Hello, again sorry for the long wait for an update. Please give me feedback, it really really helps. :) This chapter is more about Kurt's freedom, its a bit of a fun chapter (lots of sex), the next will be a little more angsty and serious like some of the previous, only less depressing, I promise. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you like it, and please review!

Kurt's on his back with his legs spread and Adam between them, his cock buried deep in Kurt's ass, and nothing will ever be better than this, Kurt is sure.

Adams mouth is open and the insides of his lips are wet and hot, running up and down Kurt's cheek and jaw as he moves in and out of him.

Kurt lets his body be lax and free, but still his own hips are moving in time with Adam's. "Best. Sex. Ever." He moans and Adam laughs, high pitched and breathy.

"I do what I can."

"Can you make me come, big shot?" Kurt teases even in such a state of pleasure, because that's how him and Adam are together, they laugh during sex, and that's something that Kurt will never not love about them.

"You think you can come a second time?"

"You think you can, old man?"

"Getting personal now." Adam pulls back to show Kurt his pout and he just laughs, and kisses it.

"C'mon, Adam. Feel so good in me, come with me baby." He urges, reaching down to stroke his own cock.

Adam whimpers and kisses over Kurt's neck as he fucks into him with purpose and technique that even Kurt himself is jealous of. They come together with in only a few more thrusts, Kurt calling out Adam's name, and Adam just moaning loudly.

"Oh good god." Kurt breathes after a few long moments of laying there, stroking Adam's hair.

"So good." Adam chuckles and pulls back to kiss Kurt slow and tender for what feels like forever, but in a good way.

"We should make like, an instructive video or something." Kurt says suddenly.

"How To Have Mind-Blowing Sex With Deep Connection but no Titles ." Adam decides with a nod as he rolls off of Kurt.

"No titles?"

"No. No titles. I mean...I'm not your boyfriend am I?"

Kurt bites his lip and looks away from Adam. "I-I mean...no. No, you aren't."

"No titles."

"Do you /want/ titles, Adam?"

"I do, Kurt."

Things fall silent and for the first time finally uncomfortable.

"I do too." Kurt whispers, still looking up at the mashed potato ceiling, and not at the other boy.

"Not now though. You know that, right? You are far from ready, which is fine." He begins, reaching over to grasp Kurt's hand. "I am too, so don't think that I'm pinning this on you, okay? I'm going to graduate soon and I have no clue what I'm gonna do with my life."

Kurt stays quiet for a while before looking over at Adam with a sigh and a soft smile. "I get it." He tells him, looking straight into his eyes. "But...we should still do this sex thing." He suggests with a sly smirk (that he only ever acquired after hanging out so much with Sebastian).

Adam snorts and shakes his head. "Someday." He says.

"Well, Sunday I work until noon and I promised to go to a yoga class with El, and told Sebastian I'd help him clean his flat, but I could stay over that night and-". He cuts himself off when he looks up at Adam's face to see confusion and bewilderment.

"Someday." Adam repeats.

"Sunday." Kurt nods.

"Some. Day." Adam clarifies and Kurt's face goes beat red, he's too annoyed to think about his own embarrassment though.

"What?" He shoots up and groans loudly, like a little boys throwing a temper tantrum. "No, Adam! After that? How could you say some day?"

"That was amazing, kitten. It really was, but I just...you're more than that to me, Kurt. I'm sorry but..." He trails off with a frown.

Kurt understands completely, it's how he had felt with Blaine in the early days, before the sex and before he become too attractive that Blaine suddenly felt threatened. He had actually wanted even more back then than what Adam was asking for now. Had Blaine ever made him feel comfortable enough to tell him the truth, Kurt would have revealed he wanted to wait until their wedding night.

"Okay." He whispers and Adam sits up to kiss him.

"And no more of this, okay?"

"Of what?"

"You seducing me, don't act all innocent."

"I did not! All I did was change into my pajamas, you're the perv here."

"You started undressing on your way into my room!" Adam laughed incredulously. "Then proceeded to change with the door open! And why did you have to take your underwear off, hmm?"

"I don't sleep with underwear on!" Kurt tries to defend through his own guilty laughter, but Adam tackles him with tickles before he can say much.

