Dragon age: We're the Storm

Chapter: 5

Sorry for the long wait life happened and when I finally had time Mass Effect Andromeda came out, if you wondering I really enjoyed it but at the same time was very disappointed if that makes any sense.

I have changed a few things in earlier chapters so you will need to go back and read it again, but if you don't want to I will put a quick summary at the end of this Chapter.


Elissa slowly opened her eyes everything was a blur. She blink a few times and when her vision cleared she look around and saw she was in a hut of some kind.

"Ah finally awake I see." A voice said, Elissa then saw a woman walk in to her view.

Elissa blink again and saw it was the same woman from the Wilds.

"Morrigan?" She asked, the young witch rolled her eyes.

"Yes it is I." Morrigan said in a bored tone.

"Or is your memory so poor you forget me already." The witch said in a mocking tone.

Elissa ignored her and sat up, she then noticed her lack of clothes, she didn't blush nor try to cover herself. She was not embarrassed of her nudity in front of others.

She's had her fair share of lovers over the years, and she was confident of her body.

Morrigan moved to a chest at the foot of the bed and pulled out small cloths and a set of padded armor and offered it the the young Cousland who thanked the witch as she grab the clothes and started to dress herself.

"What Happened at Ostager?" Elissa asked as she was put on the clothes.

"Your General. Loghain I believe, quit the field." The witch answered.

"Why?" Morrigan shrugged.

"I do not know, nor do I care."

"Where are we?"

"In the wilds of course."

"Am... am I all that is left?" Elissa asked fearfully, Morrigan shook her head.

"The fool Alistair is alive and well, he is outside drowning in his guilt." Elissa frowned in disapproval, Morrigan only rolled her eyes.

"Mother will want to speak to you, she is outside with your fellow Warden." Morrigan said when Elissa was fully clothed. Elissa exited the hut, Morrigan stayed behind checking on the pot over the fire on the far side of the room, as she closed the door she saw both Alistair and Flemeth standing near the lake. Alistair was angrily throwing stones into the swamp his face wet with tears.

As she drew near Flemeth turned to her and spoke.

"See boy your fellow Warden, alive and well."

Alistiar turned to Elissa with a shocked face which quickly turned to relief.

Elissa gasped when he pulled her in to a tight hug after a moment she returned the hug.

"Your... your alive, thank the Maker." He said as he gently pushed her to arms length and smiled.

Elissa smiled back.

"I glad your alive as well Alistiar." Alistiar blushed, and turned away from her to Flemeth who had small smirk.

"Why would Loghain do this?" Alistair asked.

"Does it matter"" Flemeth shrugged Alistair look at her in shock.

"What? Of course it matters he abandoned King Cailan." Alistair shouted, Flemeth only stare at him a unnervingly calm expression.

"I'm sorry." Alistair apologized looking away.

"What really matter is both of you do your duty as Wardens."

"How can we defeat the Darkspawn with Cailan and his army gone?" Alistair asked, Elissa who had only been listening to the two remembered the treaties Flemeth gave them when they first came here.

"The Treaties." She said, Flemeth smiled as Alistair looked at her in shock, he had forgotten about the Warden Treaties.

"Of course we can use the Treaties. Everyone who signed them are honor bound to fight with the Grey Wardens when we call on them."

"Then it seems that you have a plan already." Flemeth said, Elissa nodded in agreement.

"Yes if we can use the treaties to unite the Dwarves, Elfs, and Mages we can rebuild the army we lose."

"What about Loghain?" Alistair asked.

"We can't just let him get away with what he did." He continued, Elissa shook her head.

"Unless we have allies it would be suicide to try." Alistiar sighed, then an idea pop in his head.

"Wait Arl Eammon would help us, he was Cailins uncle he would never let this stand." Alistair said, Flemeth then spoke.

"Then it seem you have a plan then." Both the junior Grey Wardens nodded in agreement.

"Yes." Elissa said, as Morrigan joined them.

"The soup is almost ready Mother. Will the Wardens be joining us?" Morrigan asked with a bored tone.

"They are leaving and you will be joining them Morrigan." Flemeth said.

"Such a sham..." Morrigan stopped turned to her mother shocked when her mind registered what Flemeth had said.

"What?" She nearly shouted.

"Did you ears fall off, you will join them, who knows the Wilds better then you." Morrigan glared at her mother who only smiled back at her.

Morrigan sighed in defeat knowing it was useless to argue.

"Very well, let me gather my things Wardens." She said turning away and walked back to the Hut.

"I would suggest Wardens you stop at Lothering." Flemeth said.

"Why?" Elissa asked.

"When you get to Lothering look for the Last Dragonborn." Flemeth said.

"Grandmaster Liselle... the Leader of the Stormguard she has made it known she has no love for the Grey Wardens." Alistair said, a little anger in his voice, Flemeth smirked.

"Even then she's nothing but a mercenary she won't help us." Alistair added.

"She is much more then a mercenary boy, she is Dragonborn, the last Dragonborn a legend in her homeland, having her as an ally will help you greatly."

