I can teach you what I know and you can teach me what you know? We can also try some new spells togezer"

"Sure!" exclaimed Hermione, elated. Learning was a joy to her and on top of that, Fleur hadn't judged or made fun of her failures. Picking up the book, she went to pay for it at the front.

Fleur held the door open for the brunette as they exited the bookstore to go to Honeydukes to buy a few sweets. Light snow had started to fall as they made their way to the sweets shop. As she browsed around, Hermione was presently surprised to learn that Fleur had quite of a sweet tooth, seeing the amount she was buying.

"Don't look at me like zhat. It iz not only for me. Gabrielle would 'ave my hide if I didn't buy some for her, even if I know she is going to buy some 'erself when she comes here later wiz Alexia," grumbled Fleur, as she also picked up some sugar cubes, "and zhis iz for Artemis. She would peck at my fingers if I don't give her, her sweets." Hermione laughed at that.

"What are your favourite sweets?" asked the blonde, "I'll treat you."

"Oh no, there is no need" replied Hermione, waving Fleur away.

"I insist, it iz a thank you gift for coming 'ere wiz me and giving me ze 'Ogsmeade tour," insisted Fleur.

"Well…fine," acquiesced Hermione, "I'm quite fond of the Pumpkin Pasties or some simply milk chocolate."

Nodding, Fleur picked up the mentioned items and went to the counter to complete her purchases. "Here," she said as she deposited them into Hermione's hands.

"Thank you, Fleur"

"It iz my pleasure. So what next?" asked Fleur, loving this experience with Hermione. It felt like a date.

"Hmm, we could walk around and see if anything strikes your fancy?" proposed Hermione, "or there is also a little clearing over there where we could sit peacefully and watch the snowfall."

"I'm interested in zhis clearing of yours, let's go zhere."

The snow crunched underfoot as they walked through the streets of Hogsmeade till the shops and houses started thinning out a little bit. From there, it only took them a few minutes to reach the clearing, circled by large pine trees, the snow making the ground look like a fluffy white blanket. The girls could see a few rabbits hopping about but otherwise, the place was undisturbed. They found a large rock and with a wave of her wand, Hermione cleared it of all snow for them to sit.

Settling herself on the rock, Fleur opened the bag of chocolate drops that she had brought at Honeydukes earlier and popped one in her mouth before offering some to Hermione.

"Thanks" Hermione picked one out and nipped at it slowly.

Placing the bag on the rock, Fleur eagerly got up to explore the clearing while Hermione stayed seated, enjoying the sweets. A scurrying sound took the brunette's attention off the frolicking blonde and she watched as a squirrel climbed up a tree close behind her

" 'Ermione!"

Hermione turned around to answer Fleur when—


A snowball hit her square in the face. Stunned, she looked at Fleur, who was laughing and already gathering more snow for a snowball. Wiping the remnants of Fleur's snowball from her face, she pulled out her wand and flicked it at the blonde, sending a spray of snow splattering on her face.

" 'Ermione, zhat's cheating!" spluttered Fleur as snow got into her mouth.

"Yeah and throwing a snowball at me without warning is fair?" Hermione threw back.

"Alright, let's start again zhen. No magic," said Fleur, as she started piling up more snow for her snowballs.

"You're on!" shouted Hermione, quickly starting to make her own snowballs.

What followed were laughs and squeals as snowballs met their target with loud splats. Fleur managed to sneak on Hermione and slip a bit of snow inside her shirt which made her squeal as she wiggled around to dislodge the cold ice from inside her clothes. Fleur laughed to tears, holding her stomach only to be taken off guard when Hermione smashed fistfuls of snow on her head.

After bouts of furious battling, both flopped down on their backs, next to each other onto the soft snow, panting heavily.

"That was nice" panted Hermione, trying to catch her breath.

"Hmm", shifting onto her side, Fleur looked at the brunette, who sported rosy cheeks and a cute pink nose from the cold and all the running around, "it was enjoyable, non?"

