Tris's POV:

I sit still in my chair, ignoring his presence, staring straight ahead at my director's smiling face. "So," she begins, "how was day one of training?" It's been two hours since Tobias and I's fight and my face is still sore. As much as I hate to admit it, he has a mean left hook. Only I was still able to knock him out.

After he became unconscious I completely broke down. I fell to my knees as the sobs racked my body. Uriah immediately lost his tough demeanor and ran over to comfort me. After Tobias finally regained consciousness, my crying had ended. We looked at each other with a new found respect, but our "flirt-tationship" had taken an awkward turn. Mostly because we had just beaten each other to a pulp with the strength from the demons of our past. We ended up using the next hour to run six miles. Where we ran side-by-side, but didn't say a word. We headed to lunch after our showers and uncomfortably ate in front each other. We were unfortunately called into director's office after that.

I go to answer her question, but he cuts me off. Very rude might I add. Everyone knows that I absolute hate being interrupted. "It was wonderful Director Matthews. Agent Prior really pushed me passed limits and I am grateful for that. I mean after only one day I fell like a changed man." His voice is slightly nasally due to his newly broken nose. They both turn to me, waiting for my response. I plaster a believable proud smile on my face and begin to speak. "It was quite a remarkable session, truly. He has many hidden talents that I was able to view personally. Like Tobias had said I pushed him passed his limits, but he also pushed me passed mine. I am looking forward to working with him more often," I say, my voice dripping with "enthusiasm".

Our excitement about working with each other makes Director smile. Exactly what I was working for. "Alright you two may have the rest of the day off. Dismissed." We both quickly get to our feet and walk out the door, me in front. Once we're both in the deserted hallway, I turn the opposite direction he's heading and start speed-walking. I need to get to my room to have good cry. Haven't had a good crying session. (Crying session- a time that Caleb and I established, to be able to let out all of our emotions and just bawl. It really helps.)

"Tris! Wait up!" Damnit! I start walking even faster, hoping to get away from him, but he easily catches up to me. He grabs my elbow and turns me around. "What Tobias?" I snap. He takes a cautionary step back. "I just wanted to say I was sorry," he says softly. What? "Sorry for what?" "For playing dirty and being a cocky douche-bag." I laugh slightly at his utter bluntness. I look at him skeptically, but see the genuine sadness on his face and cave. Shit! Why does he have to be so damn hot? "I forgive you," I say sweetly with a real smile. This makes him smile too.

"Can I be a gentleman and I ask you to accompany me in a drink of alcoholic beverages?" I laugh again. "Okay," I nod, "but only because I deserve it after beating your ass." He chuckles. He turns the other way and sticks his hand out for me to take. And for some odd reason I grab it without hesitation. We take off running to the building's pub.

"And then I yelled at the cop 'FREEZE SUCKA' as I pointed my water-gun at him. He got so scared that he started to pee his pants!" We both burst into another fit of laughter as he tells another story of his crazy past. We've sitting here in the basement, where our bar is located, for.. I don't even remember for how long. At first it was slightly awkward but after a couple of beers we started to really enjoy each other's company.

After our laughter has calmed down, we decide to take ANOTHER shot of Tequila. After the burning sensation has stopped I look at him. He looks calm. Not arrogant or guarded. Just content and comfortable. I like this look on him. He appears to be deep in his thoughts. I take a sip of my Budweiser and speak. "Penny for your thoughts?" He lets out a small laugh.

"Just thinking about my dad." He has a tiny smirk on his lips as he looks down at the bar. Before I can stop myself, I speak. "Why," I blurt out drunkingly. Idiot! You know you're not supposed to push him! He can easily shut you down and you'll be blamed for blowing the whole operation. But to my surprise he looks up at me. "I'm just thinking about his reaction when he finds my note." What note? As though he could read my mind, he continues. "After getting my acceptance letter into the CIA, I instantly packed my bags. There was a helicopter scheduled to pick me up the next morning and I couldn't wait. Couldn't wait to make a new life. Couldn't wait to leave. Couldn't wait to leave him. I just couldn't.

"It was like a dream come true. I was finally going to be free from it all. I was finally going to become the man that my mother wanted me to become. A respectable young man, who worked for the greater goods of others. Not the self-evolved jackass that my father had molded me into. I wanted to settle down, marry someone, live in a white-picket fenced house. Not just seduce and sleep with random women to help my dad's business." "TMI!" I screech. We both laugh until he lets out a sad sigh. "You must think I'm some idiot jerk huh?" He looks up at me with knowing eyes.

