A/N: I had an idea and I couldn't get it out of my head. It kinda took on a life of its own after I started writing it. This is my first time writing so constructive criticism would be helpful, but go a little easy on me :) Okay here we go!

Out Of My Mind

Santana Lopez sat on her rooftop on a Wednesday afternoon, calculus book in her lap, calculator in her hand, and frustration in her mind.

"Who even gives a flying fuck about math anyways?" she thought, slamming the book closed and throwing the calculator off the roof. Just her luck, she missed seeing where it landed.

"Well...shit," she grumbled.

She needed a break. The seventeen year old grabbed her iPod classic, jammed in her earbuds, and hit shuffle. Santana let the music wash away her frustration, and felt her body begin to relax. She laid back and stared up at the late afternoon sky. She couldn't wait to get out of this butthole of a town. Sure she didn't exactly have a plan yet, but she knew there was no way in heaven or hell that she would stay in Lima, Ohio for the rest of her life.

Watching the clouds overhead, she remembered why she loved Wednesdays so much: no Cheerios practice. Santana loved being a cheerleader with her two best friends Quinn and Brittany, and while Coach Sue was as approachable as a cactus with projectile spines, she had learned a lot during her two years on the squad. The only thing she didn't like was having to wake up at the asscrack of dawn every weekday morning for before school practices. Coach Sue gave them Wednesdays off, seeing as they practice before and after school every weekday and three hours on Saturdays and Sundays. Santana spent those glorious free Wednesdays sleeping in, and after school she would go home and enjoy the feeling of doing absolutely nothing. Unfortunately for her, today her calc teacher had decided to give out a homework load the size of Mars.

Santana sat up and looked over at the house next door. A family had moved in a few weeks ago, and according to her mom they had a daughter her age, although she had never seen the girl. She began to get lost in her music as one of her favorite songs came on, but was startled when the side gate of the house suddenly swung open. Out came a girl, probably shorter than Santana, lugging a huge grey trash can. She had dyed blonde hair with obvious roots that somehow worked really well, and she was wearing a red flannel, ripped black jeans, and deep red Dr. Marten's boots. Santana couldn't quite see her face because her hair was in the way, but was surprised that she wanted to. Why did she even want to know? This girl could look like a donkey for all she cared.

The blonde continued to drag the trash can to the curb, swinging her hips to the music from the iPod Santana saw peeking out of her back pocket, not that she was staring at her butt or anything. When the girl reached the curb and placed the trash can in the street, she began to awkwardly dance her way back to the side gate to get a blue recycling bin. Santana watched in amusement as she got to the middle of the driveway, stopped, put the bin down, and played air guitar for a few seconds. When her killer solo was over, she picked the bin back up and danced her way down to the curb, setting it next to the trash can. Santana couldn't help the small smile tugging on her lips as the mystery girl danced all the way from the curb to the gate, slamming it shut behind her.

"Well that was adorable," she chuckled to herself. "Wait what? Santana Lopez does not think people are adorable!" The small smile still on her face told her otherwise, and she decided to leave it there.

The next Wednesday, Santana once again sat on the rooftop, trying to focus on reading her English book, Fast Food Nation. It was really just making her hungry. Yeah it was kinda gross and she never wanted to have McDonald's ever again, but hey a teenager's gotta eat, right?

"Just finish this chapter, Lopez. Then you can grab a snack. Or a pre-dinner dinner. Whatever," she told herself.

She made it through a couple more pages before noticing movement out of the corner of her eye. The side gate of the house next door opened, and out came mystery girl. Santana had seen the back of her head a couple times during passing periods in the hallways at school once or twice, but still hadn't managed to see her face. She wondered about this mystery girl more often than she would care to admit.

Santana held the forgotten book in her hands, watching the blonde once again bring out the big grey trash can. She felt that small smile, that she had so much trouble getting rid of last time, creep its way back onto her face. Mystery girl was making her do weird things, like this smiling nonsense, and she still didn't even really know what she looked like. Santana did, however, appreciate the form fitting royal blue hoodie, unripped black jeans, and red Vans that mystery girl was sporting. Again, she noticed the iPod in her back pocket, still not staring at her butt or anything. But the thing that really got her was seeing that mystery girl had put her hair up in a ponytail. This is what Santana had been waiting for!

"Whoa there, chill out. My god, she's just a girl. No need to lose your cool," she reprimanded herself.

The blonde hauled the trash can to the curb, swaying her hips along with whatever she was listening to. Santana could only see part of the side of her face, but she saw that the girl had an amazing jawline.

"Who even notices things like that? What the hell, Santana," she thought.

