Mondays, I hate Mondays. They meant going to my job and having to leave my girls and Thomas. Although, my son was getting to back to school this morning. Both of the boys have come a long way in the month they have been here. Rose was surprised at their progress, but told us that the abuse may not have been physical for as long as we thought it was...we got them just in time. I smile and pull Nikki close to me as she turns the alarm off. She sighs and turns to face me, leaning up to give me a kiss. "Morning, baby."

I smile. "Morning."

She pulls back and we get out, me to the shower and her to get the boys up. I grab a pair of jeans and my boxers, heading to the bathroom. I turn the shower on and trim my face as the water heats up. I get in and let the shower, letting the water cascade over me. I make quick work of the shower because I'm taking Thomas today as promised. I took him to get his helmet yesterday and to see him smile like that was a great feeling. I turn the water off and wrap the towel around my waist, stepping out of the stall.

I dry off and slip the boxers and jeans up, opening the door. I walk to the closet and pull on a white shirt for the day with my hoodie over it. I slip my sneakers on and put the kabar in place before walking down, putting my hat in place. I smile as I walk into the kitchen, my family all smiling and laughing as they eat. I take a plate from my lovely wife and sit down to eat while she goes to get dressed. I sit and eat, listening to Mikayla and the boys joke around. When the boys are finished, they put their plates in the sink and then go to grab their bags.


"Yes, baby girl." I look at my daughter, sitting my plate in the sink.

"When do I get to ride the modercycle?"

I smile and pick her up, carrying her to her room to get her shoes. "When you are old enough to hang on to me real tight and your legs are a bit longer. I don't want you to fall off."

She gets the look in her eyes that usually makes me melt and I sigh. "Not now, baby girl. You're too little. Only a bit longer, OK?"

She sighs and I help her with her shoes as Nikki enters with a brush. "Ok, but Abel and Thomas get to and it's not fair."

I hug her to me, "Yes, but they are older. I promise as soon as you're old enough daddy will take you for a ride."

She turns and smiles, giving me a hug. "Ok, thank you daddy."

With that, I get up and leave the girls to it. I walk down the hall and grab my keys, Thomas already waiting on me. I give Abel a high five and then walk out the door. I get on my bike as my son straps his helmet into place. I stap mine and make sure he had his bag on his back before helping him climb on behind me. He wraps his arms around me and holds on to my shirt, much like Abel does, and then I back out the drive. I nod to my wife as the others come out of the door and start loading into the car. I get all the way out and take off to the school. We pull up and I help Thomas put the helmet in the compartment and then he walks into the school.

I nod at the principal and then take off to the shop. I pull up and take my helmet off as I turn off the bike. I get off and head into the bay where I was on tune up duty for the day. The truck was already waiting on me. I open the hood and get started on looking at the parts. I sigh and lay on the roller, heading under the truck. I take a pan and start unloading all the oil that's in it. I come out as someone kicks my foot, seeing Chibs with his hand out. I smile and grab onto it, letting him help me up. He points and I see Tara getting out of her car. I let out a breath and take a rag, wiping my hands. I head over to the table, everyone looking at us as I walk.


"I want the boys, Jax."

I take out a cigarette and light it. "Nope."

I see the anger on her face and smirk at my ex-wife. I sit and look at her, hoping she makes a scene. She looks worse than she did when I took the boys home.

"I need them, Jax. Without them…"

"You're getting beat." I finished for her.

I feel my own anger as she flinches and looks away. I get up and lean over the table.

"My boys will not be subjected to you. They have progressed more than most in their situation and I don't give a fuck what you say. Get rid of the fucker and get help. That's all that required for you to even see them, Tara. You heard Marcus, two years sober. IF you want them, fix it."

With that I walk back over to the truck, leaving the bitch at the table. Chibs and Happy were standing there and I sigh. "Don't wanna talk about it."

They hold their hands up and we talk while I work on the truck. I get back under the vehicle to check on the oil and bring the pan back out with me, sitting it on the table next to me. I plop it down and sigh. Tara was messing with me head, she looked awful. I didn't want her to get beat by any means, but her wanting the boys back because she would rather they would upset me.

