I got bored again and decided to write this, I don't know if anyone will bother to read it but if you do, I hope you like it!

"What are you doing," Chloe asked as she flopped down onto her bed? Chloe Beale is my roommate and bestfriend at Barden University. She and I are sophomores and have been friends since we were in grade ten back in high school.

"Mixing, nothing new," I mumbled as I put my headphones back on. My name is Beca Mitchell and I want to be a DJ in LA. Honestly I would probably be there right now if it weren't for the fact that I really didn't want to leave Chloe.

I felt more than heard her approach from behind and grab my headphones off of my head. "I want to hear," she said simply as she put them on her head.

I rolled my eyes but nonetheless hit play and watched her as she listened to my new mix. Her bright blue eyes were closed and she was listening intently. Since she had her eyes closed, I was able to watch her the way I wanted.

I've had a crush on her sinceā€¦ I don't even know, I just know I can't stand the thought of not having her in my life. She's the only person who knows that when I get really into a mix, I can sometimes forget to eat and she will even bring me food to eat.

"Wow, Becs, this is really good, you should definitely give this one to Luke," she told me with a bright smile. "So you like it," I asked?

"Love it, not like it," she said quickly. I smirked as I saved the mix and closed my laptop. "Why don't we go out to eat," she suggested? I nodded and took my headphones off and put them around my neck.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door in a hurry.

"How were classes today," I asked her curiously? "They were okay, Aubrey tried to talk to me today," she admitted quietly. I stiffened instantly and looked at her in concern.

"Are you okay," I asked? She sighed and laid her head on my shoulder as we walked.

"I still hate what she did to me, but at the same time I really miss having her as a friend," she said sounding frustrated.

I put my arm around her and she smiled up at me. I kissed her forehead and she seemed to relax some. We got to a coffee shop and I went to the counter and ordered her coffee and mine.

I brought the drinks over to the table while Chloe was looking over the menu for some food. "Here you go, I got you your coffee just the way you like it," I said gently. "I love how I don't have to remind you of what I take," she grinned as she took her cup.

"I remember everything you tell me," I said quietly.

She smiled and looked around the coffee shop. Just as the door opened and two brunettes walked into the shop. One was pretty tall, with tan skin and long brown almost black hair. The other was about Chloe's height, with brown hair mixed in with auburn highlights and was dressed in a preppy school girl outfit, but for her it seemed to work pretty well.

I noticed that Chloe was looking at them and her eyes were lit up. I felt jealous at how Chloe seemed to watch the two girls.

I sighed and she turned to look at me. "You okay," she asked me in concern?

I nodded and took a sip of my coffee and tried to forget how she looked at those girls. "Do you know them," I asked? "The taller girl she's in my Literature class, I think her name is Spencer," she said quietly.

I nodded and closed my eyes, trying to keep the jealousy down. "Beca what's the matter you look upset," she said? I opened my eyes and forced a smile on to my face.

"I'm okay," I said.

When Chloe was with Aubrey it didn't bug me too much because Chloe was never around us both because as Aubrey put it I'm a 'weird alt girl with too many piercings' and she didn't like me, just like I don't like her.

I pulled my phone out and scrolled through it, and looked for my friend Jesse's number. I met him last year at the radio station we both volunteer at. He loves music almost as much as I do.

Just as I was about to text him, Chloe took my phone from my hands. "Hey, what are you doing," I asked? "We came here to hand out with each other and you're texting other people," she said, sounding disappointed.

"You were checking that Spencer girl out," I pointed out. To my complete horror, she blushed and avoided looking at me. Chloe never gets embarrassed unless she likes someone.


Chloe likes that girl!

My heart ached at that. "Does it bug you," she asked? "No, why would it bother me," I asked?

Did I detect a hint of disappointment in her voice when I denied being annoyed? No, she doesn't like me that way.

"Hi, Chloe," said an unfamiliar voice.

It was that Spencer girl and her tall friend that was with her.

"Hey Spencer, how's it going," Chloe asked? "Good, I didn't know you came here," she said lightly. As much as I hate to admit it, Spencer is really attractive and seems pretty nice.

"Oh, Spencer this is my roommate and best friend Beca Mitchell," Chloe said as she turned to smile at me. "Hey," I said dully.

"Hi, this is my best friend and roommate as well, Emily Fields," Spencer said looking at me and Chloe.

"Nice to meet you," I said with a little more enthusiasm to Emily. Probably due to the fact that Chloe wasn't looking at her like she wanted her.

"Hi," Emily said lightly.

Chloe and Spencer started talking animatedly about something in their Literature class. Emily sat down next to me. "So are you a freshman," she asked me? "No, Chloe and I are sophomores, what year are you," I asked? "Same as you," she replied.

I noticed Chloe was glancing at me out of the corner of her eye.

Emily looked a tad bit uncomfortable and I felt bad for her because I knew how she felt. "You wanna come up with me to get something to eat," I asked her?

"Sure," she said, looking grateful for something to do other than listen to Chloe and Spencer.

Chloe's POV

"So what are you studying to be," Spencer asked me?

"I'm studying to be a teacher, how about you," I asked her? Just as I noticed Beca and Spencer's friend Emily get up and go over to the counter.

"I want to be a lawyer, like my mom and dad," she replied with a smile. "That's awesome," I said with a smile.

"I bet you'd make a great teacher," she said with a small smile.

Is she flirting with me? Not that I would mind in the least bit, the only other person I really like has never given me any indication that she likes me any amount. And Spencer seems like a really cool girl, she's smart I know that for sure.

"Where did Em and Beca go," she asked as she looked around and must have just noticed they weren't at their chairs?

I shrugged, but it bothered me that Beca got up and went somewhere without telling me.

Spencer and I sat and talked for what felt like hours and eventually I realized that Beca must have actually left the shop because it had been two hours since I saw her leave with Emily.

"I think that our friends ditched us," Spencer said with a grin. "I'd have to agree," I said softly.

Beca had never done that before, she always texts me when she goes somewhere and I almost always go with her.

"Want to go for a walk and see if we can find them," Spencer offered?

"Sure," I said. Worst case scenario, I don't find her but get to spend some more time with Spencer who is really nice and attractive.

We left the shop and I led her back to campus and towards the radio station. "Why are we going this way," she asked curiously?

"Well, if Beca and Emily left together, I bet Beca would have taken her to the station to show her around since she works there," I explained.

"I wouldn't be surprised, Emily loves music," Spencer said matter of factly.

I nodded and led her inside the station, where low and behold Beca and Emily were sitting at a table with a bunch of CDs laying on the desk and laughing.

Beca never really opened up and joked around with anyone other than me or Stacie a friend of ours from high school. But here she was laughing and joking with someone she has only known for a few hours.

"Hey guys," I said as we approached them. "Hey," Emily said lightly.

Beca smiled briefly at me and I knew she was probably a little annoyed with me. I had promised her that we would hang out, just us for the afternoon since we hadn't hung out for awhile and I broke that promise.

"Hey Becs, what are you guys doing," I asked? "Hanging out," she replied shortly. I hate when Beca is upset or annoyed with me.

"Good, did you end up getting something to eat," I asked her in concern? "Yeah, I made her eat some pizza," Emily told me.

Spencer smiled at Emily and walked over next to her.

"Always looking after everyone else eh Em," Spencer said jokingly. "You know me Spence," she said lightly.

Beca turned back to the CDs and looked at some before moving them to another pile next to Emily.

Is it wrong that I am jealous of how comfortable Beca seemed with Emily? It took me months to get Beca to become comfortable around me, but in just a few hours Beca is already comfortable with her.