"Uhmm" agreed Hermione, "I haven't had this much fun for a while."

"And why iz zhat?" asked Fleur, curious.

"I don't know. I guess, with the boys, there is always something going on, something for me to help them with or take care of. Not that I mind it but it doesn't leave time for things like this. Also, I've realised that I'm freer with you. I don't know why." Hermione's brows furrowed as she thought about it.

"Well, maybe it iz because I've just met you and I do not 'ave ze expectations your friends 'ave of you."

"I think it is part of it. We study together and I absolutely enjoy it. The boys tend to wait until the last minute to do their work and by that time, I'm done with mine and spend our time together helping them both. When the boys are free, they want to practice Quidditch or talk about it. You and I, we talk about a lot of things, I like that."

"I am 'appy you enjoy my company," grinned Fleur.

"Oh shut up you," Hermione tried to school her smile, "I do want to inflate your already big blonde head!" she said as she spread out her arms and legs and began waving them on the snow.

"My 'ead iz not big!" Fleur replied, incredulously, "Take zhat back 'Ermione!" she shouted, sitting up and hesitantly touching her head just to make sure.

Hermione laughed as she got up and dusted off the snow from her clothes, "I made a snow angel" she replied cheekily, not answering Fleur's outrage.

"Trying to get out of it by being cute," Fleur grumbled softly as she got up as well, "it works too well. She's lucky I love 'er," she ended with an inaudible whisper.

"Come on, I'm getting cold. Let's go buy some warm Butterbeers to warm ourselves," said Hermione, grinning at the outrage still on the blonde's face as she stood, pouting.

"Fine…" muttered Fleur, "but my 'ead isn't big"

All she heard was Hermione's laughter as she scurried after the Gryffindor.

"I believe we should get lunch as well," suggested Fleur, "I'll treat you."

"No Fleur, that's too much. You already bought me sweets," argued Hermione.

"Please 'Ermione! Zhen next time you can buy me lunch, ok?"

Huffing, Hermione had no choice to take the deal, "Alright." The brunette pulled Fleur to the Three Broomsticks inn, finding them a table at one corner. They looked at the menu and quickly decided on their orders. As soon as their waiter arrived at their table, they ordered their food and two Butterbeers, then relaxed into their chairs, enjoying the warmth of the indoors.

"If you don't mind me asking, what other changes are going to happen to you," asked Hermione curiously as the waiter brought their Butterbeers and left.

"Well, zhere are some changes zhat happen to all Veelas, such as sometimes our eyes change colour, our feathers also shine a bit, we get stronger and faster, our 'air changes for a short period and much more. Some changes depend on ze individual, so we do not all 'ave it ze same. Zere iz also ze strengthening of our magical core," Fleur explained, taking a cautionary sip at ze beverage before deciding she liked it.

"That's quite a lot to deal with."

"It iz" replied Fleur, nodding.

They kept on the conversation over their lunch and even bought two more Butterbeers. Fleur fished out a few coins from her wallet to pay for their food and drinks before they exited the warm established, back into the cold snowy outdoors.

They walked around, enjoying each other's company when suddenly, a grating voice interrupted their fun, "Well, if it isn't the Half-Breed with her pet Mudblood."

Whirling around, both girls found Malfoy standing a few metres behind them, flanked by his usual stooges, Crabbe and Goyle.

"Isn't it cute that the Half-Breed took her little pet dog for a walk in the snow," he mocked, as his entourage laughed.

Enraged, Fleur gritted her teeth, "Mr Malfoy, it seems zhat you did not learn from last time."

"I'm giving you both a chance!" he spat, "Apologise for what you did last time and I shall not say a word of what happened to my father to spare you from his wrath."

"Your father?" Fleur echoed.

"Yes, Lucius Malfoy," Malfoy replied with a tone of superiority, "he has considerable influence in the Ministry."

