A/N: took me awhile but I finally have part 2 of the demon hunt up. so enjoy and feel free to let me know what you think.

The Demon Hunt - part 2 at halliwell manor

Patty's POV

"Okay if we can't trap him in the locket then what can we trap him in and how?" my mother asked.

"I don't know but we better think of something fast before he comes back." Prue stated.

"what happened to the mirror that was up here?" I asked.

"It got shattered when we had a surprise visit from a dark lighter, why besides this is no time to be checking out your reflection mom." Prue told me.

"Haha very funny, no I was thinking, what if we could trap him in the mirror but I see that's not gonna work because we no longer have the mirror." I said.

"No hold on, I think you may be on to something mom but the question is, where do we find another mirror?" Prue asked.

"well we could always use the mirror in my room. I always hated that thing anyways." my mom suggested.

"Okay so we have a mirror now all we need is to trap him but how? Grams, any ideas?" Prue asked.

"well, I'm sure I could wright a spell of some sort to trap him." My mom assured us.

"okay well Mom now would be a great time to start." I told her.

"Right. okay here goes." she said.

In this mirror, In this direction

Let him see his own reflection

"that is so cheesy, Grams but whatever works I guess." Prue said with a laugh.

"it may be cheesy but it'll work." mom told her.

"well, it better because I'm sure it won't be long now." Prue told her.

"I'll go get the mirror. be right back." I told them.

"Hurry, Mom" Prue told me.

5 minutes later

bright white and blue lights appeared and when they faded the mirror appeared.

"It was heavy so I got paige to orb it up here for me." I told them.

"well, it was passed down from Malinda warren through the generations so it should be heavy." my mother told me.

"yeah uh incoming." Prue told us.

a whirlwind appeared and Shax came through and then it disappeared.

"In this mirror, In this direction Let him see his own reflection" we chanted together.

We chanted until Shax was trapped inside the mirror and then the mirror shattered into a million tiny little pieces.

"Well I'd like to say we won't be seeing anymore of the sorce's minions but I don't want to jinx it." Prue said.

"good idea sweetie, let's not jinx it." I told her.

"meanwhile, I have to go untie your father and hope he doesn't flip out on me." I said.

"Yeah um, good luck with that one Mom." Prue told as she and my mother walked downstairs.