Alistair frowned, he never like Liselle for the way she treated Duncan, and having her daughter spy on the Grey Warden joinings.

"How would you know?" He asked.

"She has a debt to collect, she will help you young Wardens if you ask." She answered as Morrigan returned with her staff and small pack.

"I'm ready Wardens." She said then turned to her mother.

"Fair well mother."

Flemeth said nothing only smiled, Morrigan shook her head in annoyance and then motioned the two young wardens to follow her.



When Liselle entered the tavern a few patrons look at her but most ignored her, the Empire has been in Thedas long enough that the people of Thedas became used to the sight of the several elven and beast races of Tamerial, the few that did look at her were mostly the elves who look at her with awe.

Liselle ignored them and walked over to one of the empty tables placing her pack under the chair and leaned her sword on the table then sat, a few moments later a young girl the tavern owners daughter Liselle guessed walked over to her.

Liselle spoke before the young girl could say anything.

"Whatever you have." She said, the girls opened her mouth closed it, and simply nodded and walked off.

Liselle began to listened to the voices around her gathering any information she could, most of what she hear was about the Darkspawn coming to Lothering, the death of King Calian, a Qunari that slaughtered a family, things she had no interest in until she hear what she was looking for, a small group of Fereldan soldiers entered the tavern.

Liselle listened to them ask the patrons questions about the Grey Wardens promising a handsome reward for any information, she noticed that they never asked about herself or any other survivors from the Legion or Stormguard.

"So Loghain placed a bounty on the Wardens, and believes me dead." Liselle said to herself.

Liselle ignored them she got what she was looking for, she reaching in to her satchel she removed the letter Ariela gave her before the battle. She debated whether or not to open it, before she could do anything she was interrupted by the young girl from earlier returning with a plate of food and a tankard of beer.

"Here you are." She said smiling as she placed to plate and tankard on the table.

"Thank you." Liselle said as she handed the girl a silver, she placed the letter back in to her satchel.

Liselle look at the plate of food, it held a piece of bread, a slice of cheese, and several bits of meat, she grab the bread tearing a piece off, before she could take a bite a voice stopped her, It was one of the Fereldan soldiers.

"Well now, look at what we have here? I think we just been blessed." The voice was not directed at her, Liselle put the bread down a leaned back then glanced down at Ulfvinder seeing the reflections of the soldiers on the swords sheath. She angled the sheath until she saw what the soldiers were walking toward and saw a trio. She recognized Alistair, and Elissa but didn't know the black hair woman with a staff in her hand.

"Weren't we asking about a Grey Warden who match this woman's description?" One of the soldiers asked pointing to Elissa.

"Yes we were." Another soldiers said sneering.

Liselle made no move to help, she wanted to see how the two junior Wardens handled themselves, the young Cousland girl the most.

Liselle met Elissa's father briefly at the Landsmeet when the Empire and Fereldan became allies. The brief time Liselle knew the Cousland Patriarch she became fond of him. He would always speak highly of his pup, her fighting prowess, her ability to defeat all of his knights earning her the nickname, the Battlemaiden of Highever.

"Let's us see what you are made of Battlemaiden." Liselle said to herself.

The Dark Elf continued to watch as a red haired woman dressed in Chantry robes stepped forward.

"Please gentleman there is no need for violence." She said softly, but the soldiers only glared at her.

"Stay out of this sister." The Captain growled, then stepped forward drawing his sword.

"The Wardens killed King Calian, and Loghain wants them dead." He shouted, he then charging forward followed by his comrades.

Everyone else in the tavern either ran for the exit or coward under their tables as Alistair jumped in front of Elissa his sword and shield drawn and ready to block the blow, as he blocked the blow he himself charged forward pushing the leader back.

With a flick of her hand the black haired woman blast one the soldiers who charged at her away sending the man flying back into a table knocking him unconscious. Elissa jumped back then knelt as she landed drew back an arrow and fired hitting one of the soldiers who tried to flank Alistair in the leg causing him to fall and grab his leg in pain.

Elissa turned to see another soldier about to hit her with his sword but he stopped as he was about to bring it down on her, his sword arm fell to his side and his eyes rolled back as he fell to the ground revealing the red haired woman holding a metal tankard. Elissa nodded her thanks to the woman, then look back to Alistair was finished his opponent by shield bashing him to the ground as he advanced the Captain held up his hands.

"I yield, I yield." He yelled cowering away from Alistair, the red haired woman then spoke.

"Good, now we can all stop fighting now." She said smiling at Elissa who stood up, before she could speak Liselle spoke.

"You should kill them." She said as she stood from the table and walked to the group, the red haired woman's eyes widened.

"What, no they're defeated there's no need to." She said shaking her head.

"If you let them go they will tell Loghain of the Wardens survival and he will send assassins." Liselle countered, the red haired woman frowned.

"Please let them go." She pleaded turning to Elissa and Alistiar.