"Jackie, let's eat."

I look at Chibs and nod, heading into the clubhouse for some food. Nikki had text me about having everyone over celebrate Thomas getting to go back to school and I text back that I'd let everyone know. I sit at the bar and a prospect, Mike I think, gave me a beer. I don't normally drink during the day, but my run in with the doctor bitch led me to it. I knew I was worrying the guys and they were concerned what Tara had done to wound me up. My boys and my girls were the first thing I protect with my life. They were my heart and I was getting anxious about the woman my boys call mom. Nikki never let them call her mom, I understood. She didn't want to step on Tara's shoes and so wouldn't let him. I turn and sit with Chibs at the table, taking a sandwich.

"Talk to me, Jackie."

I sigh and lean in. "Taran wants the boys home."

Chibs nodded, "It's understandable.. She hates this part of the your life."

I shake my head. "She wants them back so she doesn't get beat, Chibs."

He leaned back and whistles. "Jackson, I don't think she wants to get better. She's further done the shit hole than I thought, brotha."

I run a hand down my face. "I know, Chibs. Wendy's been good with the boys. That's something I thought I'd never say, but she is. She's very open with Abel about why she needed help and told them she was positive Tara's get better. What if Tara never gets better? It'll crush both boys not to see her."

That was my real issue, the boys. They both loved Tara so much, she's their mother. What if she never got better? What if they never get to see her again? I look at my VP and see the sympathy on his face. He leans in and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Than they'll see they weren't important to her. Jackie, you changed everything you knew for those boys. You and Nikki changed everything about the situation to help those boys. They know they have two parents that love them, a Grandmother that will kill for them, and a bunch of bikers that would bend over backwards for them."

I smile. "Thanks, can you finish with the truck? I think I wanna head out. I'm not in it anyway and it needs to be done right. Nikki wants everyone over to celebrate Thomas being in school again."

Chibs nods, "Sure and I'll tell everyone about tha dinna."


I get up and head back to the bike. I get on and take a ride. I don't have a destination in mind but just ride. After about an hour, I finally make it home as Nikki's pulling up with the boys. I smile as all three of the kids run up to me. This ended up making me happy from my crappy day. I see my wife with an eyebrow raised and shake my head. She knows I took off from work, but I know she'll wait till everyone's in bed tonight to talk. The boys and I help her with the bags from the store and then I send them to do their chores while Nikki gets everything ready. I wrap my arms around her while she's getting meat ready for the grill and sigh.

"What's wrong? Gemma called to see if you're alright." she whispers, keeping to the patties.

"Tara came by. We'll talk later. I have to put in a tablet so the chlorine will run through before the kids get in."

She nods and I kiss her neck, taking my smokes out. I take out a cigarette and light it, sitting the pack and the lighter on the table. Grabbing the net, I pull the tablet holder from the water and take it to get a tablet. After popping the tablet in, I sit in in the water and finish the cigarette.

"Jax, start the grill please. The meat's ready."

I head over to the grill and turn the knobs, heading in to get the plate. I smile and give my wife a kiss, taking the plate. I sit the patties on the grill and smile as Nikki brings me out a beer and the hotdogs. I can hear everyone showing up and smile as my family enters my house. Mom went right for the kitchen and the guys head out here to talk and cut up. The boys and Mikayla come out, my daughter leading my mother out the door.

"C'mon Gamma, get in with me."

I chuckle and shake my head as my mom gets in with her granddaughter. This dinner was a great idea. It was taking my mind off my conversation with Tara and I loved seeing my children laugh. The boys were pretty much back to normal and safe. I know there will be bumps in the road along the way but for now...we're home and nothing can change it.

And this is the end of the second installment. I am making a third part as I still have the end in mind for this story. This is how I always planned to end this one, with Abel and Thomas home with Jax and Nikki. The next part will have mult povs as the boys will be teens and going through their own thing. Thank you to all of you for the reviews, follows, and favors. Please stay tuned for the next part! -Brianna