Naruisawesome: So, is this the epilogue?

14AmyChan: Looks like it...

Naruisawesome: So our readers will be seeing the last of our little SPR NextGen?

14AmyChan: Possibly...

Naruisawesome: Ah, so it's time for that announcement!

14AmyChan: Indeed it is, after this epilouge~!

Naruisawesome: All right! We don't own Ghost Hunt!

14AmyChan: Enjoy!

One week later.

"Daaaaddy!" Yuzuki cried out as she tried to get her father's attention as he was working in his own personal office at his house. Well, trying to work... He couldn't get much done with his daughter leaning against in front of him. "What do you mean Kazuki and I aren't going on the new case?!"

Naru absolutely refused to look at his daughter who held his eyes and her mother's pout. If he did, resisting her pleas to accompany them on this case would be all the more difficult to accomplish.

"As I have explained, you and Kazuki were far too reckless on the last case, and your brother still needs to heal," Naru noted, pointedly ignoring the fact that his son was already up and roaming around the halls energetically. Yuzuki did not seem to accept his explanation.

"Yeah? Then why was he running around with Jun and Amaya yesterday?!" she demanded stubbornly.

Naru wisely chose not to answer, and tried to refocus on the case file before him. Unfortunately, Yuzuki was not letting that happen.

"Daddy!" Yuzuki grabbed his arm and began shaking it vigorously, demanding attention. When he still ignored his daughter, she forcely climbed on to his lap.

"Tell me!" she demanded, attempting to carry within her own voice the same demanding tone she had heard her father used often. It failed adorably.

The dark-haired man let out a slightly frustrated sigh as he closed his eyes. He still refused to look at his daughter's face. He just knew that if he did he'd crack.

Why, why did his daughter have to have her mother's pout?

"Yuzuki, enough. You're not going and that's final."

"But tell me why! We went on the last case!" she complained loudly.

"And look what happened." he stated sternly. "Perhaps on the next case we have you can go, but until you and Kazuki learn not to use your powers recklessly, you're not going."

Yuzuki opened her mouth to argue about it some more, but her father snapped the case file shut. That meant the discussion was over. Yuzuki hated losing in arguments. She pouted some more.

Then her father picked her up by the waist and placed her gently on the floor before standing up himself. He walked out of his home office with Yuzuki trailing right behind him.

They not strode in silence for a little while. All was silent until Naru made a seemingly out of place remark.

"Yuzuki, I want you to look after your brother if your mother and I are unable to," he stated, looking down into her eyes. The girl tilted her head with a frown. Of course she would watch her younger (by four minutes) brother. Why on earth wouldn't she? She was too awesome not to!

"Of course I already do that!" she replied a bit defensively. "But...why are you just now saying this?"

Naru said nothing for a moment, contemplating his next words. "There will come a time when you need to remember to do so more them ever."

Yuzuki frowned as she looked up at the back of her father's head, her steps faltering. What exactly was he saying...? He sounded like he and her mother were going somewhere and she wouldn't see them again. And that thought scared her a lot more than she'd ever like to admit.

"I'll always look after Kazuki," she stated stubbornly in an attempt to further newfound fear. She stared at the back of her father's head for reassurance.

Naru paused in his steps and turned around to look at Yuzuki, who was still standing firmly, not willing to move at the moment. He walked towards her, and once he stood in front of her, the man crouched down to her level.

"Good girl." he spoke softly as he placed a hand on her head, giving her a small smile.

Yuzuki beamed brightly at the man she called father, quite pleased with his praise. She thought about it for a moment.

"So, does this mean we can go?" she asked hopefully. Her hope was dashed by the return of her father's frown and a firm shake of the head.


Naruisawesome: Feel like this wasn't enough?

14AmyChan: Have some leftover questions?

Naruisawesome: Well, we've got a partial answer!

14AmyChan: This is actually a prequel!

Naruisawesome: Of sorts.

14AmyChan: The entire reason this started was because

Naruisawesome: Amy was telling me about a story she was going to write

14AmyChan: And NIA added Souta-kun, Amaya-chan, Jun-kun, and Emi-chan so we could have a test run adventure!

Naruisawesome: So, even if you don't like the sequel

14AmyChan: Which you might not

Naruisawesome: We hope you enjoyed this story!

14AmyChan: See you all next time, and everyone go say thank you to Naruisawesome, who is an amazing author, an all around great person, and totally deserves many more watchers!

Naruisawesome: See you all on my page!

14AmyChan: Please read and review and enjoy the sequel~! *^_^*