He's been doing a good job at staying away from his own appartment that his father is still paying for, but he has to go back now and then for some essentials, like his work uniform. He knows Blaine's school schedule which helps in avoiding him, but this time he's not so lucky.

"Hey you." Comes Blaine's voice while Kurt is making himself some coffee in the kitchen.

"Hey yourself." He says surprisingly easily. "You look well. How are you doing?"

"I'm okay." Blaine shrugs. "You know, you don't have to keep avoiding this place, right? Sam and I are going to try and find a place together, I'll be out of your hair in no time."

"Oh, well that's nice." Kurt smiles and it's starting to feel awkward again, which kind of breaks his heart. "And you're fine. I'm just staying away because you said you needed time."

"Who've you been staying with?" He asks and that just pisses Kurt off.

"It doesn't matter." He says and hopes that Blaine will realize that he's throwing the phrase back at him, and it makes the breakup even easier when he doesn't seem to.

"I feel like you're angry with me and I can't understand why."

"I am." He answers before he can even think the reply thrpugh. "You're the one who ruined this relationship and for some reason I'm being made to look like the bad guy."

"Because I felt abandoned and slept with someone? We're still on about this?"

"Yes, we are. Sleeping with another man while you are in a relationship is not okay, Blaine!"

"So you're telling me that you didn't sleep with any of those friends you suddenly have."

Kurt turns to look at Blaine, crossing his arms over his waist, and leaning back against the counter. He wants to enjoy when he sees Blaine's face actually show some real emotion that's not just an act in the soap opera he pretends his life is. "You know what, Blaine? I will tell you everything about my sex life, if that's what you need."

"I don't want to know." Blaine snips, pulling a face of pure disgust that makes Kurt smile.

He does keep his story relatively vague though, he's still shy when it comes to sex. "Wel,l I'm going to tell you anyway. When we broke up I slept with Adam, we did it numerous times in numerous places. He was literally my boyfriend for only one day. When you proposed to me, I stopped sleeping with him, however I did let my friend Elliott -the one from my band - suck on my neck at a bar. The only time I actually cheated on you was when I was on the plane back to Ohio after my brother - who I loved very much - was suddenly dead."

"You..." Blaine shakes his head and let's out a laugh that's not bitter but triumphant. "On a plane? Who?"

"I don't remember his name. I gave him a hand job and hated myself afterwards."

"So we're even."

"I don't think thinking that way is healthy, Blaine."

"Screw you with what's healthy. You're sure as hell not healthy."

"Okay, I'm going to grab some clothes and go." Kurt says and walks off to his room.

The fact that he's not angry or sad makes it really easy to leave, but that in its self depresses him.

He finds himself wondering if he is indeed the one with the problem, but he's spent a much too large portion of his life thinking this, so he squashes the thought quickly and reminds himself of all the down right shitty things his 'friends' and boyfriend had done to or said to him, and he just can't feel bad. At least until he actually sees them.

When he gets into work Santana and Rachel are both there. Santana just talks to him as if nothing is going on and he's grateful for that, but Rachel looks at him with big and sad eyes, and while he's more than able to deal with angry Rachel, sad Rachel will always be heart breaking. He avoids her successfully enough to only exchange words about work related things, but she does catch him behind the counter for a quick moment.

"Where have you been?" She asks him softly.

"With friends. I'm good, I promise." He tells her.

"Hey, you're my best friend, you know that right? I'll always be on your side." He smiles genuinely at her and wraps an arm around her shoulders.

"Same here, kid. Just give me until he's out of there."

"It's our apartment, Kurt. He doesn't have to be there."

"We can't throw him on the street, Rach."

"Okay." She squeezes his waist and the moment is over."

He goes to Elliott's after work and they spend way too long getting ready to find out that Sebastian's not having a party.

"We could have a Netflix night." Kurt suggests and Elliott shrugs like a little bratty kids. "You're right, you look way too hot to sit on a couch all night. We could go to dinner." He offers again and gets the same response. He takes his phone out with a huff to get to the source of their very serious problem.

To Sebastian: "What's so important that you can't get drunk?"

To Kurt: "I can always get drunk."

To Kurt: "A guys gotta study though. Why? Bored?"

To Sebastian: "El and I were counting on a party, but you have a good excuse, I suppose."