She had no idea what this girl was doing to her. She didn't have much time to dwell on it, because the blonde had turned around and was doing her awkward dance back up the driveway, her face in full view. And what a view it was. Mystery girl had an adorable nose, and Santana could just make out little freckles on the bridge of her nose. She had the cutest little chin dimple, but not nearly as heartwarming as her cheek dimples, caused by the massive smile plastered on her face. Santana found herself fawning over the way her top lip curled up a little bit. She could tell it was a genuine smile by the way it reached all the way up to her eyes. Lord have mercy, her eyes. Those were what stood out to Santana the most. Mystery girl had the most gorgeous brown eyes Santana had ever seen. No, she had the most gorgeous eyes Santana had ever seen. Santana had never been one for brown eyes, but after seeing mystery girl's deep brown perfection, she was sure she never wanted to look at anything else but those eyes.

Santana lost sight of the blonde's face as she went behind the gate to pick up the recycling bin. She skip-danced to the trash can, and put the bin down beside it. She turned around to make her way back up, paused, put closed fists up near her head, and scrunched her face as she mouthed the words to a song Santana wished she could hear. She dropped her hands in front of her and did the Spongebob all the way up the driveway. She stopped at the gate, threw a hand in the air, and walked behind the gate swinging her head from side to side, shutting it behind her.

Santana found herself still staring at the gate long after mystery girl left. She shook her head, trying to get the image of the blonde out of her thoughts, but just couldn't. Giving up, she noticed that the small smile had grown into a dorky grin. Yet another thing she wouldn't be able to get rid of. Great. She looked down at the rooftop to find that at some point she had dropped her book. She picked it up, remembering she was supposed to be reading. Sighing, she opened the book to the right page, only to close it again, knowing that she would never be able to focus on the faults in the meat packing industry after she had just seen mystery girl's face. Santana stood up, gathered her things, and began to head back inside for food, the beauty she had just witnessed still in the forefront of her mind.

It became a habit on Wednesdays for Santana to attempt to do homework on her roof while waiting for the blonde to bring out the trash. She would never come out at the same time as the week before, leaving Santana to constantly guess when she would make an appearance. Somehow, Santana didn't mind. She would wait all night on her roof if she had to.

"Whoa okay no need to get crazy. I don't even know her name!" she thought. But she knew that no matter how crazy it seemed, she would wait as long as she had to in order to see that beautiful face again.

The one thing Santana could always be sure of was that whenever mystery girl did come out, she was dancing. Pretty awkwardly dancing, but Santana thought it was cute. She was sure that the blonde could really move if she wanted to, but she seemed to happy dancing like an idiot. Santana loved it.

This was the fourth week since the first mystery girl sighting that Santana sat on her roof, awaiting the blonde's arrival. Thanking the school gods that she didn't have any homework, she took advantage of the stress free afternoon and just relaxed and waited. After about an hour of enjoying not doing anything, Santana saw the side gate open. She felt the dorky grin make its way onto her face. That was something she had gotten used to by now. What she was not used to was feeling her heart rate speed up a little bit.

"Well that's new..." she mused. She didn't spend too long wondering about it, because mystery girl was making her way out to the curb, trash can in tow.

"Moonwalking? Really?" Santana couldn't help but giggle. The blonde left the trash can at the curb and walked back to get the recycling bin. She picked it up, started shuffle dancing down the driveway towards the curb, and did something Santana would never forget. She began to sing.

Oh, how quickly I come undone

Like melting ice on the sun

Why would that stop when I'm falling free

Midnight daydream

Santana forgot how to breathe. She had never heard a voice like that before in her life. It was soothing, comforting, exciting, electric. It was the most beautiful sound to grace her eardrums since Brittany told her that Taco Bell was now serving breakfast. No, it was even more beautiful than that. She was so entranced by the blonde's voice that she hadn't noticed her set the bin down in the driveway halfway through the first verse and start doing the Sprinkler in a circle.

Oh you watch me and I'm exposed

The Sprinkler circle stopped on Santana, the blonde pointing and looking right at her.

Like lightning bolts in my bones

Mystery girl threw a wink at Santana, dropped her hand and picked up the recycling bin, continuing on to the curb.

Why would that stop when I'm falling free

Midnight daydream

She left the bin by the trash can and did the Charleston back up the driveway and to the gate. She stopped, turned around to face Santana, and gave her a wave.

Midnight daydream

And with that, she disappeared behind the gate.

Santana let out a breath she wasn't aware she had been holding. She was pretty sure she had died and gone to heaven.

"She waved at me. She winked at me, for fuck's sake!" Santana jumped up and fist pumped. She was elated. Then, realization dawned on her.

"Wait, she knew exactly where I was. Oh shit! That means she knows I've been watching...Classic," she groaned. But then she remembered the wink and the wave and all embarrassment was forgotten. It didn't matter that she had been caught. The most beautiful girl she had ever seen had noticed her. That was all it took for the dorky grin to evolve into a full-fledged beam, and for her heart to flutter around in her chest. There was another new feeling to add to the mix this time though.

"Butterflies? Seriously? Santana Lopez does not get...ugh. This is so weird," she thought as she gave in. She had never felt anything like this before. Whatever mystery girl was doing to her was a completely new feeling, and if she was being totally honest, she couldn't wait to see what would happen next.