"Hmm… I think telling your father iz a good idea," mused Fleur.

"What?" both Malfoy and Hermione exclaimed.

"Well, only for the face you'd make when you tell 'im my name," replied the French with a large grin on her face.

Malfoy growled, "Apologise!"

"It seems that none of us is going to apologise to you, Malfoy so bug off" Hermione retorted.

Malfoy wasted no time in sending a hex towards Hermione who quickly erected a shield in front of her, absorbing the hex.

The other two boys took it as a sign and started sending spells towards Hermione and Fleur, and Hermione was quickly getting overwhelmed. As she erected a shield again, she realised that one of the spells was going to hit her when suddenly a shield appeared in front of her and protected her from the incoming spell.

In her haste to pull up a shield in front of Hermione, Fleur had left her flank undefended and was swiftly hit by a spell that blasted her, throwing her backwards. She fell heavily onto the ground and slid on the slippery snow. Angry, she quickly got up and threw back a powerful curse that blasted all three boys away. Without waiting, she sent another blast the ground next to the fallen boys, making it explode, scattering snow everywhere. Scared, the three boys quickly got to their feet and scurried away.

"Are you alright, Cherie?" asked Fleur as she approached Hermione to check her for any injuries.

"Yes, I'm fine, thanks to your shield. What about you?" the brunette asked, concerned as she had seen the blasting spell hit Fleur.

"I'm alright, just need to clean my clothes" replied Fleur as she cleaned the mud off her garments with a Tergeo spell then dried them with a Hot-Air Charm. "I zink we should go back to ze castle now. Maybe go see Vahriin and 'Agrid?" she proposed.

"I think that's an excellent idea, let's go!" said Hermione, taking Fleur's hand and pulling towards the road back to the castle.

Hagrid's Hut

When they reached Hagrid's Hut, they found the man sitting around a campfire with Vahriin as they both tended to the eggs that were being heated on the flames.

"Hagrid!" called out Hermione, running to hug the man, "how are you?" she asked, concerned. She hadn't seen him since the First Task due to that wretched Skeeter's article about his giant heritage. The backlash that followed had broken the poor Gamekeeper and the hate mail that came afterwards hadn't helped.

"Ay Hermione, Fleur. I'm doin' a bit better. Vahriin has been helping," said Hagrid.

"That's great," replied Hermione, happy and relieved for her friend.

"I'm happy to 'ear zat, Monsieur 'Agrid" added Fleur as she approached them and patted the Horntail.

"What about yeh two? How has yeh wounds healed from yeh First Task, Fleur?" he asked them.

"All 'ealed, except a few muscle twinges 'ere and zere," replied Fleur, "Vahriin 'asn't been making trouble, 'as she?" The dragon grunted at the blonde.

"Nah, I've always wanted a dragon so it's great to have her here and I enjoy taking care of the youngins" he said, pointing at the eggs, "Plus, the crows haven't been bugging me crops, she works amazingly well as me scarecrow" he smiled, "You taking for a spin, Fleur?"

"Maybe," replied the blonde. 'Ermione," Fleur started, "I know zat you are scared of ze 'eights but would you like to go flying wiz me and Vahriin? You can say no if you don't want to go."

"Uhmm…" Hermione contemplated the idea for a minute, "I think I'll give it a go. Are you sure it's safe?" she asked hesitantly.

"I'll never let any 'arm come to you, 'Ermione, I promise. Trust me?" asked Fleur.

"I trust you, Fleur," replied Hermione as she walked towards the dragon.

Vahriin crouched and stuck her body close to the ground and with one vault, Fleur was settled onto its back, "Take my 'and" she said, extending the aforementioned limb to the brunette.

Hermione took the hand and watched as the blonde's arm muscles bunched to lift her up. Soon, she was settled comfortably, nestled against Fleur's chest, the blonde's arms wrapped around her waist. She quickly took hold of one of the Horntail's spikes that was in front of her.