To Kurt: "Come on over if you want to."

To Kurt: "You prob don't though."

To Kurt: "It's just me."

Kurt frowns at that and let's out an adoring chuckle that Elliott rolls his eyes at.

To Sebastian: "I like just you very much."

To Kurt: "Then nothing is stopping you."

"We're going to Sebastian's."

"Party?" Elliott smiles excitedly.

"No, hangout."

"So, I look too good to sit on my couch, but not Sebastian's?" Elliott says flatly.

"You're a very attractive man, El. You will always look too good for anything you do." And that's what gets Elliott to reluctantly agree.

The door man knows the boys now and all they have to do is nod before they're allowed to go up to the appartment. Sebastian is adorably happy to see them, he touches both their shoulder as they walk past him and when Kurt accompanies him to grab some drinks, he receives a kiss on the forehead that makes his cheeks turn pink.

He does feel a bit bad for dragging Elliott along when it's clear that Sebastian is serious about studying, but once they're drunk and Sebastian's on his fourth beer since they've showed up, it doesn't matter anymore.

Kurt and Elliott argue about thing of such little importance that they must look ridiculous, and they end every fight by telling the other how physically beautiful they are, while Sebastian just insults their intelligence, but they hardly register it.

Kurt's feeling flirty when he follows Sebastian into the kitchen for another beer and voka-lemonade mixes for him and Elliott.

"You look cute in lounge clothes." Kurt says as Sebastian begins to make the drinks.

"Cute? I'm not sure I'm ever cute. I'm hot, or sexy, or handsome, but not cute."

"You are very cute, Sebastian Smythe. You're positively adorable."

"You're drunk."

"So are you. How often do you get drunk by the way, I feel like every time I see you, you're drinking."

"Don't worry about it, mother." Sebastian snips.



"How do I look?" He asks, mostly just wanting to change the subject.



"It's mostly genetics."

"Genetics? So, you think that I look good good?"

Sebastian raises a brow at him and shrugs.

"I just thought that I had a gay face, or whatever."

"I'm gay, I like gay faces. You're very good looking, Kurt. Now shut up." He mutters.


"Who would have thought I'd ever have Kurt Hummel in my kitchen." Sebastian changes the subject now.

"Better than your bedroom."

"Is it?"

"Is it?" Kurt repeats, but it's not as teasingly as Sebastian had said it, and that makes Sebastian sigh.

"I already told you, I enjoy your company, I'm not gonna fuck it up."

Kurt bites his lip and waits until Sebastian finishes the drinks before walking up to him, stopping just shy of them being pressed together.

"You wouldn't fuck it up. I'm not the little bitch that you think I am." He says in a low voice and that makes Sebastian shutter, which is exhilarating. "Kiss me, 'Bastian."

He's quiet for a moment, his eyes falling to Kurt's lips before he shakes his head and looks back up. "I-I don't even kiss, Kurt. I fuck. I fuck hard and I fuck dirty, and then it's over, no more."

"Then fuck me." Kurt says breathless.

"That's not what we are, babe." He pauses and the lust in his eyes fades into confusion and the way they flick over Kurt's face to avoid his eyes makes him think maybe even embarrassment. "Is that what we are?"

"No!" Kurt says immediately, his horny boldness easing off completely. "No, we're friends! I just...I find myself wanting you to kiss me a lot of the time." He says honestly, probably only because he's drunk.

"Well, I do kiss you a lot."

"Yeah." He agrees just to end the awkward conversation.

They take a shot before going back out to Elliott, who is staring at the blank screen of Sebastian's television.

"Sebastian won't kiss me." Kurt whines, even in front of the boy because he's drunk and Elliott always makes him honest and silly when it comes to boys.

"How could you not kiss him? He's adorable." He pouts at Sebastian, who looks unamused as he goes back to reading over a chapter of his text book.

"C'mere, K. I'll kiss you." He coos and Kurt giggles, sitting next to him and placing their drinks on the coffee table before leaning in to meet the peck.

"Mm, that was nice." Kurt hums and Elliott hooks his chin in his fingers to kiss him again, tender this time. "So nice." He hums again, and the next kiss is longer, and a little bit wet.

