14 March 2015

Again, where I am, it's already 15 March, but that's okay (I think). As with the previous chapter, the lucky item and colour is listed at the bottom.

Enjoy! :)

Saggitarius, File, Silver

Akashi Seijuurou sighed as he glanced at the wall clock, his pen making a string of 'tap' noises as it was hit against the table. A pile of papers lay on the table, glaring menacingly at Akashi, uninviting and hostile.

As the President of the Student Council, it wasn't unusual to see the redhead staying in the Student Council room til late in the evening to organise events and write out reports and proposals to various teachers. As the President, Akashi was diligent in his work and responsible for his actions. But today, Akashi didn't feel like being very diligent or responsible. He was distracted, his mind continuously wandering over to the blue-haired Serin basketball student who was coming to visit him.

"Tetsuya," Akashi sighed, as he turned back to the pile of documents before him, attempting to get some work done even with his unfocused state of mind. Halfway through reading the report sent by the equestrian club on why they needed more funds, he heard the door slide open.

Feigning disinterest, Akashi stared at the piece of paper in his hands. He only glanced up when a shadow fell across the paper, blocking the words.

"Akashi-kun," the Seirin's shadow greeted.

"Tetsuya," Akashi let small smile dance across his face. "Shall we go."

Kuroko smiled too and started helping Akashi pack the documents neatly into thick silver ring files, their fingers brushing each other's ever so lightly, a small blush painting both their cheeks.


Sorry for that ultra short chapter, but I think I might use this as a writing exercise for me, to keep me writing almost every day.

Thanks for reading this and I hope you've enjoyed it! Please review!