"Ready?" Fleur whispered in her ear.

With a hesitant nod, Hermione watched as Vahriin unfurled her wings and she suppressed a squeak as the wings flapped powerfully, launching them into the air. At the speed they were flying, the wind whipped through her hair. The increasing distance from the ground was starting to make her nervous.

"Breaze 'Ermione and look," said Fleur, pointing in front of them.

Hermione looked up to find a breathtaking view. Seeing the Black Lake from the top showed just how massive it was. The vast body of water shimmered in the light of the setting sun while the trees along its shores looked tiny.

"'Old on tight" shouted Fleur. Hearing those words, Hermione could only tighten her hands around the dragon's spine. With a lurch, the dragon dropped down, the movement making Hermione's stomach jump into her throat. The dragon glided really close to the surface of the lake, its legs brushing the water, showering Fleur and herself with a fine spray. Hermione felt Fleur's chest rumble on her back as the blonde let out a laugh and that made her smile.

"Look over there," she pointed to Fleur. The Giant Squid had lifted out one of its tentacles and was waving it in the air as if to say hello.

They spent a few minutes flying over the lake before Fleur made Vahriin turn back. Hermione could see the imposing castle of Hogwarts from this angle and it was magnificent. She also observed tiny dots moving towards the castle, realising that it was the students returning from Hogsmeade. They soon approached Hagrid's Hut, Vahriin gliding before landing softly a few yards away. The dragon walked the rest of the distance until she was back next to her eggs and lied down, allowing her riders to get down. Fleur dismounted before giving a helping hand to Hermione.

"So, 'ow waz it?" asked Fleur, checking the brunette's face to make sure she hadn't scared the Gryffindor to death.

Hermione's eyes twinkled, "it was amazing!" she hopped a bit, in excitement, "I felt so free and the views were gorgeous! I've never felt like this when we were learning how to fly brooms though it could be due to my lack of skills."

"I'm 'appy you enjoyed it," Fleur replied with a smile, before going thoughtful, "you usually practice till you get better when you are not good at somezhing. What 'appened wiz flying?" she asked, curious.

"Ron kept making fun of me," huffed Hermione, annoyed as she crossed her arms, "and I also didn't want to fall and make a fool of myself. The Slytherins would have had a field day about it, along with Ron. My fear of heights also didn't help."

"Well, a broom might not be ze best starting point for you zhen. First, you need to get comfortable being in ze air. As from today, you can take Vahriin for a fly whenever you want. Ze good thing about flying my dragon iz zat she understands you and zherefore will understand any voice commands you give 'er. A broom cannot do zhat," explained Fleur.

"Oh Fleur, I couldn't. She's your dragon-" Hermione tried to refuse but Fleur shushed her.

"Oui, and she knows you are my friend so she will accept your commands. If you are not ready to go flying alone zen I shall take you wiz me, whenever I go."

"I'd prefer that for the time being," replied Hermione, smiling in relief, "I really enjoyed it."

Back to the Carriage…

"Would you like to go back to ze carriage wiz me?" Fleur asked as they walked back after having said goodbye to Hagrid and Vahriin.

"Sure. We still have some time before dinner," replied Hermione, following the blonde back to the powder blue carriage.

The walk back was quite short with the brisk pace that Fleur was maintaining so they were soon in the blonde's room. The blonde girl lit up a fire in the fireplace to warm up the room.

"I shall go take a quick shower. I'll be back soon" said Fleur. Hermione nodded as she watched the blonde take some clean clothes out of her wardrobe and enter the bathroom.

In the meantime, the bushy-haired girl pulled out her newly purchased book on wordless spells and settled herself on Fleur's bed for a read. Hmm, this bed is soft as a cloud, I might end up falling asleep. Fifteen minutes later, Fleur came out wearing a tank top and a pair of black pants. What was interesting was the twin slits in the back of the tank top.