Sebastian looks up at the fourth smack and draws his brows together as he watches them go for another, longer kiss, and this time their lips slot together and Elliott moans.

"Such a sweet kisser, isn't he?" He speaks up, his voice lower than usual, causing both Elliott and Kurt to break apart to look at him. "A playful kisser."

"Yeah, he's pretty cute." Elliott replies and Kurt can't help but blush.

"Give him more kisses." Sebastian orders Elliott, making something hot, and a little frightening shoot through Kurt's already wanting body.

Elliott nods, a smirk on his face in commonality with Sebastian, and he kisses Kurt again, this time licking into his mouth.

Kurt moans and closes his eyes before he opens his mouth for Elliott's tongue, allowing his own to match.

When they pull apart, they both immediately turn to look at Sebastian, who's peering at them over his text book, his eyes dark and lips slightly parted.

"Do you like his kisses, Kurt?"


"Well, then you better ask him for some more."

"More kisses, El?" He whispers, his eyes still holding Sebastian's gaze.

"Of course!" Elliott says with a giggle that losens Kurt up again, and he smiles playfully at Sebastian right before their lips meet.

The kiss is deeper and dirtier and Kurt really feels the urge to shed clothing.

When he opens his eyes again, he sees that Elliott's are closed, so he looks to Sebastian and moans at the sight.

Sebastian's eyes meet his right away, they're dark, his face is flushed, and his hair is messy from how he's holding and tugging at it as he watches them.

When Elliott pulls away to suck and nip at his neck, he was still looking into Sebastian's eyes. "You wanna kiss me, Bastian?"

Sebastian smirks at that and shakes his head. "Looks like he's taking great care of you, babe."

"You wanna kiss him instead?" Elliott asks, pulling back to look up at Kurt with a pout.

"No!" Kurt chuckles, petting an affectionate hand through his hair. "Love your kisses." He assures him, leaning up to kiss his nose, before looking back at Sebastian. "W-what else do you want to see?" He asks, and this time Elliott moans and turns to look at Sebastian as well.

"Well," Sebastian begins, completely unfazed by the question or the whole situation, and Kurt finds himself wondering if this isn't special at all for him, he wonders if this is just a normal night for Sebastian, and if he could just be any boy. "I think that you should touch Kurt. Look at him, all red, and whiney, needy." He says lowly.

Elliott nods at the request and thrusts his hips down against Kurt until they're both at full hardness and moaning from it.

Elliott brings his hand down to press the heal against Kurt's erection and when Kurt begs for more, eyes set on Sebastian's the whole time, he slides his hand inside of Kurt's pants to take hold of his cock.

He can't help but feel a hot rush of pleasure that the boy's eyes are only roaming over /his/ body, and he thinks that maybe it's not him that could just be any boy, but that it's Elliott who could.

He loses it when Sebastian starts palming himself through his sweat pants and he whimpers and reaches out to touch before he can stop himself.

"You got a boy right there, babe."

Kurt whines and comes only seconds later. He wastes no time to wallow in euphoria before he sits up and takes Elliott's face into his hand to kiss him hard, wet, and deep.

He pushes the boy back onto the couch and lays over him. He licks his hand a few times and before Elliott can say anything, he's kissing him madly, as he undoes his pants and pushes his hand in to stroke his cock.

"Fuck!" He hisses, Elliott moaning in reply. "So big!" Another moan in reply. "Bastian, he's so big." He says breathlessly, looking back to Sebastian.

"Lemme see."

Kurt sits up to straddle Elliott's knees, his cock hard and on display.

"Make me come." He whines and both the other boys laugh.

Kurt smirks and takes hold of his cock again, jerking him roughly until he comes, his eyes glued to the head of his cock the whole time. Weeks later he'll be pissed at himself for having missed the chance to see Sebastian's face when he came as he watched them.

It should be awkward after wards, but Elliott is his silly over the top self and Sebastian is used to sexual situations. Sebastian does grab his waist when he's on his way to wash his hands with Elliott though.

"We good?" He asks.

"Great." Kurt's smiles and leans up to kiss his forehead.

"Kurt Hummel, look at you." Elliott mutters to him as they wash up.

"What?" He asks in a huff of laughter, his face beat red.

"What even are you?"

"I'm a sexual being, El, and I make no apologies for that."