Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda had a rough day with magic especially Poof almost destroying the town! Timmy could barely sleep then all of a sudden Wanda's twin sister Blonda shows up! Timmy says,"Blonda what are you doing here?" Blonda says,"Well I was just in the neighborhood and figure I come here!" Timmy says,"Let me guess you're here to show off to your sister!" Blonda says,"Actually there's something I need to ask you Timmy Turner can I kiss you?" Timmy says,"Why?" Blonda says,"Because the media has buzzing control if I ever had my first kiss which I didn't!" Blonda cried and Timmy says,"It's okay!" Blonda says,"I wanted my first kiss to be from you you're really close to my sister plus I hate to admit but when I was pretending to be Wanda I was in love with you!" Timmy says,"What?" Blonda got in closer! Timmy says,"Oh right come on please Blonda I'm not ready!" Blonda says,"Oh please I know you had sex with my sister and unless you want me to tell evryone you better pucker up!" Timmy says,"All right but can you poof us somewhere romantic?" Blonda says,"That's a great idea!" Blonda transported them to the Fairy Gardens and Timmy says,"Wow this garden is amazing!" Blonda says,"You like it it's the perfect place for a kiss now where were we?" Blonda sparyed her mouth with breathspray and sharpen her lips with her lip balms then Timmy leaned in and gave Blonda a great kiss on the lips the kiss stopped Timmy was amazed at how Blonda's lips are!" Blonda says,"So what you say we finish?" Timmy says,"Oh Blonda sweet you're asking for it!" They had sex in the garden they they were both naked and the reporters caught the whole thing and the garden glowed pink! Wanda saw the whole thing on TV and was shocked! The End!