"Gran... Grandmaster Liselle you, you live." The Captain said in shock when he recognized the Dark Elf who glared down at him causing him to shy away from her.

"It would be best to kill them Loghain believes you dead, the longer he does the better." She said to Elissa, the red haired woman again pleaded with the her.

"You don't need to kill them."

Elissa thought for a moment, killing them would allow them their anonymity for a time how long she didn't know but if she let them live they may remember her mercy if they meet again.

"Leave now." She said firmly to the Captain.

"Yes, yes thank you Warden." He said relieved then quickly getting to his feet, Liselle shook her head.

"Disappointing." She said, she then grabbed the Captain by the collar of his armor when he tried to leave, the man gasped in fear as she pulled him close to her nearly lifting him off the ground, the red haired woman move forward but stop when she saw Liselle turn her gaze that told her to back away.

"You will bring a message to Loghain." Liselle growled as she look back at the Captain.

"Yes, yes... what do you want me to tell him?" The Captain said, he gasping in terror when suddenly he was lifted completely off the ground, everyone look in awe as the Dark Elf woman lifted the Captain a foot off the ground with ease.

"He took something dear to me, he owes me a debt and I intend to collect." Liselle growled, Elissa remembered what Flemeth had told her.

"She lose something dear to her." Her voice echoed in her mind.

Liselle then let the Captain go allowing him to fall to the ground.

"Of course I... I... I will tell him right away." The Captain said as he quickly scrambled to his feet and ran off not even bothering to wait or help his injured men who scrambled after him.

When they left the Tavern what was left of the Tavern patrons began to exit their hiding place and either quickly left or returned to their tables quietly talking to themselves about what just happened.

Liselle turned to Elissa and Alistair.

"So you are all that is left of the Wardens?" Both the junior Wardens nodded.

"We should speak." Liselle said motioning to her table the trio followed, Liselle noticed the red haired woman was following them.

"Why are you still here sister?" She asled.

"I'm coming as well." She answered.

"Why?" Alistiar asked.

"Because the Maker told me to." Everyone but Liselle look at her like she was crazy, The woman sighed.

"I know it sounds." She paused. "Crazy but I had a vision from the Maker. He told me to help you end the Blight, let me help." She begged.

"Very well." Everyone even the red haired woman look in shock to Liselle who turned away and walked to the table.

"She not the only one who has had a message from a god." She said calmly as she sat, everyone look at each other before following the Dark Elf each taking their own seat at the table.

Elissa spoke first.

"What do you mean a god spoke to you?" She asked Liselle, the Dark Elf shook her head.

"I'll tell you later for now you have a Blight to stop, and like the sister here..." The red haired woman interrupted her.

"My name is Leliana." She said a little annoyance in her voice, Liselle nodded apologetically.

"Like Leliana here I wish to help as well." It was Alistair who spoke next anger clearly in his voice.

"Why. You made it clear that you have no love for the Grey Wardens or for Duncan so why help us." Liselle only listened to him a calm look on her face which made Alistair even more angry but he calmed down when Elissa placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Please Alistair calm down." She pleaded, she knew he was still grieving for Duncan.

"Because like I said to the Captain." Liselle gestured toward the door where the Fereldan soldiers ran out of a few minutes ago.

"Loghain betrayed me, he owes me a debt, and I intend to collect." Alistair frown his anger rising again.

"And what's that, your gold Fereldan gave you to help us defeat the Darkspawn." As soon as the words left his mouth he knew he made a mistake.

Liselle's gave a dangerous glare to Alistair and he felt the angry drain out of him and fear replacing it as he saw that glare, a glare that would make even the mightiest of warriors cower in fear.

Slowly Liselle's hand came up and placed something on the table, Morrigan only gave it a single glance before looking away a bored expression on her face and Leliana a confused one as she look at the object, but both Alistair, and Elissa instantly recognized it, the poorly carved sparrow necklace that Ariela wore, Alistair felt all of his anger drain out of him.

"I, I'm sorry." Alistiar apologized looking away.

"It's true I have no love for the Grey Wardens nor Duncan, but I respect how your Order has held the Darkspawn at bay all this time." Liselle said her voice clam even with the glare she still held.

"But at the same time I have wondered why the Grey Wardens are the only ones who can defeat the blight I have ask Duncan many times but he told me nothing, So I ask you why must it be a Grey Warden who kills the Archdemon?" Liselle asked.

"Because only a Warden can defeat a Archdemon." Alistair answered.

"Why?" Liselle asked, Alistair opened his mouth to answer but hesitated.

"I, I don't know." Liselle frowned at this but let it go.

"Very well. I'm still willing to help if you will have me." Elissa nodded.

"Yes we would like your help Liselle, and yours Leliana." Leliana smiled, Liselle stood grabbing her sword and pack.

"Shall we be off then."


The changes I made is Ariela death instead of the Orge she was originally killed by, she is killed by the Darkspawn Vanguard from the Darkspawn Chronicles DLC. After it killed her it took her sword as well.