"I hope you don't mind. I'm feeling an ache in my back, which I believe, is my wings. I need to stretch zhem a little," said Fleur as she sat in the middle of the floor, a bit away from the bed.

"Oh," Hermione said, quickly sitting up, "Of course, why would I mind?" her voice was much more excited now, at the prospect of seeing Fleur transform from up close.

Fleur smiled before she closed her eyes to concentrate on her transformation. Hermione winced at the sound of cracking bones but her eyes stayed open, mesmerised as the wings spread in front of her, shimmering in the firelight. The plumage was silver blue, with a hint of gold coming from the fire glow. What was interesting was the fact that some of the feathers were sparkling, like someone had showered them with glitter.

"Oh Fleur, they are beautiful" she whispered, sliding off the bed to kneel on the floor. She extended her hand to touch the wings but retracted them, uncertain.

"You can touch zhem, 'Ermione," Fleur whispered back, feeling pride and love fill her chest at the gaze in Hermione's eyes. The Gryffindor was looking at her like she was one of the seven wonders of the Wizarding World.

Hermione hesitated, before taking a deep breath, gathering some courage. She crawled closer to the blonde and carefully touched the feathers. They were so soft… Softer than the bed she had just likened to a cloud. She was a bit started when Fleur shivered as her hands caressed the feathers, eyes fluttering shut.

She smiled at Fleur's adorable expression before asking in a low voice, "Ticklish?"

"A leetle beet," replied Fleur, her voice husky and her accent, more pronounced.

"Why are some of them glittering, Fleur?" Hermione softly asked.

"It iz because of ze changes. Zhey glitter as I mature. Soon zhey will all glitter."

"Beautiful…" Hermione whispered again. Her hands kept wandering on the plumage, eliciting more tiny shivers from Fleur. She couldn't get enough of the softness and she wondered how it would feel wrapped around her, just like the bed. She realised her train of thought and blushed, quickly removing her hands from the wings.

Fleur nearly whined at the loss of contact. She was enjoying it so much. It was like getting gently scratched in the back or like someone scratching your scalp while running their hands in your hair. The feeling was divine, even more so because Hermione was the one that had been doing it.

Fleur languidly opened her eyes, finding an adorably blushing Hermione twisting her hands. Without thinking, her wings swept forward, enveloping Hermione before pulling her in.

Hermione was startled and started falling forward, right into the arms of the blonde. She looked up in question only to become mesmerised at the deep blue orbs staring at her. She was suddenly extremely aware of the soft feeling of the feathers enveloping her, the strong arms holding her tightly and the shallow breaths of Fleur that were caressing her face.

Fleur was feeling lightheaded as every breath of hers was pulling the scent of Hermione into her lungs. Her arms and wings were around the brunette, yet she felt like she was the one that was enveloped and surrounded by everything that was Hermione. She was dying to taste her rosy lips, to taste it like it was the last thing she would ever taste, to drink it like a thirsty person would savour the last drop of water on Earth but she knew she couldn't. Fleur wanted it to be Hermione's choice and not a loss of control from her. Yet her lips trembled slightly as she fought for control. The brunette was so close that she could taste it. Her arms loosened, and she pulled them until her hands were resting on the Gryffindor's sides. She felt the slight increase in Hermione's breath and noticed the slight brilliance that came into the brown eyes locked on hers. Her palms tentatively glided upwards, following the curve of the brunette's body.

Hermione felt like she was not breathing properly. Her breaths were getting faster. Fleur was holding her so… so intimately… that she didn't know what to think. As she felt the blonde's palms glide up her body, she shuddered at the feeling. It felt so foreign… It felt intimate, delicious and yet so strange. The blonde's hands only stopped as they cupped her cheeks. For some reason, Hermione felt like she couldn't break her gaze from Fleur, it was hypnotising. She felt like she couldn't move.