Santana Lopez was angry. Not in the "if you try to talk to me, I'll bite your head off" kind of way. Oh no. She was angry in the "if you even think about coming near me, I'll duct tape you to a wall upside down and shove Skittles up your nose until you cry" kind of way. She was well aware that she was overreacting, but she couldn't bring herself to care. Her parents were having construction done on some of the house and, irritatingly enough, that included the roof, which meant she wasn't allowed up there until construction was done, which in turn meant no mystery girl. Instead, she was stuck on the front porch, silently fuming.

Santana knew that she really had no reason to be angry, but she just couldn't help it. Wednesdays were her absolute favorite day of the week now, all because of the guarantee of seeing the blonde. She had finally convinced herself that this Wednesday would be the one that she finally talked to her, but now her plans were ruined. Sure, she could just walk up to mystery girl and introduce herself, but for some reason the blonde made her nervous. She would much rather do it from the safety of the roof.

Santana was in the middle of an internal rant consisting mostly of four letter words when she heard the voice she had spent the last seven days thinking about.

I wanna thrill you like Michael

I wanna kiss you like Prince

Let's get it on like Marvin Gaye

Like Hathaway

Write a song for you like this

Santana loved this song. it was one of her favorites. And hearing her favorite voice singing one of her favorite songs was simply the best.

You're over my head

I'm out of my mind

Thinkin I was born in the wrong time

It's love on rewind Everything is so throwback-ish (I kinda like it how you're)

Santana made her way to the side yard where she could see mystery girl putting the trash can by the curb.

Out of my league

Old school chic

Like a movie star from the silver screen

You're one of a kind

Livin in a world gone plastic

Baby you're so classic

This was it.

Baby you're so classic

It's now or never.

Baby you're so classic

Santana stepped out from the side yard so mystery girl could see her and not be startled. She started the next part of the song, eyes on her feet.

Baby you're class and baby you're sick

She looked up to see mystery girl smiling at her.

I never met a girl like you ever til we met

She could see the blonde's cheeks flush a little, giving her more confidence to walk towards her.

A star in the 40's, centerfold in the 50's

Santana was now in front of the blonde.

Got me trippin out like the 60's hippies

Mystery girl held out her hand for Santana to take, and they began to awkward dance together, looking like total idiots.

Queen of the disco tech

A 70's dream in an 80's vest

Hepburn, Beyoncé, Marilyn, Massive

Girl you're timeless, just so classic

Mystery girl took over the chorus, still dancing with Santana.

You're over my head

I'm out of my mind

Thinkin I was born in the wrong time

It's love on rewind

Everything is so throwback-ish (I kinda like it how you're)

Santana joined her, both laughing at each other's dumb dance moves.

Out of my league

Old school chic

Like a movie star from the silver screen

You're one of a kind

Livin in a world gone plastic

Baby you're so classic

The blonde twirled Santana around.

Baby you're so classic

Santana twirled the blonde around.

Baby you're so classic

As the song ended, so did their dance. The laughter, however, continued. Santana looked at the blonde, and couldn't help but think that she was even more beautiful than she had previously noticed.


Santana was shaken out of her thoughts to realize that she had been staring at the blonde, who had an amused little grin on her face. She felt her cheeks heat up and thanked her ancestors that she had naturally tan skin.

"Sorry..." she managed to get out.

"It's okay," the blonde chuckled. "Hi, I'm Dani." She held out her hand.

Dani. The perfect name for the perfect girl.

"Oh my god get it together!" Santana thought-yelled at herself. "I'm Santana," she replied, shaking Dani's hand. She looked right into Dani's eyes. Wrong move. Now she was positive this was a dream. There was no way anyone in real life could be that attractive. She quickly cleared her throat and looked away.

"You have an amazing voice," Dani said, blushing slightly.

"Not nearly as good as yours though," Santana winked at the blonde.

"Aw thanks," Dani blushed again as a huge smile graced her features, looking at Santana. Santana thanked every single heavenly body she could think of for allowing the smile on Dani's face to be because of her.

"Those dance moves though..." Santana teased.

"Oh shut up. Like yours were any better!" Dani fired right back at her.

"They most definitely were, Little Miss Running Man!"

"Uh huh. You just keep telling yourself that, Professor Macarena!"

"I will!"

The two of them dissolved into laughter. When the laughter died down, neither of them really knew what to say, so they stood in a weird silence for a minute or two. It wasn't exactly awkward, but it wasn't the most comfortable silence ever. Dani glanced down for inspiration and noticed Santana's shirt.

"AC/DC, huh?"

"What?" Santana looked confused, so Dani pointed at her shirt. Santana had to look down at her own shirt to remember what she was wearing. "Oh, right. Yeah." She let out a nervous laugh.

Dani looked up at Santana and grinned.

"Now there's a classic."

A/N: Ta-da! Okay the songs are Miami 82 (feat Madame Buttons)[Vocal Radio Edit] by Syn Cole and Classic by MKTO. Hope you enjoyed it :)