I think about it for a second. Do I really think of him that way? Do I really believe that he's just some jerk who sleeps with girls to make daddy happy. Do I really believe that he doesn't have any feelings. That he doesn't have a heart. I don't.

"Not in a million years," I whisper. I feel a sudden draw to him. Like I'm meant to be with him. That I need to be with him. My heart is screaming, "KISS HIM YOU IDIOT! KISS HIM!" While my my mind is saying the complete opposite, "Don't you fucking DARE kiss him! You know what his family did!" I'm so internally conflicted. I decide on a compromise. I lean forward and press my lips tenderly to his cheek. His body goes tense under my touch. I back up to see his surprised expression and smile warmly. I grab my belongings off of the bar and stand up. I glance at him one last time, his face still bewildered, before I turn around and saunter out of the room.

I wake up the next morning to a loud knocking on my door, accompanied with a pounding headache. I attempt to tell the parasite to go away, but all that comes out is muffled, incoherent words. The knocking continues and I let out a groan of frustration. I reluctantly peel myself off of my sheets and stomp to the door of my assigned room.

I swing the door open and there is Tobias smiling at me, like last night's events didn't even happen, with two cups of coffee. "I thought you might need this." He says handing over one of the cups. I look at him with a bewildered expression and he just nods towards the cup. Telling me to look at his generous gesture as if I hadn't already seen it. "Come on Tris! You're acting like you've never seen a cup of coffee before." I roll my eyes. "I've seen coffee before jackass." He laughs. "Well then take the damn cup already!" I scoff, but take the cup from his hand anyway. He smiles triumphantly and barges into my room.

My room is slightly different than most agents', since I've been living here for eight years. Longer than any field agent ever. For example; my room is painted a dark purple (which is a big difference compared to everyone else's boring gray walls), I had more furniture, and I had more personal items than I should. Caleb and I took about half of the pictures that were in our old house and we each took half of them. I put my share all over the walls of my room and he plastered his around his office.

Tobias plopped down onto my bed and began sipping his drink. Not wanting to sit so close to him again, I take my spot in the black love-seat located next to my blue couch. I don't know why I felt the need to be so close to him last night. I felt like he was holding a magnet and it was drawing me closer to him with it's magnetic pull, against my will. But I know for sure that there was no magnet. That it was just the feeling of pure attraction and infatuation. I shouldn't be feeling those things though. I should be hating him and feeling excited that he has to go through the exact same pain that I went through eight years ago. But I don't. In fact, I feel incredibly guilty. How can he, after a day of knowing him, make me feel such emotions? I suddenly feel extremely nauseous.

It isn't until he's yelling my name, that I notice that he's been talking to me this entire time. Oh my god! I must look like such a creep staring at him so nonchalantly. "Huh- w-what were you saying?" I stutter, embarrassingly, out. He smirks at my utter humiliation. "I was asking what you were planning on for today? More fighting? Please don't say more fighting! I rather not have to go through you beating me up again." He mutters and I can't help but throw my head back and laugh.

"Trust me no more fighting." He breathes a sigh of relief. "Then what are we doing?" I look at him with a mischievous smirk. "What?! Oh god if you have me running up a hill with a twenty-pound bag over my shoulders, I swear I'm going kill myself!" With both share a giggle. Giggle? Do guys even giggle? Maybe it was a chuckle, but it was too soft for a chuckle. His chuckles are deep and rough. Like him. Just looking into his blue eyes you can see his rough past and how deep he has it hidden inside of him. Like bury treasure waiting to be found.

Oh my gosh! I did it again. I've gotten lost in him again! STOP IT TRIS! "We're going to be throwing knives." I say smoothly. He smiles and big toothy grin. "Can't wait." We make eye contact from across the room and I can't help but join him with my own smile. There's that feeling again. That magnetic feeling, that I'm being pulled towards him. While staring intently at each other, we both sip our coffees and wait for the training bell to ring.

Well there it is beautiful people. My update! I hope you enjoyed it. I really hope you don't think that the characters are moving too fast, because *SPOILER ALERT* they don't get together for a while. There's going to be a lot of character building and a change to the Director Mathew's plan, before they get together. Love you all and have a good night! MWAH!