She watched as Fleur's face got closer and suddenly, she started feeling hot, burning hot. She was feeling short of breath. Fleur's face got so close that her eyes fluttered shut by themselves. She kept them tightly shut, feeling the blonde's hot breath fan her lips yet she didn't know what to expect next until she felt a soft yet hot pressure on the corner of her mouth. It was there for only a few seconds before it disappeared altogether, as well as the hands cupping her cheeks.

She tentatively opened her eyes to find Fleur's worried eyes looking at her, as if to gauge her reaction. She suddenly realised that Fleur had kissed her… kissed her so close to her lips. Her eyes widened and she felt dizzy like she had been caught in a tornado and whirled around. Shooting up from the floor, she opened her mouth as if to say something yet nothing came out. Confused and totally disoriented, she dashed to the door, flinging it open and disappeared down the corridor in a sprint, leaving Fleur alone to deal with the aftermath of the cyclone of emotions she had created.

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed it! Waiting for your reviews as always! Love talking to you, guys!

Response to Reviewers:

Aaron Leach: Thanks and thank you for your continuous support, Aaron! Tell me what you think of this chapter, there have been some developments, hasn't it?

pclauink: Ahhh! Something happened! At least, some development! Tell me what you think about it! I do have to say, though, I'm not going to rush in the development of their relationship. I want to make it realistic.

faye1508: I myself don't know how many universes I'm gonna put in this! I'm lazy to make new characters so I use pre-existing ones! Makes my life easier! Plus I only put characters that I like! So it makes it more fun to write. Who knows what's gonna come next. Now that you've told me you loved the moment where Fleur almost told Hermione, you've got to tell me what you think about the moment in the carriage! Please!

MilandaAnza: Frankly, while Ron has never been my favourite, the only issues I had with him was his behaviour towards Hermione; made her cry, never listens to what she says, never a supportive friend. That was it. It was the pairing that broke the camel's back and now I want to punch his face in.

Alas, Fleurmione is my OTP. Nymph is cool but I don't see the pairing. Ah, about the birthday gift, there was no material gift, the gift was the picnic itself and all the handmade food that Hermione put so much effort in.

What did you think of this chapter?

graceful warrior of ashmeadow: Ahhhhhhh, she didn't tell her! Damn Fleur, you should have told her instead of kissed her like an idiot! See, you scared her and now she ran away! What do you think is going to happen now? I'll love to hear your ideas!

Wingedswordyunagi: Ugh, tips are rarely enough, I remember the times I would look at my sad collection of tips but I'm happy I, at least, made your day! Adulting is boring, I tell you! I need a vacation already :P Hope this chapter makes your day as well, tell me how you found it.

anthonypengelly10: Hello friend, thank you for enjoying my story and always supporting my writing by reviewing. I hope you enjoy this chapter as well.

wkgreen: It was a bit overwhelming but not as much, she found them to be a friendly bunch. I mean, it's only her friend's family, nothing drastic though the setting, castle, formal wear, dance, etc. made her a bit nervous. Now if she had known she was meeting her in-laws, she would have freaked out, don't you think?

ladygoddess8: Ah, how do I reply to your review without giving up my whole story! I liked your thoughts about how things are going and the insight on the type of person Hermione is. I can't wait to hear what you have to say about this chapter, especially the end of it. Waiting impatiently for your review.

codyw1: Thanks, faithful reviewer! You're always here to support me!

jrzygurl89: There isn't a lot of waiting left now!

Creativityx: I'm so happy you are enjoying the portrayal of the girl's relationship. The French bits are a pain to write so it makes me absolutely happy when someone enjoys it! Spellcheck goes crazy in those bits of my document. I'm putting all these other pairings from other fandoms for my benefit because 1. I miss them :P 2. I don't have to think of new characters, names, personalities. I'm lazy! I enjoyed your review a lot, please enjoy this new chapter and tell me what you think.

Guest – Feb 7: There will be more meetings with the family later in the story. I'm happy you liked them.