Final chapter, but first post in the month of April. The fact that I joined January 1st (I think, pretty sure) makes it very easy to track how long I've been on here. I hope you all decided to stick around after that not so stellar last chapter for this one, it's a pretty vast improvement. On a random side note, I think my computer is British. Whenever I type something into Word, it changes the spelling to the British version then I have to go back through it to change the words back when I upload it anywhere, like on here.

"Hey Grey. Who's the guy?" Joe greeted one of his favorite customers as she took a seat at the bar with a very attractive man. Just because he was taken didn't mean Joe couldn't appreciate good man candy when he saw it.

Meredith laughed when she recognized the look in Joe's eye. "Joe, meet my brother Doctor Mark Sloan. Mark, meet everyone's favorite barkeep." She said by way of introductions. Joe extended his hand which Mark gladly took.

"Pleased to meet you doc. Meredith never mentioned she had a brother." Joe smiled but looked a little confused.

"Bet she didn't tell you she had a sister ether." Mark chuckled then winched as Meredith smacked him hard across the shoulder. "I'll take that as a no then."

"Woah woah woah, since when do you have a sister Grey?"

"Since my maternal brother slept with my paternal sister, about two months ago." Meredith informed him with a wickedly triumphant look in her eye. Mark buried his face in his hands.

Joe chuckled. "Oh you and I are definitely going to have to talk, what are you drinking doc?"

"Beer." Was Marks one word reply. Joe nodded and was about to ask what Mer was drinking before he smiled. "Never mind, I got you." He smiled and walked down the bar.

"Yeah you do!" Meredith called after him, making Mark chuckle as she tuned to him. "Ok, alcohol is on the way. Spill." She ordered.

Mark sighed. "I love her Mer, I don't think I've ever loved anyone like this."

"Mark, she's married. To your best friend!"

"God I know." He groaned. "I didn't want this Mer, but it just happened. And then it kept happening until she left for Seattle."

"They're trying to make it work Mark." She whispered, the hurt in her voice evident.

"Yeah." He sighed. "So you and Sheppard? How did that happen?"

"With a little help from her favorite drink." Joe spoke up as he returned with a beer in one hand and a bottle of tequila in the other. "How many Grey?"

"It's been a long day, start with three and we'll see how I'm feeling." She instructed. Joe just laughed and proceeded to pour the amber liquid. "So catch me up." He requested.

"Well, to condense a novel into a pamphlet, Ellis married my dad for 38 days, got knocked up, married her dad, left him for Chief Webber who chose not to leave his wife, and shipped me off to New York." He motioned to Mer. "She slept with my best friend who came here after I slept with his wife. I visited her for her first day at work, ended up sleeping with my almost sister I didn't know I had the same night she slept with Derek. His wife Addison came out here to try and win him back and I followed suit after getting a phone call about my baby sister almost getting herself blown to kingdom come yesterday." Mark summarized.

"The stiches in your face?"

"Derek saw me hugging Meredith. Turns out you're not the only one who didn't know she had a brother." Mark grinned and looked at Meredith who rolled her eyes and downed her first shot. "That cover's everything on my end, what about you?" He asked her

"No, that seems to cover the big parts." She nodded. "You speak to Lexie recently?"

He shook his head. "We texted a little bit when I got back to New York but not a whole lot. She seems to be doing well though."

Meredith nodded and downed her second shot as she heard a chorus of voices behind them.

"There you are!" Izzie huffed as she sat down next to Mark while Cristina sat next to Meredith with George and Alex flanking the group. "When you just cut out like that after the whole incident with McDreamy we got worried."

Mark shot a look to Meredith. "McDreamy?" He mouthed and smirked.

"Who's the guy?" Izzie gave Mark a flirty look, one that definitely did not go unnoticed by Alex who stiffened a little.

"You're Mark Sloan right?" Alex asked. "Dude, you're like a plastics legend! What are you doing in Seattle?"

Meredith groaned inwardly. They already hated her enough for who her mother was, this was going to be fun. "Guys, this is Mark Sloan. He's my…"

"Boyfriend!" Cristina shrieked, clapping a hand over Meredith's mouth before she could finish the sentence. "Mark is Meredith's new boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" George said sadly, looking Mark up and down.

"Yes Bambi, boyfriend. Her hot, steamy boyfriend, who she will have lots and lots of hot, passionate sex with tonight." Her eyes sparkled evilly.

"Um, you know what guys I think I'm going to actually head back to the hospital. I suddenly remembered I have a lot of charts that Bailey wanted me to do so I think I'm just going to go." He stuttered lamely as he slid of the bar stool and made a bee line for the door. Cristina cackled gleefully as she removed her hand from Meredith's mouth.

"That was mean." She attempted to chastise her person but found herself consumed by giggles, as were Izzie, Alex, and Joe while Mark had a confused yet amused look on his face.

"And yet oh so funny." Cristina reasoned. "You want to continue with your explanation?"

Meredith shook her head and polished off her last shot. "As I was going to say, guys this is Mark Sloan, my older brother. Mark, these are Alex and Izzie. The guy who left is George. Not one word from any of you about nepotism." She glared at her friends who just nodded.

Mark graciously shook hands with the group. "Nice to meet you guys."

"So how long you staying in town Sloan?" Cristina asked. "You think you'll be here long enough to actually teach Alex what surgery is?"

"Crack Whore." Alex bite back.

"My stay is open ended." Mark smirked at the exchange. "I may just decide to stick around Seattle for a while."

"Well you know you've always got a room at my place." Meredith offered. "Although I have to warn you, I've got Cristina, George, and Izzie all living with me now. Plus I have shared custody of a dog with Derek and I think I might be dating two guys at once right now." She informed him.

"Um, yeah. I think I'll just comp a room at the Archfield." He politely declined the offer. She just shrugged and signaled to Joe for two more shots.

"So how big do think McDreamy's eyes are going to get when he realizes he punched out Meredith's brother for hugging her?" Izzie grinned.

"Probably pretty big." Mark muttered softly into his beer.

"You mean you didn't tell him!" Meredith shrieked, causing several bar patrons to turn their heads.

"Shhh!" Cristina clapped her hand back over Meredith's mouth.

"It's not exactly like I could tell them right then Grey!" Mark defended himself. "What would I have said? Hi Chief Webber, Dr Sheppard just punched me out on your surgical floor for hugging his girlfriend but that's ok because I slept with his wife but he shouldn't have worried because the girl I was hugging was actually my sister?"

"You slept with She-Sheppard!" Alex almost spit out his beer. "Dude really? No wonder Derek rebounded with Grey."

"Thanks Alex." Meredith snapped and downed the two shots Joe placed in front of her in quick succession. "Joe are you watering the tequila? Because I don't feel nearly drunk enough!" She called out to Joe down the bar.

"I vote his McNickname be McWhore!" Cristina raised her hand.

"Or McBrother." Alex smirked.

"I think McSteamy has a nice ring to it." Izzie smiled slowly as she finished off her glass of wine.

"Bingo!" Cristina nodded vigorously.

"And on that note I think we should leave." Meredith announced to the group. Mark just chuckled and pulled out a few bills which he threw on the counter.

"Her shots and my beer." He told Joe who nodded. "Come on Merber, let's get you home." He grinned as he guided her towards the door. "Joe, Alex, Izzie, it was nice meeting you. Yang, good to see you haven't changed." He smiled back to the group. As the two of them made their way to his car, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Maybe staying in Seattle for a little bit wouldn't be so bad after all.


And we're back to the good stuff! I really hope you guys liked this story, it was a lot of fun to wright (for the most part). A plea for a parting review?